The Road Home

Chapter 39 - Where to go (3)

Others come to Kunming and join the working group.

Get the list, four Chinese nationalities, twenty-four overseas Chinese.

It was a small-scale evacuation, and the staff were sitting in the first minivan, followed by plain clothes, and an empty bus in the back. The leaner the team, the safer it will be.

When Lu Yanchen arrived in Kunming, another colleague sent by the base also arrived and smiled when he saw Lu Yanchen: “I said to you, the group of students you took missed you when they left, they all asked me if I had I have no chance to meet you. They are the ones who picked me up and let me transfer them to you. “Colleagues took out a stack of cards from the black shoulder bag, which were given by the students who had brought them for more than a month.

“I heard that your wife is about to give birth? My head asked me to change jobs with you.”

“Almost next week.”

“Just right, picking up people, you should go back for business.”

Almost, Lu Yanchen thought about it for just two or three days.

The colleague was also hand-picked. He just returned from the southern hemisphere and went out of customs in Beijing to pick up the tasks when carrying luggage. I took the ticket and went straight to the domestic registration gate, and came to Kunming … When the two got on the bus, he was still joking with Lu Yanchen and said that he didn’t take a bath and didn’t know if it smelled bad, even if the outer clothes didn’t smell bad, the underwear was sloppy I can’t smell the two flights either–

Talking, people got in the car and saw two pretty young girls who laughed at each other, and then they came to this trip. The grandfathers who were not in the base got together, they were diplomatic speakers, and they were accompanied by a doctor. At a glance, all the women were in the car.

The big man who was still talking about **** immediately shut up.

The car drove for an hour and became familiar with each other.

“I have evacuated a third time, and it is the first time that I am equipped with an expert for detonation.” One of the young girls was emotional.

Colleague Lu Yanchen was a taciturn, then he said, “This isn’t afraid of what happened. There are too many wild thunders. If you really encounter it, you can’t expect other people to come to your rescue, but you should bring your own convenience. Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid , Instructor Lu and I are two spare tires, and like Dr. Zhao, I’ll give you peace of mind. “

The girls laughed and handed them mineral water.

A bottle of water was handed here to Lu Yanchen.

He was looking down at the text message, and saw Gui Xiao returning this one: it was you and I slept less, I have not seen other colors, I will try to show you when I come back, Big Satyr: P ***

A test sheet is on the table.

Xu Yan glanced: “The TSH is still too high, it’s over 600, but it’s useless to let you see it now,” he wrote down in the medical history book, “T3, T4 are normal, it is estimated that you are born After the child’s hypothyroidism, he will be fine. Take a test after confinement, and make one for the baby. “

Gui Xiao sounded.

“Your husband hasn’t returned yet?”

“No.” Gui Xiao propped his chin, looking pitifully at Xu Yan.

Xu Yan took off his eyes and smiled: “There is only one child in your family, and I’m not assured. I’ll give you a hospitalization sheet, and come in in the afternoon, it’s time to give birth.”

“What about the kid in my house?”

“I called my wife and asked her to pick up my child for a few days.”

Xu Yan had three caesarean sections in the afternoon, and it was almost time to have lunch. He opened the hospitalization form, returned home and took the ready-to-be-prepared bag, handed Qin Xiaonan to his wife Xu Yan, and went to the hospital in the afternoon.

There is also a woman in the delivery room. She is young and just in her early twenties.

Gui Xiao lived in the evening and did not see her husband when she fell asleep. It was strange and didn’t dare to ask directly. It’s strange that the woman saw Gui Gui’s going to the hospital for a long time, but she asked first. The result is that everyone is the same, all in national defense.

One engages in detonation and the other engages in information engineering.

As a result, the two military members locked the door mysteriously and talked about gossip. She told others about anti-terrorism and anti-explosion, and she told her about the information line and the safety net. That prospective mother is slightly better than Gui Xiao, who can see her husband every two or three months, and she and Gui Xiao say that after two days, they will return on a business trip. It wasn’t until the middle of the night that the nurses rushed twice to count them to bed and go to bed.

White curtain.

Gui Xiao, lying on a strange bed, became more sober.

With her head resting on her arm, she had nothing to do, so she searched online for childbirth skills and reviewed it again. Caesarean section is not afraid, anyway, there is Xu Yan, the first knife in the obstetrics and gynecology department of this hospital must be other. She inhaled slightly and spit it out slowly. The exercise was so handy that the curtain was yanked open.

? It’s Xu Yan.

“Your dad is here for you, come quickly, come with me.” Xu Yan also whispered in a white coat.

My Father? Gui Xiao sank, and she had already thought about hundreds of bad reasons when she was wearing slippers, and chased Xu Xu out. The father was outside the corridor more than ten steps away. When she saw her, she looked at the stomach first and said silently: “Be ready, fly to Kunming with me tomorrow morning, something happened to Lu Yanchen,” the words stopped, and then went to see Xu Yan, “is the situation allowed?”

Xu Yan was calm: “I’ll take a leave to follow, no problem.”

The father briefly described the small-scale evacuation mission and was suddenly attacked. Unexpectedly, three injuries were sustained, and two were seriously injured. Lu Yanchen was one of them. People are now in Kunming-

Gui Xiao’s blood was cold, her mouth opened several times, her voice was silent, and her tears fell down in a string …

Xu Yan was with her in the ward that night, trying to make her sleep, but failed.

The earliest flight was Eastern Airlines at 7.55.

At dawn, they left the hospital, and the morning breeze stabbed her, so that her cheeks and eye corners were painful. Xu Xu wrapped her scarf around her face: “Maybe you will go somewhere, and people will wake up. Don’t cry any more.”

Gui Xiao is dumb.

When I remembered meeting him at the gas station, he said, “Remember, I’m remembered when it turns into ashes.”

Blinking, tears rolled down again.

Xu Yan didn’t dare to say any more and took her into the car.

Along the way, she stopped crying, the plane landed, and her abdomen throbbed.

Sudden contractions, unlike usual, a little pain.

The frequency is not high, the second time from the landing of the plane to the departure of the airport. Gui Xiao put his hand on his belly, and he said to Xu Xi for the first time, and said dumbly, “It seems to be born …” Xu Zheng nodded: “Look at the watch and tell me once in five minutes.”

Guixiao nodded, the man was mumu.

I want to cry, hold it this time, barely split my heart to the little guy in the stomach.

So pressed, endured, sleepwalking, looking at the strange street view outside the window, looking at the hospital corridor, looking outside the ward, and changing into dustproof clothing. The doctor and nurse stepped back, let go of the bed, and couldn’t hold the face when Lu Yanchen narrowed his eyes. Covering her mouth, she knew how to cry. A pregnant woman with a big belly who couldn’t cry was instantly reddened by the eyes of several young nurses.

Return to the past, touch his hand, want to speak, can’t say.

Touching his face again, tears fell on the white sheet, oozing into it, becoming a little watermark.

The last time I cried like this, crying so helpless, the moment he would never see in this life was before he left the army, and he hadn’t grown after more than ten years. I know how to cry, to say a word, to return, to speak …

“You big liar …” Gui Xiao choked and wiped off the tears on the back of his hand.

Stomach hurts, pumping pain, and high frequency.

Gui Xiao knew that this time came, took a deep breath and asked the doctor, when would Lu Yanchen wake up. The other party answered, tonight or tomorrow, she asked for help to hold a nurse’s arm: “Help, my contractions are terrible …”

The nurse had not been in the obstetrics and gynecology department, but she understood that it was about to give birth, and hurriedly called on others to help her out. Xu Zheng has helped her find an obstetrician, explain the situation, and hand over the files. There is not much problem in returning, and the reduction of hypothyroidism also has little effect during production. The contractions are normal and the amniotic fluid is not broken. It is a barometer of vitality.

Xu Yan praised her while comforting her.

Gui Xiao looked at Lu Yanchen, knowing that he would wake up, and was quite reliable, and followed the nurse to change his clothes and enter the delivery room.

The pain was so strong that tears were rushing, and while trying to hit the wall, I still remembered, I would ask once every ten or twenty minutes: “Nurse … is my husband awake?”

Three hours later, the baby is born.

Xu Yun and Guixiao’s father, who was ready to guard for more than ten hours outside the door, saw the name of Guixiao appearing on the electronic screen. The door opened, Gui Xiao gasping for two breaths, looking at them with red eyes: “Is Lu Chen awake?”

Guiding can be regarded as airborne production. There is no extra bed in the obstetric department. She was temporarily placed in a small room on another floor. The room was narrow and she could only put a bed.

An hour later, the small transparent box containing the baby was also pushed in. After all, Gui Xiao’s biological daughters looked like Lu Chen, humming, pouting, falling asleep, and neglecting their mother.

Can’t see, cry at first sight.

She was so intimidated that she was so tired that she had lost half her life, but she couldn’t hold her head in the middle of the night before falling asleep. When the day was about to come, Xu Zheng woken her up again.

The moment when Gui Xiao opened his eyes, it seemed like he was back to last night, Xu Yan was talking bad news seriously …

“I found you in a wheelchair, and I’ll push you there,” he said.

Gui Xiao was busy turning over, he was restrained, and he was in a wheelchair.

In the morning’s ward corridor, a doctor had already begun to conduct a round of inspection, and he didn’t know the situation and looked at it again, wondering how the mother appeared in the ward. When Gui Xiao was pushed over, he heard the nurse whispering, “Specially approved, the small ward was vacated. Yesterday, three staff members who were injured by the evacuation were sent. One of the wives … happened to be born when they arrived It’s … “

Passing by, the doctor coughed: “Can we help you?”

“Boss, are you dizzy? They were shot …”

After changing floors, the two nurses turned to each other with no energy, and the other gave her dust suits and shoe covers.

He shivered, walked in, and approached the door, his heart beating up.

The door opened and the person went in. Lu Yanchen’s face was clean and there were no more breathing aids. She opened her eyes and turned her eyes slightly to see her. It’s rare to have a very explicit feeling in this eye–

Gui Xiao blinked, her nose was drawn, and she cried again: “Lu Chen …”

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