The Shadow of the Hidden Leaf


"I...see...i understand your worries young pupil."

Chiriku took a solemn gaze as he knew that this was a complicated mess he can't intervene on Kizuna.

Her friend being a Jinchuriki, the tail-beast hunting organization, Akatsuki and those two criminal who were recuited to hunt them down. He seems to understand how powerful their group was and Kizuna was still unsure if she can take them down.

Kizuna was training hard to fight every opponent the Akatsuki throw at her as she had been studying and learning each member but there were still two people who she can't learn more about.

'Pain, leader of the Akatsuki' and 'Madara Uchiha, the person who requested to gather all the tail-beast'.

These two were the unknown foes she can't seem to learn as she had been learning Madara from the history books of Konoha. She also learn a bit about Pain and the use of Rinnegan as she can only describe briefly, being the power to become god or something like that.

This cause her to have multiple thoughts of even beating these two as Itachi had been advicing her to not confront them alone.

He was like a big brother to Kizuna as he felt like she was trying to dig into her own grave after their long bonding. He find her to be such a worrisome person, knowing that she will get herself killed if she continues fighting them.

Chiriku also felt this on Kizuna but he couldn't advice and only try to calm her down and think more logically than fighting such an unknown force.

Even when she could have easily beaten those two, she knew she was still weak and need to understand to not rush into things.

"B-but friend......"

"Would this friend of yours be this weak?"

After that sentence, she was silent before nodding in understanding. She knew that she doesn't need to carry all the burden and need to rely more on others. Plus, Chiriku advice her that her potential is still developing so you need to to rush into battle and continue training.

When it was all done, he had told her that there wasn't any training left for him to do as she decided to head back to Konoha and rethink about new strategies and other plans.

What she didn't expect that as she slowly gotten down from the temple, a group of ninjas was slowly run up to the temple with a worried look.

A nearby monk who saw the invaders quickly fled to Konoha and warned Tsunade that they were gonna attack the temple. So, she had tasked a group of ninjas to investigate as she picked Asuma's team due to his long relationship with the leader there.

He agreed and brought his team, together with two chuunins who had lost their group. Kido and Okuto.

Still at lost of their friend, they bonded together and grown a lot these past year as their skills had improve as were the rest of Konoha's young generation.

Shikamaru who was still down, had shown that he needed to step up and stop slacking around. He had always been praised by Kizuna's positivity as the moment she died, he knew that the world isn't safe. He saw how her life was just the same as Naruto as he wishes that there won't be any children like her or Naruto.

While Naruto was brimming with determination, Kizuna was like a sunshine to ignite that fire of his.


Not only Naruto lost his best friend, he also lost the brother and sole teammate he bonded over. His dream was shaken and he wanted to just give up everything. Yet, due to Kizuna's efforts, he wasn't alone.

Sakura, who was the only member of Team 7. Hinata, the girl whom he had a bonded strongly with Kizuna and, the friends he made with her.

While she was gone in his life, there were others who replaced her. He wasn't alone yet again. He had them.

Shikamaru also knows how much Naruto never gives up as he needed to change, everyone needs to.

Sakura, had grown considerably stronger and carried Kizuna's will. Hinata, who carried that radiance and determination. And the rest of Konoha's group of genins had carried each part of her. Her death might had been painful but she gave them the will to move on.

And Shikamaru now carries her dream.

'I want to protect my friends. That is my ninja way!'

Her efforts, radiance and hard-work had improve them to the people she shares as Naruto's life isn't as bleak anymore. Filled with radiance, he will carry that dream and hers as he shall become someone who will stand above and carry her smile.

This was why Kido and Okuto, who had lost Kizuna, still carried her strength to continue becoming ninjas and will go on even without to motivate them any longer.

Their leader who was their beacon of light had disappeared, they felt the weight of what a ninja truly is yet they weren't shaken as they knew what it meant to be a ninja.

'The moment we became ninjas, we already meant to die one day at someone's hands. If i die someday, please continue on without me.'

All three of them had already made pacts with one another as Kido was the most affected among the two.

Kizuna always left Okuto in charge whenever she isn't on the team as Okuto, while not shown much combat capabilities, was a qualified strategist and a well-organized person. He had shown such a calm nature even when one of their team had pass on.

Kido was the most affected of the group as he had always been in love with Kizuna. He had always been jealous of others whenever Kizuna was close to any other guy. But he knew that she was always been someone dense when it comes to romantic feelings as she always had been rejecting his love.

"I'm sorry Kido. I know you like me and all but i can't reciprocate your feelings. I... I do like you but...." 

Kizuna always hesitates to reciprocate to any feelings on love as she also did this to Lee. She can feel that they are geniune on their attraction but... 

She couldn't see herself loving solely one person.

Everytime she and Naruto are bonding, they could only feel each orher being like siblings, as she would with Sasuke.

Kido and Okuto where her teammates and doing missions with them were kinda fun for her.

Training with Lee and learning new ways to improve, she was genuinely excited if it can help her improve herself.

And to be honest, none of those had any reaction to her for a long time.

Yet, it was the sudden change on Neji had on her that affected her feelings the most. In which, Kido knew that something in Kizuna had change.

But it was too late to realize after she disappeared. 

He had lost the girl whom he fallen in love with. Okuto felt the same as Kizuna brought them all into a single group and made each other trust themselves.

Okuto knew that without Kizuna, Kido wouldn't even become a ninja no more which he needed to stop this for Kizuna's Sake.

"Kido, i know how you feel but you know Kizuna didn't want you to feel down for her."


He gritted as his heart was still aching while trying to understand what he had to say.

She didnz't tease him in his dream of becoming a strong ninja and had always supported it with Naruto. So, he understands that Kizuna would feel sad if he had to give up his dream.


"Okuto...I can't do this.... I...Love Kizuna..." 


Okuto was kinda sad that Kido would leave the group... 

Until Naruto arrived.... 

"Kido! If you can't even give up the determination of becoming the strongest Ninja, don't you ever say you love Kizuna! She knew of the risk of being one yet she still continue to move forward and even did her best by saving her friends! Look at me, would she even love you if she were to see you like this?! "

This struck Kido deeply as he knew Naruto was always been supported by her and was affected the most when she was gone. Who does he think, when his childhood friend that supported him into becoming a Hokage was gone? And he was just lovesick and decided to give up after she was gone?

Kido knew now that Naruto was still smiling even when Kizuna wasn't there by his side as with a new determination upon his face, he want to redo his choices and still achieve that dream, even if she wasn't there anymore.

So, Kido and Okuto continue on without Kizuna as they decide to continue the Legacy of the Oku-na-do. 

With all of the new determination and the banner of hope refueled within them, they marched on forwards as they were given a task by the Hokage to provide support to help in the Fire Temple.

Asuma was worried for his friend, had agreed to the mission as they all began climbing up the temple.

Kizuna knowing that she was far enough from the temple, was about to use Flying Thundergod to return to the Foundation....

And she spotted them. 


She was about to call them out but she had forgotten that she was actually dead and decided to silently gave a look before disappearing.

Yet, it was only for a fragment of moment and she could see two people's shocked face at that moment before she returned to dark and eerie enviroment and a woman with long brown hair awaited her.

"Lord Shimura. It seems the recon team had info on the Akatsuki's Leader on his whereabouts. Should we investigate?"

"........ No. Have our men observe the location from afar and keep investigating more on this leader of theirs. Also, what about the reports on the Jinchurikis?"

"Hmn... It seems that Itachi isn't holding back on our men and had accounted many loses. Yet, there were no deaths confirmed and most only suffered heavy injuries and amputations. I can confirm that 1-tailed is taken as for 7-tailed. We are currently unconfirmed for the disappearance of the 2-tailed."

"Tch. There's only 3 left.... The sixth, eight and..... Naruto...." 

Kizuna clicks her tongue in displeasure as she knows that there were only 3 jinchurikis left. She felt that even if they had the information on the Akatsuki, they knew that it would be a matter of time before they can capture the sixth tailed beast.

Looking through the reports, Kizuna began formulating plans as Izumi had shown a surprised look that Kizuna was more calm than before.

Yet, she was even more determined to stop the group as she looked at Izumi and began to form strategies. 

"Izumi, we will fully defend the sixth tails." 

"H-huh? S-shouldn't we be splitting our forces into 3 groups?" 

"No, i just have a feeling that the leader himself would likely target the 6th tails. The eight is currently well-hidden while Naruto is getting stronger so they would likely focus their forces on capturing the 6th."


Izumi left as Kizuna was making just assumptions one after another.

She had been collecting info on the Akatsuki's leads and had been behind them after all this time. Yet, she finally got some lead as she decided to join in later and confront the leader.

"This might be a difficult even if we gather all our forces..."

With the lack of information, Kizuna just silently waits.... 

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