The Scientist of Monster Creation, forcefully Hired

20. Experimenting with the System

Can I buy Monster Components?

Before Chloe, a gigantic Window opens. 
The Window lists all kinds of Material she has in her Storage, had or doesn’t have. 
Including the Price of 2500 Gold for the Medium Sorcery Stone she used. Ugghh. 
But it was worth it. When someone buys the Turtle.

Next is, Gears. And Screws and whatever one can need for Machines. 
Chloe has an Idea of parts used in Machine, at least general ones, but not the Names of them. 
And what is the Generator or Motor or whatever. She gets it will be fuelled by magic, but what converts it? 
Well, same Question with biological Monster, Answer Unknown.

What she wants to find out next are Upgrades. Upgrades for her Workstations to specific. 
She is sure that she can upgrade them, so she asks for that. 
And indeed, a Window pops up. With one thing that peeks hear interest.

Enhanced Responsive Home 5000 Gold

And praise… definitely not the God of Creation. Just praise something else. The System. 
And praise the System, for her actually having an explanation.

Enhanced Responsive Home
Your Home is already self-maintaining, indestructible and being able to adjust to most Situation. 
It acts as a Pseudo-Domain for you, but without you being able to change it consciously. 
With this Upgrade, you can actually Morph your Home to more of your liking.

It explains so much! 
And this Time, she doesn’t begin to Rage but just feel grateful! 
There are other Upgrades, but they are self-explanatory or locked. 
Yes, some are locked. She knows there is something, but not what exactly.

And honestly, Quality of Life for the Win. 
The Walls are ugly to look at. And when she can even change her Bed, it would be a Dream! 
Without waiting much, she buoyed the Upgrade. 
Of she begins to hesitate, she will begin to look at it practically and ohh, I could invest it like that and so on. 
Nothing with That! The Walls are ugly!

Well, it’s an Upgrade. 
Wooden Floor. Nice looking wooden floor actually. How things aligned looks nice, but won’t catch one’s Eye until looking closer. 
The Walls have until knees hight a light blue tone, then a line marking the end of the Blue. 
After that, even the ceiling, everything is white. 
It isn’t ugly. Even quite homely for Chloe. But it didn’t feel worth 5000 Gold. 
On the other side, she wouldn’t be able to get another look for the walls, floor and ceiling than black Stone than doing it like that.

But the Bed is the True Win! 
Thick Blanket and a Big Bed. Not Kingsized or double Bed. But Big for a normal Bed. 
And it’s god damn comfy! She can even will everything to perfect temperature and humidity! 
It’s Awesome!

She can’t change the Surgery Room or Storage Units to be different. But that’s fine.
She can move things, at least. She can order however she wants, so a win.

All in all? Maybe worth it. She doesn’t really has a good Grasp on alternatives or worth of Gold, so it’s hard to judge.

The next thing on the List. 
Her own Body. She only took a Meal (Nourishment Package) newly. 
So between the Request, she didn’t took a single Meal, even tough it needed more than 12 Hours. 
Why? Either Mana can act to move one owns Body,  it needing any stored Energy, or she is plainly weird. 
Or her Sense of time is messed up very badly, but completing all that work in 12 Hours seems impossible.

Ok, maybe not impossible, but she sometimes felt like she sat on it for a hour or more. 
Alone assembling the Body for the Zombie, before even using Magic, felt like one and a half hour, maybe less. 
So, did she do it under twelve Hours or did she need less food? 
She doesn’t know and she can’t find it out either.

Finally, the last issue. 
How good do Monster Perform she created to be normal. Meaning, no skills. 
She plans to do a Wolf. She has now Blueprints for one. 
Which brings her to it being a Monster. It seems the actual Blueprint doesn’t have a Magic stone. 
It’s more as if someone took a Blueprint of a Wolf and inserted a Magic stone in the drawing. 
Especially noticeable since the Magic Stone can be moved. Meaning, the place is optional. 
Even tough for Monsters, a Magic Stone is even more important than a Heart.

Chloe thinks it was a normal Animal that just got a Magic Stone put into. 
Which makes her ask herself. If she makes a Wolf with magic stone, will it be like the Wolf, or an actual Monster Wolf. 
She doesn’t know how to explain it, so her best analogy is. 

Something is a Rocket-something of it has a Rocket. Example Rocket-car, Rocket-hammer and so on. 
And Monster would be a Rocket-something with the thought in Mind that it has a Rocket. 
The Wolf Blueprint she got from Layla are things, which just got a Rocket glued on, to be a Rocket-something.

It’s a stupid Analogy, but Chloe can clarify it so for herself.

Well, theories can only bring one so far. 
Let’s gather everything i need. Probably a small magic Stone should be enough. 
Even tough it seems better Quality than the one from the Wolf Blueprint.
And I wanted to create something with the tiny ones. But not now.

With that, Chloe finds everything she needs, having trouble finding a fur. 
What does Wolf Fur looks and feels like? She doesn’t know. 
In the End she just took one that looks the most similar, from all she has. 
And the cheapest Quality ones. She doesn’t need any better than that. Or rather, the Wolf won’t.

With a carefulness one wouldn’t expect for a “simple test”, Chloe began to work. 
Even tough she won’t benefit much from it besides a bit of knowledge, Chloe’s focus is unwavering. 
She double Checks everything and compares to the Wolf Blueprint for every step. 
When her Tools or Gloves got too bloody, she put them into the oven-thingy. 
She doesn’t risk that she loses her grip on her tools.

Her Magic was used in various way. 
To check small parts. To check Muscle Fibres from Muscles. To check the nerves inside the Body. To check the Organs. To check the veins. 
Every Body part got Double Checked in at least three different ways.

Chloe notices how it weights on her minds. She also notices how easy it is to ignore. 
Whatever the Mental Toll is, it can’t break her Focus.

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