The Road Home

Chapter 38 - Where to go (2)

Fortunately, the location is very respectable.

Not long after the flat road is the steep terrain of the mountain, it is easy to fatigue when climbing, and ordinary people can’t go far.

In the past few months, during the demining of engineers, Lu Yanchen also came to the scene from time to time, and he knew better than Qin Mingyu. So he gave Qin Mingyu a relatively clean direction, which is relatively safe. However, he was on his way without any danger.

Twenty minutes later, they saw the six young men behind a stone monument at the foot of the mountain.

A few flashlights shone.

One girl’s tears fell down first: “We want to climb up, go up the mountain to find a signal to the police, but fell down.” Then, the four little girls talked loudly when they came in. Yes, then everyone was afraid that it was dark, and there was no signal on the mobile phone, so only three boys could climb up to find the signal.

Unexpectedly, one of them fell down and brought the other one, and the remaining one came down. The man was injured, and the black forest was blind, and the girls were afraid to go out. Just sit there and think, there will always be someone to help.

Lu Yanchen went to touch the injured young man’s leg bone and broke it. The other is okay and can go.

“Good luck,” Lu Yanchen retracted his hand and turned off the lighting flashlight. “It really hit the ground | thunder, and it wasn’t as simple as a fracture.” The man inhaled deeply and said nothing.

Lu Yanchen unloaded his equipment and threw it under the stele, turned his back, and crouched down at the injured young man: “Come up.”

The young man was stronger than Lu Yanchen and hesitated, but there was no other way to lie on his back.

He straightened up, backed up the most injured, and confessed to several police officers, one by one, and followed him back. Don’t take the extra step. When he came in, he needed equipment assistance, and when he went out, he relied solely on the marks and memory left by him.

Moonlight shines through the cracks in the leaves and leaves on the road.

Lu Yanchen turned off the flashlight, and the police also turned off, so as not to affect Lu Yanchen’s vision. With natural light, it is not difficult for him to find a way back by identifying marks. Ten minutes later, he didn’t breathe a bit, and the big man who was always muted on his back was embarrassed, and whispered, “Comrade, are you okay?” Before he spoke, he said for a long time, I do n’t know how to call Lu Yan In the morning, he called out comrades rustically as in TV.

Lu Yanchen responded: “You hold on, you are almost there.”

“Sorry. Trouble you.”

After a long silence, the man thought that Lu Yanchen would not speak.

He lowered the sentence: “These grassroots police officers are not easy. Go out and explain to your friends. This is a minefield. The police can’t solve it. You must wait for someone who knows us to come, not to save you.”

The young man didn’t think of such a reply, and didn’t squeak for a long while.

There are up to ten minutes left.

Everywhere is silent, the mountains and forests are all asleep.

Suddenly, “Boom–” a loud noise was an explosion. Screaming exploded from behind.

Lu Yanchen’s chest tightened.

The live scene exploded.

The leaves fell on the face like fragments of a bomb. The rescued young girl started to cry again, and several police officers also winked and calmed. Lu Yanchen took a big step and hurried out: “Follow me, keep up with me.”

It must be Qin Mingyu, he must pass as soon as possible.

But with a group of people on their backs and behind them, take them out first.

On the palms, the sticky are all sweaty. The cold wind was trembling, and the neck was cold sweat.

Footsteps are fast, but time is too slow.

He walked on his back for centuries, leaving the woods, and striding up when he saw the wire pulling the net in the distance. Go to the safety zone ten meters away from the barbed wire and set the guy on your back on the ground. He copied the spare tools that were spread out on the ground before entering the forest, and took less than a second to rush into the night.

Qin Mingyu’s mark was clear to him. When he saw the shadows near and far, Lu Yanchen said reflectively, “Don’t move.”

The truth is, without him, none of these people dare to move.

“Old Qin?” Lu Yanchen touched his flashlight from his pants pocket, lit it, and went looking for it.

“… This,” Qin Mingyu lay on the ground, apparently, it was his mine, “this is a delay, it is a shrapnel. The one over there, still wearing a hat, he stepped on the thunder.” Qin Mingyu frowned, shrapnel more There is one in the abdomen. I do n’t know where the trick is.

Just now he thought he had cleared a thunder, but he didn’t expect the delay, the explosion broke out, these police wanted to save him, but he was hit.

Lu Yanchen set his flashlight aside, took the mine detector that Qin Mingyu had thrown away, and swept around the foot of the policeman to see the explosion point: “Keep it, this thing is too sensitive, anti-infantry. “

In a trip, he approached the small scissors and cut the thread.

It snapped softly and broke.

Changed the saber, removed the camouflage a little bit, and set aside the mud. The movement is very light, so light that only the rustling sound of digging can be heard.

… remove the fuze.

Fortunately, it was a trained police officer who stepped on this thing.

Fortunately, it is not a pressure-sensitive thunder, that basically has no chance, it will explode when touched.

Lu Yanchen pushed the man’s leg, and the man stiffened reflexively, thinking he had exploded.

When he reacted, he pulled his leg back immediately.

Lu Yanchen continued to plan the guy out of the soil, quickly dismantled it, and scooped out the medicinal sabre. Only tossed aside and waited for others to pack tomorrow.

After he quickly checked the surrounding area, when he took Qin Mingyu up with a hand, the clothes under his palms were all wet, and the blood soaked in the clothes was cold early, and the frozen hands in the winter: “Can you?


Qin Mingyu’s injury was simply treated at the local hospital. After the trauma was compressed and bandaged, he was sent to Kunming.

Lu Yanchen was restless and went with the car.

At five o’clock in the morning, after the surgery, he leaned his back against the wall in the corridor outside the ward, closing his eyes. I hadn’t slept for half an hour, and the phone in my pocket shook. In the quiet corridor, there was only the sound of the phone shaking the pockets of his pants, and he took it out.

Guixiao: I’m awake, I’m going to the birth check. Bye, TSH will come down this time.

Lu Chen understood. This is an indicator of thyroid gland, and it is known that this is very high.

The two made an appointment and she would report to him from the third trimester whether he was on or off. Anytime, anywhere, as many text messages as you want, the more the better, he will take the time to read it.

His lips were a bit dry, and the tip of his tongue swept over his lower lip, thinking for a moment, to decide whether to go back. After all, this time is a bit abnormal. I’m afraid she’s suspicious, but her life is short. In a limited life, there is really one reply and one less …

Lu Chen: Call you.

After sending, did not come and dial, the caller ID screen has popped up.

Lu Yanchen answered and simply stood up and walked outside the corridor. Gui Xiaosheng at that end was still in a daze, said “um” twice, his breath was audible, subtle, and lazy: “Lu Chen …”

“Um.” He put his hands in his trouser pockets, and was tired, tired of walking through the nurse’s table and turning into the elevator.

The elevator door suddenly opened, and someone pushed the patient out of the bed. The patient above covered his face with his arm as if falling asleep. Except for the sound of the wheel axle sliding across the floor, the nurse’s footsteps were no more.

Quietly here, where there were slight undulations, were relatively quiet for a while.

“Why did you call this morning …” Learnedly, the quilt rubbed the microphone, “Are you resting?”

He walked into the elevator: “It just happened.”

The two chatted for more than a minute, and finally he found a quiet place in the back door where he could smoke, the lighter rubbed the flint, and turned to the tip of his ear, and caught: “What about smoking?”

Lu Yanchen smiled: “Dog ears.”

“You’re a dog.”

He took a breath, and the smoke lingering from his lungs dissipated in the morning breeze.

Whispered for no reason: “Last time at home, it was good to see you wearing wine-red underwear.”

“… Can’t wear it now.”

He smiled: “Big breast again?”

“… why are you so hooligan?”

Lu Yanchen was also swayed by her tone, and her hand holding the cigarette pressed her forehead: “Why is it hooligan?”

“I’m your container now, don’t you think I’m surprised?”

“What’s strange.”

“…” Gui Xiao paused for a while and whispered, “I know, I know, I’ll buy a dozen when I’m born.”

The morning breeze blew across the face.

He burst out of smoke but nearly choked himself.

A phone call with Gui Xiao, and then went to the ward, Qin Mingyu also woke up.

I was shocked and took a dozen shrapnel out. It is said that there is still the rest, which is an inconvenient location. The doctor was still trying to comfort Qin Mingyu when he suggested it. Instead of saying a few words, he was comforted by Qin Mingyu.

Those who serve as soldiers, even if they do n’t do detonation drills, can keep a little memory. It wasn’t just Qin Mingyu who brought a bit of metal scraps. In the past, the veterans hadn’t lived with bullets. Qin Mingyu changed his career after ridiculing himself. I do n’t know how troublesome the security check would be. He also said that he died after he was burned to ashes.

Although it is not life-threatening, it has to be hospitalized for a few days.

In the afternoon, Lu Yanchen drove back by himself, thinking about washing and making up, and then wrote the report of the mission yesterday. As soon as the car entered the factory gate, someone was waiting early, saying that the leader had been waiting for a long time, and that Lu Yanchen had a support task.

This was the case when anti-terrorism was used in the past, or else the world would be peaceful, or things would just stay in one place.

Lu Yanchen didn’t say much. He threw the car key to the messenger, and he drove the car to the garage and went to the office.

This time, I called him by name, and entered Myanmar with the team to pick up a group of Chinese.

“It’s not dangerous. I just need someone like you who has actual combat experience and who knows how to detonate.”

Lu Yanchen knew it when she heard it was Myanmar.

The place is always in civil war, and across a borderline you can stand in China and watch the other side go to war. In that place, there were more than thirty martial arts | equipment | team | Wu in the territory, burying each other’s mines, buried in the end, they could not eliminate themselves, all became classic jokes for everyone.

Lu Yanchen took the task, prepared for half an hour, and set off immediately.

Before shutting down, he sent a message to Gui Xiao:

It’s not convenient to call these two days, you remember, the text message was sent to me as usual, I have time to watch.

After posting, think about it, and chase another:

In addition to the wine red set, blue is also okay.

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