The Scientist of Monster Creation, forcefully Hired

49. Invasion

“Ethan, are you ready?”

”Yes, Sir!”

No you goddamn Old … Skeleton something. I would rather turn away. 
But you have to force, dont you? 
Son of a 

“Good, since you will lead the Charge. 
As the biggest and toughest, the door will be at it biggest for you and reduce any potential Damgae to anyone else. 
Isn’t he a great Commander?”

The Question was for the folks he gathered and more rethoric then actual meant. 
But the still all shout “Yes!”, as a sign. 
Not that they want to be under someone command, but he doesn’t have any actual saying and they will only reap benefits, so why not?

And as the Person steps forward who won the Chance, a door opens. 
The Person who won is a Gremlin, and as small as one would think he would be. 
So the Door that opened isn’t even big enough to fit Ethan’s Finger.

So, they now have a tiny problematic. 
They tested a bit and found out one thing. 
Whoever opens the door gets the Door refitted for him.

What they newly found out? 
The door gets fitted exactly, forming a Persoj shaped door with the same height, proportions and Characteristics as the Person. 
And someone else holding open the door will do nothing.

The last thing is steeping away and not holding the door makes it return to its original Condition. 
So, Ethan can’t impossibly open the door, alone because of the Size difference. 
And the Choose someone else, the unlucky one being a Bullrog.


Standing nearly ten Metres tall, he is the second biggest after Ethan, even though he loses by a big Margin. 
On the other side, only Boogeyman is after him, with six metres and extremely spindly, besides his ballooned Head. 
So the Bullrog, after taunting the Minotaur, opens the door, after some tries.

The Bullrog has hooves for Hands, so it really isn’t optimal. 
But the worst part is that his Mystical power to still hold something always lips from the doorknob. 
It was similar to the Time he wanted to grab the Lukewarm butter for… reasons.

But he finally manages it, after feeling he twisted the imaginary Limbs in obscure ways he didn’t think were possible. 
As he looks back and shows his triumph, he sees that they began to play cards. 
Robert was long gone, reading a Book about the greatest threat Sapients ever faced, himself! Again.

“Oh, Benjamin, you finally opened the Door!”

Ethan said it sincerely and in praising Manner.
All the others who heard him, so everyone, considering his height and how loud he needs to talks, began to snicker. 
Mophis, the Minotaur even remarked beck that he could have opened the Door in one Try.

And what does a Grown up Bullrog who spearheads an Invasion do in such a Situation? 
Right, he stomps right through the door, not getting a good look since it’s so Dark. 
He heard the Room is dark beforehand, but he didn’t expect it like that.

Weird, he seems to forget something? 
And how deep does it go? 
Does the door also have some kind of Stairs places before?


Well, he forgot some thing. 
First, the Room is Dark as in Walls, Ceiling and Floor. 
The Room itself has even lightning and is a Cube.

Or was, at least. 
Not that it will be important for him now. 
He had a Deep fall, and while not dead, is out for it and has fractures everywhere.

-Dalia’s Perspective-

Mistress truly has some weird Idea. 
I can deactivate the Lightning but it wouldn’t do any good against some form of Dark-vision. 
How did she even made an crushed Magic stone so Useful?

On the other Hand, it seems I have a Way to harm them. 
At least the Fall damaged the Bullheaded Creature good, but it’s still alive. 
What weird is how I lose control about space surrounding him.

I don’t know how severe it will really, but I should watch out. 
On the other Hand, should I hold some captive? 
Could be an useful reference for the Future.

Oh, don’t get distracted.
The Next are already looking.
Ah, they noticed the Pit.

I could have played it better for more Advantage.  
Well, not much I can do.
Let them proceed.

Ah, they jumped, and jumped far.
To bad that I have some wall.
… Or not, he can climb walls, it seems.

-Sabjab’s Perspective-

Why do I have go though that? 
Wasn’t it obvious that our Operation failed the Moment only a few could even conquer the Pit? 
And why me? I am mostly spider, yes, but at least fifteen of them had Wings!

Never Mind, someone is watching. 
I can feel a Presence but not pinpoint it. 
Likely an Ethereal Being, which can spread its being, from the Sensation.

What worries him what it can do. 
Probably Manipulation this Space, be it the Room or a chunk of Stone placed, surrounding the Door. 
With other Words, he is on big Trouble.

He was running at full speed before hitting the Wall. 
Hitting said wall, wasn’t that hard, considering how much he could drop and still hit. 
The Question is, can he kick of the Wall and come Back?

The Ethereal didn’t Attack until know. 
Getting hurried now will make it feel a sense of Urgency, if the Aim is hindering us. 
Considering he attached a Thread on Benjamin and can guess his Fall, it probably is.

Now, the Ethereal didn’t act or directly Attack. 
Seemingly not experiencing enough to properly fight. 
It isn’t impossible that the few flying ones can take her down.

How to process next is the Question. 
The Woman made Preparation one can call superficial at best. 
But one has to use one’s Head to find a Solution, making Ot work like a Charm.

And the artificial Darkness is also worrying. 
Hold on, Preparations? 
No, Waylon visited her before us, probably warned her.

Sh*t, we don’t know how much she knows. 
And how far she could prepare. 
Forget beating the Ethereal, just keeping up this confinement will thwart all Plans.

And said one can probably hide inside the Stone, making her Hard to reach. 
There isn’t any great Scheme, just a simple Trick! 
And it works like a Charm. I don’t know how I should break the Walls.

The infuriating part is that I am someone who has it better, not needing to drop down there. 
Ethan can come in, we already established that. 
Most would drop to.

Maybe throwing something in? 
Filling the Pit can be pretty useless. 
So maybe something to detergent the Ethereal?

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