The Rumored Second Son

Chapter 31

Chapter 30 – Listening To A Play

“It’s a little bit up.” Guan Yunyu had difficulty breathing, tilted her head slightly, and felt that something was about to be sprayed out of her nasal cavity. When she lowered her head, red liquid flowed out along her nose.

“Yunyu.” Gao Yingmin’s eyes flashed with surprise, he looked at her nervously, lifted her chin lightly, and took out a handkerchief to wipe Guan Yunyu’s nosebleed that kept gushing out.

There was a touch of ambergris on Gao Yingmin’s handkerchief. Guan Yunyu felt as if his mind was wandering, looking at the zenith with distracted eyes, and let Gao Yingmin wipe her nose for her.

The nosebleed finally stopped, and Gao Yingmin didn’t dare to tease her anymore. He gently pinched her nose with his slightly cool fingertips, his eyes were full of worry, and asked softly.

“Yunyu, are you feeling better?”

“Yeah.” Guan Yunyu took a deep breath, feeling his heart beating so fast that he went crazy.

The four eyes met, and the phoenix eyes showed some deep meaning. She swallowed her saliva, and her eyes fell deeply on Gao Yingmin’s eyebrows, to her cold eyes, to the tip of her nose, and finally to her plump red lips.

“Your Majesty, I can’t bear it anymore.”

Guan Yunyu took Gao Yingmin’s hand off her nose, and Alpha’s intense flames burst out from his fiery eyes.

With a wave of Guan Yunyu’s arm, the paper, pen and ink, and pen stand that were originally on the table fell to the ground with a clang, and the rash Alpha didn’t care about these at all.

Guan Yunyu stretched out his long arms, Gao Yingmin landed on the table, his thin lips pressed against Gao Yingmin’s lips, and kissed deeply.

The young Alpha has no skills at all about kissing, and is so immature that he doesn’t know how to express his passionate love at all.

“Hiss.” Gao Yingmin’s eyes trembled, and a sharp pain came from the corner of his lips.

“Yes, I’m sorry, Your Majesty.” Guan Yunyu blushed, and suddenly regained his rationality. His eyes fell on the corner of Gao Yingmin’s lips, and a flash of self-blame flashed in his eyes. She was really reckless and full of guilt.

“It’s okay, continue, I like it very much.” Gao Yingmin’s eyes were slightly misty, he hooked Guan Yunyu’s neck, and took the initiative to greet him.

Soft lips, sweet taste, a mature Omega, with a young Alpha, experiencing the wonderful thing of kissing.


The next day, in the court hall, all the ministers saw Gao Yingmin with a broken lip, sitting on the dragon chair. Combined with the beautiful scene they saw in the imperial study that day, the ministers silently imagined big drama.

You Ran silently raised his thumbs up at Guan Yunyu, the only one who dared to gnaw the mouth of the current Holy Majesty was the frizzy and full-blooded Guan Yunyu.

Guan Yunyu looked at Gao Yingmin, who was sitting upright, with a hint of shyness hidden in his eyes. If the first two times were just tasteless, then yesterday in the imperial study, she really kissed the Alpha with amazing lung capacity, showing her true self. Ability to kiss Gao Yingmin because he was hypoxic and out of breath. She begged to let him go, but she refused to let Gao Yingmin go. No matter who you call this person, he is very bad and always teases her. Gao Yingmin underestimated the true strength of a long-term, restrained Alpha.

Above the court hall, Guan Yunyu felt two streams of cold light shooting at her, one from her old father and the other from Yang Yizhi. Facing the eyes of these two people, Guan Yunyu raised his chin proudly, and twisted his waist awkwardly.

It was His Majesty who said she liked it, so she continued, and the holy will cannot be defied. She can’t help it either.

After going down the court, seeing Guan Herang with a sullen face, and wanted to ask her to teach again, she yelled loudly.

“His Majesty!”

Gao Yingmin stopped and looked at her.

“Guan Shilang, what’s the matter?”

“The details of the accounts that I haven’t checked yesterday, I want to confirm with you again!” Guan Yunyu dodged Guan Herang, and ran to Gao Yingmin’s side in three steps at a time.

“Okay.” Gao Yingmin replied calmly, looking past Guan Yunyu, seeing Guan Herang’s dark face, looking at Guan Yunyu.

“Let’s go, Your Majesty.” Guan Yunyu blinked her phoenix eyes, and looked at Gao Yingmin as if asking for help.

“Before that, go and explain the matter to your father first.” Gao Yingmin said lightly, his eyes fell on Guan Herang, and he nodded politely.

“Your Majesty!!” Guan Yunyu looked at Gao Yingmin, who smiled at her and left alone.

Only Guan Yunyu was left in a mess in the wind, no, there was also his old father who was eyeing him covetously.

“Guan Yunyu, why did you promise me yesterday?” Guan Herang pursed his lips and looked at Guan Yunyu with cold eyes.

“Father, I won’t do things that cross the line, but you can’t stop your daughter from expressing lovesickness normally in a young way.” Guan Yunyu frowned and said helplessly.

“Use your Majesty’s mouth, hey, is this a normal expression?”

“Do you know how your willful actions will affect His Majesty?” Guan Herang sighed.

“Is someone’s opinion so important?” Guan Yunyu shrugged helplessly and said leisurely.

“Yunyu, what does prestige mean to a king? What does deterrent power mean?”

“Also, don’t you know that Yang Yizhi also likes His Majesty? It’s too ostentatious for you to do so. The end of ostentatious will be Mu Xiu Yulin Feng who will destroy him, do you know?” Guan He Rang said earnestly.

“Okay, I’ll keep a low profile next time.” Guan Yunyu looked at Guan Herang lazily, and said.

“Yunyu, I know His Majesty pampers you, but you must show the sense of responsibility that an Alpha should have, you understand?”

“Don’t embarrass our Guan family, be careful.” Guan Herang said calmly.

“Okay. I promise you. I will.” Guan Yunyu squinted her eyes. This was the first time she listened to Guan Herang’s reprimand calmly and did not refute him. She knew that Gao Yingmin respected her old father very much, so She also wants to treat him a little better, and she will accept it with an open mind in the future, and will never obey this trick to deal with her old father.

After listening to Guan Herang’s reprimand, Guan Yunyu rubbed his ears, feeling like he was about to callus. In an instant, I was not in the mood to find Gao Yingmin anymore, so keep a low profile and don’t make things difficult for Gao Yingmin.

She grabbed Suo Yiming who had just got off work, and the two looked at each other, Guan Yunyu gave him a chuckle.

“Guan Shilang, what’s the matter?”

“Let’s watch the drama we didn’t watch last time.” Guan Yunyu said with a smile. Since the release of her Alpha pheromone, You Ran began to avoid her, only Suo Yiming didn’t care.

“Okay.” Suo Yiming nodded, and the two went back to their respective homes, changed their court clothes, and walked to the street. They hadn’t been on the street for a long time, Guan Yunyu felt that it felt so good to let go of himself. At this time, another person appeared in front of them. Guan Yunyu looked at her and pointed at her with a smile.

“Hey, Dong Xin!”

“Huh?” Dong Xin was also surprised to see her.

“Suo Yiming, didn’t you agree that we would watch the drama together? Why is she here?” Dong Xin’s disgusted eyes fell on Guan Yunyu. The pheromones in Guan Yunyu’s body were too aggressive, which made her uncomfortable as an Omega.

“Well, that theater is run by Guan Shilang, and the business is booming and it’s hard to find tickets, so we can only let the boss take us there.” Suo Yiming said with a smile.

“Second Miss Guan, you have quite a lot of property. It’s a theater, a brothel, and a casino.” Dong Xin raised his eyelids and said lazily.

“Hahaha! Dong Shaoqing, that’s right! When you walk in Chang’an City, every three shops you pass by, I own one.” Guan Yunyu said with a proud smile, holding his chin up.

“Fart King.” Dong Xin said lazily, he hated this kind of self-righteous dude the most, his eyes fell on Suo Yiming, with a faint shyness in the corner of his eyes, Suo Yiming is better.

Entering the theater, the boss greeted him, no matter where there was a private room dedicated to Guan Yunyu’s central seat, when the three of them sat down, there would be a fruit plate and delicious food.

The boss handed over the playlist with both hands, Guan Yunyu took a look, and checked a few that he wanted to see, Dong Xin looked over her shoulder, saw the ones she had checked, and his face turned red.

“You, you are shameless.”

“Hey, what’s wrong with me? Shameless?” Guan Yunyu raised her phoenix eyes slightly to Dong Xin when she heard the music, and saw her biting her lip, looking at her angrily.

“Miss Dong, everyone is an adult OA, it’s normal to hear this.” Guan Yunyu smiled, patted Suo Yiming’s shoulder, and said.

“And I chose the most popular books at the moment.”

“You’re right, Master Suo.”

Suo Yiming nodded naturally, the drama and texts are just jokes for adult AO to relieve his physiological reactions.

“That’s all.” Guan Yunyu swallowed, rubbed his hands impatiently, and handed the trick book to the boss. The boss nodded, turned and went down.

All three of them sprinkled barrier powder on their bodies to avoid being affected by the other party’s pheromones. Then Guan Yunyu kowtowed the broad beans and listened to the play attentively.

Guan Yunyu thinks the play “Overbearing President Falls in Love with Me” is the most touching. The abstinent and black-bellied president described in the play is somewhat similar to Gao Yingmin, and the voice of that Omega is particularly touching. She swallowed her saliva and seriously Listen carefully, there is an AO scene in the office, which describes in detail how AOs communicate with each other physically. And the tone of Omega’s voice in the play is absolutely perfect.

Guan Yunyu’s ears pricked up when she heard it, she licked her dry lips, dreaming of Gao Yingmin, her heart felt hot and hot, she gasped twice, her eyes were slightly rosy, she was too greedy for Gao Yingmin body.

Just as Suo Yiming and Guan Yunyu were listening enthusiastically, Dong Xin blushed and stood up.


Suo Yiming pulled away from his emotions and looked at Dong Xin who was beside him, his eyes were filled with mist.

“I’m leaving first, you can listen to yourself.” Dong Xin bit her lip, turned and left, and Suo Yiming followed after seeing this.

Guan Yunyu was left alone, still immersed in it, completely fascinated.

“Does it sound good?” Guan Yunyu’s ears twitched as a cold voice came from beside his ears. The voice was a little familiar.

“It sounds good.” Guan Yunyu licked his lips, the corners of his eyes were filled with mist, he stopped knocking the broad beans in his hands, and listened attentively to Omega’s sensitive voice, his thin panting and crying, which caused Guan Yunyu’s breath to follow It got heavier.

“She sounds good, I sound good?” The man’s soft voice came from next to my ear.

“Ah?” Guan Yunyu was a little annoyed when watching a play was interrupted, why did the owner of her private room let people in randomly.

“Guanxi is silent, true gentleman, listen carefully.” Guan Yunyu frowned, moved his ears, trying to hear Omega’s breathing more clearly.

But someone grabbed her by the ear, what annoys others to grab her ear, Guan Herang likes to grab her ear the most! Guan Yunyu stared at her phoenix eyes, turned around, and when she looked at the person, her hand shook, and the broad beans fell to the ground, and the tip of her nose moved, because she could not smell the pheromone from the person because she had been sprayed with a blocking agent. Right now, meeting the man’s meaningful eyes, Guan Yunyu was so startled that the broad beans in his hand spilled all over the floor.

That person was wearing a long black dress, with her long hair tied in a bundle, outlining her delicate face. She in plain clothes was quite different from her in the court hall. Her red lips were still cracked, which was because she was hungry yesterday. To be bitten.

The author has something to say: cough cough, will there be two more haunts today? If the comment breaks 40, it will be even more… Everyone, let’s sprinkle more flowers to give Xiaobaidian an update…

Next episode preview:

The Alpha’s voice at the moment is very low, very magnetic, and the words in his mouth are a bit unpleasant, and there are dull panting sounds.

Guan Yunyu noticed that the crimson color on Gao Yingmin’s face slowly rose and spread all over his face.

Guan Yunyu was stunned, is this person shy?

It was the first time she saw Gao Yingmin like this, and she felt like a ferocious tiger transformed into a pure and innocent little white rabbit in seconds.

“Your Majesty, is this the first time you hear this?” Guan Yunyu curled his lips, and his phoenix eyes were full of smiles.

“Huh?” Gao Yingmin bit his red lips, his eyes were filled with mist, Guan Yunyu wiped off the barrier powder on his body, and smelled Gao Yingmin’s so rich ambergris that he could not extricate himself. Only she can smell the fragrance, otherwise all the Alphas in this theater would be crazy about it.

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