The Rumored Second Son

Chapter 181

Chapter 180 – Extra Forty-Fourth

Extra Story Forty-Four Modern Chapters

On a snowy night, a thick layer of frost formed on the glass windows outside the villa.

Inside the room, the heating was full, and Guan Yunyu’s stalking energy came up, making it impossible to refuse. The S-level Alpha exudes an attractive fruity woody aroma, which is really irresistible.

“Guan Yunyu, you haven’t taken a shower yet.” Gao Yingmin bit his lips slightly, his cold eyes formed a thin layer of mist, and all his thoughts were taken away by this guy. The glands on the back of the neck came back to life, and Gao Yingmin at this moment was like a lamb at the mercy of others, docile and obedient.

“Washed. There is more than one bathroom in this room.” Guan Yunyu smiled, kissed Gao Yingmin’s ear, and went to take off his nightgown brazenly.

“How about, sister Gao, come and check.”

“Guan Yunyu.” Gao Yingmin tightened Guan Yunyu’s nightgown, a trace of embarrassment flashed in his eyes, this guy is really bad.

“I know my sister Gao is shy, or else, let’s go to the house.” Guan Yunyu kissed Gao Yingmin’s forehead, to the tip of her nose, and finally to the corner of her lips, smelling the increasingly rich ambergris, stained her ears red.

“Hmm.” Gao Yingmin replied softly with a strong nasal voice.

For a moment, she felt her body was light, and Guan Yunyu hugged her lazily. Gao Yingmin whispered, and subconsciously hugged her neck tightly, astonished like a little rabbit caught by a hunter in an instant.

The four eyes met, Guan Yunyu’s eyes showed a cynical smile, his thin lips raised, and his voice was low.

“Sister Gao, let’s go back to the bedroom.”

Gao Yingmin grasped her nightgown tightly, her cold eyes revealed a bit of coquettishness, Gao Yingmin’s icy shell was wrapped with a little girl’s innocence and loveliness.


The sun was shining into the room, and Gao Yingmin was woken up by her mobile phone. Just as she moved her hand, the clingy guy entangled her again.

“Guan Yunyu.” Gao Yingmin’s voice was lazy and hoarse, not as strong as usual, showing a sense of weakness.

“Sister, the sun is too hot.” Guan Yunyu frowned his delicate eyebrows, his voice was soft and soft, and he buried his head in Gao Yingmin’s arms to block the sunlight in front of him.

Gao Yingmin resignedly let this man make trouble, picked up his phone, and checked the time. It was almost noon now, and there were no less than three calls from Mei Yingjie.

There was an alumni gathering at noon today, and Gao Yingmin happened to take advantage of the gathering to send out the wedding invitation, so he couldn’t be late.

“Yunyu, good boy, let me get up quickly.” Gao Yingmin touched Guan Yunyu’s broken hair, pressed against her ear, and said softly.

“Not good.” Guan Yunyu snorted and buried his head even tighter.

Gao Yingmin was stunned, his face slowly turned rosy, and in desperation, he twisted Guan Yunyu’s ears, Guan Yunyu got up from the gentle village, and looked at Gao Yingmin with sleepy eyes.

“Guan Yunyu, get up quickly, I’m going to a banquet today.” Gao Yingmin patted Guan Yunyu’s cheek, trying to wake him up.

“Okay.” Guan Yunyu sat up, rubbing his bewildered head, his whole body was still in a free state.

Seeing Gao Yingmin enter the bathroom, when he came out, he went into the cloakroom and changed into a gorgeous long dress, dignified and elegant. Such a beautiful Gao Yingmin, she was a little reluctant to go out.

“Sister Gao, what kind of banquet are you going to?” Guan Yunyu asked as he lay down by the door, staring at her with bright black eyes.

“Alumni Association.” Gao Yingmin tilted his head, put on earrings, and replied softly.

“Alumni Association!!” Guan Yunyu lost all sleepiness when he heard this, and replied loudly.

“Yeah, what’s the matter?” Gao Yingmin was taken aback by the man’s loud voice, and looked back at Guan Yunyu.

“Alumni Association, is there such a Mei Yingjie?” Guan Yunyu frowned, and walked to Gao Yingmin’s side. The Alpha was tall and slender, holding the graceful Omega between his arms.

“Hmm.” Gao Yingmin raised his chin, looked at Guan Yunyu, and told the truth.

“I’m going too.” Guan Yunyu said seriously.

“You go to our school’s alumni association?” Gao Yingmin laughed out loud, blinking his cold eyes, thinking that this guy was a bit weird.

“Can alumni from country M bring their families?” Guan Yunyu stared at her phoenix eyes, bit her lip, and asked.

“It’s not impossible.” Gao Yingmin rested his chin and thought for a while. This time, he was going to post a wedding invitation. If he took Guan Yunyu with him, it was also possible. However, even she didn’t want to go to such a social gathering. love to go.

“Do you really want to go?” Gao Yingmin glanced at Guan Yunyu and couldn’t help but add.

“That kind of party is usually boring.”

Gao Yingmin would not be willing to attend this kind of gathering if she hadn’t sent wedding invitations. However, as the future leader of the Gao Group, she still had to get in touch with the school’s alumni in order to expand her network resources.

“How can a party with Sister Gao be boring?” Guan Yunyu blinked his eyes, raised the corners of his lips, and smiled like a little fox.

“It will be glib.” Gao Yingmin raised the corners of his lips, smiling unabated. It’s not a bad thing about Yunyu’s company.

“Let me go, I will be obedient and not make trouble.” Guan Yunyu took Gao Yingmin’s hand, rubbed the back of her neck, and began to act like a baby. Alpha’s body temperature is scorching hot, and in this cold winter, it is also unbearable.

“Okay.” Gao Yingmin pushed Guan Yunyu’s head, and agreed softly.

“Great.” Guan Yunyu smiled and said happily. Humming a ditty, he dragged his suitcase over and unfolded it in front of Gao Yingmin.

“Sister Gao, which outfit do you think I should wear?”

“This, or this?”

“Or the white suit you wore to your house?”

Gao Yingmin looked at Guan Yunyu, who was usually casual and free and easy, and was extra concerned about participating in an alumni association, and he couldn’t find it funny.

“It’s all right.” Gao Yingmin replied softly.

“You help me choose.” Guan Yunyu refused to follow, and pulled Gao Yingmin to help her choose clothes.

After tossing and tossing for a long time, Guan Yunyu finally turned himself upside down. Looking in front of the mirror, he was dressed in a pure white suit, and the tall and straight Alpha, Gao Yingmin’s lips evoked a faint smile.

“Sister Gao, do you suit me well?” Guan Yunyu raised his long arms and brought Gao Yingmin to his side. The two stood in front of the mirror, and they were indeed in perfect harmony.

“Guan Yunyu, why do you have to go to the alumni association?” Gao Yingmin looked at Guan Yunyu with raised eyebrows, and asked softly.

“It’s all the fault of Sister Gao. I haven’t mentioned me in front of others on weekdays, so I have to appear in person to be convincing!” The two are not engaged yet, but her friends all know Gao Yingmin’s existence.

But Gao Yingmin was different. Those who were close to her and acquainted with her didn’t even know her existence. It’s really disgusting.

“Actually, I seldom talk about my family matters with others.” Gao Yingmin took Guan Yunyu’s hand and coaxed him softly.

“I know. So, I’ll show up in person, so I don’t need you to mention it, Sister Gao.” Guan Yunyu raised her thin lips with a look of confidence in swearing ownership.

“Okay.” Gao Yingmin took Guan Yunyu’s arm and leaned close to her. Gao Yingmin, who is usually strong and calm, will put down his guard only in front of Guan Yunyu, showing weakness and coquettishness.


Mei Yingjie waited at the door of Gao Yingmin’s house for a long time, the door finally opened, he looked up at the snowy sky, Gao Yingmin was wearing a brown wool coat, his long black hair was neatly coiled up, revealing With a white and slender neck, Gao Yingmin has always been proud like a white swan, and in the eyes of everyone, he is a flower that can only be seen from a distance.

At school, Gao Yingmin has many suitors who are eager to get close, but Gao Yingmin doesn’t pay attention to her. Everyone thinks that she is arrogant, but they don’t know that this flower of Gaoling has already belonged to her.

Mei Yingjie looked at Alpha, whom she was holding tightly by her side, and when he appeared in front of him, all her expectations were torn apart like a broken mirror.

But he still maintained the demeanor that a gentleman should have, watching the two walking towards her slowly with a smile on his face.

“Mr. Mei, we meet again.” Guan Yunyu raised the corners of his lips, with an unruly smile on his face.

“Hello, Miss Guan.” Mei Yingjie pursed her lips and smiled.

“I’m sorry, I don’t have a driver’s license abroad, so I have to ask Mr. Mei to be our driver.” Guan Yunyu had a bad mouth, knowing that every Alpha who tried to get close to Gao Yingmin had a motive, so he was not polite to them.

“It’s okay, you are a guest from afar, and it is your duty to be a landlord.” Mei Yingjie was not angry at all, and replied with a gentle smile.

“Thank you, Mr. Mei.” Guan Yunyu replied with a smile, opened the door, and helped Gao Yingmin into the car.

The car was speeding on the highway, Mei Yingjie looked at the two people sitting in the back of the car, since getting in the car, Gao Yingmin’s hand has been held by Guan Yunyu, and his fingers are tightly intertwined, looking inseparable. The hands he once longed to hold fell into the hands of other Alphas, and apart from regret and regret, there were other emotions breeding.

Noticing Mei Yingjie’s attention, Guan Yunyu raised his lips slightly, put on an innocent and ignorant look, and said, like a primary school student showing off his daily diary.

“Mr. Mei, sister Gao and I went to the Tower of the World yesterday. The scenery there is really beautiful.”

“Really?” A look of surprise flashed across Mei Yingjie’s face. He had invited Gao Yingmin to go out for fun before, but she refused. When Gao Yingmin was in college, every weekend, he never stayed in other places except the school library, so he always stayed with Gao Yingmin in the library.

The intimacy between the two of them in the eyes of alumni is just the scenery in the eyes of others. In fact, the two of them have never been out of the university, let alone dating. Mei Yingjie always thought that Gao Yingmin was just focusing on his career and was not in the mood for trivial matters. Unexpectedly, Mei Yingjie frowned, clenched the steering wheel, and a deep look flashed in his eyes.


The alumni meeting of Gao Yingmin University was held in a luxurious five-star hotel. Stepping into the lobby, Gao Yingmin took off his windbreaker, revealing a graceful and delicate long skirt, which outlined her beautiful figure. Gao Yingmin’s Appearing, it attracted countless attention in an instant, and became the focus of everyone in the alumni association.

However, Mei Yingjie, who usually entered with Gao Yingmin, now stands alone not far away, and Alpha standing next to Gao Yingmin, as soon as he appears, becomes the focus of everyone’s attention. I know that everyone thinks that Mei Yingjie and Gao Yingmin are a pair of golden couple, but who knows, this time Gao Yingmin appeared on the stage with another Alpha affectionately on his arm.

When everyone received the wedding invitation from Gao Yingmin, they all sighed that their former goddess had married so early.

In Alpha’s washroom, several Alphas were urinating and chatting about Gao Yingmin’s gossip.

“I thought Senior Sister Gao was a strong woman who devoted herself to her career, but she didn’t expect to get married too.”

“That’s right, and that senior Mei who usually wants to put his eyes on his forehead is just a fart all day long.”

“Take the lead, it’s not about making wedding dresses for other Alphas.”

Several Alphas laughed, the door of the toilet cubicle was pushed open, and a strong Alpha breath filled the air. They seemed to be choked by their throats, and their faces turned pale with fright. With a cold face, Mei Ying walked to the sink, unbuttoned her cuffs and rolled them up, washing her hands silently.

Those Alphas were so frightened that they hurriedly pulled up their pants, and left without even washing their hands.

Mei Yingjie, who came out of the bathroom, looked at Gao Yingmin and Guan Yunyu, who were surrounded by everyone not far away, with sweet smiles on their faces, their eyes darkened.

He took out his mobile phone slowly, and Gao Minghao’s name was displayed in the phone’s address book, and he pressed it without hesitation. The phone was picked up quickly, and Gao Minghao’s smiling voice came from the other side.

“Mr. Mei, it seems that you have made a decision.”

“En.” Mei Yingjie hummed briefly.

Gao Minghao’s hearty laughter came from the other end of the phone.

“Mr. Mei, I am looking forward to our future cooperation.”

On the other end of the phone, Gao Minghao was drinking red wine, looking at the snow-covered manor, with deep eyes, and a cold smile on his lips.

The author has something to say: I recommend Xiaobai’s new article “She’s Unhappy”, which will be updated simultaneously at ten o’clock, please remember to support it~~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-06-10 20:53:35~2021-06-14 16:02:04~

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: 4 for KoalaLau; 52230465, Ji Yuyu, Ke Ke is mine, 481038331;

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 7 bottles of Muzijia; 6 bottles of Yeer;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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