The Rumored Second Son

Chapter 180

Chapter 179 – Extra No. 43

Episode Forty-Three Modern Chapter

Guan Yunyu was tireless, pestering Gao Yingmin in front of the sink, helping her solve the troubles that Alpha faced when she got up in the morning.

During lunch, Guan Yunyu was full of energy, Gao Yingmin rubbed his sore wrist, and glanced ten times at this man.

Guan Yunyu is just a little wolf dog with a simple and innocent appearance, but a vicious heart.

“Sister Gao, eat more.” Guan Yunyu put all the delicious food into Gao Yingmin’s bowl, and looked at her with a smile.

“Xiaoguan really loves people.” Yuan Qingqiu looked at Guan Yunyu and praised him softly.

Gao Yingmin pursed the corners of his lips, and did not express any opinion on Yuan Qingqiu’s words. Guan Yunyu would not feel sorry for her. From yesterday to this morning, he has been pestering her all the time, and he will not let her go when he wakes up in the morning. Watching this person clean up the bad things.

“Auntie, we’re going back today.” Guan Yunyu said goodbye solemnly after eating.

“So fast.” Yuan Qingqiu showed reluctance.

“Ah, it’s my tenth time to come to country M, and I want to go around.” Guan Yunyu scratched his head and said embarrassedly.

“Then let Yingmin take you to some interesting places.”

“Auntie can’t accompany you.” Yuan Qingqiu’s eyes flashed with helplessness, and a gentle smile appeared on the corner of her lips.

“Yeah, Sister Gao will accompany me well.” Guan Yunyu hooked Gao Yingmin’s shoulder and pulled her to his side with a happy smile on his face.

Gao Yingmin was indifferent throughout the whole process, of course he knew in his heart that this little fox wanted to go out to play, clearly wanted to…

Thinking of this, Gao Yingmin’s face was slightly rosy.

“Yingmin, take Xiaoguan to the Tower of the World. The scenery overlooking country M is charming.”

“Well, I see.” Gao Yingmin nodded.

Guan Yunyu bid farewell to the reluctant Yuan Qingqiu.

The two walked out of the manor.

When Guan Yunyu came, he was still thinking how good it was to live here, but when he left, he really didn’t miss it at all.

“Ah, it’s the taste of freedom.” Guan Yunyu stretched out his arms and let himself go, only to turn around in circles.

“Didn’t you say this place is very good?” Gao Yingmin glanced at Guan Yunyu ten times and said indifferently, what this person said was really random nonsense.

“It’s good here. It’s not as good as being alone with Sister Gao.” Guan Yunyu was clingy, and cheekily leaned into Gao Yingmin’s ear, and said shamelessly.

“No matter how good it is, it’s better not to stay alone with Sister Gao, so that Sister Gao will be more relaxed.” He added ten more sentences as if he was afraid that Gao Yingmin would not understand.

“…” Gao Yingmin pursed his lips and was speechless, really powerless to fight back against this Teddy-possessed Alpha.

“Where do you want to go? The Tower of the World?” Gao Yingmin looked at the secretly excited Guan Yunyu, wondering where she, the tour guide, should take Guan Yunyu for a stroll.

“Sister Gao, shall we go to the supermarket?” Guan Yunyu took Gao Yingmin’s hand and played with her fingers. Ten roots and ten roots are pinched in the palm of the palm, holding them tightly.

“Buy more food and go home.”

“I just want to stay at home with you. I don’t go anywhere.” Guan Yunyu was thinking about the next upsurge.

“Guan Yunyu, tomorrow, I’m going to send wedding invitations.” Gao Yingmin whispered to her about tomorrow’s plan.

“Sister Gao, don’t you just say you’ll stay with me?” Guan Yunyu blinked aggrievedly.

“The climax of seven days is too long, and the wedding will be held in fifteen days.” Gao Yingmin said softly.

“Okay.” Guan Yunyu nodded in agreement.

“After the wedding, can you stay on the island for fifteen days?”

What Guan Yunyu said about staying for fifteen days meant that AO would spend fifteen days in estrus after being marked for life.

“En.” Gao Yingmin nodded, and agreed without hesitation. Since Guan Yunyu already knew the fact that she liked her, she didn’t need to hide anything.

“Great.” Guan Yunyu rubbed his little hands, his excited eyes sparkled, and he couldn’t help rubbing his cheek against Gao Yingmin’s shoulder.

Gao Yingmin was amused by her look like a small animal.

But thinking of last night, this guy is really a big bad wolf.


The tower of the world is nearly 100 meters high, with two hundred floors of elevators. Looking down through the glass elevator, the buildings, pedestrians and vehicles all become smaller.

Guan Yunyu took Gao Yingmin’s hand, like a curious child, looking at Shiqiu under his feet with novelty.

The two reached the top of the tower, walked to the window made of all glass, and had a panoramic view of country M, just like the ice and snow kingdom in the fairy tale world.

“It’s so beautiful here.” Guan Yunyu couldn’t help sighing.

“Yes.” Gao Yingmin responded softly.

Guan Yunyu looked at Gao Yingmin who looked like a little girl, and curled his lips.

“Sister Gao is also here for the tenth time.”

“Yeah.” Gao Yingmin nodded.

“Actually, I have lived in country M for so many years, and I rarely go out for a walk.” Gao Yingmin opened his heart and talked about his life in country M for these years.

“Why?” Guan Yunyu asked softly.

“Before it was studies, and after that it was company affairs. Every day is like a spinning top, busy all the time.” Gao Yingmin lowered his eyes and smiled wryly.

It was the same in her childhood. Other children had their parents take them out to play during the holidays, but she didn’t. She only had a sick mother, a busy father, and ten older brothers who built their happiness on her pain. .

She has no retreat, and there is no support behind her, which has created her silent and lonely personality, so she can only keep busy to make herself stronger.

As long as you don’t have expectations you won’t be disappointed. Gao Yingmin always thinks this way, seemingly ruthless, but in fact he is afraid of being hurt after being affectionate.

“It won’t happen in the future, we will travel all over the world together.” Guan Yunyu took Gao Yingmin’s hand, hugged him tightly, and patted her on the back in distress. Under Gao Yingmin’s seemingly mature appearance, there are actually ten fragile and soft hearts.

“Let go, there are so many people watching.” Gao Ying Min’s ears were slightly red, she was not used to being in public, hugging.

“Don’t let go, you have to adapt to my enthusiasm in the future.” Guan Yunyu said with a thick skin, sticking to Gao Yingmin’s ear, and said with a smile.

“Look, we are standing at the highest place in country M. People from country M will bear witness for us. We will go to higher places together.” Guan Yunyu said seriously.

“Unreasonable.” Gao Yingmin said helplessly, and simply buried his face in Guan Yunyu’s shoulder to prevent others from seeing it, but the tips of his ears were still red.

It’s only because Guan Yunyu’s hug is warm and hot, like the sun, and there is a smell she likes on her body.


After getting off the Tower of the World, the two of them went to the bustling snack street in Country M. When they got there, Guan Yunyu couldn’t stop being so excited, and tasted delicacies from all over the world heartily.

Guan Yunyu is an S-level Alpha with a huge appetite. There are several servings of everything. After eating, I feel unsatisfactory, so I have to go back and buy again. The boss and the clerk looked at her in surprise.

“Guan Yunyu, if you eat like this, I will be eaten bankrupt by you.” Gao Yingmin teased her with a smile.

“No. I’ll pay you back with a part-time job.” Guan Yunyu ate the chicken taco, touched his half-full stomach, and said seriously.

“You really want to come to our company.” Gao Yingmin asked with a light smile.

“Well, Mr. Gao is going to give me ten titles.” Guan Yunyu blinked and looked at Gao Yingmin expectantly.

“Let me think about it.” Gao Yingmin rested his chin with a smile in his cold eyes. After thinking for a while, he said.

“Let’s start with the assistant first.”

“Ah.” Disappointment flashed across Guan Yunyu’s eyes.

“In this way, I can teach you by hand.” Gao Yingmin said with a gentle smile.

“Is it the same as last night?” Guan Yunyu licked the corner of his lips, with a weasel-like light in his eyes.

“Guan Yunyu.” Gao Yingmin called out. This man thought all the way.

“I’m looking forward to it.” Guan Yunyu smiled all over his face, ignoring Gao Yingmin’s embarrassment, she knew he was shy.

“Sister Gao, let’s go back.” Guan Yunyu suggested.

“Are you full?” Gao Yingmin was a little surprised. She knew this guy’s appetite, and these things were at most half of her appetite.

“En.” Guan Yunyu nodded.

Gao Yingmin looked at her with his cold eyes, and she leaned over embarrassedly, and whispered in her ear.

“Actually, I want to eat you more than food.”

Gao Yingmin stared at her silently, thinking about ten indecent things in his head.


When the two returned home, it was already night. Guan Yunyu lay on the soft sofa and sighed ten words.

“It’s better to stay at Sister Gao’s house.”

Gao Yingmin gave her ten eyes, obviously only stayed here for two days, it was like his own home, and he really couldn’t see outside.

The person who didn’t see him hummed a little tune, turned on the stereo in the living room, pulled Gao Yingmin, who was still packing up his shopping, to the living room, and was about to dance with her.

It is better to say that it is a dance together than that someone is taking advantage of the opportunity.

He ran his hands along Gao Yingmin’s waistline to his back, leaned his head against Gao Yingmin’s forehead, and half embraced her in his arms.

“I haven’t finished tidying up.” Gao Yingmin said softly, pursing his lips.

“I’ll clean it up later.” Guan Yunyu grinned and didn’t let her go, but squeezed her even tighter.

“Sister Gao, let’s celebrate ten times.”

“Celebrate what?” Gao Yingmin asked softly, dumbfounded by this guy.

“You can celebrate as you like again.” Guan Yunyu took Gao Yingmin’s hand and made her turn around to the dance music, and then hugged her gently from behind Gao Yingmin.

The pace slowed down, and his head rested on Gao Yingmin’s shoulder, almost in a half-embracing posture, continuing to be gentle.

“Not serious.” Gao Yingmin smiled lightly and patted her cheek.

“I want to kiss.” Guan Yunyu took the initiative to stick his face to hers.

The two lingered in the sound of Spanish dance music, like a couple in love.

“Guan Yunyu, you are a dog.” Gao Yingmin bit her chin and said shamefully and angrily.

“No, I’m a wolf.” Guan Yunyu smiled and leaned closer to Gao Yingmin’s ear.

“The kind that screams.”

“Poor or not?” Gao Yingmin twisted her ears and said softly. She found that since Guan Yunyu knew that she also liked her, she gradually began to let go of herself and became more and more enthusiastic.

“Sister Gao, don’t you like it? I thought Sister Gao would like it?” Guan Yunyu blinked her bright black eyes aggrievedly, her eyes were clear, like a cute and innocent child, almost made Gao Yingmin believe it was true.

“Hurry up and clean up.” Gao Yingmin pinched her nose and said lightly.

“Okay.” Guan Yunyu nodded, turned around and cleaned up.

Looking at her busy figure, Gao Yingmin couldn’t help lowering his eyes and smiling, really childish.

Gao Yingmin came out of the shower and was embraced by someone. The scent of fruit and wood came to her nostrils. The cool tip of her nose rubbed against the back of her neck. Her glands, which were not covered with restraining stickers, were easily teased and woke up by this person.

When the pheromone belonging to Omega was induced, it was difficult for Gao Yingmin to refuse any request made by this person.

The author has something to say: update, the new article “I’m Not Happy” will be updated simultaneously at ten o’clock, everyone remember to support it~~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-06-1012:43:23~2021-06-1320:53:35~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 481038331;

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: 52230465, Jiyuyuyuyuyu, Keke is mine, 481038331;

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 7 bottles of Muzijia; 6 bottles of Yeer; whether you are a supervisor or inspector, silent confession, 1 bottle of uglazy;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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