The Sea Monsters Alliance

Chapter 79

Many things in this world are like this. If there are no storms, there is no way to leave the place. Similarly, if you know the destination, the voyage is meaningless. It is not an adventure or a so-called beautiful new life. Lizards can reach an island that is more suitable for survival without natural enemies.

[Xiayi? 】

Siren felt that after the disaster, Xia Yi’s mood always seemed wrong.

【It’s nothing. He turned to look at Siren, and the memory of the hurricane was still clear.

Xia Yi approached Siren abnormally and hesitated. His palm was stuck on Siren’s back. His fingers trembled, but he stared straight into Siren’s eyes, as if he wanted to see something from the inside.

This made Siren feel weird, so he unconsciously capped the palm of Xiayi.

The mermaid had webs between her fingers, palms with tiny scales, and Xia Yi’s hands trembled again.

Many times, he can’t judge exactly what kind of feeling he has for Siren. He might have felt it well, but that time … so he wanted to leave Siren for a long time. Even if you really like Siren, you don’t mind the harm because you like it.

He felt that he was different from the mermaid.

——This is an incorrect relationship, and the wrong and deformed feelings must have no good results in the end.

What a deep-rooted concept and closed self.

[Siren, you said, what exactly is a person for? ],

[I don’t know … you humans, I always wonder. 】

Sure enough, this is the answer, but it is also true that things that humans can’t figure out by themselves are enough to think in terms of sea monster logic.

[So, why do you live? 】

Can you say that such self-seeking troubles are typically only thought of by humans?

Or that catfish, because it can’t reproduce, is always looking for a companion? Although it is distorted and huge, it is still female. In nature, males have always sought to please their partners. This kind of difference is really nothing compared to …

[To … keep you from leaving me! 】

Siren did not want to, and came to this conclusion directly.

Xia Yi froze, what kind of answer?

He didn’t mean to listen to how much he liked or how much he loved. Honestly speaking such sweet words must not be accepted, but such a straightforward sentence still moved him.

[You will meet better …]

[I think you are the best! ] Siren immediately cut off Xia Yi’s sound waves.

After being helpless, Xia Yi still looked indifferent, because he felt that Seren would not think so in the future, but it was already in the last days, and his life was probably short-lived. What if I’m too sorry? Like the lizard, it is willing to lie on the tree for a happy and simple life, but the hurricane threw it with the tree to the sea. The long journey has begun, and it seems impossible to turn back.

-Can only hold that tree tightly and cannot leave.

But without this tree, everything would cease to exist.

Xia Yi woke up after a long time, and Siren didn’t move. The fluctuations in the current caused the hair to tangle with each other and float in the sea. Suddenly, Xia Yi remembered that when he was awake, there were two or three silver ones hair.

The wound on the back also began to tingle. In fact, at that time, if Siren would let go of himself, he would probably not be caught in the hurricane.

[I’m looking for something to eat. 】

Xia Yi stopped Siren from following, [just to find some shells and sea urchins, I will be careful. 】

He is not without Siren, he cannot do anything else.

Even so, after swimming a long distance, when Xia Yi turned around, he saw the fish tail suddenly disappearing next to the reef. He had a delusion that he couldn’t laugh.

Siren didn’t seem to dare to refute his intentions directly, but he would be as stubborn as ever, totally stubborn.

It’s not a coral reef, there are no various tropical fish, only some pitifully small dark red or silvery white fish occasionally poked their heads out of the cracks in order to avoid the wind and waves.

There are indeed no large fish in the sea.

However, after the hurricane, this area will be lively, because the waves from the deep seawater turned out the nutrient water layer, and the migrating fish schools were chasing plankton.

Xia Yi bypassed a shallow bay, where the seawater was a little calmer, and the fine white sand was evenly spread on the bottom.

Around Anuta Island, there are almost no signs of human habitation, because the sea water is very blue, there is no garbage on the bottom of the sea, and the sea sand is clean and beautiful. It can be directly poured into glass bottles, and then stuffed into a conch.

Xia Yi was touching the sea sand, sighing when this softness could lie directly on it, suddenly choked.

A bean sprout popped up in the sea sand in front ==

It really looks like bean sprouts, the head is rolling like a bean, the body is slender, and the whole is slightly curved. It is exactly a yellow bean sprout that comes out after the spring rain-uh no, it is white bean sprouts. It’s black with tiny black spots on the body.

And it was too small, before Xia Yi had time to see it clearly, he saw the same group coming out of the sand one after another.

what is this? Grow faster than bamboo shoots?

The curved large piece of bean sprouts is like a group of question marks appearing on the white sea sand. From a distance, it is almost a fairy tale world, and a question mark can grow on the ground, especially like a bang in a variety show. A big question mark next to the player’s head.

Xia Yiyou looked down, but found that the “question mark” was alert, and all of them went back.

Xia Yi, who picked up a white fan-shaped shell from the nearby seagrass, stopped at the reef and did not feel the abnormal fluctuation of the current. The question marks sprouted one by one. Looking at Xia Yi from a close distance, it was not bean sprouts at all. It’s the window hook. Look at the curved head. The part of the body near the sea sand is still straight, and the small eyes are dark on the head. It is focused a little, a little, a little, with the fluctuation of the water flow.

Is this dozing off?

Xia Yiyou went back to find Siren, and when he passed the shells, he didn’t notice the strange expression of the mermaid, so he just pulled over and swam to the side of the bean sprouts.

[Is this fish? 】

[Well, it can be eaten. 】


Xia intended to reflect, and this was definitely not what he asked.

Probably it was Siren’s fish tail that patted the sea unconsciously, and the “question mark” panicked into the sand, one of them rushed out directly and plunged into the reef crevice.

Xia Yi looked straight at God. It turned out that these guys hide most of their bodies in the sand. What kind of weirdness is it that they insert their bodies in a standing position and doze? But I also enjoyed it. The sea sand SPA massage fell asleep …

[They stay in the sand all day? 】

[Well, wait for the current to pass, and pecking for plankton in the sea. 】

——It turns out not to sleep!

[They don’t taste very good, but they are easy to catch. 】

It’s not easy to be full, and I have to catch many times.

[I … the food I found was not them! Xia Yi pointed to the fan-shaped beautiful white shell in the hands of Lower Siren.

[White butterfly shell is not for eating. ] Siren silently looked at the pearl oyster in his hand. This is the type of pearl. It is still the type that produces good pearls. Pearls will be bred where the pearl oysters are injured, but the same, the bigger the better the better the pearl will come from the more serious the injury Pearl oyster, how to eat that meat?

After watching Siren peel off the shell and take out a bright big pearl, Xia Yi was completely stunned.

In the past, it may be said that this thing is valuable, but now it can only be used to play marbles.

No, the most important thing is that they stay in the sea, there is no place to put pearls.

[Next to the children on the island. 】

[Yuribia likes it. 】

[…] It’s slightly more difficult to bring anything to the South Pole.

Xia Yi glanced at the sea sand and wanted to say that it was good. It was good to lie down to heal the wounds, but apparently there were still many “sprouts” hidden in it.

Xia Yi lost his eyes and looked at the thick sea sand and the three-five-point reef, as if the only thing that could eat was seaweed?

At the moment he felt Siren rubbing his neck with soft ear fins:

[Let me go find something to eat …]

The author has something to say: round eel

The deposit box has something to say: Yefeng goes out to meet Jiyou, and the hotel ’s network cable will respond to the message if it is powerful. [Well, is n’t the JJ system working?] The three-day updates are in the deposit box. ∩_∩) O

Chapter 85: The Encounter of Kasuga

Although the hurricane in the Coral Sea affected only a small area of ​​water around the equator, the rest of the world is still not calm.

“What, you want to move the masses inland to northwest?”

In the underground base of city B, someone shot up at the conference table and his face turned red:

“Chairman! It has been difficult for us to expand the safe area to the Bohai Bay, and we are going to develop in Shandong, where there are rich fishing grounds! Are we going to throw it to those clever powers? Damn, legal order, moral life In the eyes of those thugs, no money is worth it. Even if we are unable to restore the entire country due to the status quo, we cannot shrink back in front of those people! “

“General Chen! Please calm down, this is not the time to fight for breath, nor to stress the sovereignty and dignity of the country!”

The old man had become thinner within a short period of three months, and there were dark circles under his eyes. He looked very bad, and his face was very bad, but he was still sitting there with straight eyes:

“When the end of the world came, the Prime Minister was inspecting City S. Three months after the severance of the severance, the troops of the Prime Minister and the Nanjing Military Region are basically still well, and the situation there is still stable, but at the same time there is also a disappointment. Good news, Dean Qi! “

An old man with a military rank rolled out a map of the world on the conference table, looking dignified.

“A total of about ten ships drifted off the coast of Chongming Island in the last month. Some cities in the south went north after the defeat of the island, some Japanese from the Okinawa Islands, and a boat originally traveled to Southeast Asia. It is said that the warm current of the north equator is reversed, and the temperature of the sea near the equator continues to rise … “


Someone couldn’t help groaning from his mouth, how could all this bad thing get to a pile?

“The reverse of the ocean current means that this year is El Niño.” The dean of the Academy of Sciences put on his glasses and said in a heavy tone. “First of all, it hit South America first. The direction of the warm current in the South Equator reversed, and it could not meet the cold current in Peru There is no fish to catch there … monsoon ocean currents do not bring water vapor regularly, and then there is drought. Our country will experience floods in the south and north as in the El Niño years, and the worst is that when the sea temperature is too high in July and August, Typhoons will form one after another in the northwest Pacific. Now we have no trains, cars, or supplies, let alone use satellite observations to predict the typhoon’s landing trajectory, along the coast of the East China Sea … “

“That will not affect the Bohai Sea!”

“No … General Chen, the climate is too warm. Don’t you think it’s just April and it’s already sultry like June?”

Dean Qi painted the entire coastline by hand. “At that time, it will not only be a strong typhoon, but also a tornado, and there will not be only one. There will be too much heat in the seawater, which can form two, three or more. The typhoon struck at the same time! When it evacuates again, it will be too late! “

There was nothing but a rapid gasp in the conference room.


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