The Scientist of Monster Creation, forcefully Hired

36. Further Planning



Calida jumps to catch the provisional frisbee disk, just to bite into the Air as Ciler does something. 
It seems he can influence my Snowflakes to a certain extent. 
He can either attract them to him or repel them, even tough rather weakly.

When the Flakes don’t face there tips in his direction, they will be brought off course even easier. 
Conversely, he can’t really repel the ones directed at him. 
Or maybe he can. I teetered the one I used for that, and even though I didn’t resist, it can have a passive effect to not be influenced.

On the other Hand, the ones he attract begins to face him. 
It’s a plate-snowflake, and it durable enough to be really worrying. 
In the other side, it’s still hard enough to hurt. Hurt badly, from what I see. 
But no lasting wound.

I guess I should worry about my limited offensive capabilities, but I guess it’s to be expected. 
The Test of other Spells also showed not so great results. 
But excellent sharpness, so it isn’t bad. Especially since Sorcery grows with Time.

She can say herself that she isn’t worried. 
Every room here is a safe haven. 
From her understanding, she can just kick out any threat.

Its worrying on the other side how calmly she accepts that. 
Knowing and accepting are two different things. 
She can guess it either/or her Calm Mind and connection to her Environment.

Maybe the Dogs help. 
One can’t really about such things when they have to attend those two. 
Or her Peaceful upbringing, but she doesn’t believe she shouldn’t be shaken after meeting a talking skeleton.

Maybe she unknowingly lost her connection to reality? 
She doesn’t feel like it, but on the other Side. 
Having met all those crazy individuals and even played around with Organs to create Monster makes it more believable.

She can’t really analyse her own Mental state. 
Or at least, doesn’t think of her own Analyse as trustworthy. 
And it isn’t unusual that someone has a bad Self-awareness, so bad that they don’t even realise that.

Kinda brings her in a pickle if she now is bad at it or not, but she can’t answer that. 
In the other side, there can be something influencing her Mind. 
And then she thinks it’s her own Self-awareness lacking because her environment says otherwise.

Peer-pressure is fearsome, and it wouldn’t be that different. 
Well, put that on hold. 
She doesn’t see any way for an satisfying Answer.

Instead, she can continue playing with them. 
Which is very exhausting. 
She didn’t know since when, but she has a support in a way.

Not only does her Body ache less after completely exhausting herself, but she also converts her Mana. 
It was only after practicing Sorcery so much that she notices that she can convert Mana seemingly in Stamina. 
Or just directly replaces Stamina to move her Limbs? She doesn’t know.

It isn’t that super surprising, considering how Monster are reliant on Magic Stones. 
They use it to support their Body and live. 
Heck, I got to know that the Body Magic Stone has a better effect of Nourishing them.

But is it something all being with Magic can do? 
Monsters are being with a Magic Stone, and I don’t have on. 
Last time I looked my Body temperature was weird, I had four types of Mana with three looking weird and so on. 
But I didn’t have any Stone inside me.

Another Question is how I get Mana without Magic Stone, but I don’t even know what a Magic Stone would change. 
Facts are Facts and assumptions are assumptions. 
I can say now that I could probably participate in the Tour de France as I am.

I need less Food, can run for very long Time, how I think when even Calida and Ciler, adult Wolves, are tired at the End. 
They aren’t a wreck like me, but they lie down and Ciler seems to be so exhausted that he fell asleep instantly. 
And I can stay focused for an extended period of Time I couldn’t imagine.

By the Way, tour the France is a bit over three weeks long and one rides 5-6 hours. 
Roughly 3500 Kilometres, without a stable rout, going through either savage ways or iconic ones. 
I only know it through the internet, but I wouldn’t want to underestimate the effort put into that.

Granted, this two could probably still run more if they wanted, but they are beyond the Time they would have rested. 
It could also be that I get cocky, and I kinda hope it is. 
It scary to think how much stronger I actually got.

On the other Side, I probably won’t do much Sports her besides Training or playing with those two. 
It will be plenty, but still. 
My task is to create Monster, and for that I was here.


Depressing thoughts are as useful as a fly in one’s soup. 
I should focus on what o can do. 
For one, what about the Medium sized Body Magic Stone.

The Size of the Monster I would need to fully use it would be gigantic. 
A Roc, the Bird of Myths, would be appropriate. 
But my Mother is someone who travels a lot and sends pictures.

Including a Picture with an Elephant beside her. 
So a Roc, which is like a gigantic Eagle who can lift an Elephant up like a Bunny is even bigger. 
It weird. In my Mind, I could say that Roc-size would fit for the Stone, but only after comparing it to an Elephant which I compared to a human I could say how much work it would be.

Well, I also have 13000 Gold from Ethan now, since I sold the Blueprint. 
And I get a tingling Sensation like someone wants to enter. 
Things I have to get used to.

Being my own, being my own bellpush and lecturing Giants how economy functions. 
And that one of my Dogs has magnetic Superpowers for Snowflakes which I use for Frisbees. 
And the need to come up with a Name for the Turtle. 
It’s buried by now, but I tend to forget it. It also doesn’t seem to need anything.

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