The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 436

Chapter 441 The Heaven Of Life

In the vast grasslands of Yan Dixing, groups of herbivores are freely foraging for food. In the primitive natural environment, they follow the natural law of natural selection, and everything that can thrive is early. It has adapted to the surrounding natural environment.

Not far from a large number of herbivores, ferocious carnivores followed. There are many kinds of carnivores on Yan Dixing, and they are very complete.

There are hundreds of species of cats like ligers and tigers, which are widely distributed on every land on this planet, from tropical rain forests to temperate grasslands to frigid zones and even the North and South Pole regions. of carnivorous cats are distributed.

On Earth, lions and tigers can only be regarded as medium-sized cats when placed here on Yan Dixing, and there are larger and more ferocious cats on Yandixing, which specialize in hunting large herbivores. The teeth are extremely sharp and the bite force is amazing.

Like the long years in the past, hunting was staged again on the grasslands. Carnivores were constantly chasing herbivores, and both sides were desperately trying to survive.

No one noticed that above their heads, an anti-gravity aircraft was flying slowly, and high-definition cameras on the aircraft were constantly taking photos and videos of these animals.

“Tsk tsk, this kind of beast is really powerful. It’s body size is probably over a thousand pounds. Tigers and lions may be slapped to death in front of it with a single slap.”

Inside the spaceship, bioscientist Ding Yi looked at the hunting scene on the grassland below, and couldn’t help but marvel. The speed of the huge beast was actually very fast. I saw it approached, a tiger pounced, and its head was as huge as a big beast. Elephant horse herbivores fell heavily.

“Indeed, tigers and lions are far from its opponents. This beast is somewhat similar to the legendary saber-toothed tiger, which specializes in hunting large herbivores.”

“However, although it is huge, fast, powerful, and has an amazing bite force, but you found no, its flexibility is not high, it is difficult to capture those herbivores such as antelopes that are extremely flexible, only Capable of capturing large herbivores that are also slower.”

My colleague Bao Yuxuan nodded and said.

“Instead, it is said that the saber-toothed tiger on Earth has gone extinct mainly because it cannot adapt to climate change and has evolved naturally.”

“After the end of the ice age, all things recovered, and herbivores generally began to evolve in a smaller and more flexible direction. Although saber-toothed tigers are huge, their bite force is unexpected, and their speed is fast, but their flexibility is too poor to catch. Grab smaller, more nimble herbivores, so they gradually become extinct.”

Ding Yi thought about it and said.

As biological scientists, especially zoo and botanical scientists, they came to Yan Dixing, it can be said that they have entered the paradise and treasure house of life, a living planet with a complete life system and ecosystem. There are too many lives here, too much. too much.

Millions of animals and a large number of plants are also treasures, and scientists are immersed in the world of studying the animals and plants of Yan Dixing all of a sudden.

“Prepare an anesthesia gun and collect samples.”

The chat returned to chat, but the two did not forget the mission of the trip. This time they came to the prairie above Nuwa Continent to collect animal samples here and collect the genetic data of these animals, so that scientists can study life sciences more deeply .

It has been almost 2 months since I came to Yanhuang Star. Scientists are also surprised to find that although the Earth and Yandi Star are separated by a long distance, the ecosystems on the two life planets are almost the same.

The animals and plants that have evolved are also very similar, and the genetic differences between the cats on Yan Dixing and the cats on Earth are very small.

However, the land area of Yan Dixing is extremely vast. The huge land of 500 million square kilometers is almost as large as the surface area of the earth. If there is a huge land, the diversity of animals and plants is far more than that on the earth.

In a variety of natural environments, the life resources on Yan Dixing are extremely rich, and there are many kinds of animals.

Among them, there are also a large number of species unique to Yan Dixing, which are strange animals and plants that are not found on earth. These strange animals and plants have extremely high research value, and many plants also have extremely high medicinal value.

Soon, several anesthesia needles were blasted out from the aircraft, and the animals on the grassland were quickly anesthetized. Then the aircraft slowly landed, and mechanical arms extended from above to quickly collect hair, blood, and blood. Various samples such as saliva.

A scene similar to this is constantly being staged everywhere in the entire Yan Dixing.

The existence of the aircraft also allows scientists to quickly reach every place on the planet, and continuously collect samples and information of a large number of animals and plants on the planet to prepare for the next in-depth research.

Shennong City.

Nearly 20,000 people have been busy for nearly a month, and many buildings and roads have been built. The natural water system and power system have begun to supply, so that this primitive land has begun to enter a civilized society and stage. The night will no longer be dark.

The laboratories and research buildings of scientists, especially the laboratories and buildings of biological scientists, were the first to be delivered. They could not wait to relocate to Yan Dixing.

Because now they are the busiest. .

“It’s really a paradise for life!” “It’s a treasure trove of all kinds of animals and plants. If those pharmaceutical companies on earth knew about this, they would definitely go crazy. Many plants are not found on earth. It also has high medicinal value.”

“We have now found more than a dozen types of ginseng type plants, each of which contains a large amount of ginsenosides and has extremely high medicinal value.”

In the biological laboratory, Zheng Yuan was extremely excited.

Along with the collection and summary of a large number of animal and plant data, and the research on a large number of animals and plants, scientists have found that the animal and plant resources on Yan Dixing are more abundant than they thought at the beginning, and the huge animal and plant resources are far more than those on earth. a lot of.

The land area of Yan Dixing is really too large. You must know that the land area of the earth is only 150 million square kilometers, while the land area on Yan Dixing is as high as more than 500 million square kilometers.

In addition, the ocean area on Yandi Star is also very huge, which creates the diversity of natural conditions on Yan Dixing, and also breeds extremely huge animal and plant resources.

“From now on, our Xinghai Technology Biopharmaceuticals can rely on the resources on Yandixing to develop a large number of new drugs. These new drugs are all Chinese medicines and can replace a large number of Western medicines.”

“There are still a lot of animal and plant resources, which also means that we will not worry about food in the future. There are all kinds of animals that can be domesticated and optimized to become excellent livestock.”

“There are also tens of thousands of plants that can be cultivated into vegetables, fruits, spices, etc. In the future, our dining table will be greatly enriched, and we no longer have to worry about running out of vegetables and fruits.”

“More importantly, the animal and plant resources on Yan Dixing play a very important role in the research and development of our biological gene technology. The previous ideas and places that cannot be broken through will usher in a rapid progress.”

Zheng Yuan is very excited. Now he doesn’t want to go back to Earth, and he plans to keep doing research here. The animal and plant resources here are too rich, and there are many animal and plant resources with extremely high commercial value.

“Zheng Yuan~”

At this time, Li Chun, Jiang Wannian, Wang Wei and Sun Zilong came over.

“What’s up?”

Zheng Yuan saw that the four of them had come here, so there must be something big, and he also put down the work at hand.

“That’s it~”

“The materials carried on the journey have also been transported out, and I want the journey to return to Earth.”

Li Chun thought about it and said, the five found a small conference room and began to discuss this matter carefully.

“It’s time to return to Earth~”

“On the one hand, it is to confirm the situation on the side of the earth, and on the other hand, it is to confirm whether the warp flight will affect the time. On the other hand, it is necessary to continue to transport more machines, equipment, materials, and manpower from the side of the earth.”

“To build a city where millions of people live, you can’t do it without enough people.”

Zheng Yuan thought about it and agreed.

Don’t look at the fact that the journey back to the solar system seems to be a normal thing, but this is also a big event, and it needs to be carefully discussed by everyone.

First of all, that part of the people has to return to the solar system, which needs to be carefully considered, and the second is how to deal with special situations after returning to the solar system.

For example, if the boss is imprisoned, do you want to save the boss, and then bring the boss to Yanhuang Galaxy to run away?

It can be said that they are now on the side of Yan Dixing, and everything needs to be decided by them, and they also need to be carefully considered.

The five people had a careful discussion, and finally decided to let some people return to the solar system first to see the situation on the solar system side, and also made several plans for this.

For example, if everything is normal, then follow the boss’s instructions and continue to migrate people and transport supplies to Yan Dixing as planned.

If there is a big change in Xinghai Technology, and even the boss has an accident, then everyone must find a way to rescue the boss and the boss’s family, continue to build everyone’s home and civilization here in Yandixing, and then think of a way Bring everyone’s family over from this side of the earth or something.

There is no way, now there is a warp speed spacecraft, and the five of them have important missions, and they have to be serious, careful, and cautious.

PS: ask for a ticket~~

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