The Rumored Second Son

Chapter 33

Chapter 32 – Challenge

Gao Yingmin kissed Guan Yunyu’s ear, and poured hot words into her ear, breathing thinly, which was a hundred times better than the Omega in the drama.

“Okay.” Guan Yunyu closed his eyes and responded softly.

Gao Yingmin rolled up the broken hair that fell to his ears, lowered his eyes and kissed Guan Yunyu’s eyebrows, from the tip of his nose to his thin lips.

Kissing and kissing, I heard the man’s even breathing.

Gao Yingmin pinched Guan Yunyu’s nose, the man frowned delicately, took her into his arms with his slender hands, buried his head in Gao Yingmin’s neck, smelled the unique fragrance of Gao Yingmin’s body, I feel like I haven’t slept well in the past two or three months, and I made up for it tonight.

“Your Majesty, go to sleep, I’m too sleepy.” Guan Yunyu’s voice was lazy and deep, and the pheromone emitted from his body was exclusive to Alpha to calm the nerves, inducing Omega to fall asleep with her.

“Tonight, I’ll let you go.” Gao Yingmin bit Guan Yunyu’s chin hard, and said softly.

Guan Yunyu groaned in pain, but he didn’t open his eyes, he was really sleepy.

Gao Yingmin closed his eyes, accepted the man’s hug, and fell asleep with her.


The next day, at dawn, Wang Er was waiting by the sedan chair outside the palace. When he saw Guan Yunyu coming out of the palace, he waved to her.

“Second Miss, here.”

“Okay.” Guan Yunyu hurried over.

“Second Miss, the court clothes are ready for you.” Wang Er opened the curtain, and her court clothes were in the sedan chair. Guan Yunyu hurried into the sedan chair, and when he came out of the sedan chair, he was dressed as a servant of the household department.

“My father, does he know you’re here?” Guan Yunyu looked at Wang Er and asked.

“Master asked me to come.” Wang Er said leisurely.

“Okay. Is the hat straight? Is the hair messy?” Guan Yunyu supported the hat and looked at Wang Er.

“Handsome!” Wang Er gave her a thumbs up.

Guan Yunyu blinked his phoenix eyes at him, showed a confident smile, turned around and followed the court officials into the palace.

Seeing Suo Yiming outside the hall, Guan Yunyu blinked at him, Suo Yiming also smiled at her, and approached, Guan Yunyu smelled the faint fragrance of jasmine on his body.

“Last night, Mr. Suo was very happy.”

“Is it obvious?” Suo Yiming twitched his lips and looked at Guan Yunyu with a smile.

“Ahem, Miss Dong is a nice girl, don’t be sorry for her.” Guan Yunyu took out Guan He let’s calm style, and said leisurely.

“Understood.” Suo Yiming smiled, with a touch of shyness hidden in the corners of his eyes.

“Shall we go another day?” Guan Yunyu raised his eyebrows and looked at Suo Yiming. Although this guy doesn’t drink at all, he is a lover of drama and literature.

“Okay.” Suo Yiming said with a smile.

“You Gong, don’t run away. I will hide when I see you now.” Smelling Youran’s pheromone, Guan Yunyu made a backhand and caught Youran who was about to run away.

“Hey, Guan Shilang, your pheromone taste is too strong. I am an old man, and I can’t bear it.” You Ran was startled coldly, and said.

“No, you, you must adapt as soon as possible!” Guan Yunyu blinked her phoenix eyes and said seriously.

“You Gong, we haven’t gone to drink flower wine for a long time.”

“Guan Shilang, you still dare to drink flower wine.” You Ran shrank his neck. The Manyue Tower had not been opened since the Qinglong gang took revenge last time. Now there is no place to drink flower wine in Chang’an City.


“Your Majesty came to me alone last time and told me not to drink flower wine with you again.” You Ran patted Guan Yunyu’s shoulder meaningfully.

“Guan Shilang, you can take care of yourself.”

“Okay.” When Guan Yunyu replied the good word, he almost bit his tongue.

I saw Suo Yiming drifting past leisurely.

“Guan Shilang, do you know that His Majesty is allergic to flower fragrance?”

“I don’t know.” Guan Yunyu blinked and looked at Suo Yiming, never knowing.

“So, Miss Qiuyue’s pheromone is undoubtedly fatal to His Majesty. You’d better keep your contact with it less. I’m afraid Your Majesty will go berserk.”

Suo Yiming looked at Guan Yunyu meaningfully, and revealed to her the secret about Gao Yingmin that he only knew as a Jin Yiwei.

“Thank you, Mr. Suo.” Guan Yunyu looked at him, clasped his fists deeply, and bowed. Suo Yiming literally saved her life. No wonder, every time she drank flower wine, Gao Yingmin’s reaction would be so big.


After coming down to court, Guan Yunyu was arrested again by Guan Herang as expected, and gave him a lesson.

“Father, do you believe me when I said that I edited the memorial with His Majesty last night?” Guan Yunyu blinked his phoenix eyes and looked at Guan Herang.

“You, take care of yourself!” Guan Herang looked at Guan Yunyu coldly and said.

“Okay.” Guan Yunyu didn’t bother to yell at him, and she began to understand her father gradually. He was not a preacher, but would silently help her deal with her troubles. Waiting outside the palace gate, let her change into court clothes and go to court, so as not to delay the court.

At this time, Guan Yunyu smelled several very strong pheromone breaths, and her father also smelled them. The eyes of the two became alert for a moment. Strong men, walking towards the top of the hall, these people are dressed differently from them.

In the severe cold weather, they were all shirtless, and the pheromones of top-level Alpha filled the hall. Their muscle lines were so real that it reminded Guan Yunyu of grilled frogs with oil. Suddenly wanting to eat frog, Guan Yunyu licked his lips, a little greedy.

“It’s from the Western Regions.” Guan Herang said leisurely.

“It doesn’t look like a good stubble.” Guan Yunyu squinted her phoenix eyes and said coldly, but the weirder these people look, the better. In her eyes, they are like golden gold.

“Your Majesty, there is a banquet in the palace tonight for distinguished guests from the Western Regions. Please come to the banquet together, Lord Guan.” Jian Rong stepped forward, bowed to Guan Yunyu and Guan He, and said.

“Okay.” Guan Herang replied coldly. Looking at these people with deep eyes, the visitors are not kind.

“Eunuch Jian, stay a while.” Guan Yunyu looked at Jianrong with a smile on his face.

“Guan Shilang, what else is there?” Jianrong looked at her suspiciously.

“Please help me add a dish for today’s dinner!”

“I want to eat roasted frog.” Guan Yunyu rubbed his hands with a smirk on his face. Jianrong suddenly understood, covered his lips, let out a bad laugh, then nodded, and said something leisurely.

“it is good.”


At the gate of the Guan Mansion, Guan Yunyu and Guan Herang came out wearing court clothes. Guan Yunyu specially wrapped a soft sword around her waist, and she felt much safer with a soft hedgehog beside her body.

“Father, you don’t wear a sword?” Guan Yunyu reminded seeing that Guan Herang’s hands were empty.

“Yunyu, be careful. This is for a banquet, not for a martial arts competition.” Guan Herang looked at Guan Yunyu coldly. This child is too guarded and will let others see his flaws.

“Okay. If something goes wrong at that time, I will protect my wife first, and I can’t take care of you.”

“Take care of yourself.” Guan Yunyu raised his phoenix eyes, and got into the sedan chair before Guan Herang got angry.

Guan Yunyu was very familiar with the road to the imperial palace. He took Guan Herang along the path and walked all the way forward. Sure enough, he arrived at the entrance of the welcoming hall before the others. Guan Herang looked at her with a dark face.

“Father, what’s wrong with you?” Guan Yunyu felt his unfriendly eyes and asked helplessly.

“You, if you spend these little thoughts on the right way, I think there is hope for the position of prime minister.” Guan He Rang said earnestly.

“Hey, what are you talking about again?” Guan Yunyu rubbed her ears, annoyed to death, his father was just like Tang Seng, nagging non-stop in her ears every day.

“Your Majesty is here.” The spy’s voice sounded, and Gao Yingmin walked up to the main hall. Today, she was wearing a long fiery red dress, and the two eunuchs followed behind her long skirt. Carved with golden dragon patterns, it is honorable and luxurious. This is the first time Guan Yunyu has seen Gao Yingmin wearing a red dress. His skin is as snow-like, gorgeous and elegant, and it is unbelievably beautiful.

She doesn’t wear makeup, but she put on some delicate light makeup today, especially her beautiful red lips, which are glowing with light under the candlelight, making her look extraordinarily charming.

Guan Yunyu licked his lips, what to do, he wanted to press her against the stone pillar on the main hall and kiss her forcefully.

Gao Yingmin calmly landed in the center, and Guan Yunyu leaned over, wanting to get closer to her so that he could protect her.

“Guan Shilang, your seat is here.” The **** who led them in brought them to a banquet stage some distance away from Li Gao Yingmin.

“Who wants to sit next to Your Majesty?” Guan Yunyu frowned and asked.

“Your Excellency, you are a distinguished guest who came all the way from the Western Regions.” The **** replied softly.

At this time, Yang Yizhi entered the arena with the distinguished guests, wearing a fiery red long gown, which matched Gao Yingmin’s Chinese attire.

Guan Yunyu looked at Yang Yizhi sitting next to Gao Yingmin generously, clenched his fists tightly, **** it! Such a good-looking Gao Yingmin is so close to that guy Yang Yizhi! Mad. Moreover, the several meanings of wearing red are that after the banquet, you will go directly to the hall to get married?

“Yunyu, do you want to consider the position of the prime minister?” Guan Herang saw Guan Yunyu’s displeasure, and nodded lightly.

“Okay.” Guan Yunyu bit her lip, her phoenix eyes darkened, she wanted to be prime minister, and she wanted to sit in the seat closest to Gao Yingmin. Then, Guan Yunyu thought about the scenes in the drama, showing a wicked smile.

“This is like our Guan family, with ambition and aspirations.” Guan Herang showed a satisfied smile. Marrying His Majesty is the best choice for the Guan family. This Majesty is not only Wangfu, but also can turn a worm into a dragon. .

After a while, the officials took their seats one after another. Sitting directly opposite Guan Yunyu was You Ran. He winked at her, turned aside the group of strong men around Gao Yingmin, and said something with his lips, someone was thinking about it. looking at your daughter-in-law.

Guan Yunyu nodded understandingly, and his eyes fell on those strong men. These people have been staring at Gao Yingmin since they sat down. Gained Gao Yingmin’s attention. It’s a pity that Gao Yingmin is indifferent to the pheromones of any Alpha except Guan Yunyu. No matter how these people release pheromones, Gao Yingmin is still sitting upright, with a thousand-year-old frost on his face. Yang Yizhi, easy-going and chatting, frequently toasted with people from the Western Regions, and dealt with relationships.

In the past, Guan Yunyu thought that Yang Yizhi relied on his father to take the position of prime minister, but today he saw him circling around the people from the Western Regions, calmly helping Gao Yingmin block a few glasses of wine, and he had a new view on him. This guy still has something.

“Your Majesty, I heard that Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is in the city of Chang’an. Can you please come out and compete with our warriors today? It can also be regarded as adding to the fun of the competition before Cairo.” The leader is a general from the Western Regions, named Sparta. , raising thick eyebrows, shaking the muscles of the body, showing off the strong physique that belongs to Alpha in a domineering way.

“Okay.” Gao Yingmin cherished his words like gold, and his eyes fell on Han Yuan of the Ministry of War. Han Yuan stood up and gave the command. The soldiers of the Ministry of War entered the arena one by one, with extraordinary momentum.

“How to compete?” Sparta looked at them and asked coldly.

“General Si, what do you think about winning three out of five rounds?” Yun He, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, got up leisurely and said.

“Okay.” Sparta nodded. One of their generals was dispatched.

“Next, Heldan.” Heldan came out, a strong man over two meters tall, exuding the top-level Alpha pheromone after secondary differentiation.

“He Erdan? There are people called that name.” Guan Yunyu was amused when he heard it, and Guan Herang gave her a glare, telling her to pay attention to her words and deeds.

“Father, aren’t they clearly bullying us?”

“I didn’t choose my sister to visit when she went to inspect the frontier.” Guan Yunyu saw something. The people in the Ministry of War were all responsible for the security work of Chang’an City. They had no experience in actual combat. People from the Western Regions have fought with real guns for many rounds, and beat them to the ground.

“Yeah.” Guan Herang calmed down, exuding the pheromone unique to the top Alpha, which is the highest level after the second differentiation. Guan Herang has always been calm and restrained, and deliberately suppressed his pheromones, but this time it exploded, he presumably wanted to do it himself.

“Father, what do you want?” Guan Yunyu looked at Guan Herang in surprise, feeling something was wrong.

“You, you can’t go.”

“Won’t your going make the people of the Western Regions feel that there are no capable people in our Chang’an city?” Guan Yunyu pulled Guan Herang to stop him. Although she said so, Guan Yunyu was still worried about her old father. These people were young and strong, and their fists were bigger than casserole. Her father was already very old, how could he fight them.

“Let’s just wait and see what happens.” Guan Herang spoke lightly, holding the hem of his clothes with his hands, his eyes were filled with coldness.

Sure enough, after two rounds, this Heldan easily defeated two superior Alpha fighters, the pheromone suppression was simply shameless. Moreover, their methods were extremely cruel, directly abolishing the gland opening of the back of the soldier’s neck, which is undoubtedly a way for Alpha to cut the root.

Won, who was thinking about playing in the finale, his face darkened, he couldn’t let his soldiers get hurt. In the third round, Won went on the field directly. Won is also a top Alpha, and has experienced secondary differentiation, and his pheromone is extremely strong.

After a fight between Han Yuan and He Erdan, it was also a thrilling victory. Guan Yunyu noticed that Han Yuan’s right hand holding the sword was visibly shaking.

“Next, Mengliqi.” Then, another warrior came on the stage again, swinging two big hammers weighing several hundred kilograms in his hand, and saw the strong soldier moving his dantian, aiming at Han Yuan’s injured right hand, and was about to strike. When suddenly attacking.

“Wait!” Guan Yunyu yelled and jumped out. Everyone looked at her. This person was wearing a black official hat and the court uniform of a seventh-rank servant. He was a soft and weak civil servant in Chang’an City.

Guan Yunyu walked up to Han Yuan, with a smile in his phoenix eyes, looked at the big fool in front of him, and said with a smile.

“Such small soldiers and generals, where does Master Han need to go out in person?”

“I will fight.”

The author has something to say: Guan Yunyu (holding fists): You are the legendary 300 warriors Sparta…Admiration, admiration…

Sparta (scratching his head):? ? ?

Author (laughing): Hahahaha, he is, he is one of the three hundred ones!

When I wrote the name of Sparta, I really sat in front of the computer and laughed. I don’t know if everyone understands this stalk, hahaha, today is a big update of 4,000 words. Hardworking Xiaobai.

Today is the humble Xiaobai begging for flowers.

Next episode preview:

You Ran and Yun Hexian, seeing these two people on the stage, couldn’t help laughing. It was the first time they saw the serious Suo Yiming, Mr. Suo, who had such a talent for funny.

Not only them, everyone present began to laugh, but the atmosphere suddenly became lively.

Everyone also realized that this was originally a feast to celebrate the distinguished guests, why must it be so bloody.

Guan Herang on the side, holding his forehead, couldn’t bear to look directly at his daughter. What is this all about? The battlefield that was originally a fight has suddenly turned into an absurd farce.

On the other hand, Gao Yingmin, who was sitting upright on a high place, had a rare loosening of his iceberg face this night, his red lips curled up, and his cold eyes were full of affection. He looked deeply at Guan Yunyu, her Alpha really didn’t care. Always so cute.

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-01-24 13:00:01~2021-01-25 10:22:16~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: always invisible, nora, Congxin, 492180421;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 4803102920 bottles; 5 bottles of Yijie Commoner; 1 bottle of Yan Tai, 49218042, and the drunkard villain Taylor;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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