The Scientist of Monster Creation, forcefully Hired

37. A Visitor

“Hello? Miss Chloe?”

”I will be there.”

Chloe cleaned herself and then left the room in the Back in a relaxed stride. 
She isn’t very prideful, at least compared to some really unpleasant people, but she still doesn’t like to present herself dirty and out of breath.

”What brings you here, Layla?”

”I have some Question.”

”Well then, ask.”

Layla still visible shifts uncomfortable at her bluntness. 
She especially wants to know if she knows the Criteria for even visiting her. 
One can’t do any transaction or request her service in other ways, and it seems Gustav can’t even access the Menu to visit her.

But since Layla doesn’t point either out, it doesn’t get talked about. 
Chloe, for her part, knows about the Guest System and her bluntness. 
But she doesn’t see any reason to talk about one thing nor a need to tiptoe around a topic.

”Aehm. I have been selling the Blueprint to the Mysterious Fog to others. 
At some point I got less then I traded for, even though it should be there. 
I checked and there wasn’t way to scam me over. 
So I thought I could at some point ask you about that.”

”Curios, you could say all that without forming any Question. 
Is a good way to deal with Fey’s. 
And what your asking for is a Tax System. 
Since you seemingly hit a nerve of someone with reselling, I get my share by now. 
I can change how it works or the amount, but you will have to Negotiate it with me.”

Layla is briefly confused. 
Fey’s shouldn’t exist right now, having to be formed by Gods themself. 
She is an inter-dimensional being, inexperienced, but still knowing to ask for some important information about the World.

The God of Creation or a God about trickery or similar can create Fairy’s in a World. 
But this whole world, the very World themselves, shouldn’t be able to handle such magical Folks right now. 
It can barely form River or Forrest Guardians on it own, without being suppressed.

And stayed Guardians are closer to Monster then Protector of Nature. 
In other Words, in this World isn’t anything resembling a spirit or Fairy. 
So how can she now about Fey’s?

Or that’s how her Mind could have processed that information if it wouldn’t be on how hard the Tax system hit her. 
Any thought on it got thrown away in favour of ways to deal with the Taxes. 
Does Chloe know how much Money she lost on it? Wait, she is the one who receives. 
Naturally she knows!

”Can you stop the Taxes?”

Layla rushes to Chloe, holding her shoulders. 
The attempt was pretty desperate. And Unsightly. 
Chloe gently guides Laylas hand away from her, noting the leathery texture of her skin.

”Well, when that was your best attempt, then I can only say, this way to the door.”

Chloe said it in a tone that was obviously not meant seriously, but had a hint of warning. 
Layla, on the other hand, gets ashamed on her behaviour and meekly retreats in her head. 
She would need some kind of approach. Just what could she do?

“By the Way, I can change the System from taxing to having an official reseller. 
Depending on conditions, you would even profit from every Person who resells what you sold them.”

As Layla hears that, she brightens up. 
Just to notice that Chloe moved to her Chair next to the table. 
She gets the promotion that negotiations would begin if she gets seated.


”I am not some kind of Dragon, you know?”

Layla gets stiff. It’s embarrassing when her shameful behaviour gets pointed out. 
But as she wanted to continue, she gets really struck by what she just said.
She isn’t a Dragon. Wasn’t that the hot topic, of which kind of beast in disguise she could be. 
And the two Options would be Ancient Snow Dragon or Yeti Queen.

Those two are the only one standing above a Lich in hierarchical ranking and have commonly Snow affinity. 
But humanoid forms of Yetis are hairy and easy to figure out from how their Mana shifts. 
Robert would have recognised her then from ten Miles away, so how?

Could it be that she really is a human? 
Even while thinking that, she feels how her thoughts slow down. 
Fey. She previously said Fey. She didn’t have it much attention, facing more pressuring matters.

And all the Time Layla took to bring her thoughts into something resembling order, Chloe did her own thing. 
It unpolitical to keep her waiting, but she can wait. 
Laylas issue isn’t something important, so why not do some training.

As Layla reboots, a label Chloe gave her, she approaches her with a bit of stiffness. 
Then, as if preparing to get executed shortly after doing whatever she wants to do, she begins to speak.

”Chloe, what are you?”

”I refrain from answering.”


Chloe gives the little Snowflakes she carefully weaves between her moving finger her full attention. 
Ignored and simply rebuked, Layla wants to sink in a hole. 
Just not answering! It’s so simple stupid, but she never expected that! 

She isn’t good at it, but she studies at least the basic on what information what can get form a reaction.
All the mental preparation to catch any detail and prepare for a personal attack, physical or magical! 
And she simply denied her request as if it would be natural!

! Wait! Wait Wait Wait!!!

”Chloe, can it be that you are also a Demon?!
Some kind which is more adapted at handling Mana?! 
It would make sense! How you treated Robert but don’t seem to be any Monster! 
And you knew about Fey’s! No native creatures to the current World should know!”

”Why are you reacting as if you just receive enlightenment? 
Did it take so much form you to find out that I am not from this World?”

Chloe ignored the Demon part. 
From where she comes is a stranger to her that being demon or human wouldn’t make a difference. 
But that she thought all the time she was a native of the World, is it really so unlikely?

She didn’t announce it, but she is sure she doesn’t fit into any mold they have. 
In the other side, they probably just thought she was eccentric.

At some point, Layla grabbed Chloe’s hands and look at her like a companion. 
Her hold doesn’t inhibit her little tracing with her snowflakes, so it isn’t important. 
But at some point she would like some kind of equipment to look into what happens in her head.

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