The Sixth School.

Chapter Three.

Chapter Three: Unexpected gains…

Greg finished going through the list of missions just as the healer finished adding the herbs to the water she’d be using to wipe him down. As she had done on the previous days, she moved her hands in the air before quietly weaving a rune a few inches above the water. Unlike the rune that Greg saw earlier in the afternoon, this rune wasn’t green. Instead, it was the bright red of superheated metal. An apt color given that it was meant to boil the water mixed with the herbs. The water would be heated to boiling before once again being cooled down to a lukewarm temperature. The healer would then take out the herbs from the water before it was ready for her purposes.

While the water was slowly heating up, the healer rose to her feet and turned to him. Leaning forward, she reached for his covers. As was the case every time she was about to heal him, she would first take away his covers before working on his body unobstructed. Her hands, however, paused midway when she noted that the covers were slowly moving to the side on their own. Greg may have appeared calm on the surface, his heart, however, felt like it was trying to beat its way out of his chest. Greg could only call it a light bulb moment. Rather than a well-thought-out idea, this was at best a gamble. And if the system was to be trusted, a potentially suicidal one. It had occurred to Greg that every time the healer came to heal him, she would usually start by pulling away his covers. For her, it wasn’t anything sexual, just a part of her job. Greg, however, realized that this gave him a rare chance that he would almost never have. In any other situation, revealing one’s naked body would have sexual connotations and probably end in a bad way for him. In this particular situation, however, it would just seem like the patient was trying to help her in her work.

Greg’s body was still in a very bad condition and he felt really weak. Still, Greg struggled to push the covers off him as he wasn’t sure the system would acknowledge the flashing mission as completed if the healer was the one to lift the covers off him. The healer stood back up, not saying anything as she allowed Greg to slowly remove the covers off himself. Part of the reason why Greg did not attempt to speak even as he pushed the covers off was because of the daredevil mission. An even bigger part of it, however, was because he couldn’t trust his voice not to shake and betray the icy fear that Greg felt at that moment. Besides, trying to explain himself at this moment would appear far more suspicious than just silently uncovering himself.

As Greg slowly pulled the covers away, the woman had already started moving her hands through the air, weaving the bright green healing rune that Greg was all too familiar with. This time, however, something happened that hadn’t happened before. In the middle of weaving the healing rune that she’d use in healing him, the healer paused. Greg, who had just finished pulling away the covers completely off his body, couldn’t help but notice this. When his gaze moved up to the woman’s face, he noted the fact that her gaze was drawn to something on his lower body. When Greg turned to look, he could feel the blood drain from his face and cold dread wash over him as he realized what it was she was looking at.

The core of the reason why Greg had been sure he could get away with pulling off his covers was because, in the present setting, it wouldn’t carry any sexual insinuations that could invoke an adverse reaction from the healer. This justification, however, flew right out the window as Greg turned down to find the pillar that was his nine-inch cock standing at full mast! This was Greg’s first time seeing his own boner in this body. In any other situation, he would have been pleasantly surprised by how long and thick his cock was. The large worm-like veins that spread out all over it only further emphasizing its girth would have filled him with deep male pride. The large, angry-red, mushroom head that stood like a lighthouse beacon would have made him smirk with glee. At this moment, however, they left him with a cold feeling as there was no way he could reasonably argue that he didn’t know it was there when he pulled off the covers. I mean, how the hell could anyone miss this monster?

And yet… somehow… Greg had missed it!

Greg had been so caught up in analyzing the system followed by the complete and utter dread of pulling off his covers that, for the life of him, he couldn’t tell at what point he’d gotten the hard-on. How that was even possible, Greg didn’t know. Shouldn’t being distracted have caused his boner to fade away rather than make it look like he’d swallowed a whole bottle full of Viagra pills?

But while Greg couldn’t puzzle out this conundrum, one thing he did know was that this completely changed the meaning of what he’d done. Without the boner, Greg taking off his covers was him simply helping the healer in her work. With the boner, however, one could be forgiven for thinking that Greg had pushed his covers away knowing full well what he’d be revealing. One was an innocent act, the other was him flashing the nurse! An act that according to the system held a ninety percent chance of him ending up dead! And, as if that wasn’t bad enough in itself, despite the blood completely draining from Greg’s face, his dick continued to remain almost defiantly erect. Pulsing from time to time almost as a taunt to both he and the healer.

When the woman turned her gaze to meet his, Greg couldn’t help but swallow hard. In the few seconds that she’d been studying the monster between his legs, Greg’s mind had gone into overdrive trying to figure out what he would do to extricate himself from this situation unscathed, or at the very least, alive. The elaborate excuse that Greg had come up with, however, was completely forgotten when a slightly amused smile crossed the woman’s face. “It seems that not all of you is broken,” She commented in passing before turning her attention back to the healing rune she’d been weaving, seemingly having lost all interest in him. By now the incomplete rune had already faded and she had to start over.

For a few seconds, Greg just stared dumbly at the woman before him as it slowly sunk in. He didn’t know the first thing about this woman before him other than the fact that she came by regularly to heal him, and once a day to clean him. To think her a psychopath that would kill him at the slightest provocation just because of a label from a system that he wasn’t even completely sure actually existed was a bit unfair on his part. Especially when one considers how much effort this woman had put into bringing him back right from the brink of death. Clearly, the potential for danger is not the same as actual danger. Perhaps, in any other situation, the woman might have reacted negatively, but in this particular one, she just brushed it off entirely. A sigh of relief left Greg as he weakly laid on the bed and allowed himself to relax. His thinking shifted. Rather than act like this woman would kill him at the slightest excuse, Greg chose to treat this like a normal interaction. Until he got signs that things were going down a dangerous path, Greg would interact with the woman just like he would interact with any other person.

Before Greg could think up the next step in his interaction with the healer, a screen popped up in his vision interrupting his thoughts.






The last line of text was in a different color from the rest of the text on this screen. As such, Greg knew he could click on it. It didn’t take a lot of thinking on Greg’s part to figure out what was going on. For the past three days, the system had been siphoning away most of the magical energy that was meant to heal him in order to start itself up. Now that the system was up and running, Greg had the option of readjusting the distribution of magic. If he wanted, a hundred percent of the energy being pumped into his body through the rune could be used to heal him. On the other hand, he could also slow down the rate of healing that he was receiving by adjusting the amount of magical energy being directed towards healing to even lower than the ten percent it was already at.

Greg clicked on the adjust button. A new screen popped up with a bar on it. On one end of the bar was the label, ‘MAGIC POINTS’, and on the other end of the bar was the label, ‘HEALING’. The bar was divided into two parts. The larger of the two parts was cyan blue and on the ‘Magic points’ end of the bar. This part covered exactly ninety percent of the bar. The other ten percent of the bar was neon green and was on the ‘HEALING’ end of the bar. There was a small pointer on the bar resting exactly where the two partitions of the bar met. Greg intuitively knew that to change the distribution of the magical energy he was receiving, he’d have to move this pointer. The closer to one end the pointer was, the more energy the label on the other end would receive. As things currently stood, the pointer was a lot closer to the ‘HEALING’ end of the bar.

Greg was torn. A part of him wanted to channel a hundred percent of the magical energy into healing. Being constantly weak and in pain was not exactly a pleasant feeling. The prospect of being completely healed was really tempting, he couldn’t lie. At the same time, however, Greg didn’t want to raise any suspicions. Thus far it had been an uphill climb to heal him. If, he could suddenly be healed without any issues, wouldn’t that raise questions? On the other hand, his second question of how to get Magic points had now also been answered, and Greg would be lying if he said that he wasn’t seriously tempted by the prospect of garnering a whole slew of Magic points. Clicking on the pointer, Greg moved it so that, twenty percent of the magical energy would go into healing, and the other eighty percent would be converted into Magic points. Rather than going all-in on healing, Greg chose to slowly increase it. In so doing, his rate of recovery would increase, but not so drastically as to raise eyebrows. At the same time, whatever these magical points were, Greg could amass some as a result of the healing. 

Greg had just finished adjusting the distribution of magical energy when the green light gushed forth from the rune on the healer’s palm. Before, when the healing had been taking place, Greg’s mind had usually been occupied by the sensations of his body during the process. This time, however, Greg was focused on the counter that kept a tally of the number of magical points he had. Given that this was all new to Greg, he wasn’t sure what he’d been expecting. Still, his eyes did widen when he saw the rate at which he was earning magic points. The digits in the ones and tens place value were just a blur, the digit in the hundreds place value was a bit slower, but also changing fast enough that every three seconds, the digit in the thousands place value ticked upwards. In other words, Greg gained a thousand magic points every three seconds!

Greg was uncertain whether this was due to how easy it was to earn magical points or a reflection of just how powerful the woman before him was. Part of him wanted to believe that it was the former, Greg, however, couldn’t shake the feeling that it was most likely the latter. After a minute of healing, Greg had twenty thousand magic points. By the third minute, the tally stood at sixty thousand and counting. However, it was usually by this point that the healer begins to struggle with maintaining her magical output and the same was reflected in the counter. By the end of the fourth minute, Greg’s magic points total stood at seventy-two thousand. And by the fifth when she finally gave up, beads of sweat on her forehead, Greg had seventy-seven thousand magical points in total.

The healer took a few seconds after she was done to compose herself. Though her face didn’t show it, he knew she was giving herself time to allow the pain to slowly ebb away. Greg knew next to nothing about magic, however, instinctively, he knew that magic shouldn’t cause the kind of pain he could see in the healer every time she used her magic for prolonged periods. There was a story behind why someone as powerful as her could only use her magic for as little time as she seemed to be capable of. Greg, however, didn’t pry. They weren’t as yet that close. After about fifteen seconds, the healer let out a slow breath before turning her attention back to the basin by the bedside.

The water in the basin had already been boiling for about two minutes by now. This, however, didn’t seem to bother the healer as she crouched down once again to continue her preparation of the water. With a wave of her hand, the red-hot rune that had been heating the water was dispelled. In short order, the healer had weaved another intricate rune, this time of an icy-blue hue. Greg could feel the heat in the room drop a bit as the rune quickly cooled the boiling water down. With another incantation and wave of her hand, all the plant parts that the healer had thrown into the basin rose out of the water on their own. There was a burst of flames as they were reduced to ash before the ball of ash was sent out the window. The water left behind was a clear mint green and gave off a refreshing herbal smell.

When the white cloth on the healer’s shoulder was dipped inside the basin of water, somehow, it didn’t come out tinted green like the water. Instead, it remained as pristine white as before. When pressed against his skin, there was a cool sensation with the slight stinging that was common among antiseptics. By now, Greg had calmed down and his heart stopped racing. There were a few missions that he’d thought he could do that still remained undone. However, Greg felt that he’d already had enough excitement for a day. As such he had planned to lie back and enjoy the wipe-down before resting afterward.

A few minutes later, however, Greg’s eyes opened wide as saucers when he felt the healer’s hand wrap around his thick cock. The first shock came from the fact that he actually still had a boner. How in the hell had it not gone down yet? Even back on earth, with all the raging hormones he’d had, being distracted by other things, as he had been with the system, would have caused him to lose a boner. In the present, however, his dick remained defiantly hard despite not receiving much attention from either one of them. Was he so blue-balled from all the time he’d gotten an eyeful of the healer's tempting body? Or was there some other reason behind his dick remaining tough as steel?

The other shock that Greg felt was from the fact that the healer was wiping down that part of him. He hadn’t been aware of his boner, but she had to have seen the monster sticking up like a flag pole. Given her straight-shooter, no-nonsense attitude, Greg would have expected her to avoid it and go around it. Or, perhaps, wait until it had gone down before attending to it. Apparently, however, serious, didn’t mean shy. With barely a flinch or change in expression, she just used the cloth to wipe down his raging boner, paying particular attention to the head.

Greg’s eyes, which had gone wide just a moment before, became half-lidded as the cloth ran up and down the length of his cock. Part of him knew that to the woman, this was just a simple cleaning routine. That, however, didn’t in the least take away any of the pleasure he felt from her ministrations. If he wasn’t so weak and injured, Greg was certain that he would have humped upwards when he felt the healer’s bare hand try to wrap around the girth of his dick. With a firm hold on his junk, the healer pushed it up against his belly and began to wipe down his balls. Though not nearly as sensitive as the head of his cock, even this contact sent tendrils of pleasure coursing through Greg.

The whole process lasted barely fifteen seconds, to Greg, however, it felt like time had stopped. As such, it felt like torture when the healer moved on without so much as a pause. It was an intense moment of pleasure for him but for her just another part of her job. Looking at her straight face, it was clear that there wasn’t even the slightest bit of sexual interest in what she had just done. Greg couldn’t help but sigh, as he forced himself to ignore the unsatisfied need in him and just let the healer continue with her work. He was tempted to try and push things further. He, however, restrained himself. The danger grades attached to the missions concerning this woman were enough of a restraint on him. He wasn’t willing to give up his second chance at life over a handjob.

Soon enough, the healer finished wiping down his body and took up her basin. There was a curious look in her eyes as she paused for a second to analyze his body. “It’s not much, but the healing took a little more effect this time,” She said. Greg couldn’t help but inwardly congratulate himself for not making too drastic a change to the distribution of magical energy. If she could pick up on the ten percent change that he’d made, then a much larger change would have raised questions that he had no answer to. It might just be some grand delusion that he was suffering, but Greg found himself trusting the system’s assessment of this healer and how much of a danger she could be. Until he was certain that the system was a figment of his imagination, he’d take its warnings seriously. “Keep fighting,” The healer said as with a wave of her hand she pulled the covers back over him before turning around and walking out of the room.

Barely a second after the door to the room was closed, Greg found himself looking at the stamp-sized screen at the edge of his vision. Before long, the virtual screen was once again covering the majority of his vision. Greg clicked on the missions button and was sent to the page with all the mission tabs. A new, tenth tab had appeared with the label ‘MISSIONS COMPLETED’. Greg had expected to have completed about four, maybe five, missions. He was, however, surprised to find a list of over ten different missions each glowing in golden letters that the system deemed completed. The order in which the completed missions were arranged was based on the arrangements of the mission tabs. So basic missions were at the top of the list and Milestone missions at the bottom. Also, below each completed mission, except the milestone missions, was a calculation of the total amount of lust points that Greg had earned. When Greg looked at the final tally, his eyes went wide. The entire list of completed missions was as follows;

Ø BASIC: Interact with the healer for five minutes.

Lust points: 8.

Danger Grade: Average (X5 multiplier).

Total lust points: 40.

Ø BASIC: Hold the healer’s gaze for ten seconds.

Lust points: 6.

Danger Grade: Average (X5 multiplier).

Total lust points: 30.

Ø BASIC: Make the healer smile.

Lust points: 5.

Danger Grade: Low (X2 multiplier).

Total lust points: 10.

Ø BASIC: Hold the healer’s hand for five seconds.

Lust points: 10.

Danger Grade: High (X10 Multiplier)

Total lust points: 100.

Ø ADVANCED: Have an intimate part of your body groped by the healer.

Lust points: 673.

Danger Grade: Suicidal (X100 Multiplier).

Total lust points: 67,300.

Ø ADVANCED: Flash the healer.

Lust points: 470.

Danger Grade: Suicidal (X100 multiplier).

Total lust points: 47,000.

Ø ADVANCED: Get a handjob from the healer.

Lust points: 890.

Danger Grade: Suicidal (X100 multiplier).

Total lust points: 89,000.

Ø DAREDEVIL: Without saying anything, strip naked in front of the healer. 

Lust points: 3,964.

Danger Grade: Suicidal (X100 multiplier).

Total lust points: 396,400.


Greg was just a hundred and twenty points shy of having six hundred thousand lust points! Apart from a few awkward moments here and there, the interaction between him and the healer this time hadn’t struck Greg as being that much different from all others. However, from the brief fifteen minutes of interacting with the healer, he’d earned over half a million lust points! Some of the missions like the flashing mission had been expected given that Greg had done it intentionally. Others like the handjob mission were completely unexpected. The healer had simply been diligent in her work, leaving no part of him neglected. Yet to the system, that brief interaction had been enough. ‘Seems I don’t have to cum for it to qualify as a handjob!’ Greg found himself thinking.

Other missions, like holding the healer’s hand for five seconds, Greg couldn’t even remember doing. Looking back on the whole interaction with the healer, it could only have happened while the healer was wiping him down. For a time, she had taken hold of his hand and raised it so she could wipe down the side of his ribs and armpit. It seems that, even when Greg wasn’t actually trying to complete the mission, so long as the deed was done, it would still count as completed.

This, however, wasn’t the end of the completed missions list. After the total tally of lust points obtained, the list continued.

Ø MILESTONE: Be groped by one woman.

Reward: a slight increase in women’s desire to grope you.

Ø MILESTONE: Flash one woman.

Reward: A slight increase in the allure of your body to women.

Ø MILESTONE: Receive pleasure from one woman’s hands.

Reward: A slight increase in the desire of women to pleasure you with their hands.

Greg’s brows rose as he read these final three completed missions. Greg had speculated before that, despite not showing any lust points for completing them, milestone missions had to have some kind of reward. Looking at the list before him, that speculation was confirmed. What Greg would have never guessed, however, was that the reward for completing milestone missions would be to make it easier to achieve the same result in the future. Hitting the groping milestone, for example, would make more women tempted to grope him. In other words, milestone missions create a form of positive feedback loop. The more you do the easier it is to keep on doing.

Greg had no way of quantifying what “slight” meant in terms of numbers. However, he didn’t have to think about it for long to see how easily it could snowball into something much larger. Say, for example, that slight mean only about ten percent. In a group of a hundred women, that’s ten more women that would be tempted to grope him than there were before. And when Greg turned back to the MILESTONE missions tab, he could see that the next target to hit for the missions he’d completed was ten. So, with a group of a hundred women, just a ten percent increase in the temptation to grope him would allow Greg to easily hit the next milestone target. This would in turn make it that much more tempting for more women to grope him!

Greg could feel his cheeks hurt from how much he was grinning at the air. If someone walked in right now, he’d probably look like an idiot, if not a basket case. Still, he couldn’t keep himself from grinning as he looked forward to hitting even higher milestones and seeing just how large this snowball could grow. Greg was as yet uncertain what either the magic or the lust points do. He, could, however, see the immediate benefit of the milestone missions. It wasn’t anything material or even quantifiable, but somehow, thus far, he liked it even more than the lust points reward.

Speaking of which…

Greg turned back to the original screen that had appeared after the system awakened. It now read:


NAME: Roka.

RANK: Virgin.


LUST POINTS: 599,880.

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