The Sea Monsters Alliance

Chapter 80

> Even before the end of the age when science and technology are intact, this is still a terrible disaster. Besides, there is nothing now, and even medicines are just stockpiled and cannot be reproduced.

Without mechanical civilization, no pills and capsules, and Chinese medicine, it is not completely wrong.

But how much time does it take to cook soup in a crock pot? Traditional Chinese medicine is not as effective as western medicine. It also needs to pay attention to conditioning. Catastrophes and catastrophes can’t keep up with the massive needs. The most serious thing is the source of herbs. This is the same as grain and vegetables that need to be planted. Properly, the grown medicinal materials have poor efficacy or cannot survive at all.

In this case, everyone here knows that the country, and even the entire human race, cannot stand another devastating blow.

“Is this the way to die?”

There was no one to answer General Chen’s sorrow and anger, and no one spoke comfort, and everyone was silent.

Even Captain Hao, who was standing outside the conference room door, could only turn his head in silence.

“Captain, I just received news that the waters below the Bohai Bay have changed!”

“What’s wrong, is it an earthquake? Or–“

“No, Captain. Do you remember those monsters? Is it a killer crab?”

“Yes, are they here again?”

“No. At first, many people were too hungry, so they ran to the beach. The sea water was still light red for so long. When those hungry and crazy people dragged the killer crabs ashore, they would only have ** Empty shell! “

“This is also a fuss?” Captain Hao was in a heavy mood, and was not very angry at once. “It’s rotten, and it’s been annihilated by other marine life!”

“If that’s the case, it doesn’t matter. Captain Hao and Professor Lin are working on an investigation report and sent someone to check the situation there. This is not just coming back. I heard that the officers were all pale …”

Captain Hao stopped and looked at his gossip players in doubt.

The base is two floors below. The sighting report has been written. There are also two pieces of leather that are soft and collapsed like inflatable toys. One is a shark, the other is a turtle shape, especially the shark ’s big mouth. The teeth were absolutely infiltrating, and the shell on the turtle’s back seemed to be very solid.

In the room was a weird smell and an absent stench.

Professor Lin wore gloves and flipped through the two skins with a magnifying glass. The more he looked, the more his face turned gray. He waved his hand and motioned to the young researcher next to bring the report to the chairman.

“But, what do you want to say?” The researcher’s legs and stomach were a little dazed.

“Just say that new monsters have been found, they can empty marine life, visceral blood and muscles … there is only one skin left!”

The researcher almost sat down on the ground, he hurried back Professor Lin:

“Then you’re still so close, what if that monster is still … still there? What to do?”

“How is it possible that this skin is dry? After being eaten, it floated to the sea to dry and finally washed up and was picked up by our people!” Professor Lin sniffed, his former apprentices and assistants died in the last-day disaster. One died from radiation and the other was a serial explosion of a nearby car caused by a plane crash. The researchers now following it have various shortcomings, and the most terrible thing is timidity!

“This, but that’s not good!” The researcher insisted on holding Lin’s hand. “What if the worm eggs are still there? Or maybe the monster is a virus, do you just bring death to the base?” Yet?”

Professor Lin was speechless to the young man who had come from the former space research department.

Sure enough, interlacing is like crossing mountains …

“You watched more science fiction movies! Where is there such a poisonous virus?” Professor Lin was anxious, after all, a big hat that accidentally destroyed the base was put on top of his head, didn’t he? “Virus is reproduction, infection, and the most powerful is Change the host gene fragments! If you want them to exist alone, they will soon die or dormant … Melt a whole shark to only the skin, and you think this is corpse water! What worm eggs do you think Is it a man-eating ant? “

“Professor, you are so sure, is this not dangerous?”

“Of course!” Professor Lin urged a few words and sent the researcher away.

Turning his head back, his expression was very grim, and he re-examined the eyes of the turtle and the cheek of the shark.

The eyes were hollow and could not see anything, but the shark’s cheeks were not dried together, but disappeared. Yes on the left, not on the right. This makes Professor Lin frown even more.

“It should be … well, it really is that kind of thing! But bones, is it stubborn?”

In the boundless ocean, swimming slowly from the Arctic Circle, Xia Jellyfish that crossed the ice and snow line three days ago, first changed from silver to white from tentacles, and then orange-red. This kind of light made the tentacles around it spin. Xiaomuyu was very excited, and soon there was a greedy guy who wanted to eat Muyu. He ran into the net and hit the stinging tentacle of the jellyfish.

What a delicious meal.

Nereus uses a slanted angle to encourage a huge hat-like body to swim forward. The sea it passes through, creatures that are too close are either caught by stings to become gourmet food, or dazzled and fall down. The distance After a while, he woke up and fled in horror.

Jellyfish agitates the body and produces carbon monoxide.

For Xia Jellyfish, their largest population is in the Arctic, also known as Arctic Jellyfish. The hometown of Nereus is in the Pacific Ocean, but because of its large size, it is necessary to go to the Arctic for everything.

Unlike Abisher’s congener, the younger ones are not as big as Abser’s tentacles. Jellyfish are not like this, and Arctic Jellyfish are mostly more than ten meters. However, Nereus is very sorry. It consciously plucked other jellyfish with its tentacles. It was very happy to walk around, but no matter what Nereus said, the other jellyfish did not respond. Some of them were only neural reflexes. The center has no brain.

This is like a beautiful wax museum. You can run and play in it, and you can become good friends with anyone, because no one will hate you, and you will not find you different from them, so they never Will hate you and let you jump freely.

This is actually … a helpless life.

Nereus stretched his tentacles upwards in depression, sinking into the sea.

Whenever he exhausted his patience, after leaving the North Pole, he began to miss Abhisit, who was always talking about strange things, and Keto, who was impatient. Well, even the stupid Yurebiya would at least have a reaction.

But to Antarctica? Absolutely free! It is a jellyfish, and the last thing a jellyfish is willing to encounter is a storm.

Jellyfish are rarely attacked. Most of their bodies are sea water. Can they fill their stomachs? The sea monster has no natural enemies at all, but Nerus is still very careful, because its body is very fragile, and Jurebia ’s barb can make it into a broken bag, and it can only be recovered bitterly. Not to mention the fish that love to run rampant in the ocean.

No, a swordfish jumped across the sea.

Nereus was taken aback. The water wave took it backwards and went far away. The jellyfish has no eyes. Nereus is a sea monster without vision, but it has countless tentacles that can determine the surrounding conditions to sense the current, as long as its tentacles Touching it can form something like a holographic image.

So what fish did you just pass by? It didn’t understand, but judging from speed and current, it was either swordfish or swordfish.

Nereus was about to slowly appease his frightened little herdsmen, and suddenly felt that the rapids rushed through again, breaking his tentacles violently, and rolling and chaotically, Xia Jellyfish was furious:

[Are there any sharks, come one! ] Strangle this bastard!

Before he was irritable, and there was a fierce tumbling of fish in the sea water, Nerez even heard the wailing of some fish, including the sharp sound of dolphins.

What’s going on here?

Nereus gathered the tentacles in horror, and the little herringbread shrank to the innermost and shivered.

It has just entered temperate waters, the ocean currents are normal, there is no weird smell in the sea water, and there are no large predators. Do these fish go crazy and show how to roll forward in the sea water?

Xia Jellyfish was in doubt, and when she moved forward carefully, she felt that several fish had slowly turned her belly over the sea. When he tentacled out, he touched either the wildly chaotic fish or the dead body. Various strange monosyllabic wailings came one after another in the ocean, and Nerus began to be afraid.

It slowly got entangled with a dead swordfish, and the jellyfish had limited strength. It couldn’t drag this big guy, and it floated above the swordfish body and groped with tentacles.

At the beginning, nothing was found, not even a wound was found on the surface of the swordfish. When Nerus was wondering, he suddenly noticed that a small piece of fish was obviously stuck in the middle. Xia Jellyfish, who thought it was a wrong judge, quickly concentrated the tentacles in that area, and then clearly felt that the belly of the swordfish began to shrink in, and slowly shrinking and flattening began to spread to the tail.

Because swordfish do not have scales, Neros’ tentacles touched a long, thin, strip-shaped creeping object under the skin of the fish without obstruction!

The tentacle sting of Xia Jellyfish has paralyzed venom. The monster can not feel the touch of the jellyfish through the skin of the swordfish. It eats the swordfish injected with the venom by the sting … Then it poisoned and started to twitch .

But Nereus had forgotten it, and it felt that the moment he touched it twice, he and the unknown creature were stiff.

Is there a monster? And found it? !!

[Help! Abigail, help–

The author has something to say: … this chapter is August 5th … The original plan was to go out of the facade, so in order to continue more and more, so they are all saved, as a result … if the face is in a typhoon, What a sad thing

Writing a tornado on August 3rd, I never thought that a typhoon would strike this year …

86. Emergency meetings

Neros shouted too loudly. The sound wave came from the high latitudes of the Northwest Pacific. When passing near Anuta Island in the South Pacific, Siren first woke up.

The hurricane has completely passed, and the undulations of the seawater have weakened a lot, that is, from time to time, a small curling wave rolls over the surface seawater. They stayed in a group of reefs under the cliffs on the south side of Anuta Island. There are almost no large fishes here. The depth of the water is about ten meters. Some reefs have been washed very smoothly by the waves. At least they lie down and relax. It feels better than half a body sinking into Haisha at the first poke.

Siren moved a little, and his head turned awake to see Xia Yi.

[I seem to hear who is calling for help? Xia Yi murmured drowsily.

[It is Nereus. 】

The mermaid obviously dismissed the sound wave. Although Xia Jellyfish is also a sea monster, this guy is quite vulnerable. The jellyfish’s body is easily torn by the storm, so the jellyfish in the entire ocean has an extraordinary ability to hear infrasound waves regardless of its size. When the storm is approaching, the infrasound jellyfish produced is always the first to hear, and Will sink quickly to avoid the waves.

Nereus is a sea monster, but it is far more dangerous than other jellyfish.

Most jellyfish live in places without waves, such as the Arctic, such as the deep sea, or dead water areas, where there are few large fishes and few creatures, but Nerouus often drifts along the ocean current, and of course the troubles encountered are also Many, all sea monsters are accustomed to it from time to time to help out.

It was said that Abisher was a lazy tentacle, and did not even reply.

But the sea monsters are very calm, and the abilities are not!

There was no movement for many days, and suddenly there was such a terrible horror. Drinking water can kill me!

[Help … there are monsters, save me …]

Captain Hao at the base of city B rolled a drop of sweat from his forehead, thinking for a moment, what exactly is going on, which can make the sea monsters exclaim and help? Is something really wrong in the area of ​​the Yellow Sea below the Bohai Bay?

[Have you hit an iceberg? ]

The first to speak was the experienced king crab, which snapped twice. There are icebergs floating around the Antarctic and the North Pole. It ’s normal to encounter them, but—

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