The Roller Coaster Needs To Sign A Life And Death Certificate? Reba Was Scared To Cry At The Beginning

Chapter 63

Chapter 062: I’M Afraid To Check? I Am Legal! Sir!

Zhang Qian, who was so frightened, burst into tears in an instant.

At this moment, she couldn’t care about her own image at all, and the delicate makeup on her face was washed out by the tears gushing out dark brown grooves.

The audience in the live broadcast room were also frightened by this scene and felt a little overwhelmed.

“This playground is too outrageous, the track is broken, why don’t you report it as soon as possible!”

“Where is the time to report now, it’s time to think about how to stop that shit!”

“As for the photographer, why don’t you say comfort Zhang Qian, I didn’t see what the little girl is doing!”

Those voices calling for the photographer didn’t know that the big photographer’s performance was worse than Zhang Qian’s. As early as the moment the roller coaster began to dive, he was so frightened that his eyes turned white and he passed out.

Zhang Qian never felt that she was so close to death.

Looking at the fracture that was getting closer and closer, her brain had completely lost the ability to think.

In addition to meaningless screams, there is only one thought left.

“In the next life, even if you beat her to death, she won’t be a shitty reporter anymore!”

When the roller coaster passed through the fault zone, the car jolted violently.

Zhang Qian only felt that her soul floated into the sky with that bump.

It wasn’t until the roller coaster climbed again, and the vibration felt by her body, that she realized that she was still alive.

“Great, I’m alive, I’m fine!”

Zhang Qian, who was crying with joy, tugged at the cameraman next door, crying “Wow”.

“Wooooow, great, I’m fine…”

Under her violent shaking, the comatose photography club regained consciousness.

“Where am I, what’s wrong with you, why are you crying like this?” The photographer who just woke up was still a little dazed, completely unresponsive, and now he is still sitting on the roller coaster

“We survived, not died!”

“Are you talking…huh?” The photographer said halfway, his eyes suddenly darkened.

“What’s wrong with you? Don’t scare me!” Zhang Qian was taken aback by the photographer’s reaction.

“Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka” eyes stared straight at the photographer in front of him, although he tried his best to open his mouth to say something, but he couldn’t utter a word when he opened his mouth, he could only hear his teeth chattering sound.

The frightened expression on his face made Zhang Qian couldn’t help but follow the direction of his gaze.

In an instant, like the cameraman, she was so frightened that she lost the ability to cry.

The picture that scared them also scared the audience in the live broadcast room through the camera set up in front of the roller coaster.

“Am I dazzled, or has the track in front of this roller coaster really collapsed?”

“It really collapsed, this is no longer a safety hazard, it is a major accident!”

“Hurry up and find a way to save people, if you rush over like this, the 087 passengers on the roller coaster may not survive!”

“It’s too late, unless the merchant brakes urgently, but depending on the extent of the collapse, even if you brake, there is a high probability that the roller coaster will rush off the track due to inertia…”

In the live broadcast room, except for the viewers who went to the Qingshan Amusement Park, everyone basically believed that even if Zhang Qian survived this time, she would be disabled or something.

But Zhang Qian, whose eyes were full of horror, didn’t even think about being disabled at all, she just thought that she was absolutely dead now.

Then, she saw herself flying up with the roller coaster.


When the roller coaster returned to the starting point, she still kept looking up at the sky, as if her body and soul were completely separated.

As for the photographer beside her, she passed out again when the roller coaster was flying into the air.

If they were just common tourists, the staff would have carried them to the Sunshine Plaza to restore them.

But because of the special identities of the two of them, the staff felt a little overwhelmed for a while. They didn’t know how to deal with it, so they could only ask Jiang Lin for instructions.

“What’s the point of asking? Arrange tourists as you usually do.”

“But their camera is still live, should we turn it off, or what?”

“It’s best not to touch other people’s things, otherwise the audience in the live broadcast room will think that we have done something to people.

Jiang Lin said this, thought for a while, and continued.

“That’s good, take their cameras off the roller coaster and shoot them at them, at least let the audience in the live broadcast room know that they are all right.

As a result, the audience in the live broadcast room saw the famous scene that will be widely circulated in the future.

Zhang Qian looked up at the sky like a demented person, and the photographer next to her was sleeping soundly, like a two-hundred-pound toddler.

This scene lasted for more than half an hour. If there were not various sounds in the background and tourists walking around [the audience in the live broadcast room would definitely think that the scene was stuck.

Many local tourists in the amusement park know this reporter who often appears on TV.

Even though most of these tourists didn’t know what happened, it didn’t prevent them from secretly taking photos and sending them to Moments from a little further away.

After (adeh) the tourists secretly taking pictures gradually dispersed, Zhang Qian’s confused eyes regained some clarity.

Zhang Qian, who was relieved, was at a loss for a long time before remembering why she was here.

As soon as her thoughts came back, she wanted to question Jiang Lin.

But as soon as he stood up, he fell back to the stool because his legs were so weak.

“Huh! Have you recovered?” Sister Tie Hammer, who was holding a sausage in her mouth, happened to pass by here. She saw Zhang Qian get up and sit down again, and said hello.

“Are you, the staff here?” Zhang Qian asked.

“No, I’m a tourist.” Sister Hammer, who was chewing sausage, said vaguely, “You obviously haven’t slowed down yet. You need to rest a little longer, or you won’t be able to walk at all.”

The hammer’s words made Zhang Qian feel as if she had discovered some terrible secret, and asked repeatedly: “Is there a lot of claws in this clock?”

“There were a lot at the beginning, but now it’s only like this unless someone challenges a high difficulty or plays a new project. Speaking of which, didn’t you read the strategy before you came?”

“What strategy?”

“The video posted by the amusement park on their official account of a certain music, and uploaded by netizens, you can at least have an expectation after watching it.”

Hammer’s answers were not what Zhang Qian wanted. Just as she was about to go further, Hammer waved at her after eating the sausage, “I won’t chat with you anymore, I have to queue up to continue playing.” , you continue to rest.”

What Zhang Qian didn’t listen to, but the audience in the live broadcast room did.

Someone immediately went to Mouyin to search for related videos.

Although Jiang Lin didn’t upload many videos to the Internet, the tourists who came to the playground uploaded quite a few of them, some of which were of higher difficulty level.

Those adrenaline-inducing videos instantly fascinated this part of the audience…

When Zhang Qian recovered completely and was able to stand up and walk, another ten minutes passed before chatting with Sister Tiehammer.

The first time she regained mobility [she dragged the cameraman to find Jiang Lin.

“Mr. Jiang, I think these projects of yours are very dangerous and must be shut down immediately!”

“What’s the danger?” Jiang Lin asked back.

“The design link is too dangerous. If there is a mistake, it will lead to a major safety accident!”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t agree with what you said. What do you mean if there is a mistake, the plane flying in the sky will fall down. Why don’t you go to the airport and ask all flights to stop running?”

“That’s different!”

“What’s the difference? What you said is just what you think, what you guess, and what you understand. It has been nearly a month since our park reopened, and there has never been an event!”

“Not now, doesn’t mean there won’t be in the future! I ask you to shut down all amusement facilities immediately!”

Jiang Lin was a little annoyed by this woman’s nonsense.

If Zhang Qian could specifically point out their problems, even if what they said was wrong, he wouldn’t think there was anything wrong. After all, different individuals have different perceptions of danger.

Different cognitions can communicate.

But now this woman is here to say what if, if you follow this bullshit logic, don’t drive the car, don’t turn on the electricity, and even let people stop eating.

Because all of these things can happen.

“who do you think You Are!”

Jiang Lin’s retort with the smell of gunpowder not only failed to calm Zhang Qian down, but on the contrary raised his voice a little bit.

“I’m not anyone, I’m just a Common citizen, now I think your project here is very dangerous and must be shut down immediately!”

“May I ask how you got here?”

“Driving, what’s the matter?” Zhang Qian felt that Jiang Lin’s question was a bit inexplicable.

“Then I think your car is very dangerous and may hit people. Now I ask you not to drive in the future!”

“What’s your reasoning!” Zhang Qian frowned.

“The gangster logic I learned from you, you think you have to let others do what you want, what a big face you are. Where did you get the confidence to think that I have to cooperate with you unconditionally.”

“Do not do unto others as you would have them do to you, have you ever heard of it?”

“People who love others will always love them, and those who respect others will always respect them. Can you understand what this sentence means!”

“You can’t do things yourself, why ask others, who gave you this confidence……”

Jiang Lin’s output not only stunned Zhang Qian, but also stunned the audience in the live broadcast room.

“If you put aside your preconceived prejudices, I think there is nothing wrong with what the boss said!”

“I also think that Zhang Qian’s request is a bit too much this time. If he opens the door to do business, if you ask him to stop, he will stop. Who will bear the loss!”

“I have to say that Zhang Qian’s behavior this time made me a little disappointed. I feel that I have completely lacked the quality that a reporter should have…”

At this moment, Zhang Qian actually found that what she said just now was a bit out of line.

But the pride of being a reporter prevented her from admitting her mistake to Jiang Lin, otherwise it would prove that her investigation was wrong.

“Do you want to continue? If you continue, please hurry up. If you don’t continue, you can do what you like, but please don’t harass other tourists in the park at will, or I have the right to take you out.”

“Of course we must continue!” Zhang Qian stared into Jiang Lin’s eyes and said, “I recorded those things just now, and when I finish recording your projects here, it will be up to you who is right and who is wrong.

After speaking, she was going to send the captured material back to the TV station first.

As a result, when she uploaded the material, she discovered that since entering the park today, their camera has been in a live broadcast state.

“Why hasn’t the live broadcast been interrupted?” Zhang Qian asked the cameraman in surprise.

“I…… I don’t know, I thought the live broadcast signal was cut off! The cameraman also looked puzzled.

The reason why Zhang Qian was so surprised was that the team of reporters sent by their life channel every day was far more than hers.

Before coming to the amusement park, she thought that the investigation of this matter was not complicated, so she only applied for two hours of live broadcast time.

Normally, when the time is up, the live broadcast signal will be switched to other reporter teams.

As a result, more than three hours have passed, and the live broadcast is still going on.

She immediately took out her mobile phone and called the TV station director.

After the call was connected, before she had time to speak, she heard the director on the other end speak quickly: “Now don’t talk, just listen to me!”

“Your live broadcast has attracted a lot of attention. Now there are more than 70,000 online users in the live broadcast room of our channel, so after researching, the station decided to give you the time of today’s live broadcast.

“The live broadcast signal will not be cut off until you leave the playground to finish the interview. You must pay attention to your words and deeds.”

“It’s best not to say anything like that just now, otherwise the audience will be very passive!

“If you understand, just nod your head, I can see it here.”

Zhang Qian felt that she was dead at home right now.

But she also knew that the matter had come to this point, it was useless to regret and regret, the most urgent task was how to reverse the previous reputation.

After nodding and hanging up the phone, she calmed down a little, and immediately got up to apologize to Jiang Lin.

“Mr. Jiang, I’m really sorry. I was too frightened just now, and some words were a bit harsh. I hope you will forgive me!”

“It’s okay, do you want to continue?”


Jiang Lin looked at the time and felt that if Zhang Qian continued to line up to play, he might not be able to finish playing until the door closed.

It’s not easy for the official media to promote it for him. Wouldn’t it be a pity if it wasted.

Turning around and looking around, I happened to see the hammer waiting in line to play with the big pendulum.

“Hammer, come here.”

“What are you calling me for?” Iron Hammer jumped up and down in front of Jiang Lin, “Talk to me if you have something to do, I’ll be in line right away, don’t waste my time.

“I have a discussion with you, can I give up your seat to Reporter Zhang?”

“Huh?” Iron Hammer looked back and forth, “It’s possible, but what good is there for me, I can’t let me waste so much time for nothing.

“After the new project comes out, I can take you to test it together!”

“That’s what you said, it’s a deal!” Tie Hammer stretched out his small hand to make a hook with Jiang Lin, “If you dare to fool me, you will die!”

“Okay, it’s done, you can go to play with the big pendulum, and for other items, you can have someone line up for you first!”

Jiang Lin’s change made it difficult for the audience in the live broadcast room to be overwhelmed.

“I’m afraid this boss is a dog, his face has changed so quickly!”

“He is really not afraid of death, is he afraid that Zhang Qian won’t be able to capture enough material!”

“Who knows what he thinks, but their project looks really exciting, it’s completely different from the playground I’ve been to before…”

After Zhang Qian replaced the iron hammer, she quickly climbed onto the big pendulum.

The first ejection after the machine started made her let out a scream.

Because there is only one position for the hammer, the cameraman did not go up with him this time.

But it is precisely because of this that from the angle of shooting below, the audience can see the whole scene more intuitively.

The instant acceleration of the big pendulum stunned the audience in the live broadcast room.

“Fuck, what kind of trick is this, it’s upside down all at once, it’s too fast.

“I have played this ride in other playgrounds, but that ride is far from so fast.”

“Their big pendulum is purely messing around. How can it be so fast? It feels like it can scare people’s souls away…”

“I think there must be something wrong with this project. Such an outrageous speed is not scientific at all, and I have to let the relevant departments check it out…

Jiang Lin used his mobile phone to watch the dense audience comments in the live broadcast room, with a smile on his face.

No matter what everyone thinks, the purpose of publicity has been achieved.

As for what the audience said, let the relevant departments come to check, he didn’t worry at all.

If the things produced by the system can’t stand the inspection, then it’s really ridiculous……

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