The Rising Of The Fallen Warlord

107: The Goddess of… gaming?

The ancient spirit forest Edenweld. It was vast, crowded with trees and gloomy because of the mist. Although it was midday when we came in, it felt that night suddenly came.


Shizu and I were heading deeper and deeper into the forest. As we kept we could see various fairies flying from tree to tree, probably whispering about us. Eventually we reached an open area inside the forest, but what we saw there was quite shocking. We both weren't expecting to see that.


A large couch in the middle of a open space, a small table supporting an old style television. You know, those old square shaped models. And… some sort of game console.


"Come on, Tiki, Fify! Keep up or else we have to start all over!"


A woman was heavily mashing the joystick on one end of the couch and on the other end… 2 fairies were trying to match her movements on the other stick. One fairy was pressing the movement buttons, while the other was pressing the action buttons.


"Umm… excuse me…"


The moment I said those words a clear sound could be heard from the television: GAME OVER!


"AAAAA! Look what you did! You ruined our game. This thing doesn't have checkpoints you know! Now we have to start all over!"


The woman frantically scratched her head. It took her a few seconds to realize who she was talking to. She got up, titled her head and gave Shizu and me a good look.


I also managed to take a good look at her too. She had bright pink hair that flowed on her right side, a pair of round glasses with a pink tint, and various hair ornaments on her left side. She had a long aristocratic smoking pipe which she held in between a pair of gold claws. She wore a one piece dress that exposed her bare shoulders. Of course, she had a generous pair of breasts and large hips as well. A fur like skin was placed on her shoulders and a pair of belt like tentacles emerged from it, almost like 2 tails. And of course, her aura. It was sinister and creepy, but it was indeed the aura of a God.



"Hey, you two! How the fuck did you get in here? Edenweld shouldn't have granted you passage. You're disturbing my gaming session. Shoo shoo!!"


What the…!? What kind of Goddess is this? The goddess of gaming? If she's supposed to be the supervisor of this world… I can understand why things are so fucked up.


"Wait a second… is that you, Zeshia?"


"Yo, Rosalie. It's been a long time."


This time Zeshia's voice wasn't just in my head. It echoed across the forest. I guess the amount of mana in here is so high that she can speak out loud here.


"That explains how you got in here."


This Rosalie woman got closer to me, scanned me from head to toe with her eyes, and then continued.


"I never thought you would ever wanted to be wielded again, given your previous experience. On top of that, you've chosen quite a troublesome otherworlder as your wielder. She's more of a Harem King rather than a Demon King."


"Hey, that's rude!"


"But it's kinda true, Yurishia. And the reason I am allowing her to use me is because… she's a lot of fun. I rarely get bored around her, and she's not like other tyrants that want to play king."


Rosalie, pondered for a moment.


"Very well. Since we were good friends in the past, I will hear your mortal out. So then, miss Yurishia. You should feel honored. Not many are given the chance to stand before me without getting destroyed. Allow me to properly introduce myself. I am Rosalie, Goddess of Sealing. What businesses has brought you before me?"


"Be careful how you speak to her. Her divinity is ranked A- like mine. I won't be able to cut through her attacks as easy. Try not to provoke her."


A warning that Zeshia only issued in my head. Regardless of her divinity level, I don't intend to change my personality, no matter who I am speaking too.


"Hi there. You see, I'm facing an issue. The evil Bull Beelzebub might awaken again and I'm not confident I can beat him. So your child, Lumiera, suggested I ask for your help. I want you to make me a demi-goddess so I can deal with the threat that the demons might suffer."


She let out a long sigh.


"Oof. That child of mine really has a large imagination. I created her as a beacon to give birth to a superior race, but the direction the elves went into wasn't desirable at all. And now, she comes up with this. Listen, miss Yurishia, my answer to your request is no."


"May I ask why are you turning me down?"


"It's quite simple. Transcendence. The process in which a God grants the divinity skill upon a mortal has 3 conditions that must be fulfilled. A set of rules, so to say.


Number 1. The person in question must not cling to power. However, regardless of your reasons, it's pretty obvious you desire it. You thirst for power.


Number 2. The person in question must have clear and calm mind. This is for it's own protection, or else his mind will simply break. Your mind is twisted, filled with boobs and anger. Those will devour you.


And finally, you must swear that that you will never use your divinity to mess with the worlds balance or defy other Gods. You're thinking of defying me right now.


You understand? There is no way I can grant you divinity. You're too much of a wild card. Unpredictable."


"Aww, come on, Rosalie. Yurishia has an ability that can make her survive the process. Her Cure All will negate any harm. It will just be only painful for a while. Can't you break the other 2 rules just this once?"


"Zeshia, what part of 'no' don't you understand? Your way of thinking is the reason you were banished in the first place."


"Look, miss goddess, I would like to stay and debate this longer, but I don't have the time. And I don't take no for an answer. So one way or another, you're going to help me."


"So annoying. My decision won't change. However you don't need to rush into a fight each time. It's going to get you in trouble, eventually."


"I don't quite follow."


"I only said I refuse to make you a demi-goddess. I didn't say I wouldn't help you though. You just want to be able to deal with Bull Beelzebub, right?"




"There's more than one way to skin a cat. You don't need to become a demi-goddess. All I need to do is remove the seal placed on your soul."




"You're an otherworlder, and I am the Goddess of Sealing, fortunately. I don't know which God or Goddess was in charge of you, but an otherworlder tends to be quite strong. Some like you end up being a 1 in 100 thousand case. Extremely talented. That's why a limiter is placed on their soul when they are resurrected. However your overseer went a bit too far with the limits. I'll remove them. It won't make you stronger, but it will give you a significant boost in abilities."


Something seems fishy here.


"Wait, if these limiters are so important, why are you willing to get rid of them?"


"I won't do it for free of course. I have a condition. Your timing is pretty spot on for this. Since you are an otherworlder…"


She casually sat back on her couch, and then putting one hand on a game controller she declared:


"Help me finish this game!!!"

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