The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 433

Chapter 438 Exploring The New World

In the Yanhuang Galaxy, the Zhengtu spaceship dragged its long tail flame and continued to advance in the void. Everyone on the spaceship was very excited at this time and could not wait to arrive at Yandi Star and Yellow Emperor Star as soon as possible.

“Our luck is really good. We discovered two life planets at once. Judging from the information we know so far, these two life planets are completely suitable for human existence and habitation.”

“And the two life planets are all lifeless planets without intelligent life, and we can occupy them without any effort.”

In the control and command center of the spacecraft, everyone was elated and excitedly discussing the two life planets. The huge display was showing the situation of the two life planets.

The probes that were launched earlier have arrived on the two planets one after another, and have begun to send back various data continuously.

“Tsk tsk, look at the vast forest of Yan Dixing. There are dense virgin jungles everywhere, huge continents, vast oceans, and this perfect primitive ecological environment. It’s really an ideal home.”

Jiang Wannian was full of admiration when he looked at the photos and videos taken from Yan Dixing.

The older generation has a deep-rooted attachment to land, and now the two life planets together have a huge land of more than 700 million square kilometers. What a vast land.

And it is also a primitive land with an extremely good environment, vast forests, boundless grasslands, galloping rivers, huge swamps and lakes, and a complete ecosystem. Everything is brand-new and brand-new. , bustling and noisy, but everything here is brand new and the most ideal home. ..

“Yeah, this is our new home, the new cradle of our descendants of Yan and Huang. With these two life planets, we will no longer have to worry about land and resources. If we want to have children, we can open up to the next life. .”

Li Chun also nodded and said that both of them had experienced that special era, an era when every family could only have one child, an era when people were considered burdens.

That era always talked about per capita resources, per capita arable land, etc., giving people the feeling that the world would perish if the population was not limited.

But is this really the case?

Look at the negative growth of the population, serious aging, and liberalization of childbearing, but everyone is still unwilling to give birth, and they are starting to worry again.

In the final analysis, it is because there are too many people when we eat, and there are too few people when we work. Don’t you know that it is because of our huge population that we have heard of disasters in history, and it is also because of us. With a large and hard-working people, it is possible to build a new country.

The spacecraft is constantly advancing, getting closer and closer to the star of Yandi. Originally, the star of the Yellow Emperor was in a more outer position, but at this moment, the star of the Yellow Emperor was in the opposite direction of the star. Instead, the star of the emperor was closer. It also drove directly towards Yan Dixing.

A few days later, the Zhengtu spacecraft was very close to Yanhuang Star, and the spacecraft began to slow down, but the scientists on the spacecraft could not wait.

Small spaceships kept taking off from the Zhengtu spaceship, flying towards Yandi Star, and at the same time, various probes and satellites were launched towards Yandi Star at no cost.

“The atmosphere is thicker than that of the earth, and the atmospheric pressure is similar to that of the earth. Oxygen and nitrogen are the main gas components. The oxygen content is 25%, the nitrogen content is 75%, and the other 1% is composed of rare gases, Composed of water vapor, carbon dioxide, etc., the composition of the atmosphere fully meets the needs of human survival!”

“The land on Yandi Star is mainly divided into two continents, A and B. The area of land A is more than 300 million square kilometers, and the area of land B is 200 million square kilometers. Both continents are divided by the ocean.”

“There are thick layers of ice on the north and south poles, and the highest land peak is more than 10,000 meters above sea level.”

A large amount of information is continuously gathered on the computer, and there are more and more detailed data about Yan Dixing, and the scientists are getting more and more excited, because this is definitely a life planet that is almost no different from the earth.

All the data show that this is a living planet that humans can directly live in, and it does not need any transformation at all, it is a complete replica of the earth.

“What a fascinating planet, so beautiful!”

In the outer space of Yan Dixing, small spaceships have arrived in outer space. On one of the spacecraft, the team of biological scientists led by Zheng Yuan can’t wait to land on Yandixing, ready to study Yandixing carefully. creature above.

Of course, the most important thing is to study the bacteria and viruses on Yandi Star, because this is related to the important matter of whether human beings can survive on this planet.

Visible beasts, poisonous snakes and the like on the planet pose no threat to human beings at all. What is truly terrifying are invisible bacteria and viruses. You must know that this is another living planet. This planet has its own complete ecosystem, and humans have never lived on this planet, and have no immunity to bacteria, viruses, etc. on this planet.

This means that once directly entered this planet, any random bacteria or virus on this planet may cause mass death of human beings.

This is not an exaggeration, because historically, after Europeans arrived in the Americas, they brought European diseases such as smallpox and plague to the American continent, causing the deaths of tens of millions of American Indians.

The genes of the Indians are not immune to smallpox, plague, etc. When encountering these diseases, they have no resistance and the population plummets, which allows the European colonists to successfully occupy the Americas.

Now that human beings have arrived at a brand-new planet of life, they are not immune to any kind of bacteria and viruses on this planet. It may be that any kind of bacteria or virus will kill you.

Of course, the human body itself is not that fragile. It has its own immune system, and most bacteria and viruses can be resisted and will not cause harm to humans.

But no one knows how many kinds of bacteria and viruses there are on a planet. There are more than 320,000 kinds of viruses and bacteria found on the earth, and the number is extremely large.

If human beings want to survive and reproduce in the new world, the first problem to overcome is to adapt to the environment here, especially the environment of bacteria and viruses.

Fortunately, technology is becoming more and more developed, especially biomedical technology. Scientists have ways to deal with new bacteria and viruses. Vaccination is a good way to adapt to new bacteria and viruses.

Therefore, the team of biological scientists led by Zheng Yuan will be the first team to enter Yandi Star. They will continue to collect various bacteria, viruses, biological samples, genetic data, etc. on this planet.

Then conduct research and experiments on bacteria and viruses on this planet.

Scientists believe that although they are different life planets, life always has many things in common. With the power of science and technology, human beings can quickly adapt to this new life planet.

In the outer space of Yandi Star, a large number of satellites are continuously scattered in the space, quickly forming a positioning, communication and navigation system covering the entire Yandi Star.

Scientists did not rush to land on Yandi Star, but launched a large number of probes to the planet, and at the same time dispatched unmanned spacecraft to land on the planet and began to collect samples and information on the planet. Wait.

Scientists are not only worried that the bacteria and viruses on this planet will harm human beings, but they are also worried that the bacteria and viruses carried by humans will harm the ecosystem on Yan Dixing.

Therefore, it is necessary to collect samples as much as possible first, and then decide whether to land on this planet after having a certain in-depth understanding of this planet.

Above Yandi Star, unmanned spaceships continued to descend from the sky, constantly collecting various samples of water, soil, air, creatures, trees and so on.

The advent of the spaceship also brought a burst of noise to this primitive world. A large number of animals looked at the spaceship curiously, not knowing what animal it was.

Samples are also continuously transported into space and sent to scientists’ laboratories, and various data are rapidly enriched.


“Earth and Yan Dixing are two planets separated by nearly 10 light-years, each with its own complete ecosystem, but the evolved life is highly similar.”

Zheng Yuan stared at each piece of data, and his eyes widened slightly.

According to the information obtained so far, the two life planets have too many similarities, and even in terms of species, a large part of the species on the two planets are similar.

There are beasts like tigers and lions on the earth, and there are also beasts like tigers and lions on this planet. The similarity is extremely high, and there are even great similarities in genes.

The plants on Yan Dixing are also quite similar to those on Earth, such as coniferous forests in the frigid zone, broad-leaved forests in the tropics, cold-resistant plants in desert areas, etc. There are many, many kinds of animals and plants that are highly similar. place.

“Under a complete ecosystem, the evolution of life is basically the same, which means that only species with the same excellent genes can win in this cruel competition and can continue, develop and grow. So even if it is two distant life planets, most of the life is actually similar.”

Soon, scientists came to the conclusion that excellent genes are all alike.

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