The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 425

Chapter 430 The Prospects Of Quantum Technology

Lu Lei, the head of the Institute of Quantum Research, also asked with a smile when he saw Liu Yuan coming over.

It is easier to study cosmic astronomy scientists than to study the microscopic world. Studying cosmic astronomy can also be done by building space telescopes in space, setting up optical, ray, and electromagnetic wave receivers, etc., by analyzing light waves, radiation, and electromagnetic waves from the universe. And so on to study cosmic astronomy, and then infer the evolution, development, history, formation and so on of the universe.

We rolled up our sleeves and worked hard in silence. We shed countless sweat and tears, and we were swallowed by someone with broken teeth.

“It can’t be said that it is a hindrance. To engage in scientific research requires a process of gradual accumulation and continuous understanding. Sometimes it is difficult to transport it, but it is a good thing.”

If one comes out, the cost is extremely high, and these things must be built by yourself, and there is no place to buy them at all.

It requires a continuous long-term investment in it, and continuous accumulation can thin hair.

For a long time, the research of scientists has gradually tended to two fields, one is the micro field and the other is the macro field.

“Because once we can break through this difficulty, we can usher in a brand new world and a stage of rapid development.”

“Boss, the progress of my research has not been smooth. I’m afraid it will drag everyone back.”

Whether it is science and technology, economy, culture or military and many other fields, we are advancing by leaps and bounds and developing rapidly.

The same is true of quantum technology, which is considered a direction in the field of microscopic technology.

This is the world after the technological breakthrough.

In this regard, Liu Yuan never blinked an eye.

However, the microscopic world cannot be seen clearly by the naked eye, nor can you see extremely microscopic and small fields with ordinary scientific methods. Scientists can only continuously speculate on the situation of the microscopic world through the existing scientific theories. Then think of ways to create more powerful scientific instruments to study the microscopic world.

It is very possible that some scientists have studied a certain field for a lifetime without any major breakthroughs and achievements, but as soon as others take over, they immediately make huge breakthroughs and development on the original basis, creating a new field. These are all normal things.

Quantum technology is a very important technology. It is not only about quantum technology, but more importantly, it involves the study of the microscopic world.

Microscopic field, study electrons, quantum, atoms, bacteria, viruses, etc.

The same is true for research on quantum technology, because it is based on quantum and involves extremely small microscopic worlds. It is difficult for scientists to effectively observe and detect the microscopic world, and it is difficult for you to make major breakthroughs in this field.

In terms of per capita income, we have also reached the middle-income level, and the national living standard has also achieved a huge improvement and leap.

After listening to it, Lu Ray said in an apologetic tone after thinking about it.

“Soon we will go to the interstellar universe. Quantum communication technology is the communication technology between the interstellar universes. Without it, we would not be able to communicate with each other in the vast universe.”

Liu Yuan smiled and said indifferently.

It’s like a few decades ago, when we were behind the world in terms of technology, economy, infrastructure, and so on, we could even say that we were behind the world in almost all indicators.

It is precisely because Liu Yuan is willing to invest in scientific research, not only to give good treatment to scientists, but also to never be stingy in terms of scientific research funds, and to have the guidance of inheriting the seeds, that is why Xinghai Technology has developed rapidly. Technology.

The principle is the same. It takes a process of accumulation and careful research to get results and usher in a moment of rapid progress.

Not only particle colliders, but also cosmic astronomical telescopes in space and the moon, scanning tunneling microscopes, supercomputers, nuclear fusion reactors, magnetic energy devices, ignition devices, etc., which are all piled up with real money and silver.

This thing, the investment is very large, every tens of billions, hundreds of billions of dollars into it, there are only a few in the world, of which Xinghai Technology has built two extravagantly.

The development of science and technology is different from infrastructure construction and engineering. In infrastructure construction, you can make a plan, saying how many roads will be built this year, how many bridges will be built, how many railways will be built next year, and so on.

When Liu Yuan heard this, he immediately laughed, and now it is indispensable to talk about something in every place.

The research of quantum technology has always been in the stage of theoretical research. This is mainly because it involves the microscopic world. Scientists have been unable to detect and observe the microscopic world by conventional means, and the microscopic atoms, particles, etc., Often itself has extremely rapid changes and movements.

As he walked, he also said to his assistant, “I will inform everyone to come to the conference room for class immediately. Those who are unable to come to class will immediately connect to the virtual world and take classes in the virtual world.”

“Boss, I know too, but it’s very uncomfortable to wander and fumble in the dark, especially seeing that other fields are advancing by leaps and bounds, the people in our Quantum Research Institute seem to be very unconfident.”

“Come and see the research on your side.”

“Boss, it’s rare to come to our Quantum Research Institute once, but we can’t let the boss go like this. We have to teach everyone a lesson.”

“After we migrate to an alien planet, there is no way to contact the Earth and know what’s going on on the Earth.”

The Quantum Institute is also a research institution with huge investment, the most important of which are the particle colliders used to study the microscopic world.

Yet decades have passed.

But when you overcome difficulties and obstacles and climb this mountain, you will find a different world, and the road ahead of you may be infinitely broad.

Just like after Mendeleev came up with the periodic table of elements, people’s understanding of chemistry and atoms has been directly raised to a new level, and a new field has opened up. In the eyes of scientists, although the world is extremely prosperous, all the Everything can be classified into the elements in the periodic table of elements, and even elements that do not exist in nature can be created.

That is nothing but a fool’s dream. However, in the development of science and technology, as long as breakthroughs can be made, especially major breakthroughs, a new era and field of science and technology can be quickly created.

This is just like the road of life. When you encounter a big mountain, you will feel extremely hopeless, timid, and have no courage to climb.

These have brought many difficulties to the research of micro-technology, and are also an important reason why micro-technology has not been able to achieve breakthroughs.

Liu Yuan said with a smile.

“Boss, why are you here?”

Almost all scientific and technological development directions seem to be slowly developing in these two directions, and they are all moving towards the micro or macro fields.

Decades have passed, and now, everything has changed dramatically.

Without a basic accumulation, do you expect to make breakthroughs in the field of materials science?

This is why Liu Yuan said that difficulties are a good thing.

When it accumulates, naturally all problems are no longer problems, and everything will come naturally.

Therefore, Liu Yuan is not in a hurry, nor will he urge that a certain technology must be researched at a certain time.

The boss has not visited the Quantum Research Institute for a long time, so that the research progress on his side has always been unsatisfactory. The warp engine has been researched there, and they are all busy in the warp spacecraft. However, on my own side, even quantum communication technology has not been really researched.

We have become the largest industrial country in the world, with the longest railway, high-speed rail, expressway, etc. in the world. Our technology has also advanced by leaps and bounds, and we have been at the forefront of the world in many fields.

These are things that can be planned, things that can be seen, and things that can be measured and calculated.

The macroscopic field studies the origin, evolution, history, development, etc. of the universe, and studies the space of the universe, black holes, the birth, evolution, and development of stars, etc.

Once a major breakthrough in the field of quantum technology can be achieved, it will inevitably lead to the development of the entire microscopic technology to a new height, and even drive the entire scientific community to develop to a new level and field.

In human science and technology, every technological breakthrough will be accompanied by a new technological revolution, which corresponds to the corresponding industrial revolution and great changes in people’s lives and production methods.

After accumulating a very large database, scientists can continue to research all kinds of powerful materials on this basis, and produce special materials according to their needs.

Just like the field of materials science, this is a fundamental discipline and field, and it requires scientists to continuously experiment one by one, formulas one by one, and constantly record various material properties, ratios, and so on.

Lu Lei said with a wry smile, then dragged Liu Yuan towards the conference room.

Science, it is not about building infrastructure, building bridges and paving roads, it is not something that can be created by you with an order, it requires accumulation, and it requires persistent and continuous research. The ocean, constantly groping, constantly wandering to find the truth.

Quantum technology alone has very broad prospects. Quantum communication technology, quantum computers, quantum weapons, etc., each of which is an extremely powerful technology.

This is very unscientific and very bureaucratic.

Technology, however, cannot do this.

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