The Rumored Second Son

Chapter 32

Chapter 31 – Stay Overnight

“Your Majesty, why are you here?” Guan Yunyu bit his lip and asked cautiously.

“Let’s take a look, my Alpha, where do you like to go on weekdays?” Gao Yingmin blinked his cold eyes, and said with red lips parted.

At this time, the Alpha started to gasp, and he was still chanting words, none of which could be heard normally, they were all particularly provocative and hot words in the domineering president’s text, and there were so many golden sentences and coquettish words.

“Hey! Your Majesty! Don’t listen.” Guan Yunyu panicked, covered Gao Yingmin’s ears, and said loudly.

“Can you listen? Why can’t I listen?” Gao Yingmin raised his eyebrows lightly, removed the man’s hand, picked up the teacup Guan Yunyu had drunk, and took a sip.

The Alpha’s voice at the moment is very low, very magnetic, and the words in his mouth are a bit unpleasant, and there are dull panting sounds.

Guan Yunyu noticed that the crimson color on Gao Yingmin’s face slowly rose and spread all over his face.

Guan Yunyu was stunned, is this person shy?

It was the first time she saw Gao Yingmin like this, and she felt like a ferocious tiger transformed into a pure and innocent little white rabbit in seconds.

“Your Majesty, is this the first time you hear this?” Guan Yunyu curled his lips, his phoenix eyes were full of smiles, and it was the first time he had the opportunity to tease Gao Yingmin.

“Huh?” Gao Yingmin frowned slightly, bit his red lips, his eyes were slightly misty, his mind was a little wandering, and he didn’t care to listen to Guan Yunyu’s words at all.

Guan Yunyu smiled and wiped off the barrier powder on her body, and then smelled Gao Yingmin’s rich ambergris, which was fortunate that only she could smell it, otherwise all the Alphas in this theater would be crazy about it .

Guan Yunyu was overjoyed, and had no interest in the play in this playbook at all. The reaction of this person right now is simply much more interesting than the playbook.

Guan Yunyu moved the small bench, stomped and sat down beside Gao Yingmin, and looked at Gao Yingmin carefully. Even though Gao Yingmin was not sitting on the dragon chair at the moment, the man was still sitting upright. , Sitting upright like those above the court, giving people an inviolable majesty.

Guan Yunyu snickered, put his slender arms around Gao Yingmin’s back, and gently hugged her, pressed his thin lips against Gao Yingmin, and deliberately made his voice sound like the Alpha in the play, saying in a deep and emotional way.

“Your Majesty, does it sound good?”

“…” The man didn’t reply, his eyes were filled with mist, and the abstinence and coldness of the past were a little less, and the faint red glow dyed her face red.

Guan Yunyu blinked her phoenix eyes, her thin lips moved, and planned to continue teasing her, Gao Yingmin came back to his senses, held Guan Yunyu’s face, and kissed her lips, enthusiastic and straightforward, with sweet dragon saliva Xiang, Guan Yunyu, who was wrapped in softness, froze instantly, and the heat from her cheeks spread to Guan Yunyu’s face, burning her skin.

Guan Yunyu blinked her phoenix eyes, and her heart beat faster for no reason. She originally wanted to tease this person, but was counterattacked by this person. This, this is not good, but it seems to be not bad.


As night fell, Gao Yingmin and Guan Yunyu were walking on the streets of Chang’an City. This was the first time they met outside the palace. The busy street was crowded with people, Guan Yunyu used his height and long arms to protect Gao Yingmin who was beside him, preventing her from being squeezed by the passing crowd. This majesty is really courageous, she left the palace alone to look for her even though the help of the Qinglong gang hadn’t been caught yet, and she wasn’t afraid of any danger.

“Your Majesty, have you finished approving today’s memorial?” Guan Yunyu looked down at Gao Yingmin, who was still flushed, and asked softly.

“No.” Gao Yingmin pursed his red lips and said leisurely.

“Your Majesty, if you don’t approve the memorial or hold the court meeting, you will come out of the palace alone to find me. Then all the civil and military officials will say that I am causing trouble to Your Majesty.” Guan Yunyu blinked at Gao Yingmin with her phoenix eyes. , deliberately teased.

“In today’s world, I have the final say.” Gao Ying Min Han narrowed his eyes slightly, and said flatly.

“That can’t be done, the state affairs that should be dealt with have to be dealt with.”

“I’ll accompany you back to review the memorial and sharpen the ink for you.” Guan Yunyu said seriously. Although she also wanted to take Gao Yingmin to travel in the mountains and rivers, she knew that the long-term stability of Chang’an Kingdom depended on Gao Yingmin’s wise governance. If she really became the person who disturbed His Majesty as others said, then the people of Chang’an would suffer.

“it is good.”

“I want you to stay with me in the bedroom tonight.” Gao Yingmin looked at Guan Yunyu, his cold eyes shimmering, and said softly.

“Your Majesty, if my father knows, he may break my leg tomorrow.”

“Interrupt all three.”

“Your Majesty, then you will have no happiness in the future.” Guan Yunyu pressed against Gao Yingmin’s ear and said with a smirk. Seeing her face turn red, she couldn’t help but laugh even more flamboyantly. She found that Gao Yingmin was a paper tiger, and after a little teasing, the prototype appeared, and his shy appearance was simply too cute.

“Just say that I have something important to discuss with you, about the competition.” Gao Yingmin raised his eyes slightly and said calmly.

Guan Yunyu shrugged helplessly when he heard that, Gao Yingmin had already thought up the lie for her, and he couldn’t even refuse.

Gao Yingmin looked at Guan Yunyu’s reluctance, frowned, and felt something was wrong, so he asked leisurely.

“Second Prince, who doesn’t stay home at night on weekdays, what’s going on now?”

“When did the Guan family’s tutoring become so strict?”

“Your Majesty, you don’t know. Your Jinkou asked me to marry you, and my father looked at me like a prisoner all day long.”

“If I didn’t return before eight o’clock in the evening, he started to send his subordinates to arrest me all over Chang’an City. They didn’t give me any nightlife at all.” Guan Yunyu sighed leisurely, the nightlife was completely gone, and now at night, he can only Look at the brochure at home to add to the fun.

“now it’s right.”

“Since I was born, I have stayed in the palace every night, and I have never experienced such a life of sensuality.” Gao Yingmin raised his eyes, looked at Guan Yunyu quietly, and said calmly.

“Okay.” Guan Yunyu was stunned and had nothing to say. In terms of self-denial and self-discipline, no one in Chang’an can compare to Gao Yingmin, the originator of the ascetic school, Gao Yingmin is also true.


In the imperial study room, Gao Yingmin Duan sat at the table and began to light up the night battle. She had to read through the thick pile of memorials patiently, and then replied one by one. Guan Yunyu sat beside her and helped her study ink.

By the second watch, there were still many memorials left.

“Your Majesty, are you sleepy?”

“Aren’t your hands sore?” Guan Yunyu asked with concern, watching Gao Yingmin sitting on the chair for several hours without moving, very serious.

“Not sleepy.” Gao Yingmin replied lightly, these are her daily tasks, and she has already gotten used to them. The emperor’s life is really not much to envy. The morning court, hall meetings, reviewing memorials, all these add up to more than half of the twelve hours a day. Fortunately, she doesn’t have any hobbies on weekdays, so she doesn’t think this kind of life is boring. She always thinks that she is a person with a calm mind. The pace of life, she has always been methodical.

But until she met Guan Yunyu, Guan Yunyu fell into her heart like a stone, and ripples appeared on the calm lake. Once the balance was broken, life changed a lot.

For example, he would go to the brothel to catch the guy who drank flower wine, for example, he would run to Guan Yunyu’s house late at night to visit the sick, or for example, in order to heal her wounds, he would do some crazy things in the Buddhist hall, many, many, Gao Yingmin sighed slightly, maybe there was something uneasy about being restrained in his bones, and it was all released after meeting Guan Yunyu. Could this be late rebellion?

If Guan Yunyu heard these inner monologues of Gao Yingmin, she would definitely say with a smile, what’s wrong with letting go of your instincts? Carrying, hiding, and tucking it in is just the way of a hypocrite. Only when people live in the world can they be open-minded and be themselves.

Guan Yunyu helped Gao Yingmin sort out the memorials and put them away by category.

“These are local trivial matters, this type is homicides that happened in various places, this type is about asking for money, and this type is about officials making small reports.”

“There are also these kinds of unimportant memorials. I can help you approve them.” Guan Yunyu sat down and picked up a pen. Gao Yingmin looked at her, and saw her flamboyantly writing all the unimportant memorials. eight characters.

“I’m not free today, let’s talk about it another day.”

“Pfft.” Gao Yingmin couldn’t help laughing, this guy is really bad. But she found that Guan Yunyu could imitate her tone and handwriting superbly just by watching her reply memorial a few times.

“You also helped me to approve these. You are from the Ministry of Household Affairs, and you know the most about requisitions.” Gao Yingmin put the stack of requisitions in front of Guan Yunyu.

“Hey hey, Your Majesty!”

“Then I’ll get an extra salary.” Guan Yunyu raised his eyebrows, this person was a little too much, he saw her working hard to help her with something, this person even started to push his nose and face, and generously made her do it.

“Come here.” Gao Ying’s Min Han blinked, hooked his hands, Guan Yunyu leaned over, and his soft lips fell on her lips, with a faint fragrance.

“Is this enough?” Gao Yingmin asked with a chuckle, pursing his red lips.

“This, this, this, no matter how I look at it, I feel that you are taking advantage of me, Your Majesty.” Guan Yunyu raised his eyebrows, and his phoenix eyes blinked slightly, as if reminding her that he suddenly asked her for a kiss while watching the play.

“Shameless!” Gao Yingmin blushed slightly, bit his lip, and his eyes were slightly foggy. Guan Yunyu is really a bad guy who takes advantage of it and pretends to be obedient.

“Hey, why am I shameless, Your Majesty!” Guan Yunyu smirked, thinking of Gao Yingmin’s shy and emotional appearance when he was watching a play, his heart skipped a beat.

Gao Yingmin looked at her with a touch of shyness in his eyes, and kept silent, too lazy to spend much time with this glib person.

“Okay, okay, I’ll help you approve it.” Guan Yunyu sighed, opened the memorial, imitated Gao Yingmin’s handwriting, and wrote with a pen.

With Guan Yunyu’s help, all the memorials were approved at midnight.

When we got back to the bedroom, it was almost dawn, and after two or three hours of sleep, it was time to go to court, change clothes, and Gao Yingmin, who was obsessed with cleanliness, still had to take a bath. Guan Yunyu couldn’t wait, and fell asleep soundly. I’m so sleepy, I haven’t slept well these days.

Dimly, Guan Yunyu smelled the seductive aroma, the soft ambergris, gently wrapped her, and the corners of his lips warmed up. Someone sneaked up on her, Guan Yunyu opened his eyes with difficulty, and met Gao Yingmin’s watery eyes, which were not as cold as before.

“Your Majesty.” Guan Yunyu’s thin lips parted slightly, his voice was lazily sleepy, and he called out. The man didn’t respond, Guan Yunyu felt a hot feeling, the wet fragrance, and the sweet ambergris, the smell after getting out of the bath, it smelled very good.

She squinted her eyes slightly, her senses were all opened up, enjoying the enthusiasm from Omega to the fullest. Really, it’s a grind.

Guan Yunyu couldn’t help pinching and sighing, hey, it’s so delicate. It’s not good if it’s broken.

The man’s soft voice came from Guan Yunyu’s ear.

“Yunyu, do you want to…?”

The author has something to say: Dong Xin (with white eyes): Double-labeled dog, Guan Yunyu.

Guan Yunyu (scratching his head): Why did I double-standard?

Dong Xin (indifferent): It is normal for me to say AO these things, but tell Your Majesty, don’t listen. hehe. .

Guan Yunyu (raising eyebrows): Don’t tell the truth, we are still friends…Your Majesty can only listen to me…

It’s already the second update, will there be a lot of praises for the hardworking Xiaobai? hey~~~

Next episode preview:

“You Gong, we haven’t gone to drink flower wine for a long time.”

“Guan Shilang, you still dare to drink flower wine.” You Ran shrank his neck. The Manyue Tower had not been opened since the Qinglong gang took revenge last time. Now there is no place to drink flower wine in Chang’an City.


“Your Majesty came to me alone last time and told me not to drink flower wine with you again.” You Ran patted Guan Yunyu’s shoulder meaningfully.

“Guan Shilang, you can take care of yourself.”

“Okay.” When Guan Yunyu replied the good word, he almost bit his tongue.

I saw Suo Yiming drifting past leisurely.

“Guan Shilang, do you know that His Majesty is allergic to flower fragrance?”

“I don’t know.” Guan Yunyu blinked and looked at Suo Yiming, never knowing.

“So, Miss Qiuyue’s pheromone is undoubtedly fatal to His Majesty. You’d better keep your contact with it less. I’m afraid Your Majesty will go berserk.”

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-01-2322:31:23~2021-01-2413:00:01~

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: 32358860, Congxin, 49610874, 458133241;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 40 bottles of Lu Fenying;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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