The Scientist of Monster Creation, forcefully Hired

12. Who writes this Stuff!


Thats the Sound of an Angry Chloe, finishing the Book about Golems, and getting a Piece of Information p, which was kinda little bit Important.

But first things first. 
Golems have Natural Golems and man-made ones. 
Man-made are Golems with a Golem Core wich provides Mana and/or Kinetic Energy. 
Trough the Body of the Golem is something highly Mana conductible, and when it at the right place, moves the body part it need to move. 
All the Calculations are done in the Golem core, which can be inscribed. How? Didn’t tell, but seems to be a secret. 
Or it moves Gears inside the Golem. 
Less freedom in movement and more effort to maintain, but cheaper to make.

Natural one are born like Monster, that “hostile” Mana formed a creature. 
In Case of Golems, material were throughly saturated, allowing much freedom of movement p, high Mana efficiency and regenerativ abilities, as long there is other satisfactory Material. 
Then, hostile Mana forms a core, which begins to use scattered Materials to build a Body. 
At this stage, the Core is free, so it can shape first the Material pretty fast, similarly to when the core gets exposed.

Natural Golems Cores release all Mana explosion like when there is not enough Material to build a body, while not having one. 
It’s mostly harmless, maybe a flash bang for the mage, but can be dangerous if there is an Elemental affiliation which specialises in harming. 
Affiliations can be reliably guessed from environment. Not leaving Environment…. Blabla bla.

Also slimes as Golems, why Slimes can reproduce and do slime things Golems can’t and so on. 
A chapter on how to handle Golem cores and determine malfunction Golems. 
The latter isn’t always easy to guess. A Golem can have the Mission to make Paperclips, but doesn’t have a Safeguard. 
So it can escalate and try to enslave Humans to make Paperclips or so. 
Pretty Dangerous, there even is a very trough Explanation about what is a must have, how to simple maintain and ensure a long lifespan. 
So on and on. The Dust Golems Chapter is short, but makes more sense now.

Chloe understood everything right what a Dust Golem needs to have. 
What infuriates her, is the End, we’re the theory of a self learning Golem comes up, who can awaken as a Sapient, who unlocks a System. 
It said that only Sapient humanoids ever Unlocked stats, skills, level and so on. That not even Dragons have that.

With other words, what is her ability to grant skill? 
She doesn’t know!

I guess it’s something along the line like a Dragons Breath. 
A technique, innate in the creature since birth or learned while living. 
Just that I can grant it.

Her guess is pretty much right. 
Monster can use Mana and Magic. But at some point, they have a Technique, so much refined, that it’s even to skills. 
Skills, which guide Mana in such minuscule Amount in ways that helps.

The ability for Monster to do sich things was something the God of Creation decided. 
Monster Bodies adapt very fast to Mana. Just through living, Mana usage becomes more efficient for them, don’t talking about the next Generation. 
By having the Adaptability focused that Monster can channel such tiny amounts in the right Way, it is possible to greatly slow down the growth of the Monster strength. 
It can still be altered with Mana, but internal ones is so familiar to the body that it won’t make a difference, and external can only be rarely absorbed. 
So killing others, and using the released inner Mana, which isn’t external Mana, which is unused to vessel, but also not caged in another vessel. 

Mana Stones or Crystal have much Mana, but are Stone or Crystal and a Vessel for Mana. 
Even tough they are manifested Mana, it can only be slowly (or explosion like) released as external Mana. 
So it won’t work as a source of growth.

Chloe doesn’t know that, but has darn good guesses and Prejudice from her old world Fantasy Novels.

Ok, I am calm now. 
But I really Wish someone would explain it to me in a reliable way, not in a book clearly not made for me to read. 
Or rather, the Author provides never thought that someone like me exists.

I have now even More Questions, but I can’t be dormant for ever. 
I even kinda looked forward to my first creation.

With that, Chloe prepared everything she needs. 
Good big chunks of flesh, a Skeleton, internal Organs, Veins, some blood packs and so on. 
She has 3600 Gold, and needs 300 for a Zombie. 
She spends it. The Zombie begins to groan, but Chloe commands him to be quiet and lie down.

Correct, she didn’t start with Layla’s Request. 
She isn’t crazy. It would be her first Time doing anything in that direction. 
Finding out how at least her Monster Creation skill works is Vital to create something decent. 
And this one doesn’t need to be decent.

Her Plan is to create a zombie who can run or sprint or whatever. 
Just being faster than the rest.

Wich reminds her of something. 
How fast is the average Zombie? She can’t replicate the annoying skeletons privilege, but she should compare how both do unbuffed. 
But she doesn’t need her testing Room. The Zombie sucks. 
Like someone who hit his little toe or knee cap and is trudging inside his home. 
That’s the Zombie top speed, there second before he falls down, Head first.

Okay, so I also need to watch the Balance. And reflexes? Would be stupid if the Zombie is to fast for himself.

With that, Chloe intensely looked at the Blueprint, compares it to the real thing and so on. Her Results:

Its Magic. The Zombie moves through Magic. 
The Core is really anything it needs, but it’s tiny. Lone stones from Gravel may even be bigger. 
Is it because of the Dungeon environment? But this isn’t a Dungeon.

Chloe Hines her Sense Mana to the Inside, so she needed a lot of focus to see that the Zombie indeed drains Mana from the Environment.

Not gonna Question that. I can’t take this room as a standard Environment. 
I know that it works for me and the Skeleton. Good enough, I guess.

Next, Chloe takes the Crystal from the Zombie. 
It doesn’t offer any resistance. 
After that, the Zombie collapses and slowly vanishes into the ground, as if being fluid. 
Chloe doesn’t have a such a Stone like the Zombie. 
She already compared it. The Zombie Stone is a bit darker, and feels special.

Next, she arranges the Skeleton and put some flesh on the Backside, then the Organs in a fitting way. 
It’s cray to think it will work, but it worked. 
The flesh and Organs and veins begin to move and knit to look like a human body, we’re the only the bones of the front are. 
Everything Organic reacting easily in a way.

She feels that Organic Magic was the tool. But she wasn’t the User of the tool, but Monster creation was. 
She was just the supervisor, looking that everything is okay.

Her Intuition was spot on, like many Times already. 
She begins to think that the skill is to good. 
But it allow her to do many interesting things. 
Or not.

Ot isn’t Perfect. It would work, but she can see that some parts are not up to the task of being Human. 
Good enough for a Zombie, but not much more. 
The perfect Test for her fine tuning skills.

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