The Shadow of the Hidden Leaf


Chiriku was meditating when his disciples panic of a sudden intruders on their temples.

He quickly walk out of his temple and was shocked that some of his disciples died as Hidan and Kakuzu just casually strolled down towards him.

"Oh Look Kakuzu, there's our 30M Ryo bounty. Guess we don't need to toy around with these guys anymore."

"....heh. Just hurry up Hidan. You can deal with that guy as long as i get paid for this."

One of the two had a slick hair which goes to the back of his head and creepily smiles while taunting the monk. The other was a man with a mask, having green eyes which his eyelids had been darkened.

They both stared at the monk as the man in the mask had lost interest yet Chiriku who saw his dead disciples turned rage from them dying and glaring at the two invaders.

"My fellow disciples, please inform your fellow pupil that her target is right front at my door as i might need some guidance as to who this two individuals are."


While Chiriku was angry at these two, he manage to composed himself as he knew that for these two to walk at his temple and had the guts to take him down, they are quite a strong group to fight. Plus....

While he is at a disadvantage, he doesn't pride himself as the one whom he took as an apprentice....

Are far more scary individual that them.

"Two Akatsuki from the group and the duo known for their immortality. Hidan of the Yugakure Village and a worshipper of a deity known as Jashin. Kakuzu of the Takigakure Village and a skilled ninja who escape imprisonment and killed his own Village elders and not only you took their forbidden scrolls, you also took their hearts as well. Well, well.... Quite a dangerous foes.... "

"Oh my god.... This girl is quite feisty Kakuzu. She not only knows us. But she also know of my god as well. This is quite a shocking revelation. Hehehe... Can't wait for me to take your blood and offer it to Jashin."


Kizuna appeared behind Chiriku as she gaze at both Akatsuki members in a single glance before narrating their backgrounds. Hidan was quite appreciative of Kizuna as he was glad that someone out there had known of him and his god while Kakuzu was now feeling something odd and.... Terrified.

Chiriku who heard Kizuna's words was quite shocked as all his disciples were also feeling baffled that they all thought that they can go against these two individuals. Yet, when she told them of their exploits, they suddenly regretted their decision and are now feeling dread.

Hidan who was gonna attack, was stopped by Kakuzu with worry mixed within.

"Hidan. I don't care if you want to kill the girl but we should go back to the Akatsuki since we might be facing a dangerous individual."

"Oh com'on Kakuzu, this is just one girl. Why the worry look? Can't handle her sass?"

"Hidan. I'm not kidding around."

He was now glaring at Hidan as Kakuzu felt like this girl had anticipated them. Like, she knew of them yet she wasn't afraid. He felt like they would actually lose here if they ever confront her even when there's two of them, immortal to boot.

Hidan who was quite annoyed at Kakuzu suddenly clicked his tongue as he ignores him and charges right in front of her with his double bladed scythe.

"Offer your blood to Jashin!"

Hidan recklessly charges right in front of them as he wanted to taste the blood of the girl. She didn't dodge nor move as she just stares at Hidan with an emotionless look and the monks were preparing for battle yet...


Hidan flew in the air as he began coughing up blood and landed hardly on the ground while Kizuna sighed and focus on Kakuzu.

"Master, block their escape. No information should be leaked from the outside premise as i want the Akatsuki to be in the dark."

" be able to break your composure after all that training, must be that these guys are quite cunning. Alright."

Chiriku claps his hands and every monk in the premise began doing the same as a round light of sphere began to encircle the temple.

Now, Kakuzu knew it was too late to escape as he blames his partner and not listen to him.

Yet, hidan just casually laughs the pain in his chest as he look over on a dark wolf just glaring at him.

"Oh Jashin.... This is so exciting! This is gonna be quite a bloodbath! Hahahaha!"

Hidan maniacally laughed as Kakuzu was just dumbfounded of Hidan's reckless actions. It seems that this maniac was quite gullible to be taken by Kizuna's charm. He then noticed that Kizuna was actually using genjutsu to literally charm him that it was the main reason why Hidan didn't listen to him as she smiles.


For the first time in Kakuzu's immortal life, he finally knew fear.

The moment they met this girl, they knew that she can pretty much kill them. She didn't hide it as her gaze was pretty disturbing.

Those eyes whose hungry for power as she toys around with Hidan's life and casually playing with him around, Kakuzu knew that she can already kill him a thousand... No million times over.

She literally just training with them as Hidan still didn't realize the truth.

Everytime he would strike, she would bash his head in, slice his arms, break every part of his body and while he can regenerate, she was just enjoying breaking him. Over and over again.

Chiriku also had seen this as this might be something that Kizuna do whenever she relieves stress. Breaking her opponent's will as she smiles gleefully. She didn't commit on instantly killing him as she just stares at Kakuzu.

'Do it. Move. You can do it. Do it. Move. You have the ability right here. Do it. Kill me.'

Her eyes signals Kakuzu to move as he slowly been dragged by her charm as he resist the urge.

He can't.

Kakuzu knew that Kizuna wanted to kill both of them right now but where was the fun in that?

She wants them to suffer. Continue to scream and break their wills.

Hidan also begining to realize their situation yet still smiles as he thought Kizuna can't kill him. She just trying to break his will but it was futile as he enjoys the pain. She can never kill him, Hidan thought and then...

"Now its kinda boring."

She scoffed as she decided that it was enough and use a jutsu to bind Hidan. He struggle for a bit but the jutsu she used was strong as he smiled and waited then, for the first time in his eternal life, he feared her.

"Haah, time to bury you."


Hidan who heard what Kizuna said became even more shocked as he knew what that meant. She was looking through different ways to kill him as she decides to bury him to the ground. In which, she would test out a theory if he can breathe while down on the soil as Hiden suddenly felt like he was pulled below the ground.

Kakuzu also begins to grow stiff at realization that Kizuna had enough and decided to end him as Hidan began to struggle hard while taunting her to dismember him, slicing him or any type to hurt him yet.

He was only given a usual smile she shown to them as if she knew what their weaknesses was. She was actually observing their data like a calculated mind and knows....

She can kill them whenever she wants.

This Kakuzu to rush in to save his friend as Kizuna's wolf would always stop Kakuzu in his tracks while Hidan kept calling out to Kakuzu right as his head was slowly being buried alive.

"Kakuzu you piece of sh........."

And so, Hidan had now belong to the ground to give a new life for others. Kakuzu who saw this turned to Kizuna who raises her hand and gives 5 fingers to him. In which, was replied to his shocked and fear.

Kizuna knows him too well that he now desperately wants to run away from her as he didn't hesitate to use every arsenal in his body to fight her.

The tendrils which popped up in his body begins to open on his robe which rips it to shreads as all of it begins to head to Kizuna. She just pulls out a blade on her hips and begins to slice it in a quick succession as he begins to desperately runs while throwing every tendrils he had on her. Yet.

"One down. 4 to go."

Kizuna had thrown a hidden kunai which she strike and destroy one of the mask containing a heart. Kakuzu knew that Kizuna had destroyed his water mask and he is unable to use water technique anymore. He then began to use many jutsu to thrust her away as Kizuna knew that she was in danger if she kept on charging and decided to fall back.

"Haah.... Haah...."

Kakuzu was breathing heavily not from tireness but the first time he was feeling scared. This girl had not only manage to kill his immortal partner, but also destroyed a mask of his, containing a heart.

While he still has 4 hearts left, he knew that she can destroy them as his only option now was to retreat rather than fight this one.

And so, he decided to switch targets and decided to attack the monks, in which Chiriku began to block any attacks on Kakuzu. Even so, Chiriku felt increasingly tired from blocking the attack as Kakuzu smiles and ready for a big attack but he forgot one thing....

"And thats 2...."

Kizuna. The opponent he was running away from.

Because of him ignoring her, she used that opportunity to attack his weakest area as another mask of his broke down and he can't use earth styles anymore.

This worries Kakuzu even more now as Kizuna manage to break two of his mask before he could counter her.

He tried everything to fight against her but she is always prepared to fight him in every part and slowly but surely, she was destroying every mask he has.


Then, it was the final heart in which Kakuzu began to fully realize that the moment they met her, they were doomed. He was begining to doubt why was she able to counter them in a quick and efficient way as he can see how fast she can analyze and was able to kill Hidan and destroy all 4 of his hearts in a decisive battle.

She was smart and powerful and he knows that she might actually be able to destroy the Akatsuki. Yet....

'Tch.... It isn't enough....'

The battle between them had taken 5 hours as Kizuna's breathing became haggard and was just controlling her body to not let out any subtle weakness on her part to which her opponents can exploit.

She realizes that it might not be enough if she were to battle the leader of the Akatsuki or this 'Madara' she kept lacking info about.

And so, she decided to quickly end this game and stabbed through Kakuzu's final heart as she sighs and turns to Chiriku and others who was still in awe at Kizuna's battle prowness.

She was effectively dealing with a man who can never die even when his limbs is being cut off and fighting a man who had five hearts. But Chiriku saw that Kizuna wasn't satisfied of that battle as he wanted to talk more about it. He needed to know why that she is still so unsure of facing an organization when she killed two powerful ninjas. 

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