The Rising Of The Fallen Warlord

109: Overwhelming victory

Impossible. That attack would have killed any Mazoku. Even if Yurishia is an absurd existence, I know her better than anyone. She shouldn't have been able to survive that…


Liliana was dumbfounded before the scene displayed. After all, I took this guy's blow head on, survived and still smashed him into the ground. Honestly though… I wanted to scream!! Ouch!! Hot hot hot!! It took a good amount of willpower to keep a poker face. Even with my Cure All I definitely felt that one. If I didn't wrap my body in multiple layers of Fuka it would have been bad.


However it wasn't time to whine. Bull Beelzebub quickly got up.


"Insolent woman! I should rip your heart out for that. However, you may prove useful. I have slept for so long, and your power isn't that bad. Rejoice, as you'll be my test subject. I will test all my limits on you."


"Blah, blah, blah! Are you gonna talk me to death?"


"Let's see how much heat you can handle. [Hellfire Cannon]!"


A large fire wave similar to a flame thrower was fired towards me. Normally it's easy to dodge, but that isn't my goal. I need to look superior. It's risky but…


As soon as the flames got close to me I let out a small *puff*. The attack was instantly broken.




"I thought you said you were planning to test your limits on me. Don't tell me that was it? Snuffing out that candle is hardly worth my time."


"You dare call my attack a candle?"


Actually, there was no way my breath alone could extinguish that attack. I only faked it and ended up using my Ruin Eyes. They can cancel any magic with enough focus, and his attacks are no exception.


Beelzebub raised his hand above his head. I saw this attack on Rosalie's TV. Almighty Disaster. I might be able to survive it, but if he plans on attacking my girls, I'm not sure if Shizu can protect them all.


However, thanks to Rosalie I now have access to multi layer magic. Casting multiple spells at once is one thing. But now I actually have the skill to combine them into original spells.


"Perish alongside your ideals. [Almighty Disaster]!"


The black sphere with many eyes was ready to burst and fire all of its projectiles. But I am ready.


"O, void of darkness, gather in my hand and swallow everything in my path. [Gravity Abyss]!


Also, darkness born from the deepest depths, let none in my path escape. [Dark Arrow]!


And finally, serpent of the depths, devour the prey that is foolish enough to stand in my way. [Hydra]!"


3 magic formations appeared before me as I waved my hands around. Gravity Abyss is a black hole skill similar to the attack Byron tried to use before I killed him. Dark Arrow is known for never missing its target. And Hydra is a spell that summons giant serpent heads. And combining all 3 together…


"Go forth. [Chaos Gravity Dragon]!"


Giant black dragon heads popped out of the ground the same time his black sphere launched the attack. With great precision the dragon heads opened their large mouths and began to suck all the arrows. It didn't matter what the target of Beelzebub's attack was. Because of the black hole effect, all his projectiles were being devoured by the dragons. His attack was destroyed.


"That can't be! My attack… Almighty Disaster can't be stopped. There's simply no way!!"


"My magic power is just far superior to yours. Is this a bit too much for you to handle? If my magic is too strong for you then how about this?"


I snapped my fingers. A magic formation appeared in the sky and a large dome spread around us.


"Anti-magic area!? Are you crazy? If you really have that much skill why would you seal off magic. It doesn't make any sense."


"Hmph. I'm just trying to help you out since you're so weak. Maybe you'll have better chance with those muscles. So come on. Feel free to use any physical attack you like."


"I don't know what you're playing at, but I have the unique ability Blood Rage. You won't be able to match my strength!! Haaaa!!"


Like a rocket, Beelzebub flapped his wings and closed the distance between us in the blink of an eye. His fists were like a blur. But they all hit thin air.




The reason he was shocked was because I disappeared. And in the next moment.




 I landed a powerful elbow strike in the back of his neck sending him flying and crashing on the ground again. No matter his size or what he's made of, Leona's hand to hand combat teachings works in any scenario. Strike the vital points and disrupt the flow of mana. As for my speed… I didn't shout out loud but I was under the effect of Force Boost Phase 2. The red aura enveloped my body and the powerful physical boost it gave me surpassed his expectations.


"I've said this many times before, and I'll say it again. All that strength you pride yourself with is pointless if you can't hit me."


"Not possible… just… what kind of monstrosity are you?"


"Monster? I guess I might be one. But if you want someone to blame, blame that blonde succubus over there. After all, she's the one that created this monster, hahaha!


But this is getting boring. Farewell, relic of the past."


"If you think you can kill me then… Arghuaaaah!!!"


Once I again I popped behind him and violently grabbed his head. I put everything I had in my grip and literally tore his head off. His body fell lifeless on the ground.


That was a risky strategy. His arrogance and then his panicked state allowed me to make it look like an effortless win. But if he would have been smarter, things might have turned out different. His power was similar to Guilford, but against someone resourceful like the former hero, it would have been a rough fight.




Shizu called out to me, but I signaled her to stay put.


"It's not over. There's still one more bug I need to deal with."


My eyes now had only one target. Liliana. Time to end this once and for all.

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