The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 434

Chapter 439 Landing On Yandi Star

In the outer space of the Yan Emperor Star of the Yanhuang Galaxy, the huge Journey has arrived here, flying around the Yan Emperor Star.

The journey is very busy, the huge hatches have been opened, and the small spaceships and anti-gravity aircraft are constantly rising and falling on the journey, very busy, like hard-working little bees.

“Building a space solar power station~”

“Build a space farm!”

“Build a space port!”

With the implementation of the plan, scientists and engineers are extremely busy.

Yan Dixing has not yet landed, but power stations, farms, factories and the like in space have already begun to be established, which is laying the foundation for later development.

“Zheng Yuan, can we land on Yan Dixing now?”

Li Chun, Jiang Wannian, Wang Wei and Sun Zilong found Zheng Yuan, and now everyone can’t wait to land on Yan Dixing and breathe the air of the new century.

“My suggestion is to let a group of people log on to Yan Dixing to try it out. The number should not be too many, and it should be controlled within 100 people, and see how the reaction on Yandixing is.”

“If there is no problem within a week, we will send another 1,000 people down, and so on. We have to test slowly.”

“Although based on what we’ve tested so far, we humans can completely survive on Yandi, and we have found more than 200,000 kinds of bacteria and viruses. Most of these bacteria and viruses are similar to those on our earth, but There are also very few bacterial viruses that we don’t have on Earth.”

“But even these few bacterial viruses have a total number of thousands, and any one of them is very likely to cause great harm to us.”

“In terms of the medical conditions on our Journey, we can’t allow too many people to log in for the time being.”

Zheng Yuan thought about it and also gave his own advice.

These days, everyone is very excited, and everyone can’t wait to land on Yandi Star and breathe the air above Yandi Star.

Although scientists have carefully studied all aspects of Yan Dixing and think that there is no problem at all, the biological science team still maintains a cautious attitude.

Bacteria and viruses of different life planets, this is not a joke, if there is a problem, it will cause a big problem.

“I agree. You can send a team of 100 people to try it out on Yan Dixing.”

Jiang Wannian expressed his support.

“We must follow the principle of voluntariness, send information to everyone, and let everyone sign up voluntarily.”

Li Chun thought for a while and added.

“no comment.”

Sun Zilong and Wang Wei nodded in agreement.

“Then it’s settled. First, send a team of 100 people to land on Yan Dixing.”

Li Chun saw that everyone’s opinions were very consistent, and he settled down.

Soon, a message was sent to everyone on the journey number. The number of people who signed up was unimaginable. In a very short period of time, 10,000 people signed up. Among them, a selection was also made, and a team of 100 people was selected. Take a spaceship and fly towards Yandi Star.

The head of this 100-person team was obviously Zheng Yuan. He ignored everyone’s opposition and insisted on landing the first batch on Yan Dixing. There was no other way but to agree to his request.

Several spaceships descended from the sky and slowly landed on a meadow.

The hatch of the spacecraft opened slowly, Zheng Yuan took a deep breath, and walked out without wearing a space suit.


Zheng Yuan stepped out at once, landed firmly on the grass of Yan Dixing, and took a deep breath.

Someone next to him specially carried a camera to record this scene.

This is a very historic moment!

This is the first time that human beings have landed on another life planet, and they have landed on another life planet without any protective measures.

The future is to be written into history textbooks, so this moment is to be recorded.

“Old Zheng, how do you feel?”

The people behind looked at Zheng Yuan and asked quickly.

“Haha, it feels very good, the air here is very fresh.”

Zheng Yuan replied with a smile, staying in the spacecraft for a long time, although the spacecraft has an air circulation and filtering system, it is a closed environment after all, and the quality of the air is definitely not much better.

The air above Yandi Star is different. It is extremely fresh and free of any pollution. The key is that the oxygen content on Yandi Star is higher than the oxygen content on Earth.

The oxygen content is higher, and when you breathe in the air, it will give people a fresher feeling. This is a bit like when you are in the mountains and forests, where there are waterfalls and springs, the oxygen content is higher, and the air is much fresher. In urban areas, after all, there are many industries and dense populations, and the oxygen content is relatively less, and the air is not so fresh.

Of course, the oxygen content is not as high as possible. Once the oxygen content exceeds 35%, people will easily become intoxicated with oxygen. Therefore, the proportion of oxygen content suitable for human respiration should be controlled between 35% and 15%. , too little will not work.

The air in the plateau area is thin and the oxygen content is too low, which makes it difficult for people to breathe, and it is easy to suffer from altitude sickness.

“Let’s try too~”

Others also stepped out of the spacecraft one by one, stepping on the land of the new world one by one, breathing the fresh air with big mouths and big mouths.


“The air here is really nice.”

“Yeah, it’s been a long time since I breathed such fresh air.”

“I suspect that the content of negative oxygen ions here must be relatively high. The air feels different to breathe.”

“I feel the same way. I feel that the air is really fresh, much better than the air on Earth.”

People casually strolled on the grass of Yan Dixing, breathing the fresh air greedily.

Not only is there no discomfort, but I also feel that the air here is fresher and fresher, which is much more comfortable than on earth.

A team of 100 people is free to get busy on Yan Dixing.

They will be the first group of people to live on Yandi Star. The spaceship carries a large number of tents, living facilities, weapons and equipment, cars, aircraft and so on.

Everyone began to quickly set up camp on Yandi Star, some people were busy building camps, some were looking for water sources nearby, and others were hunting prey, looking for plants, and so on.

They are a group of guinea pigs, not only landing on Yan Dixing, breathing the air of Yanhuangxing on Yandixing is so simple, they will also live on Yandixing.

Drinking the water on the Yan Emperor Star and eating the food produced on the Yan Emperor Star is the only way to truly adapt to the environment on the Yan Emperor Star.

Time is passing, and soon it will be night time.

Zheng Yuan and others set up a bonfire here in the camp. Here in the kitchen of the camp, the chefs are preparing everyone’s dinner, and they have gained a lot today.

There are several animals hunted from the grasslands. They look similar to the cattle, sheep and horses on the earth. The difference is not big. They are mainly herbivorous, and their body size is larger than that of the cattle, sheep and horses on the earth.

These will be the main meal tonight. Large and large pieces of meat are thrown into the pot, simmered in water, and then accompanied by some fruits picked from all over Yan Dixing, and some plant sprouts and fruits that have been found. By the way, this dinner is still very rich.

“Come on, let’s toast together, let’s celebrate our first night in the new world!”

Zheng Yuan raised the wine glass in his hand. Of course, the wine was brought from Earth.


Everyone raised their glasses one after another, drank it all, and then began to gulp down.

Some people took out their guitars and started to play, while others took out speakers and speakers, and happily sang and danced. This is also the tradition of Xinghai Technology.

Because the employees in the company work together during the day and basically live in the same community and place at night, they often have various activities at night.

Eating together, singing and singing, or holding basketball or football activities, etc., the evening life is equally rich, and you can also bring your family and children to participate.

The community where everyone lives also often holds various activities. There are adults and children. Everyone has a high income and does not have too much pressure in life. Therefore, they all like and have energy to participate in these activities.

“I’ll go, Zheng Yuan and the others will really enjoy it.”

“There is a bonfire party on the top of Yan Dixing. It’s too cool to eat meat and drink!”

“That’s not it, I just want to join in the fun.”

“I heard that the yellow sheep-like meat on this Yan Dixing is extremely delicious. I don’t know how it tastes. I really want to try it.”

“You are a foodie. There are countless species on this Yan Dixing. It is estimated that there are many, many delicious ones. It will be a good thing in the future.”

In the outer space of Yan Dixing, on the Cosmos of the Journey, everyone is now watching where Zheng Yuan and the others are singing and dancing to start a bonfire party, and everyone can’t wait to join.

Although the Zhengtu spacecraft is big enough, after a long time, everyone still wants to go to the living planet to be active and active.

On the top of Yan Dixing, Zheng Yuan and others played until late at night, until everyone was exhausted, and each went back to his tent to sleep.

Everyone slept very comfortably this time. Maybe it was because the long-term travel in space made people feel tired, or because the fresh air above Yandi star made people feel comfortable, or because everyone had too much fun at night I was too tired, so this sleep, everyone slept very deeply, very deeply, and extremely comfortable.


“It’s so comfortable!”

The next day, when everyone woke up from their sleep, they couldn’t help but stretch their waists comfortably. It felt completely different on the planet of life and on the spaceship. It was much more comfortable, as if they had returned to their mother. the same embrace. M..

PS: Ask for tickets, all kinds of requests~

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