The Sixth School.

Chapter Two.

Chapter Two: Missions.

The sound of the door to the room he was in opening roused Greg from sleep. Groggily, Greg cast a glance at a window on the far side of the room. Through it, he saw that the sky had turned orange. It seems that he had slept through the whole afternoon and well into the evening. Greg’s gaze turned towards the door to find that the healer had returned. She was carrying with her a small basin and a piece of cloth was slung over her shoulder. It was these two items that she would use to wipe him down. The process wasn’t too comfortable, given all the injuries that he’d suffered. Greg, however, still appreciated that she took the effort to clean him. From his inherited memories, Greg knew that he had two parents, a brother, and a sister. Why none of them ever showed up, he didn’t as yet know. Given that this was a strange new world, Greg wasn’t willing to jump to conclusions. Their absence, however, made the care that this woman offered all the more appreciated in Greg’s eyes.


A light sound rang in Greg’s head. Instinctively, Greg turned his attention toward the stamp-sized screen at the edge of his vision. There was now a bright red dot at the top right corner of the small screen. Greg couldn’t help but note how much this resembled a dot notification as was common in smartphones back on earth. Whatever this system was, it seemed to be adopting a mode of interaction that a twenty-first-century earthling like Greg would be familiar with. Whether this was a coincidence or the thing was tailor-made for him in particular, he didn’t know. He, however, wouldn’t complain. It was a lot more convenient this way. After about three seconds of staring at the stamp-sized screen, it enlarged once again to cover most of his vision.


Greg had been expecting to see the old screen with something new added. Instead, these three words were now flashing on the screen. The word ‘missions’ was glowing in a different color to the other two words and so Greg intuitively clicked on it. Unlike was the case with the previous page, this time there was a response, much to Greg’s pleasant surprise. A new page with nine tabs opened.










It didn’t take long for Greg to work out that each of the different tabs held various missions categorized based on their nature and difficulty. On the first tab, the one labeled as basic, were five very simple missions:

Ø Interact with the healer for five minutes.

Ø Talk to the healer for a minute.

Ø Hold the healer’s gaze for ten seconds.

Ø Make the healer smile.

Ø Hold the healer’s hand for five seconds.

As far as Greg could tell, the basic missions were of the kind that, unless one was extremely socially awkward, anyone could complete. Unconsciously, he’d already resolved to complete them. Greg turned his attention to the next tab. A cursory glance at the five available missions on this page and he could see that they upped the ante. The missions were:

Ø Tell a lewd joke to the healer.

Ø Make the healer laugh at a lewd joke.

Ø Hold the healer close for ten seconds.

Ø Kiss the healer.

Ø Turn the healer on.

The missions on the intermediate tab were not as easy as the ones in the basic tab. Greg’s assessment of them was that how hard they were depended on two factors. The first was how smooth one was with the ladies. In this aspect, he wasn’t too bothered. In his previous life, while Greg was not exactly a Casanova that could bed ladies left, right, and center, he also wasn’t clueless. He was, at the very least, confident that he could charm a woman if he wanted to. However, the second factor in assessing how easy or hard these missions could be was dependent on the target. If the target was another girl his age that he was familiar with, then it wouldn’t be that hard to accomplish the missions. In the present, however, it was the healer that was before him. Greg was daring enough that he could maybe try the first mission. Who knows, he might even accomplish the second mission in the process. But as far as the other missions in this tab were concerned, Greg didn’t see any chance of them being achieved.

Greg moved on to the next tab, curious to see what the advanced missions would be.

Ø Deep kiss the healer for a minute.

Ø Grope an intimate part of the healer’s body.

Ø Have an intimate part of your body groped by the healer.

Ø Flash the healer.

Ø Get the healer to flash you.

Ø Get a handjob from the healer.

Ø Pleasure the healer with your hands.

By this point, Greg could already see what the missions were building up to. When he thought about it, however, it shouldn’t have been that shocking that these were the kinds of missions offered. I mean, the word ‘EROS’ was right there in the title of whatever this strange system was. It doesn’t get any more on the nose than that. Choosing to forge ahead, Greg turned his attention to the next tab. The ‘Expert’ missions were:

Ø Strip the healer completely naked.

Ø Orally pleasure the healer.

Ø Receive oral pleasure from the healer.

Ø Have sex with the healer.

Ø Bring the healer to orgasm.

Ø Attain an orgasm from having sex with the healer.

While the system seemed to have a vanilla, almost clinical, way of talking about it, Greg could feel his dick twitch at the thought of carrying out the missions. Of course, Greg wasn’t under any illusions that he would be going this far with the healer today. Still, he couldn’t help the excitement he felt when he thought of it. Especially given how hot the healer was. Greg had to summon all of his willpower to keep himself from tenting up the blanket he was covered by. Part of Greg was uncertain that any of this was actually happening. I mean, resurrection is enough of an unbelievable feat in and of itself. Now, on top of that, a raunchy system appears out of nowhere prompting him to engage in lewd behavior. What the hell was Greg supposed to make of all that? Another part of Greg, however, was equal parts curious and excited about it all, if he was being completely honest with himself. Between his doubt and curiosity, Greg chose to just go along and see where he’d end up. Also, although it wasn’t critical info by any means, Greg couldn’t help but notice that there were more than five missions available on this page. The first two pages had left him with an expectation of five missions for every category, but clearly, there was no hard limit on the number of missions that can be available in any category.

In the process of going through the missions, Greg had gotten one of his questions answered and an additional bit of information that he hadn’t even considered. Appended at the end of every mission were two bits of information. The first of the two, which Greg hadn’t even considered before, was the danger grade of each mission. Unlike what had been the case with the previous page, in this section, the system seemed to be willing to offer explanations as when Greg looked at the words Danger grade, a box appeared explaining what it was all about. The system seemed to strictly define danger as physical harm. Things like humiliation, mental anguish, social consequences, and other parameters of harm that weren’t physical weren’t at all considered.

None of the missions would harm him. The danger came from the process of trying to execute the mission or the consequences that came after the mission was completed. For example, if Greg kissed the healer, the kiss in and of itself wouldn’t cause him harm. However, in the process of trying to talk the healer into the kiss, there is a certain chance that either she or some other party might be displeased enough to harm him for it. Another example would be flashing the healer. The act of exposing himself to the healer in itself wouldn’t harm him, the consequences that follow, however, could be serious, whether by the healer’s or some other party’s hand. In short, the danger could come either before or after the mission was done.

The danger grades according to the system were: None, low, average, high, and suicidal. The none danger grade seemed self-explanatory. Missions with this designation didn’t pose any physical danger to Greg, whether before or after it was done. The low danger grade meant that there was a chance of some physical harm. It, however, wouldn’t be anything serious that could cause prolonged suffering. This danger grade spanned from being slapped, punched, kicked, and things of the sort. The low danger designation didn’t limit the amount of pain that could be suffered, the only rule was that it wouldn’t last longer than a few minutes and wouldn’t leave any lasting physical harm.

With the average danger grading, blood would spill. In this danger grade, attacks by weapons were covered. Anything from serious wounds, broken bones, to being left bedridden for days to weeks were all categorized under the average danger grading. The only limiting factor was that the harm suffered wouldn’t cause him any permanent physical harm or pose a danger to his life. Greg’s eyes couldn’t help but twitch as he read all this. How the hell did broken bones and being left bedridden rank as average danger? Part of him wasn’t even sure he wanted to know what the high danger grade would look like. Still, he pushed forward and read it. With the high danger grade, being left bedridden for more than a month, left with injuries that wouldn’t heal for a long time, or even being permanently maimed were all in the cards. There was a note attached to this danger grade stating that there was a certain chance of dying from these missions. The final danger grade was suicidal and the explanation was rather simple. There is at least a ninety percent chance of dying from trying these missions.

Seeing this scale, Greg couldn’t help but reevaluate his assessment of the healer crouched right beside his bed. Given the fact that she seemed to struggle every time she used her magic for more than a couple of minutes, Greg had never really thought of her as either powerful or dangerous. This wasn’t to say that he looked down on the healer in any way. The woman’s efforts to nurse him back to health despite the odds and her struggles with magic had earned a lot of regard for her from Greg. However, Greg couldn’t help the cold sweat that broke out all over his body when he noted the fact that ninety percent of the missions associated with this woman were tagged with the suicidal danger grade.

Greg glanced sideways at the woman who was calmly adding herbs to the basin that she’d already magically filled with water. The woman was calmly working on the herbs with practiced ease that spoke of years of experience. Looking at this demure lady, most wouldn’t think anything of her. Greg, however, couldn’t help but feel like a dangerous beast was crouched right beside him. One stupid move from him and it would all be over. Every single mission associated with this woman had the suicidal danger grading except for those in the basic and intermediate tabs. And even then, among those in these two tabs, there wasn’t a single mission that had the none danger grading. According to the system, even just holding this woman’s gaze for ten seconds held the average danger grading. Part of Greg wanted to think that the system was exaggerating a little bit. Another part, however, couldn’t help the dreadful question, what if it was not?

The cold fear that he suddenly felt sobered Greg up a bit as he realized that blindly carrying out some of these missions could bring about some serious consequences. Heck, even some of the seemingly less risky missions like making a lewd joke, if not carried out correctly, could very easily land him in trouble. Even if he wasn’t physically attacked, being labeled as a creep and facing social isolation wouldn’t be a good way to go about things. The danger scale came as an apt reminder to Greg that just because the system asked him to do something, didn’t mean that it was a good idea to do it. From simple missions to the more dangerous missions, Greg would have to put a lot of thought not only into whether it was worth it but also into how to go about accomplishing the missions he deemed worth the risk.

The second bit of information that Greg got from going over the mission lists was the answer to his afternoon question of how to get lust points. The reward for carrying out each of the missions was listed beside the danger grade of the mission. Something that made it immediately apparent that the more dangerous a mission was, the more rewarding completing it would be. Even when two missions fell under the same category, the missions that had a higher danger grading had a higher reward multiplier.

Missions that had none as the danger grade, offered no reward multiplier. One would simply receive the stated reward. Missions with a low danger grading would get a two-times reward multiplier. Missions with an average danger grading will offer a five times reward multiplier, while missions with a high danger grading will get a ten times reward multiplier. Missions of the suicidal danger grade offered a whopping one hundred times multiplier. As such, if Greg completed a mission that only offered one lust point that had the none danger grade, it would only offer one lust point in the final analysis. If it had the low danger grade, it would offer two lust points. With the average danger grading, it would give five lust points and with the high danger grading the reward would be ten points. If the mission had a suicidal danger grading, then it would have awarded a hundred lust points as a reward for accomplishing the mission.

In a not-so-subtle way, the system seemed to be encouraging him to take on more dangerous missions if he hoped to gain more from the system. This placed Greg in a bit of a bind as it directly clashed with the resolution he’d just made. Based on what he was seeing, playing it safe wouldn’t earn him a lot of lust points. On the other hand, seeking to earn a lot of points would mean constantly gambling with the second chance at life that he’d been given!

It took a bit of flipping between the different tabs and mentally removing the effect of danger grade multipliers for Greg to calculate the reward offered for missions in each category. Basic missions offered between one to ten lust points. Intermediate missions offered between eleven and a hundred lust points. Advanced missions started at one hundred and one lust points all the way to a thousand lust points. Expert missions offered between a thousand and one and ten thousand lust points. The other five categories seemed to have no fixed range or limit to the number of lust points that could be awarded.

These two bits of information attached to each mission made it so that picking what missions to try was no longer as straightforward. Even missions in the basic and intermediate tabs, which were in principle supposed to be simple, could carry with them a danger grading that made them untenable to undertake. On the other hand, missions in the advanced, expert, and other tabs, which were in principle supposed to be harder, could carry none, or even low danger which would make them more worth the risk. This made the waters murky as it was no longer easy to work out which missions Greg should attempt.

A basic mission that only offered one lust point could earn Greg a hundred lust points if it had the suicidal danger grading. However, an advanced mission with the minimum amount of reward in this category could easily offer more lust points even if it had none as its danger grading. If it had low, as its danger grading, then it could easily offer more than twice what the suicidal basic mission was offering. At the same time, however, basic missions were basic for a reason. Each one of them could easily be accomplished with minimal effort. Advanced and expert missions, on the other hand, would require a lot more effort and finesse on Greg’s part. And even then, Greg still wouldn’t have the certainty of success. In short, just because the category of a mission is basic, doesn’t mean it's safe. At the same time, just because a mission was safe, doesn’t mean that it would be easy to carry out. Greg suspected that this was not a bug but a feature of the system meant to prevent him from focusing solely on either easy or safe missions.

Rather than overthink everything, Greg chose to turn his attention to the missions of the remaining tabs. Greg’s brows rose as he moved to the ‘Adventurous’ tab. Just at a glance, he estimated that there were a hundred-plus missions in this tab. If Greg could relabel this tab then he’d simply call it ‘Positions and Fetishes’. This tab was full of every kind of sex position and fetish that one could imagine. Every position from missionary, doggy style, to sixty-nine, to cowgirl and reverse cowgirl, to standing fuck, and so on were listed here. Alongside the slew of positions was every kind of kink that one could imagine. From foot-play, to voyeurism, to candle wax play to even BDSM, and so on were all here. Greg couldn’t help but think that this tab was designed to keep the sex fresh and interesting for both partners. The rewards for the missions in this tab were on the lower side, with most missions giving below a hundred lust points. Still, there were a few kinks and positions that gave more than a thousand lust points. A curious find for Greg was that anal sex was listed here. It seems that the system only considered vaginal sex to be legitimate sex. Anal sex to it was a kink, and given the fact that it came with five hundred lust points, it was among the higher rewarding kinks.

Greg moved on to the next tab. Greg immediately noted two things about the missions in the ‘Daredevil’ tab. The first, according to the explanation offered, was that the danger grading in this tab would always be a mix of high and suicidal. In a way, it made sense as one wouldn’t be much of a daredevil if there was no serious danger to be faced in the task that they were doing. The other thing that Greg noted was that they didn’t allow one to prepare, explain themselves, or work their way into it. If one wanted to try these missions, then one had to jump in with both feet. The missions themselves gave a large number of lust points as a reward. The lowest reward that Greg found in this tab was nine hundred and ninety-five, with the rest offering over a thousand lust points. Given the multiplier that the danger grading of these missions had, if one had the balls to try them, one could easily earn anywhere from ten thousand to over a hundred thousand lust points. Heck, if one found a mission here that offered ten thousand lust points with the suicidal grading, then one could easily earn a million lust points in one go! In short, things could either go really well, given the reward, or really badly, given the danger grading of these missions. The “Daredevil' missions were:

Ø Without saying anything, kiss the healer.

Ø Without saying anything, grope an intimate part of the healer.

Ø Without saying anything, strip naked in front of the healer.

Ø Without saying anything else, ask the healer to have sex with you.

Ø Without saying anything, attempt to initiate sex with the healer.

And so on…

Greg turned his attention to the next category of missions which was the ‘Twisted’ category. A frown couldn’t help but form on Greg’s face when he read the first mission in this category. The frown only deepened the more missions he read. A picture of what this category was about was starting to form in Greg’s mind and immediately he knew he wouldn’t be completing many, if at all any, missions from this category. The simplest way to sum up the missions in this category was, ‘pushing boundaries’. Whether they be mental, moral, or sexual. The missions given here were of the kind that if left to his own devices, Greg would never even consider. It seemed to him that the primary purpose of the missions in this category was to make either him or his partner uncomfortable. They seemed designed to make either Greg or his partner do something that they considered wrong, and then derive a guilty pleasure from that. The missions in this category were:

Ø Blackmail the healer into giving you oral pleasure.

Ø Watch and masturbate as the healer has sex with another.

Ø Allow the healer to pleasure you through your anus.

There were more missions after this, Greg, however, didn’t read past this point as he immediately discarded this whole category from his mind. Greg didn’t consider himself a prude, he could be quite open-minded and adventurous when he wanted to be. There were, however, lines that he just simply would not cross, even in the pursuit of pleasure. The rewards for this category also seemed to be relatively high as most were in the thousands. Greg, however, didn’t care in the least. Without the slightest hesitation, he moved on to the next category. But if Greg had thought that the ‘Twisted’ missions were bad, he just now realized that they were nothing compared to the missions in the ‘Rogue’ category.

The simplest way to put it was that, if the ‘Twisted’ missions played in the grey area, the ‘Rogue’ missions were firmly in the black. To put it another way, if the ‘Twisted’ were wrong on a personal level, then the ‘Rogue’ missions were simply illegal. Even in another world, in a remote village like the one Greg found himself in, things like causing bodily harm, rape, torture, and murder had to break laws of some kind, even if unwritten. The missions in this tab were of the kind that would have earned someone several decades in prison if not a life sentence. Heck, for some of them, capital punishment would have been a possibility, if not outright deserved.

If the ‘Twisted’ category hadn’t been enough of a hint, the ‘Rogue’ category made it clear that the “system” as he called it, had no morals. To it, all things sexual were fair game, no matter how uncomfortable, dark, wrong, or immoral it got. If anything, going by the rewards it offered, then the more depraved and debauched one was willing to become, the more rewards one would reap from it. In the hands of the wrong kind of person, this system could easily prove to be a powerful incentive to bring out the worst in them. Even more than before, Greg resolved to be very careful about what kind of missions he would take. As things stood, Greg had lumped the ‘Rogue’ tab together with the ‘Twisted’ tab as ones that he would never pay attention to.

The last category, the milestone tab, was different from every other tab in three ways. The first way was that the missions here weren’t directed at any targets. They were purely statistical in nature. The current target for each of the missions offered was one. Given the complete lack of sexual experiences by the former owner of this body, in a way, it made sense. 

Ø Kiss one woman.

         Current count: 0.

Ø Grope one woman.

         Current count: 0.

Ø Be groped by one woman.

         Current count: 0.

Ø Turn on one woman.

         Current count: 0.

Ø Seduce one woman.

         Current count: 0.

Ø Flash one woman

         Current count: 0.

Ø Have one woman flash you.

         Current count: 0.

Ø Pleasure One woman with your hands.

         Current count: 0.

Ø Receive pleasure from one woman’s hands.

         Current count: 0.

Ø Orally pleasure one woman.

         Current count: 0.

Ø Receive oral pleasure from one woman.

         Current count: 0.

Ø Have sex with one woman.

         Current count: 0.

On and on it went. The missions in this tab were almost as numerous as the ones in the ‘Adventurous’ tab.

The other thing that was different about this tab compared to the others was that none of the missions had danger grades. The missions were a simple tally of the number of women he’d engaged in various activities with, as such, Greg could understand why they wouldn’t come with danger grades. The part that Greg didn’t understand and found curious, was that there was also no lust points reward attached to any of these missions. This was the third difference between these missions and the rest. Given that they were missions, Greg knew that they had to have some kind of reward. The system, however, seemed to have chosen to keep these rewards hidden.

Much like the other tabs, this tab also revealed to Greg another facet of the system. Part of him felt he should have figured it out from the start but Greg really hadn’t thought about it. This fact was that, monogamy wasn’t in the books for anyone that wished to make use of this system. The target on the milestone missions was, at the moment, one. There was no doubt in Greg however, that soon as he achieved the milestone, the target number would climb higher. Whether there would be an upper limit to how high this number can grow, Greg didn’t know. He, however, doubted it…

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