The Scientist of Monster Creation, forcefully Hired

39. Next Creation

Magic Stone. Check. Flesh. Check. Bones. Check. Organs. Check. Feathers. Check. Claws. Checks.

Everything ready for the creating a Bird. 
Since I thought I could create a Roc just because i have a fitting Magic Stone, I tried to create an Eagle for now. 
Hubris could be a waste of Time and Materials, at best.

What is especially interesting are the feet. 
The are mostly in one peace already. 
Even the Claws are already attached. I just counted it as Claws.

I think it will be a hassle to equip the inner of the Beak, but I already inserted Brains into skulls. 
The Flesh is also white, just how it is with birds. 
I nearly made the mistake and took red Meat.

I really have to get used to creating Monster. 
Maybe writing a table about what I would need for different vertebrates. 
Also for animals which don’t have a spine, but I am not confident to successfully write the important bits.

I hope I didn’t forgot anything else. 
But i thought it all over and nothing sprung to my mind. 
So I guess I will have to find out when it’s to late.

Anyway, I guess I should begin with the Skull. 
I already noticed that it’s one of the hardest parts, so I should do it first. 
Dragging things unnecessary out will make me just impatient.

But there is a nasty part about such projects. 
I believe the saying goes something like “90% of the project take 10% of the effort and the last 10% take 90% of the effort.”. 
With other words, all the little details to complete the bird will be a hell to fix.

The saying isn’t exactly universal, but when having a project that is supposed to take a lot of effort and be satisfying, it’s guaranteed to kick in. 
And I am a rather lazy Person. 
I can’t understand people who seem so diligent and always give it their best.

Me being sloth surely closed some doors for me, but I am not sure if I want to take a path that takes my top effort. 
And it isn’t that I do nothing. 
I just don’t do it in a seemingly Mad dash or invest my all into it.

As Chloe thinks about all that, her Hands moved to complete the skull. 
Her musing didn’t mean that she didn’t  gave it any attention. 
But she must soon focus on the skull to satisfactory place every part. 
Especially the Tongue.

Bird Tongues are weird. 
Well, I will do it anyway. 
? Could I modify the Beak and tongue, by any chance?

Until now, I only modified the flesh to fit and some adjustments to the Organs and so on. 
I used Vertagung like planned, like a Lego set. 
But Organic Magic should allow for some more freedom, not considering how hilarious a camel with a pair of hands as humps would be.

I Reber Geese having something similar to tooth’s. 
It ain’t real theta as far as I know, but it’s about Geese. 
Their bites are vicious. The whole creature is vicious.

When I make a big flying bird which will pretty much suicide by biting, I should make a smaller one or a Goose. 
It ist really fitting for an eagle. 
What about spitting poison?

I don’t have many poison glands, but it should be doable.
It should be spit, so something that doesn’t have to get in the blood flow. 
Or maybe let them aim at opened Wounds?

Let’s look at the selection first. 
Small ones, but still potent. 
What can they do?

After some searching, Chloe found a poison gland which can be very interesting. 
There were some who produce poisons which transform into gases at room temperature. 
Other are very painful but not otherwise potent.

The one she choose is something that produces very sticky poison. 
It a bit acid, enough do dissolve skin. 
For a fluid it’s pretty thick.

One needs to cleanly swipe it. 
Clumsily shoving it off with one’s hand will lead to it sticking to one’s hand too. 
Probably. She didn’t exactly test the poison but it’s vicious enough to eventually do that.

The Poison isn’t very potent or corrosive. 
The poison manly slowly clogs the blood flow. 
It also blocks itself, but it’s worth it.

The wounds won’t bleed, won’t actively hurt. 
One’s body will slowly cease to function, in ways that are hard to cure. 
In battle, slowing down or even hindering the blood flow is an easy way to die.

I am really into the Mindset of being someone who creates creatures to kill, aren’t I? 
But I don’t really care at this point, somehow. 
It’s even more along the point that I don’t want to hold back my ideas for people who’s actual job is to kill the Monster and earn from the drops.

Their whole job is about risking one’s life to fight the Monster. 
And no one who doesn’t want to has to go into a dungeon, at least after my understanding. 
I somehow imagine that people who have a problem with that are like the unreasonable people one can sometimes meet.

I don’t feel any pity, even though I still indirectly kill them. 
Yeah, own responsibility and so on, when one couldn’t do it or was overconfident and so on. 
Should I may care a little.

Wait, I think I do. 
It something along the way like “it’s a sacrifice I am willing to make”. 
Harsh, but I guess it is what it is.

Well, I guess it’s something similar how one forgets about all the children starving or wars fought elsewhere. 
It isn’t related to oneself. 
Should I still do it, knowing the Consequences?

Yeah, I don’t feel any remorse. 
And my mind also isn’t inclined to stop.

So, how to I modify the little birdy to spit poison? 
I think about connecting the Gland to the Tongue. 
It’s just that I thought about the Tongue a lot before, but why not?

I probably should also get some form of pipe an animal would use to get venom from their poison gland. 
What about spitting? From were should the kinetic energy come? 
I have to look into the Parts of poison-spitting Snakes.

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