The Scientist of Monster Creation, forcefully Hired

24. A Rebirth of the World

“Anyway, she doesn’t want that all Sapient Life gets eradicated again.”


”Well, I will explain that later. You wanted to know about adventurers, right?”

Chloe was giving the Goddess her full attention until now, but she as a Question of another kind right now. 
She just ignores the eradicated part for now.

”Why do you even explain things to me so throughly?”

”Ohh, I talked about that with the other. 
Right now your race is something immortal and you have a task ordered by someone divine. 
You are also loving right now in a pocket-space adjacent to the Great Divine Realm, so you aren’t bound by Time and have an affiliation with the Gods. 
Your Task is Monster Creation. Monster fall under my Domain, even tough I only make them aggressive. 
The God of Magic denies any connection since “they are products of Mana which aren’t any kind of Magic”, so I am the most connected to your task. 
Since we think it’s necessary that you get to know some things.
Either I, who has a connection through your “Purpose” or Father, who gave you the task, should be the one explaining. 
And Father sucks at explaining, you received his guides?
Well, I let you know that he had Angles assist him to write them, but they weren’t able to proofread it. 
Only throwing in suggestion what it should contain before a God of Creation creates something. They hadn’t a lot of Time, you know?”

”And with that, I got to be the one explaining! 
Actually, everyone else could, but somehow having one connected to you that feels like the proper way.”

”Ok, but don’t you have subordinates for that? 
And is it even that important for me to know? 
I know I say that from a stupid position, but wouldn’t it be easier to keep me when I email ignorant?”

”Chloe, we are Gods. We lived a long Time. 
Even the most stubborn of us found out that excellent subordinates don’t grow on trees. 
Until you are the Goddess of Nature, but she doesn’t count. Everyone who is a Tree should be able to grow one! 
Anyway, Monster Creation isn’t a Job we can let some dumbass sit on and he get results. 
Not only must the Monster be able to actually live, don’t have any big flaws, but also be worth its cost. 
Meaning a good balance of its abilities, body and mind. 
Not everyone can do that. And the Monster has to be useful.
Do you think People would Monster who live in the Deep Ocean to fight of land-based creatures? On land? 
It’s and extreme example, but not considering detail because it’s “obvious” just provokes to overlook something.”

”So Gods are people who actually learn from Mistakes.”

Chloe muttered in a quiet tone. The Goddess of Darkness decides to politely ignore it, since she doesn’t know in which direction that was pointed, nor how to react. 
That the Goddess was stiff for a Moment wasn’t unnoticed by Chloe, but she isn’t so discourteous as to point it out.

”Anyway, you want to know about Adventurers, right? 
Frankly, they are a mixed bag, but most are pretty rough after doing it for a certain Time. 
Doing their Job, attentive their needs and then waking up next Morning to delve again. 
They rarely take a day off. Adventurers are rich on paper but poor in reality. 
Necessary expenses to keep one self alive take most of their earnings, living a the rest for food and shelter and co. 
The last part gets put aside, in case of emergency. It’s a job were one not only risks ones life, but also other carrier choices. 
Combat Classes are useless when someone is crippled, or nearly useless. 
Many can’t make their Jobs when crippled, but how many jobs are in danger of that?”

”Chandlers can get burns or Dock workers have something fall on them, but both classes also support to prevent that from happening. 
Yeah, Combat Classes makes one stronger, but as soon something unexpected happens, or one let one’s guard down, everything can change. 
And that’s the risk when one has the luxury to choose one’s opponent! 
But Adventurer Classes give one something nearly no other class gives! The Chance to rise! 
A Chandler will always make Candles, a Smith will always smith. 
But an Adventurer? He fights. But what is fighting?
To master Magic to a level to cast Great Magic? 
To Fight with a Sword against thousands of Soldier and win? 
Or to have the power to crush Mountains? 
Adventures Classes are often associated with being limitless.”

”Is that right? I don’t think so from what I heard. 
Adventures use might to fight Monsters. And Classes strengthens what one does with the Class. 
So am Adventure has more might. But what about a Knight? Chivalry, Swordsmanship or even riding should get enhanced. 
But how do it or make use of it seems to be long forgotten knowledge.”

”Exactly right. There are dead Classes. 
Classes called like that since the do what other classes can do but worse. Or what they do is irrelevant.
At least they think so. A Candle Decorator is worse at creating Candles then Most Chandler classes. 
It’s only redeeming Quality would be the ability to decorate, but it is seen as useless. 
And to be fair, they decorate. But how they do it is important. 
Do they use wax compound with other things? And calming herbs, a Poison or even Magic? 
Class advancements are seen as a rarity, but it only means someone knows what they are doing.”

”Oh, Class advancements are basically when one spreads one class in one direction or nurture what the class does further. 
There are direct Upgrades like Great x or x Master or suffixes like Mana, Fast or Precise. 
It’s not special, but not common anymore. Does what it says.”

”Anyway, an Adventure Dead Class would be a Technique based one. 
Something like Monster Slayer or Monster Trapez are often like that. 
Even Scouts are expected to be a good Vanguard, seen as deadweight if the Firepower doesn’t match a Swordswinger. 
Yes, Swordswinger, not Swordsman or something.
Knight is also and advanced class, not even that advanced, that “no one knows how to get” and said to be useless.”

”So, the Living beings are pretty much powerless against the Calamity. 
Which is kind of a Test.”

”So the Eradication you spoke before of…”

”Well, you know how our world is supposed to grow and so on?”

”Yes, also that sapient life can either hinder or spur that.”

”They develop to slowly for our taste. But that’s not it. 
There are Thresholds. You could say Bottlenecks. 
And Worlds in General meet a Calamity at that Point to Stress itself to the Maximum to break through. 
The thing is, going to the Limit isn’t a free Ticket for a Breakthrough like many Hero stories tell. 
The World either manages it or doesn’t. The Bottleneck was even there when the System had it’s Training wheels. 
But my Sister was insistent about delaying the Doom I am supposed to bring. 
She wants that Sapients live this Time at least, so we humoured her and are now at a point were it’s overdue.”

”So, Annihilation is unavoidable?”

”Yes. Not even the Dungeon Master will live through that, unless the whole world does. 
Only Layla, being on this world through a Contract will probably survive. 
O could also pick some who did Good to do so after the rebirth of the World.”

”I see. How long until until the Calamity or Doom or whatever?”

”Like, twenty years, a bit more?”


Chloe is unsure if that is much or not.

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