The Rumored Second Son

Chapter 182

Chapter 181 – Extra No. 45

Extra Story Forty-Five Modern Chapters

At the reception, Guan Yunyu chatted and laughed with everyone in fluent English, while Gao Yingmin stood quietly aside. I thought Guan Yunyu would hate this kind of social reception, but Gao Yingmin admired her communication skills.

Not only is the professional knowledge of finance very strong, but he also knows how to bring it in in an interesting way.

He also has his own unique insights into some of the hottest investment industries at the moment, which shows that Guan Yunyu has put a lot of effort into this field.

In the middle of the reception, Guan Yunyu didn’t speak when he saw Gao Yingmin, and he didn’t seem to like such an occasion very much.

“Sister Gao, do you want to go out to get some air?” Guan Yunyu put down his wine glass and asked softly.

“Okay.” Gao Yingmin nodded slightly, Guan Yunyu brought her windbreaker over, put it on Gao Yingmin, and the two walked to the terrace together.

The starry sky was shining tonight, Guan Yunyu lay down in front of the terrace, looked up at the starry sky, and took a deep breath of air. Although it was cold outside, he could breathe freely.

Gao Yingmin stroked his hair that was tousled by the wind, and looked at her softly. Guan Yunyu tilted his head, looked at Gao Yingmin, blinked his phoenix eyes, and smiled.

“Sister Gao, why are you staring at me?”

“Because you impress me.” Gao Yingmin smiled slightly, with a bit of tenderness in his cold eyes. Guan Yunyu has been a gag bully since childhood, but she doesn’t know that she has unique insights into financial investment.

“That’s all fake tricks, to fool them.” Guan Yunyu said with a smile.

“Guan Yunyu, you are too modest.” Gao Yingmin curled his lips. Guan Yunyu, who always likes to brag, is really a good hand in finance. To engage in finance, you first need to have a highly reputable face, have a humorous conversation, and be able to tell stories, so that you can fool investors into investing a lot of money in your project.

“Mr. Gao, do you feel that the position of assistant is too inferior to me?” Guan Yunyu raised her phoenix eyes and said confidently.

“Gao’s current position, assistant is the most suitable for you.” Gao Yingmin pursed his lips and said softly.

“The assistant is the assistant, I am willing to be Mr. Gao’s personal assistant.” Guan Yunyu leaned over, pressed against Gao Yingmin’s ear, and said softly.

“Twenty-four hours, the kind that can be ordered at any time.” Guan Yunyu said as he gently embraced Gao Yingmin’s waist and brought her into his arms.

The terrace and the banquet hall are only separated by a door, and people coming and going in the banquet hall will all look towards the terrace.

Under the moonlight, the tall and slender Alpha almost enveloped the delicate Omega, preventing anyone from looking at it.

“Be serious.” Gao Yingmin pushed her shoulder with his elbow, signaling her not to do something excessive.

“Sister Gao, you know that you are very beautiful in this evening dress.”

“When you were standing under the spotlight just now, I wanted to kiss you.” Guan Yunyu lowered his voice and whispered against Gao Yingmin’s ear.

“Guan Yunyu, please stop making trouble, okay?” Gao Yingmin called softly, and a layer of crimson slowly crept up on his fair cheeks. This person is always tired and crooked, which makes her unable to resist.

“I’m not making a fuss. After you appeared, those Alpha’s eyes were all on you, and they didn’t shy away from it. Even if I was by your side, they were still ready to move. It’s so disgusting.” Strong jealousy.

“Blame me.” Gao Yingmin smiled helplessly and said softly. How could she stop others from casting their gazes on her.

“I really want to hide you, but only show it to me.” Guan Yunyu pressed Gao Yingmin’s forehead, his tone was somewhat deep.

“When we get to the island and the wedding is over, I will be yours alone.” Gao Yingmin gently raised his head and said softly, taking advantage of the angle that this person blocked his view.

“Now I think you belong to me alone.” Guan Yunyu bit his lip and looked deeply at Gao Yingmin.

“I have to go to the company tomorrow.” Gao Yingmin comforted the Alpha’s emotions. After his Alpha was affected by other Alpha pheromones, he would become a little restless. This is normal, and Alphas are extremely possessive. A strong creature does not allow any Alpha to think about its Omega, even if it is just a few more glances, it may lead to a duel of pheromones.

“Then, let me smell it now.” Guan Yunyu lowered his chin, gently rubbed the tip of his nose against the back of Gao Yingmin’s neck, and sniffed the pheromone emitted by Gao Yingmin through the suppression sticker.

“Hmm.” Gao Yingmin snorted softly, raised his chin slightly, and cooperated with Guan Yunyu’s movements to release soothing pheromones, which stabilized Alpha’s mood.

However, soon, a strong fruity fragrance came to Gao Yingmin’s nostrils, and Gao Yingmin felt her legs go weak for a while. She raised her chin slightly and looked at Guan Yunyu. She lifted Guan Yunyu’s collar and found that the guy’s restraint stickers were intact. No loss, but the pheromone in her body that is exclusive to Alpha is so strong that it cannot be extricated.

“Guan Yunyu, your climax period.” Gao Yingmin tugged at the corner of Guan Yunyu’s clothes, his tone a little anxious.

“Hmm. What?” Guan Yunyu squinted his phoenix eyes slightly, and looked at Gao Yingmin in a daze. His face suddenly burned, and he felt hot all over.

“Guan Yunyu, come with me first.” Gao Yingmin pulled Guan Yunyu out of the banquet. Guan Yunyu’s climax came so suddenly that she was not prepared at all. It’s only good to take this guy away from crowded places first.

Just as the two walked out, they bumped into Mei Yingjie.

“Sister, you.” Mei Yingjie asked softly with a flash of surprise in his eyes. Gao Yingmin has always been calm and calm, and it is rare for him to show such an anxious look. His eyes slowly shifted to the side, only to see that Guan Yunyu’s eyes were blurred as if he was drunk.

“Miss Guan, is she okay?”

“She’s not feeling well when she’s drunk. I’ll take her back first.” Gao Yingmin said calmly with his arms around Guan Yunyu’s waist. Guan Yunyu is a rare S-level Alpha. If he releases pheromones here, it will usher in a boom. In country M, if he is caught using pheromones in public, he will be sentenced, and the punishment is quite severe.

“I’ll see you off.” Mei Yingjie suggested.

“No need.” Gao Yingmin flatly refused, dragging Guan Yunyu towards the door. At this moment, Mei Yingjie didn’t leave, and kept following them.

Mei Yingjie’s pheromones matched her very well. When her Alpha was in a hot state, smelling this person’s pheromones might trigger a conflict between the two pheromones.

“Senior, you really don’t have to see us off.” Gao Yingmin supported Guan Yunyu and walked towards the door. There were people coming and going at the banquet, and they were all carrying wine glasses. If you drink other people’s wine, it will be bad.

At this time, she felt a faint fragrance of ink permeating the air, and the Alpha beside her, who had been dizzy, began to agitate, and her pair of phoenix eyes stared fiercely at Mei Yingjie who was standing beside her.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-06-1016:02:04~2021-06-1523:15:20~

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: KoalaLau 4; Ke Ke is mine, 48103833, 52230465, Ji Xiaole 1;

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 7 bottles of Muzijia; 6 bottles of Yeer;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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