The Rising of Tanaka in Another World

Chapter 64: (2)

「–The assault failed! We’ve received report that the opponents immediately retreated after dealing damage to us.」

「Call off the assault for the time being. Organize a rescue unit and rescue the wounded.」


One of his subordinates ran off to carry out the rescue mission. This was the eighth time they had charged to secure the front route of the high ground. All of them had ended in failure. The commander continued to ponder as he glared at the high ground.

「Again, huh….」

At the end of the commander’s gaze, the wounded soldiers were being carried away. From the numbers, most of the assault unit could be said to have returned alive.

「This is obviously done on purpose. But still….」

One of the units carrying the wounded soldiers came running up to him.

「All of them are seriously injured, but none of them are dead!  Also, the opponents they encountered appeared to be a twin swords wielding human and a bare-handed demon!」

「As expected, huh…. It will take a considerable time to carry off this many wounded people. Moreover, by displaying this many wounded people, it would also greatly affect our morale. Without a doubt, their goal is to buy time. But we have no obligation to play along with them. It seems that they are quite skilled, but if there are no other opponents, then there is a way to deal with them.」

The commander murmured as such and moved toward the assault unit, who was on standby, to give out his instruction.

◇ ◇ ◇

「Damn it! Stop there!」

Taking advantage of the gap between the fighting Curryman and Kugel, there was a soldier who tried to slip through them. Curryman pushed himself to swiftly immobilize the opponent in front of him before turning around to chase after this slipping through soldier.

「This guy!」

It was impossible for him not to notice Curryman who was approaching from behind. However, the Kingdom soldier continued to dash forward regardless.

「You bastard!」

Realizing that the Kingdom soldier had no intention of facing him, Curryman threw his spare knife at him. The knife magnificently pierce through right at the soldier’s leg. The Kingdom soldier raised a short groan before falling down, but he still tried to run away from his pursuer even while rolling.

「Enough is enough, damn it!」

Curryman timely kicked the soldier’s face and reaped his consciousness.

「Good graciousness, stop wasting my time.」

Pulling the knife out of the leg of the collapsed soldier, he was about to return to the front line, but then he suddenly realized the intention of his opponents.

「Oioi, they’re coming that way, huh.」

At the end of Curryman’s line of sight were the figures of Kingdom soldiers who were surging one after another. Moreover, Kugel was facing off the Kingdom soldiers there alone. Speaking of those soldiers’ way of fighting, they focused solely on defending themselves in the battle, without proactively unleashing an attack of their own. Even though they had attained what could be called a pincer move, the soldiers who had gotten past Kugel also chose not to do so and simply moved forward instead, coming toward this way.

Curryman swiftly rushed toward one of the approaching soldiers and unleashed a full-power kick to send him back. Curryman managed to force the soldier behind that one to retreat by catching them up in the attack as well, but another soldier came rushing at him from the side.

「Kugel! Fall back to here at once!」

Kugel retreated while keeping an eye on the opponents in front of him. On the other hand, Curryman fought hard to hold off the impending soldiers, but the battle line was gradually being pushed back. When Kugel finally reached Curryman’s side, he raised a question.

「What the hell are these guys thinking?! They were trying to push forward regardless to the fact that they were being attacked from behind!」

「They’re probably just trying to get to the top! Damn it! These guys have no intention to fight properly!」

Curryman complained even while dealing with the waves of the Kingdom soldiers. Looking at the rear of their opponents, there were ceaseless lines of Kingdom soldiers. It was a different style of fighting than the one the assault unit had employed up until now.

Curryman had calculated that he and Kugel would be enough to defend this area, leveraging its geographical situation which would make it difficult to fight in large numbers. However, as the opponents had no intention of fighting properly, by sending in a large number of soldiers, they were implementing a saturation attack to bypass the dealing limits of Curryman and Kugel.

「This is not good! We can’t go on like this!」

He stood alone on the front line to fend off their opponents, but one of the Kingdom soldiers managed to slip through the opening. The other person, who was in standby at the rear, managed to block that one, but before long the Kingdom soldiers who took advantage to slip through and appeared in front of him increased one after another. A new front line was thus created. In order to provide cover, those who had been on the old front line had no choice but to move to the rear, thus the front line continued to slowly move back.

「Damn it! The interception can’t keep up!」

He had some knowledge of this, but as expected it was still outside his area of expertise. Still unable to come up with a way to deal with the situation, eventually the breach of the cliffs was imminent in front of their eyes. At this point, Curryman made up his mind.


He instantly closed the gap between him and the kingdom soldier in front of him and flashed his twin swords. The head of the Kingdom soldier danced on the battlefield. The moment the soldier’s eyes were shifted toward this way, he closed in on another soldier and stabbed him in the heart. He then ran across the battlefield again.

「Bet that life of yours here!」

Kugel could tell everything based on Curryman’s way of fighting. Abandoning the balanced offense and defense fighting style he had employed up until now, he was putting everything into offense. Curryman was steadily reducing the number of their opponents. However, on that body of his, wounds inflicted by the kingdom’s soldiers, who power-wise were supposed to be several levels lower than his, were engraved.

「I’ve been prepared for that since the beginning!」

Kugel also set his safety aside and threw himself into the midst of the soldiers in front of him. The overflowing number of opponents in front of him was reduced one by one.

The advance was halted just shy away from a breakthrough. The ones who did it were the two warriors who were rampaging like fierce gods. Their bodies were dyed in their own and their opponent’s blood, and the kingdom soldiers were swallowed by their unstoppable fighting spirit, even as they built a mountain of corpses.

Just as the thought that the capture might be a failure was beginning to cross the minds of the soldiers, there were those who broke through the standing on alert soldiers and moved toward this fierce battlefield.

「Heck, I can’t believe they decided to come out at this timing.」

Curryman’s glittering eyes caught the figure of the hero who was approaching them.

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