The Rising Of The Fallen Warlord

108: Hope



That was the message displayed on the TV screen.


"I can't believe it! After so much struggle I've finally finished this game. Amazing. Your skill with the joystick really is amazing, lady Yurishia?"


Eh… I wouldn't call myself amazing. But yeah. Back on Earth I used to play a shit ton of games. While it's true that I never touched a video game ever since coming to Stellaria, it didn't take long for my fingers to find their former glory again. And actually… I missed playing games. This one in particular was a title I never heard of. It was challenging, but fun at the same time.


"Well, as promised, I will lift your limiters."


She placed her right index finger on my forehead. A small glow surrounded my body and strangely enough the tattoo that I had on my forehead disappeared. And that wasn't all. I felt something entering my head. Some form of… knowledge…


"And there we go. I also took the liberty to grant you some wisdom. After all, unlocking your potential won't be enough. You need to know how to use it too. So, how do you feel?"


"A little dizzy… but… I can feel the change!"


Boy. And I thought I was strong before. But with this… this opens up so many doors. Especially…


"Hey, you said you won't grant me the divinity skill. But hypothetically speaking, using my new powers what if I were too…"


"Fufu. You're smarter already. It seems you found the loophole. True. I can't grant it to you. But there is no rule saying you can't learn it by yourself. Although I don't mind if you keep me company, I think you're running out of time."


"What do you mean?"


She extended her hand and a remote control manifested in her hand. And just like with a regular TV once she pushed the button to change the channel, a new image was displayed before us. It left me speechless.


I saw Cynthia and the worshipers. And most importantly, I saw Bull Beelzebub. He was awake. Darn it! I wasn't expecting things to move so fast. And what the hell are they doing? Why does it look like they are about to fight? They're no match for him.


"Shit. I need to go there now."


"Are you sure? You haven't tested your new potential. You might just be throwing up your life."


"Shut up! Never again will I allow myself to lose something I care about. Those girls are my loyal subjects. They are my friends!"


"Fufu! Well said. Then you and that dwarf better hurry. I will provide you an access point. Oh, and before I forget…


You're free to drop by any time so we can play video games again. I'll allow your teleport skill to reach this place."


Seriously, are we sure this isn't the goddess of gaming? Well, I don't have time to think about that now. I gotta hurry. They're getting badly injured over there!




Just as Beelzebub was preparing to fire his spell at Cynthia, a powerful explosion was generated and it sent Beelzebub flying until he crashed into the castle walls.


When the dust cleared…


"Phew! Looks like we made it in time, Shizu!"


I turned around, I approached the worshippers and activate a magic formation over every one of them. Looking them over with my demon eyes I can see that some of them are barely breathing.


I activated my Cure All and heal them at the same time.


“…….. Yurishia-sama…….”


They slowly wake up and look at me. Even though I’ve healed their wounds, their consciousness are still hazy and they look at me in a daze.


“……We're sorry…. You ordered us only to observe but…..”


"It's alright, girls. You've done what I asked you and showed great courage. The fact that you held your own for so long is proof enough. I'm proud of all of you!"


Tears started forming in their eyes.


"Shizu, stay back with them and protect them."




I once again face the castle. And a particular sight made my blood boil.


"Well, well. It's been a long time, Liliana. You've become even more of a bitch, it seems."


"Yu… Yurishia…"


"What's wrong? Is that all you have to say to your 'little sister'? Do I frighten you that much? Good. Be a nice girl and stay put. I'll deal with you in a bit."


In that moment Beelzebub jumped out of the rubble and landed a few feet away from me.


"How dare you try to lay your hands on me!? Are you this so called Yurishia? And that sword on your back… it's Zeshia. Absurd!! A lowly demon like you isn't fit to wield it! Listen up. Hand over that sword to me, bow before me and I shall spare your life."


"Yare, yare. Acting all high and mighty. You got something wrong buddy. You're the one who should be begging for his life. You're a relic from the past."




"You heard me. There's no place for you in this world."


"Such nonsense. I am extremely disappointed. You claim to be the rightful Maou? I feel nothing from you. You're nothing but a weakling."


Without any warning he started slamming his fists into me. A barrage of flames assaulted my body.


"Burn to hell. [Purgatory Inferno]!"


Purgatory Inferno was a powerful fire spell. 2 magic formations appeared on both his hands generating small sun like orbs. When they collided with my body, everything was engulfed in a large fire vortex. The heat was enough to melt even bones.


"And that's all there was to it. All that remains is to pull Zeshia from your ashes. As expected, someone without a single ounce of magical aura can't…"


"Are you done?"




From the flames I emerged and violently grabbed his head with my right arm. I then forcefully push him onto the ground, creating a crater in the process. Then I took a small leap back. With my new abilities… I'm not scared anymore. I can surpass him in every category.


"I warned you that you're the one who should beg for his life. But it's too late now. Try to amuse me a little with your pathetic struggle at least."

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