The Rising of Tanaka in Another World

Chapter 64: (1)

Bet That Life of Yours Here!

The independent battalion of the Purin Kingdom Army headed into the mountain ranges in pursuit of the group of demons. The first one that awaited them was the cavalry unit that had moved ahead of them.

They had faithfully obeyed the order to avoid battle, with none of them injured, the whole unit was there. After quickly arranging the convergence with the leading unit, the main force continued their pursuits of the demons.

Although a slight delay occurred due to their earlier convergence, it did not prove to be a problem at all. It was because the group they were after did not go further deeper into the mountain ranges, but instead had set up battle formation as if to confront them.

「It’s like a fortress.」

The commander of the independent battalion muttered as he stared at the small mountain where the demons had settled on.

As the high ground standing in front of them was surrounded by steep cliffs, it was easy to tell that it would be difficult to climb. Upfront, there was a small patch of terrain that looked barely like a stretch of path leading upwards, but it would be too difficult to traverse as a battalion.

「Reporting, sir. They may be difficult to see from here, but we have confirmed that there are several routes on the sides that may lead upward. However, we deem them to be more difficult to traverse than the upfront route.」

「Good work.」

The commander examined the reports of his subordinates and began to come up with a plan to capture this high ground. There, Hero Kamui came along.

「Commander-dono, did some sort of problem occur?」

「Yes, it seems that this high ground could be said to be a natural castle or fortress. Not only are the invading routes limited, the paths are also narrow. Operating in groups is our speciality, but this time we will have no choice but to fight in small numbers. However, judging from the fact that they decided to barricade themselves there, it doesn’t look like the rumored Demon Lord is among them. Considering the rumor of the power of the demon lord, there should be no reason for them to be on the defense, after all.」

「Should we step up here? We’re used to fighting in places like this.」

「No, there’s no need for you to act, yet. We can’t afford to waste Hero-dono’s power, the trump card against the demon lord, in a place like this, after all. Please let us handle the capture of this place. If possible, I’d like to just surround them and be done with it, but I don’t think it will work that way, after all.」

Kamui’s gallant expression as he stood in front of a battle turned into a questioning one. The commander replied, floating a wry smile.

「Our objective is to neutralize and subdue that group. It is true that we can neutralize them by force, but if there is an easier way to neutralize them, I believe we should choose that option.」

Looking at the high ground where the demons were holed up, the commander continued.

「It may indeed seem like a castle, but it doesn’t have the reserve resource that a real castle would have. Considering the size of this mountain, it would unlikely be possible to secure enough food to feed them all, given their number. That’s why, if we just continue to surround them like this, they will be neutralized in a few days.」

「I see.」

「However, we can’t afford to waste that much time. The fact that they chose such an area for their position implies that there is probably someone among them who is considerably well-versed in the way of battle. It would be somewhat unnatural for that person to have never considered the matter regarding their resource.」

The commander turned to Kamui once again. His expression was the very epitome of seriousness.

「Reinforcements are essential in a defensive battle. But it’s unlikely for them to have such kind of organizational capability. If there is indeed a goal in this action of theirs, it should be something along the aid of a powerful being….」

「You mean the Demon Lord might be coming? Is that the reason why you’re preserving us?」

「I hope it will end only as a groundless fear of mine, but in any case, please leave the capture to us.」

The commander started to move to capture the high ground.

「Select those who are good at one-on-one combat and form an assault team! We must secure the upfront route at all costs!」

This was how the independent battalion of the Purin Kingdom Army set out to capture the high ground where the demons were holed up.

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「Kugel and I will take care of the front. Those who are capable of fighting spread and guard along the cliff areas. If the opponent tries to climb up, throw down rocks or whatever you can to obstruct them. When push comes to shove, you’ll have to counter-attack, so be prepared.」

On the high ground, Curryman was giving instructions to the demons.

「Madpai and Orangetto are to support those who have to counter-attack. After dealing with the situation to an extent, quickly step back and move to another area. We never know where they’ll come from to attack us.」


「Those who can’t fight should standby here. If anyone is injured, we’ll bring them here, so we’ll leave the rest to you.」

Everyone listened to Curryman’s instructions with a serious expression, as though making sure not to miss even a single word. After looking around at them for a while, Curryman called out at the end.

「All right, take your positions!」

All those who were capable of fighting started to take their positions at once. Curryman also made his way to the front area which was under his charge.

「Wouldn’t it have been better to bring some more people?」

The one who called out to him from behind was Kugel, who was also to face the opponent at the front.

「No, this is fine. To be frank, we’re simply too short-handed. If we were to be attacked all at once, Madpie and Orangetto’s support will also eventually be unable to keep up, after all. We’ll make the opponent focus on attacking this front area.」

「So that’s why we are going to defend here with only the two of us, huh. That’s quite an interesting plan. If possible, it would be nice if the standoff could continue like this, though.」

Descending from the high ground, Curryman checked the situation below. His eyes were vigorously moving around to capture the figures of the Kingdom army.

「Looks like we aren’t lucky enough for things to turn out that smoothly. It seems that the other side is very motivated, after all.」

「Phew, in that case, let’s show them our motivation as well.」

Curryman, who had trained together with him these days, could tell that Kugel was brimming with spirit in the face of the battle without the need to even turn around.

「Don’t get too wild in sheer excitement, alright? Our goal is to buy us some time, after all.」

「I see, I’ll do my best.」

The presence of people drifted in from ahead.

「Well then, let’s get started.」

Curryman grabbed his twin swords in both hands and looked towards the front.

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