The Roller Coaster Needs To Sign A Life And Death Certificate? Reba Was Scared To Cry At The Beginning

Chapter 64

Chapter 063: The Market Supervision Department Is Here! Someone Is Plotting!

Zhang Qian, who was standing upside down on the big pendulum, was so frightened that she couldn’t stop shaking.

If the classic air time is placed an hour ago, the audience in the live broadcast room will definitely think that there is something wrong with the equipment.

But at this moment, many people have gone to a certain sound to watch related videos, and know that this is an effect set on purpose.

But even so, many viewers couldn’t help complaining.

“The designer of this big pendulum is really insane. Even if I know the routine, I can’t control it when I fall on it and think that the machine has a problem.

“The equipment in this playground makes my hands numb just looking at it, let alone sitting on it myself.

“Zhang Qian is probably scared out of her wits again right now, it’s too miserable…”

The facts were indeed as expected by the audience in the live broadcast room. Zhang Qian thought that after being baptized by roller coasters, her resistance to these amusement facilities would increase a little.

But in the end, there are no eggs at all.

Although the legs facing the sky are firmly fixed, but because the waist is not fixed by a safety belt, even if a gust of wind blows, the body will swing slightly.

Give her the feeling that she might fall at any moment.

Moreover, the upside-down posture made her head a little congested, and she always felt that she couldn’t breathe.

But she didn’t dare to scream at this moment.

I am afraid that because of my excessive range of motion, I will loosen the safety mechanism that fixes my legs.

This strong fear of dying at any time made her tears gush out of her eye sockets uncontrollably.

Fortunately, this process did not last long, because the pendulum began to move again.

After swinging normally for a while, the movement of the pendulum gradually stabilized.

Zhang Qian watched the swing of the hammer body getting smaller and smaller, thinking that this wave of nightmare journey had passed, and could no longer hold back her emotions, sobbing “Wow”.

Some viewers in the live broadcast room felt a little distressed seeing her pitiful appearance.

“Hey, why bother this boss? Why do you have to be serious with a little girl? I don’t see how it scares people.”

“This boss is too unmanly, if I would never treat Zhang Ji like this.”

“Just because I treat Zhang Qian like this, I will hate this playground all my life.”

After these remarks came out, another part of the audience was dissatisfied immediately, and they immediately started to criticize like flying.

“Can we be reasonable in what we say? Did the owner of the amusement park force Zhang Qian to go up with a gun? She obviously went up by herself. It’s none of the boss’s business!”

“As for the first few, after watching the videos posted by netizens, you know that Zhang Qian is only playing on elementary difficulty. Other normal tourists are at worst at this standard. Why is the boss not a man?”

“Normal treatment, unified standards, mistakes are made all the time, I don’t know how those few people who criticize their bosses have such brains.

“This is the live broadcast channel of the TV station. Please, can some people watch it without wearing a fan filter to find fault…”

Different from the opposing camps of the audience in the live broadcast room, the tourists who watched the scene saw Zhang Qian’s miserable appearance, and felt a little sweat for her.

Because everyone knows that the previous ones are just a warm-up, and the most exciting point of the big pendulum has not yet come.

Zhang Qian, who was crying in her seat, suddenly heard a “click” from the seat below her.

I subconsciously turned my head to check, and found that there was a gap between my seat and the next seat, and the gap was still changing.

“It’s cracked!” Zhang Qian yelled in Jiang Lin’s direction.

Before she finished speaking, she was bounced out along with the seat.

The strong wind pressure that hit her face not only made her unable to scream, but even tears were firmly pressed into her eyes.

At this moment, Zhang Qian had nothing in her mind to investigate or not to investigate, and all that was left was endless panic.

The seats flying and spinning all over the sky, and the cameraman with his mouth wide open and his face full of horror, faithfully conveyed it to the audience in the live broadcast room.

The audience, who were still arguing just now, were immediately shocked by this scene and lost their voices.

The comment area was silent for about ten seconds, and then a large number of comments were quickly posted.

“This is an amusement park. This insane design can be used to train pilots!”

“Although I saw a lot of videos of this project on Xingyin before, I always thought that those were made by computers, but I didn’t expect it to be true.”

“No wonder this project is called Tiannv Sanhua, the effect is too exaggerated, it made me break out in a cold sweat through the screen…

“Don’t worry about other things, just this design, I’m afraid I can’t find a second one in the whole world……”

“I didn’t expect Jiangzhou to have such an awesome playground. It’s so cruel…”

Zhang Qian, who was flying with the wind in mid-air, finally got rid of the wind pressure when the seat rotated with the pendulum body, and could really cry out.

“Let me go, I don’t want to die…”

“Mom, help me…


Zhang Qian, who was crying out loud, had completely broken down emotionally at the moment, and couldn’t care about her image at all. She was crying miserably, like a little girl who couldn’t find her mother.

“Boss Dog, you are really cruel. Everyone is crying like that, and you are still eating melon seeds like you are watching a play!” Sister Hammer, who appeared out of nowhere, complained at the same time.

Stretch the paw to Jiang Lin’s hand.

“What are you doing!” Jiang Lin raised his hand to avoid her clutches.

“Don’t be so stingy, give me melon seeds too!”

“Fuck off, you’re calling me Boss Dog, and you still want to eat my melon seeds! I’ll give you a fart, do you want it!”

“Tch, didn’t you also call me a nickname, I call it courtesy, okay?” While speaking, the hammer jumped suddenly, snatching some melon seeds from Jiang Lin’s hand.

“Hey, I got it!” Iron Hammer flaunted, waving his small fist.

Jiang Lin looked at her complacency and felt a little helpless, “As for you, you just complained about me watching a movie, why did you want to grab my melon seeds?”

“Why don’t I watch it if it’s exciting!” Iron Hammer said confidently.

While the two were bickering, the big pendulum finally stopped moving and fell back to the ground.

But Zhang Qian had already collapsed into a puddle of mud at this moment, and her eyes were glued to the seat blankly, as if she had been embedded with rivets.

“Medical team, go check it out!” Jiang Lin greeted.

Originally, in this situation, according to the usual practice, he would be helped to Sunshine Plaza for a while to recover, and there was no need for a medical team at all.

But who let there be a live broadcast camera there, such a good opportunity, it would not be a pity not to promote the professionalism of their park.

The doctor in the medical team stepped forward to check Zhang Qian’s pupils and various reactions before giving an answer.

“It’s not a big problem, it’s just a little frightened, just take a little rest and it’ll be fine.”

“But for safety reasons, she is no longer suitable for any stimulating rides today.”

“Did you hear that?” Jiang Lin turned to the photographer and said, “After she recovers, please repeat the doctor’s words to her, and let her choose whether to continue.”

“Yeah!” The cameraman nodded repeatedly.

When he was shooting below, he heard from the surrounding tourists that these life-threatening designs were all made by the sunny and handsome boy in front of him.

This directly led to Jiang Lin’s current image in his eyes becoming like a demon with horns.

Because of the doctor’s intervention, Zhang Qian regained her sanity this time much faster than when she was riding a roller coaster.

But it also gave her the illusion that her tolerance had increased.

“Xiao Zhang, why don’t we go back, what we have captured is enough, and the rest will be handed over to the supervision department.” The photographer persuaded.

“No, since I said that I have to experience it all myself, I have to feel it thoroughly. It’s not my style to give up halfway!” Zhang Qian gritted her teeth.

“But the doctor said that you are not suitable to continue playing in your current state.”

“The doctor also said to eat on time every day. Do we have that condition when we are filming outside!” Zhang Qian said in a choked voice: “Don’t talk nonsense, help me find Jiang Lin!”

When Jiang Lin saw Zhang Qian, whose legs were still swinging, and was helped by the cameraman, he kindly asked, “Why don’t you take a rest?”

But Zhang Qian didn’t pay attention to his criticism at all, and he said in a hateful voice: “Do you know how dangerous these projects of yours are!”

“I know, what’s the matter?”

Zhang Qian originally thought that even if Jiang Lin didn’t justify, he would have to say something.

As a result, she admitted so bluntly that she was stuck in all the prepared remarks.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also a little stunned by Jiang Lin’s answer at the moment.

“No, has the owner of this playground always been so brave?”

“Zhang Qian can’t even be dealt with, this buddy doesn’t follow the routine at all!”

“I don’t know what this guy thinks. If he admits it like this, will anyone go to their playground in the future!”

“Maybe it’s a broken pot, it’s been broadcast live anyway, so it’s pointless for him to quibble, isn’t it…”

Seeing Zhang Qian’s dumbfounded expression, Jiang Lin smiled softly.

“Have you still not figured out what this place is?”

“This is a playground, not your living room. Everyone comes here to enjoy the thrill of danger.”

“If these projects of mine make tourists not even feel the danger, then what are they doing here? Isn’t it good to lie at home and play with mobile phones?”

“You…” Zhang Qian opened her mouth, but found that no matter what she said, she seemed a little pale.

Although she didn’t come to places like playgrounds very often, she knew that Jiang Lin’s words were not pretentious.

Those tourists who went up to play like her, even though they were also frightened, their legs were weak, but the expressions on their faces after recovery were excited and satisfied.

These facts that she saw with her own eyes are better than any eloquence. Although she is not happy with Jiang Lin, she doesn’t bother to argue about it.

In the end, all the words in my stomach came together in one sentence, “I will continue!”

“Okay, the next project is the jumping machine, I have already asked someone to line up for you.”

Hearing the word jumping machine made Zhang Qian feel a little relieved.

Although she hadn’t played that game before, she had seen her friends play it when she accompanied her friends to the playground.

0…asking for flowers…

It’s nothing more than sitting on the seat and going up and down, which is completely incomparable with the big pendulum of a roller coaster.

She felt that she would never collapse on the rides like before this time.

This confidence was torn to pieces by the wind blowing past her ears the moment the jumping machine started.

Looking at Zhang Qian who burst into tears again, Reba was completely numb.

“Boss, do you think this reporter will hate you?” Reba, with her neck up, stared at Zhang Qian on the jumping machine, and whispered to Jiang Lin beside her.

“Why do you hate me, I didn’t do anything to her!”

“You didn’t do anything to her, but she’s definitely going to have nightmares tonight.”

“It’s none of my business, I didn’t force her to play with it.”


Reba didn’t bother to persuade her any more, Jiang Lin and the reporter, both of them were fucking scumbags.

If one refuses to give up an inch of land and the other refuses to give in, let them fight, the worst is nothing more than suspending business for rectification, it doesn’t matter.

When the two of them were talking, the audience in the live broadcast room was once again moved by a completely different exciting scene.


“This is a jumping machine, so what is the one I went to play at Lin Jiang Cheng Playground last week? Is it the youth version of the jumping machine…”

“Fuck, this jumping machine will really disintegrate in the air, and the prefixes of every facility in this playground are the core gameplay…”

“Today’s live broadcast really opened my eyes. Seeing now, I have been completely stunned by the boss’s endless stimulus projects. Even if the boss brings out an alien in a second, I won’t be surprised. .………”

Unlike the audience in the live broadcast room, Zhang Qian was completely frightened out this time.



She didn’t dare to play these exciting projects, not because she was timid, otherwise she wouldn’t be a reporter.

After all, what reporters sometimes encounter is worse than these tricks.

The main reason is that she is naturally very afraid of heights, and she usually travels on business trips without flying.

The roller coaster and the big pendulum that I played before, no matter how they are, are always connected to the main mechanism.

But this jumping machine was a real bounce. After she realized that she was really bounced into the sky this time, she immediately rolled her eyes and died.

“Tsk, I’m dizzy!” Seeing Zhang Qian who was brought down by the parachute, Jiang Lin pouted and shook his head, “Medical team, go and see.”

Perhaps it was because of the self-protection of the coma mechanism, this time the doctor didn’t make much effort to wake Zhang Qian up.

“Am I dead?” Zhang Qian who just opened her eyes was still a little confused.

“Don’t worry, Lord Yan thinks it’s too early for you to go, so I’ll let you back!” Jiang Lin said.

Zhang Qian turned her head following the sound and stared at Jiang Lin’s face for a long time before her memory slowly came back.

“Did I pass out just now?”

“That’s right!” Jiang Lin nodded, “How about it, can it still work?”

“I can continue!” Zhang Qian gritted her teeth.

Her answer stunned Jiang Lin for a moment.

Jiang Lin asked if she could still do it, meaning that her body could still take it, but the woman directly answered that she could continue.

This attitude is to properly fight with him until death and never give up.

Since she asked for it, it is impossible for Jiang Lin to spoil her.

Therefore, Zhang Qian, who entered the bumper car pavilion, experienced another thrilling journey.

When she was helped out by the staff, she felt that half of her life was gone.

But when she saw Jiang Lin standing at the door, she suddenly felt happy, “Now that I have personally experienced all the projects, I will report to the relevant departments.

Just wait!”

“It is your right to report, but it is convenient for me to ask, are you going to report anything?”

“Of course Ann…”

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, Zhang Qian got stuck.

She is not an idiot. After experiencing it now, the broken parts that can’t be seen from the outside are all made on purpose.

Moreover, those facilities were disintegrated and fell apart [it can be restored immediately after soil.

Even if such a complex organization has potential safety hazards, it’s probably not her level of ability to see it.

What should I report to the relevant department?

Reporting also needs to come up with real evidence. You can’t say that the spoon project is too exciting. Isn’t that nonsense?

If it is really going to be like that, she will be the reporter to the end.

Just when she was in a dilemma and didn’t know what to say, she suddenly heard a burst of noise coming from the direction of the main entrance of the park.

Jiang Lin, who heard the noise at the same time, turned his head and looked in the direction of the gate.

After a while, I saw a group of people in uniforms walking into the park.

Among those people, there are firefighters, market regulators, quality inspection, taxation, labor and other departments.

“My good fellow, you’re really well-rounded, you’ve called all the departments that can control us!” Jiang Lin said coldly.

“It’s not me!” Zhang Qian shook her head and denied, “I never called any department at all, so I don’t need to lie to you!”

“Heh~~” A name quickly emerged from Jiang Lin’s mind…two….

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