The Salted Fish Life of a Superman

Chapter 288

Chapter 288
On Friday night, the future set a time with Rocky—see you at the Rocky Manor at 05:30 tomorrow afternoon.

After returning home, I can see that the future is very nervous. I rummaged through my empty closet for clothes, and changed into a full set of formal clothes at once, but I felt that it was too serious to dress like this for home visits.

I changed into a sweater and casual overalls at once, and felt that this was too street bastard, not rigorous.

After looking for it for a long time, I really didn't know what to wear, and finally decided to wear the casual shirt that was worn on the blind date at that time. The casual style is very natural, and the shirt category will not look frivolous.

After choosing clothes, I was still very nervous about the future, so I called Wang Huizhu: "Hello, Mom"

Wang Huizhu immediately asked, "You son of a bitch! You still have the guts to call me? Why did you mess up the Tingting incident last time! I was so angry that I didn't sleep well for several days, you blame you."

"Stop, stop, don't scold. I have something to discuss with you. I'm going to visit a student's home tomorrow. You have been here. Is there anything you need to pay attention to when you go to someone else's home?"

Wang Huizhu's tone softened a lot: "Yo, my son is promising, and he can go to the house to visit. Let me tell you, this matter is very particular. First, you have to dress properly. Second, you have to bring something with you."

"You don't need to bring things? My student said that her family has no shortage of things. And her family is really rich, so rich that you can't even imagine it. Her father doesn't care about the things I bring."

"Ham, look, young man! You don't understand the world's sophistication, do you? It's not a question of whether you don't need gifts when you come to visit, it's a necessary courtesy, what matters is your heart! Let's take the county magistrate of our county as an example, A lot of people go to visit, and they bring tens of thousands of Moutai famous wine. They don’t even look at it, and they don’t open the door for you. Where’s your dad? Just bring our home-brewed sweet potatoes for 3 years, a pot If you spend 80 yuan, go to the county magistrate's house and have a drink with him, and you will have a good time drinking."

"Do you think this sweet potato roast is more expensive than Moutai? Is there a lack of sweet potato roast at the county magistrate's house? No way! But this stuff is brewed by your father himself, and there is sincerity in it. It's better than anything tens of thousands You also said just now that your student’s family is very rich, so you don’t want to give away those expensive things. You only choose the ones you care about. It doesn’t matter if the price is low, but it must make people feel that you are very caring. Empty hands are absolutely not acceptable. Don't let your student fool you, maybe she is testing you!"

The future suddenly wakes up, yes!Rocky is a very bad boy, maybe he deliberately tricked me into not bringing presents, so as to see me make a fool of myself.It's still my mother who is amazing, so I didn't fall for her tricks.

Future hurriedly asked: "Mom, what do I want to bring?"

Wang Huizhu muttered: "I'll let you think about it, like this! Tomorrow your uncle is going to Xicheng, so I'll bring the old hen from our house and a jar of home-brewed sweet potatoes, and you'll bring them home. past."

Future was stunned: "Come to the door with a chicken? Can this work?"

"Why not? Our old hen has been raised for 8 years. When I was sick, I was not willing to stew it to nourish my body. This is the authentic rural flavor. It was raised in the back of the mountain and grew up eating grains. Those rich people in big cities People are tired of eating in high-end restaurants, and they like to eat this kind of country taste. You come to the door yourself, and you are sure to leave a good impression!"

Since it was my mother's order, I will believe it in the future: "Succeed, I will come to the door at 05:30 tomorrow afternoon, can I make it in time?"

"In time, your uncle will come in the morning, and he will take you there at noon."


At noon the next day, the uncle who came to the city came to the door: "Future, your mother asked me to bring these two things to you, ouch, I'm being carried to death."

In the future, the clucking old hen and sweet potato burnt came in: "Thank you uncle, hey, come in and sit down, take a rest, I'll make you tea."

"No, Uncle has something else to do. Let's go first. You should do a good job in your home visit at night."


In the evening, Future made dinner for Miao, took the old hen and roasted sweet potatoes, and took a taxi to the Rock's Manor.

In the future, he revealed his identity to the security personnel on the outermost perimeter. After security checks and epidemic prevention checks, it was confirmed that there were no metal products that could be used for attack on his body, and the sweet potato roast and the old hen did not carry pathogenic bacteria. Then he was put in.

It has to be said that the Rock's Manor is too big, and it takes more than 20 minutes to walk to the main house by a special car to pick it up inside the manor.

After getting in the car, the vehicle drove into an artificial forest and drove on the tree-lined road.

The future soon discovered that the car was taking a detour, circling around the perimeter, interfering with the memory of the passengers and preventing them from knowing the fastest way to the main house of the manor.

This move was actually unfriendly, but it must have been one of the security measures. He was not angry, but felt that the life of the rich was troublesome.

Arriving at the main house, looking up at the magnificent and exquisite building in the future, I can't help but be amazed.

Under the guidance of the housekeeper, the future travels through many corridors, poking around like Long Ming entering the city, and when encountering a reflective mirror, he has to go up to check whether his hairstyle and clothes are messed up.

Seeing this, the butler not only frowned, but thought to himself: Who is this earth dragon, because of him, the eldest lady went home today.

Arriving at the main house door, the butler knocked on the concealed door: "Miss, your guest has arrived."

"Teacher!" A cheerful voice came from the room, and Rocky ran out, just about to say hello to the future, when the smile on his face froze.

I saw a chicken in my left hand and a jar of wine in my right hand in the future.The chicken is alive, its wings are tied, its legs are kicking around, and it is clucking.The wine is farmhouse wine, brewed in crock pots and sealed with clay, which makes people wonder if they will drink the dregs in one sip.

Future smiled silly: "Hey, Rocky, I brought some delicious food to your house."

Rocky wanted to cry immediately, and thought to himself: Teacher, teacher, you either come to the door empty-handed, or you bring some beautifully packaged things. What does it mean to bring a chicken?still alive? ? ?
A beautiful woman also came out upon hearing the sound, it was Luo Tianxiong's remarried wife, Luo Qi's stepmother, Luo Lanshan.

She was taken aback when she saw the clucking old hen, but she spoke and behaved very friendly, without feeling dirty at all, and reached out to pick it up: "Hello, future teacher, you are so kind, you don't need to bring anything Yes. Come, give it to me, I will carry it to the kitchen."

"It's okay, it's okay, I'll carry it, this old hen is fierce, it can cut people, don't hurt you."

"Then trouble the teacher."

Rocky already had a lot of dissatisfaction with Luo Lanshan, and seeing her talking and laughing with Future, he couldn't help but get sulky, and snatched the old hen from Future's hand: "I'll send it to the kitchen."

"Hey! Be careful not to get caught!" Before the future finished speaking, Rocky had already disappeared.

Luo Lanshan smiled helplessly: "Come on, be careful of the steps, please come inside."

(End of this chapter)

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