The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 435

Chapter 440 Building Shennong City

In the outer space of Yan Dixing, the spacecraft Zhengtu revolved constantly around Yandixing. The huge spacecraft was like a huge beehive, and spaceships and aircraft rose and fell from time to time.

“I think the first city on Yandi Star should be built on the Pangu Continent. The Pangu Continent has the largest area, with a total area of more than 300 million square kilometers. , temperate and frigid zones.”

“Building the first city in a place like this would be a very big and meaningful thing.”

Wang Wei pointed to the huge world region and spoke excitedly.

It has been almost a month since I arrived at Yandi Star, and the research on the entire Yandi Star is also in-depth. Become a new cradle for the descendants of Yan and Huang. M..

“I think it’s better to build on the Nuwa Continent. The Nuwa Continent is a little smaller, only more than 200 million square kilometers, but this is already larger than the combined land area of the earth. Let’s build a city. , at the top of the sky, it is a few million people, does it mean that it takes a continent to build a city?”

Sun Zilong pouted and said.

“I think it should be in Pangu, a place with a cool climate and four distinct seasons.”

Wang Wei objected.

“I like Nuwa Continent, and I like places near the sea, and cities should be built near the sea. That is the most perfect way.”

Sun Zilong and Wang Wei are now on the bar, and they are having a good time.

“Haha, the two of you are really boring, and this kind of thing can be fought for a long time.”

Jiang Wannian and Li Chun both laughed.

Now it is really a trouble of happiness. The surface area of Yan Dixing is very large, more than 1 billion square kilometers, and the land area accounts for almost half of it, more than 500 million square kilometers.

Such a vast land means that there is no need to worry about the land in the future, and now everyone is discussing where to build the first city.

“Have you discussed it yet?”

At this time, Zheng Yuan walked in and asked.

“Not yet, where are Wang Wei and Sun Zilong fighting?”

“How is your situation here?”

Li Chun said with a smile.

“The situation is not bad. The disease has been controlled. We have also developed the corresponding vaccine. After the injection, everyone else is fine.”

Zheng Yuan said.

The situation that scientists have been worried about has still emerged. The first 100 people who landed on Yan Dixing had problems of varying degrees.

Some have fever and fever, some tremble and lack energy, and some keep coughing and so on. These are all caused by local bacteria and viruses on Yan Dixing.

But the cases were relatively mild, and they were fine soon after treatment, and they all got used to it quickly. Later, several more serious infectious diseases appeared, but scientists quickly found a way to treat and prevent them.

In general, if people on Earth want to survive on Yan Dixing, they still have to go through such a process. Without the treatment and prevention methods of scientists, this process may bring serious problems and disasters.

Fortunately, Xinghai Technology’s biotechnology strength is very strong, and technology has begun to involve the field of genetic technology. When facing these problems, it is also easy to handle, and the problem is quickly solved.

“That’s good!”

Li Chun, Jiang Wannian and the others breathed a sigh of relief. What they were most afraid of were all kinds of invisible diseases.

“Zheng Yuan, you said that our first city, Shennong City, is better built in that place. At present, after careful investigation, we have temporarily decided on 12 places, you can take a look.”

Li Chun opened the map of Yan Dixing and motioned for Zheng Yuan to express his opinion.

These 12 places are scattered on the Yandi Xingpangu Continent and Nuwa Continent. Every place is a place with open and flat terrain, superior natural conditions, abundant water resources, and extremely good climate and environment. The flat and open terrain is conducive to the construction and planning of the city, and it is also convenient for centralized and unified management; the natural conditions are superior and the climate environment is good, which is also for the comfort of living in the future.

“You can do whatever you want. Make a decision quickly. We have to start the construction of Shennong City as soon as possible. The task is very heavy, and we have to find a way to return to the earth as soon as possible. I don’t know how the situation on the boss’s side is going.”

Zheng Yuan looked at it and said worriedly.

There is no way to contact the earth side now, and neither side knows each other’s situation. To be honest, he is very worried about the boss and the situation of Xinghai Technology.

In my heart, I also want to finish the work here as soon as possible. Although the Journey will return to Earth, it will continue to immigrate more people here.

Building a city is not an easy task, especially a city that accommodates millions of people. It is not an easy task. It is a huge project that requires a lot of manpower and material resources, and more importantly, it requires time.

What Xinghai Technology lacks most now is time.

“In my opinion, choose point C. Point C is in the temperate zone, with a pleasant climate, four distinct seasons, abundant water sources nearby, open and flat land, and fertile black soil, which is very conducive to the development of agriculture.”

“In addition, there are huge virgin forests in the mountains and plains north of point C. These woods are the best building materials. Our houses in Shennong City can be built with a large amount of wood in the future.”

Hearing Zheng Yuan’s words, Sun Zilong and Wang Wei were also slightly ashamed. The boss is still waiting for everyone’s news on this side of the earth. The two of them are fighting here and there, fighting for a hammer.

In fact, it is the same wherever it is built. Every place is determined by scientists after detailed investigation. Whether it is climate, land, water source, etc., there is absolutely no problem.

“I also think it’s better to build at point C, support!”

Wang Wei and Sun Zilong quickly reached an agreement that there is no need to waste time on this kind of thing. The most important thing is to start the construction of Shennong City quickly.

“Haha, the two of you have reached an agreement, and we have no more opinions.”

When Li Chun heard this, he immediately laughed.

Soon, Li Chun gave the order to build Shennong City.

For a while, on the Zhengtu spacecraft, spacecraft and aircraft roared out, flying towards the huge Pangu Continent of Yan Dixing like a swarm of bees.

Here in the area where Shennong City was located, spaceships and aircraft descended from the sky, hatches opened one after another, and all kinds of construction machinery rumbled out.

This time, the Journey came prepared, carrying a large amount of construction machinery, excavators, bulldozers, forklifts, transport vehicles, etc., and also a large amount of building materials, including cement and steel bars. hundreds of millions of tons.

In addition to carrying a large number of construction tools and materials, the personnel have basically received relevant professional skills learning and training in advance.

Like the 10,000-strong army, everyone has received training and learning in driving construction machinery, construction engineering and other related aspects. They are not only marching and fighting, but also professional construction teams.

At the same time, there are also special engineering architects accompanying this time. There are hundreds of engineering architects, and each of them is a professional construction engineer with rich experience in engineering construction.

For them, building a city on a blank piece of land is simply a matter of pediatrics. After all, it is easy to draw on blank paper, not to mention that the city sites above Yandi Star are selected in open and flat areas. For them, planning It looks very simple.

According to the needs of the future, Yan Dixing will differentiate the functional needs, and the city will mainly become a place for everyone to relax, live, entertain and educate.

The two major fields of industry and agriculture will be relocated out of the city, and industrial and agricultural areas will be built in other places. This is mainly because of the popularization of anti-gravity flight technology. People’s activity trajectories can be globalized, while industry tends to Bring environmental pollution, water pollution and so on.

Therefore, separating the industry from the city can provide a better environment. As for the problem of going to work, there is no problem at all when there are aircraft, and it is the same everywhere.

In addition, according to Liu Yuan’s instructions, the population size of each city is set at 5 million. Except for some office buildings and government buildings, other buildings should not exceed three floors.

In terms of supporting schools and hospitals, according to a certain proportion of the population, all schools and hospitals should be built in residential areas nearby, which is convenient for school and medical treatment. In the future, all children will go to school nearby, and they will still go to school by themselves, and no pick-up and drop-off is allowed. Therefore, the school should be close to home, in the central area of the residential area, so that it is convenient to go to and from school.

On the originally peaceful land, with the advent of spaceships and aircraft, and the roar of construction machinery, the birds and beasts on the land fled in fright, and this place will no longer be their home.

There is a huge team of nearly 20,000 people. Their figures are distributed on the vast land. The construction machinery is constantly roaring, and the aircraft are constantly rising and falling. At the same time, there are also aircrafts with various functions flying around. The vast area has become extremely noisy and lively.

Everyone is full of energy, because this is your new home in the future, and everyone has already received the blueprint.

According to Liu Yuan’s instructions, every family will live in small houses in the future, with a garden in the front and a vegetable garden in the back, with an area of several hundred square meters. It is definitely the most ideal home for everyone.

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