The Scientist of Monster Creation, forcefully Hired

21. Action Reaction

*Inhale* *Exhale* *Inhale* *Exhale*

Chloe is lying on the Ground while trying to get her breath under Control. 
Sometime, her finger or limbs begin to twitch.

The Reason? She overworked herself. 
Right now she feels like her whole body is in pain and half-paralysis, all while being too awake to sleep on the floor. 
When she could at least go in her Bed, which got very Comfy with the newest addition, it would be better. 
But even trying to stand up makes her sore muscles protest. 
She feels like all the sore muscles from the world got channels into her body. 
Naturally, that didn’t happen and it’s just the common overexertion. 
To proof it, most of her upper Body doesn’t actually hurt. Just the Limbs and a bit more.

Wich doesn’t stop Chloe from feeling like she currently does. 
She does exercise, but small ones in a regularly Scheduled, not much at once. 
She even got the skill pain resistance to the End. 
Not a skill that one gets so easily, but more because of the aversion to self-harm, then anything else. 
Most Fighter even would have to fight for a certain Period minimum three month, until they get the skill. 
Simply because Adrenaline lets one ignore pain easier, which makes it harder to acquire the skill. 
And that’s when damaged is taken. Said damage will be naturally minimised or avoided when possible.

Another reason the skill is uncommon is that someone need to be aware of dangers. 
Only being in pain won’t enables one to acquire the skill. 
The skill has a fail safe for being cocky. When one ignores pain just because they can and doesn’t treat the root, they won’t be able to get the skill. 
The Failsafe doesn’t deactivate the skill when one gets cocky again, but won’t level up either, then.

Chloe having acquired the skill either implies such a mindset or that something was done. 
Since she is cautious, it isn’t impossible, but she doesn’t has any doctor to treat it. 
Just what could it be?

Either way. Chloe lies huffing and puffing on the ground, until she gets an idea. 
Under Chloe, a soft carpet begins to form. The carpet is fluffy and comfy, so Chloe has a comfortable mattress for now. 
The part under her Head begins to swell, until forming a pseudo-cushion.

”Much better.”

No lying comfortably, Chloe begins to feel sleepy. 
She is sweaty, but can’t bring herself to care. 
And with that, Chloe begins to wander in the Land of Dream. Literally.

”Hey, it nice to meet you in Person now!”

”Oh God!”

”Goddess to be exact! But I guess God does do the Job.”

Before her stands a Woman in her twenties. 
She wears dark clothing. Some kind of dress which cover her Body completely and a Hood. 
She doesn’t have a veil, but it feels like Gothic style Burial clothes. Which is a macabre combination. 
On the Dress are only silver-white Embroidery, but combined with the layered dark fabric, it throws an imposing image. 
The Face of the Woman has Gothic/depressing Makeup.
Chloe is pretty sure she has a skin whitening Foundation everywhere in her Face to make her look more like someone who doesnt see the sun often.

Her Hair is Black. It kinda reminds Chloe on shampoo advertisement, but more realistic and good looking. 
The Eyes are a dark violet. 
And said Eyes are looking at her excited.

”I am the Goddess of Darkness, the darkest being in the World, a powerful Goddess, an object of worship for many, I am the top of the food chain, I am the Master over everything dark and a bringer of Doom.”

While striking poses, the Goddess began to introduce herself. 
The her Eyes look at Chloe as if asking… 

“And, how was it? Cool right?”

Never mind, she said it out loud.

”It was very impressive, as if a woman in her twenties just announced herself as a bringer of doom.”

”I know right. Harbinger of Doom sounds more awesome, but I bring the doom, not announce it, so it wasn’t really fitting. 
Glad it wasn’t to out of place.”

It was out of Place. It just fit in with everything else.

“So why are you here?”

”? I was just going to sleep and then I saw you.”

”Ahh, right. I waited here until you began to dream. Sorry, messed up.”

”I don’t see a Problem, but why did you wait here?”

”Because I wanted to meet you.”

”…. Then let me rephrase. What’s your intentions of meeting me?”

”I know I know. I am so popular, but I don’t show myself often. Must be odd that I meet you, right? 
Well, be happy, since I recognised you as someone special!”


”Not only did you kicked out Robert, who began to act cocky against me, saying he can reach the Gods, but also diverted the Dungeon Master from their original goal by making them followers.”

”? The original goal is?”

”To impose a challenge for intruders! But everyone just makes a killing machine for their Dungeon!”

”Isn't that a Challenge?”

”Well, yes, but no! They don’t do riddles or make a terrain that can disadvantage their own Monster when used properly. 
They stack as much Benefit for themself and put the intruder in as much disadvantage as possible! 
Not stupid, but it deviates enough from the original goal that it becomes noticeable. 
Intruder who only hunted in the Dungeon are sometimes even completely helpless against natural occurring Monsters!”

“I think I am missing something.”

”Sorry, yes you are. All the Doom I bring to this world is for it to grow stronger. 
Like a vaccination, you could say. But my Sister, Goddess of Light, wants to preserve the Sapients. 
Sapients can either hinder or spur the natural growth of the World. 
They currently hinder the growth. If it goes for some odd more years, we will be behind a scheduled we wanted to keep. 
One could say that the buffer we have is also thanks to the sapients, but still. 
How strong the World is influences our Strength, Defence against other beings of our Rank and Lifespan of the World. 
So it’s very important to us to have a Strong World. Our planned scheduled was even planned with a buffer, so one could say we are even behind the realistic optimal Growth!”

”Sp Dungeon are Challenges to spur it further?”

”Yes and no. The actual Calamity still has to come. The Dungeons are more of a training Ground. 
Or at least intended as one! Intruders Learn to fight, good! But only in controlled environment. 
They don’t learn really learn about how to march a forest or look out for other Monsters! 
Everything in a Dungeon is learning the tricks, fight and repeat! When one has done it like three times, he can do it a hundred Times!”

“Do you want me to add a certain randomness to my Monster?”

”Ahh, good idea. But no, I wanted to thank you.”

”Thats it?”

”Well, I also wanted to reserve a Place for me in the Queue when you can make Leviathans and more.”


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