The story of the Elf Queen

Guests of the Elf Queen

Guests of the Elf Queen

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A quiet melody from the depths of the enchanted music box woke the queen, and she yawned sweetly, stretching in her bed. A few moments later, a quiet knock on the door separating the sleeping chamber from the rest of the chambers. She slanted her sleepy eyes toward the magic mirror hanging on the bedroom wall, and seeing her maids in it, she gracefully touched the amulet and unlocked the locks. As soon as they opened, her lovely girls entered the bedroom, dressed in identical snow-white tunics embroidered with gold. Stretching once more, the queen reluctantly left the bed and got to her feet. The maids immediately performed a synchronized bow to their mistress. Then, they quickly helped her to dress in light training clothes, like those used by the recruits of the Elven Forest Guard when practicing with bows. They paid special attention to the queen's breasts, stretching them with a strip of elastic. After dressing their mistress, they gathered her long platinum hair into two bunches so it would not get in the way during the morning training.

The queen left her chambers after tidying herself up while the maids were left to prepare everything necessary for her mistress's return. Astra and Fiorel, who had recently advanced from page to official favorite and lover, met her at the exit. The queen's bodyguard was wearing her usual light armor, but Fiorel was dressed in the same training suit as his mistress. After bowing to the queen, they went with her to the training field next to the palace. There, in a separate section, Her Majesty was already waiting for the bows and several quivers of arrows prepared in advance by the Keeper of the training field. But the queen began her training with a light warm-up and gymnastics. Astra and Fiorel joined her, but the bodyguard preferred to practice her weapons in front of a separate training dummy, practicing her strokes.

After stretching herself properly, the queen went to the rack, chose a practice bow, and drew the bowstring in one practiced movement. Astra and Fiorel chose full battle bows. Taking a quiver each, they took their positions, each at their line. Standing, the queen drew an arrow and placed it on the bowstring. In one smooth but quick movement, the queen took aim at the nearest target, held her breath for a moment, and then the arrow took flight with a predatory whistle. A moment later, it sank precisely into the center of a simple target of several concentric circles. Exhaling, the queen drew her next arrow and struck a new target just beyond the first. Then the next.

She had never really liked archery, largely because being a woman made it uncomfortable. But tradition obliged the monarch to know how to use a bow at least to the minimum level acceptable by elven standards. Again, shooting was an excellent workout, keeping her muscles from losing strength. Of course, the queen was far from Astra. As if she were on her own, she was sending one arrow after another into the target, even though her bow was a battle bow. She had special targets, enchanted by the druids in the form of a human, orc, or dwarf warriors, and moving, under the control of several of the Caretaker's assistants. They would freeze in place or dash away, but the bodyguard's arrows would invariably hit their targets. In addition to them, special small throwing disks, launched for her by another of the Caretaker's assistants with the help of a clever machine created by dwarven craftsmen, were flying over her border. And which, one by one, were blown into small shards by the arrows. A very good level of skill, even by elven standards. In fact, the queen would not tolerate anyone else as a bodyguard. Fiorel also shot much better than the queen, albeit at fixed targets, but also in the form of human, dwarven, or orc warriors. His arrows were accurate, either in the slits of their helmets or in the joints of their armor.

By the time the queen had emptied her first quiver, Astra had already shot all three prepared for her, and, setting her bow aside she stood waiting for her mistress. Fiorel, not otherwise than out of a desire to please his mistress, was shooting at the same time as her. A good boy, it was not for nothing that she had brought him close to her. Diligent, loyal, and wonderfully sensitive to his mistress' moods. If he continues to be as good as he is, he'll be an official favorite in a couple of years. She would have let him into her bed even now, but the unspoken etiquette of the royal palace did not approve of such a quick and stormy relationship. She would have to wait at least two more years. Or better three before she could share a bed with him, let alone allow him to stay overnight in her chambers. For now, I'd have to settle for his skillful tongue. After sending the last arrow into the target, the queen exhaled and carefully removed the bowstring from her bow. Putting it back in place, she and her small entourage headed back to her chambers.

Unlike her beloved younger half-sister, she tried to surround herself with the minimum of her entourage, having long ago learned that the more maid of honor, footmen, aides, and assistants around you, the more spies you have around you. At first, when she became queen, she inexperiencedly surrounded herself with quite a large entourage to satisfy her youthful ego. But very quickly, she realized that in this way, she could not even sneeze without the whole palace finding out. After that, she reconsidered her views and preferred quantity to quality. It took three centuries of intense struggle to get rid of most of the imposed or self-appointed attendants. Some were shuffled off to her children, some were married off, and some got caught up in another court intrigue and were removed from the palace or sent into honorable (or not so honorable) exile or retirement.

As a result, only the most helpful or loyal of the scrollers remained around the queen. It made life a lot easier, though at first, few of her sworn friends missed the chance to comment on her "loneliness." Let it go. The important thing was that she could breathe relatively freely and rest as she wished. Remembering the last visit to her living green toys in the palace dungeons, the queen involuntarily licked her lips. Oh, she wish the new batch would grow up soon. Goblins are prolific, of course, but they still need to be prepared. And time is so short. Immersed in thought, the queen reached her chambers. There was already waiting for her a prepared bath and her lovely girls. Soon, she would reward them.

Astra remained at the door of the chamber, while Fiorel stood delicately by the screen the maids used to separate the bath from the rest of the room. The queen gladly removed her training suit, the bondage pressed against her breasts, and climbed into the tub. Submerging herself in the warm water, she covered her eyes and snapped her fingers. One of her girls immediately undressed and climbed into the water with her Mistress, pressing her back against her. With one hand, her Mistress began to tickle her maid's breasts with the other, she slid between her legs. The other two began to scrub her sweat and lather her hair in four hands.


"Yes, My Mistress?"

"Is everything ready for the Duke and Duchess de Mont Ros?"

"Of course. I was told they had already crossed the border of the Forest and would be at the palace by lunchtime. Their quarters are ready, as are their servants' quarters."

"Good. Their visit must be of the highest order. The Duke's loyalty is very important to our Forest."

"I am well aware of that, Mistress. Everything you've asked of me, I've prepared and organized. I'm sure the Duke will enjoy the visit. As will his wife."

"Oh, I don't doubt that. Is there anything urgent to do? I'll be busy with my guests this afternoon and into the evening, so I won't be able to distract myself."

"Nothing urgent, Your Majesty. Just routine. A few dozen letters, all yellow sealed, the usual."


Leaning over to the ear of the maid who had bitten her lip, she whispered affectionately: "Good girl," and then stopped teasing her. After finishing her water treatment, the queen climbed out of the bathtub. The maids quickly dried her with magic wands, after which the queen lay on a massage table next to the bathtub. The maids began to do her hair, carefully brushing her platinum locks, and the one who was in the bathtub with her, taking a small vial of aromatic oil, began to gently rub it on the queen's body, starting with her feet. Fiorel, standing behind the screen, began to read her one letter after another. As he had said, there was nothing urgent among them.

"Your sister thanks you again for your visit to her granddaughter's initiation ceremony into the ranks of the Forest Guard Jagers and looks forward to seeing you again soon."

"Give her my deepest reciprocal thanks and hope for the same."

"Your eldest daughter thanks you once again for your wedding anniversary gift. She writes that Grazia is feeling great, is very playful, and has already sprouted a horn. Princess can't wait until she is strong enough to ride and hopes to delight you with another grandson or granddaughter in the coming decades."

"My best wishes to her and her spouse. I look forward to it."

"Your husband writes that he is delayed in his visit to the eastern border of the Forest. He regrets he will not be able to return soon. He sends you his best wishes."

"My best wishes to Him and Elder Enchantress Mirael."

"And at... will be executed."

"Anything else?"

"The Crown Prince and his wife plan to stay on a visit to her parents. They will return to the palace by early fall."

"My best wishes to them and hope, they don't spoil my grandchildren too much. What's next?"

By the time all the letters had been dealt with, the maids had finished combing their mistress, who, lying on her back, was enjoying the skillful hands of her girl, who had long since openly caressed her mistress, actively rubbing between her legs and playing with her breasts. Biting her lip to hold back a moan, the queen exhaled quietly, having reached the peak of pleasure. She then pulled the maid to her and kissed her lips affectionately. Beautiful girls, what would she do without them? Rising to her feet, the queen threw on the robe she had been given, went to her closet, and meticulously inspected the dresses she had prepared. Then she chose a closed dark green dress embroidered with silver leaf patterns, perfect for an official visit, white low-heeled shoes, and the same white silk lingerie. As jewelry, she chose a necklace of large pearls. Making sure her appearance was impeccable, she proceeded to the breakfast she had already prepared, which consisted mostly of juicy ripe fruits and several kinds of cheese with honey. After a quick refreshment, the queen left her chambers, accompanied by her small entourage, heading out to inspect the palace. Just as Fiorel had said, everything was ready for the guests, which convinced her that she had not brought him close to her for nothing.

At exactly noon, the arch of the stationary portal in the courtyard of the palace became active, and one by one the guests began to arrive. First came the Duke's guards riding on horseback, wearing ceremonial armor and carrying his standard, a red mountain with a golden peak on a black and green field. Then came the Duke's huge carriage, followed by a couple of simpler carriages with his servants and attendants. The last to enter the courtyard through the portal archway were several laden wagons, obviously with gifts. In the inner courtyard of the palace, they were met by an honor guard of elven guards, the Palace Keeper, and Fiorel. The Queen was waiting for the guests in the throne room, surrounded by numerous courtiers and her retinue. The Duke, along with his wife and three children, as well as his closest retinue, were immediately escorted inside the palace. The rest of his retinue and the guards were taken care of by the assistant keepers, as rooms had been allocated for them in advance.

Less than fifteen minutes after the arrival of the guests, the doors of the Throne Room opened, and the dear guests entered in a leisurely and dignified manner. As soon as they stepped onto the red carpet led to the foot of the throne, the Master of Ceremonies announced in a loud voice:

"Duke Augustus de Mont Ros, ruler of Morgrave, Astmark, and Lothern!"

The introduced guest walked slowly and with dignity towards the queen waiting for him. He was followed by his eldest son, half a step to the right behind him. On his left, also half a step behind, was his wife. Behind them, their two daughters. And behind them were the duke's two attendants, guard commander and first counselor. The Duke was a tall, very large man of age with thick brown and slightly curly hair, slightly touched with gray, and a luxurious mustache, dashingly twisted upward. He was dressed in gorgeous red robes, heavily embroidered with gold, and wore a wide-brimmed hat adorned with the long feather of some very large bird. He stopped a step from the foot of the throne and made an immaculate Full Bow, as did his son. His wife and daughters made an equally impeccable curtsy. The retine went down on one knee, bowing their heads.

In response, the Queen bowed slightly, and the assembled courtiers made either a Minor Bow or a Curtsy. The human servants, including the Queen's maids, made Full Bows. After the formal greeting was done with, the queen majestically rose to her feet and, with a polite smile, said:

"I am glad to see you, honorable Augustus, in good health in my house. I hope the journey has not tired you too much?"

The straightened Duke smiled and replied:

"It is I who am immensely happy to see you, beautiful Sivila! The road cannot be tiresome if it leads to your magnificent palace, where you are waiting for me!"

As she descended to the foot, the queen extended her hand to the duke, who was a good head taller than her. He bent down and took the queen's hand, which was tiny in comparison with his own, and kissed it firmly.

"And where is your crowned consort?"

"I'm afraid he is on a visit to another part of the Forest."

"What a shame, I was really looking forward to seeing him."

"It's quite possible you'll succeed, dear August. My husband should be back soon, so you have every chance of catching him."

"That would be wonderful."

Having finished exchanging pleasantries with the Duke, Sivila turned to his wife and bowed her head slightly:

"Turiel, good to see you in good health!"

A tall and slender elf with long black hair in two tight braids and blue eyes curtsied briefly. She was dressed in a dark maroon dress embroidered with gold and with a deep neckline that emphasized her high and large breasts. Against the background of the other elven women who wore closed dresses, her outfit looked very revealing. She wore a golden necklace with rubies and garnets around her neck and a golden tiara on her head.

"And it's good to see you, my dear Sivila!"

"Time flies so quickly! It seems like only yesterday I congratulated you on your son's birth, and now you already have two daughters."

"Beyond the borders of the eternal Elven Forests, time passes very differently. Let me introduce you to Mariana and Sophia."

Two girls of ten and six, dressed in the same burgundy and gold but covered dresses, curtsied in synchronized fashion. Both had dark curly hair, brown eyes like their father's, slender figures, and pointed ears, albeit shorter than their mother's. Giving them a warm smile, the queen said:

"It's a pleasure to welcome you into my domain. Your mother and I are old friends, and I've known your father for decades."

Both girls bowed their heads modestly. Sivila turned to the Duke's son, a slender young man with short dark hair that did not hide his pointed ears and a handsome, aristocratic face, whom she remembered as a restless boy of six. He was dressed like his father, in scarlet and gold robes, but an order of magnitude more modest. By human standards, he was quite handsome.

"Christian, you've turned into a charming young man since the last time I saw you! Time does go by so fast, doesn't it? I'm sure your parents have no shortage of potential brides."

The young half-elf bowed, barely touched the outstretched hand with his lips, and spoke courteously:

"And you're still as beautiful as you were ten years ago, Your Majesty. Time has no power over you at all!"

"But there is no limit to perfection, and that goes for female beauty as well," Augustus picked up his son's words with a sly squint of his eyes, "Let me, beautiful Sivila, make you a little more beautiful."

With a sly smile, the duke beckoned to his advisor. He bowed deeply once more and handed him a small box. When he opened it, the duke took out a silver bracelet of the finest quality, adorned with very large pearls glowing white, from a velvet-covered recess, which caused admiring sighs.

"The best divers at my behest have been collecting these pearls for several years for you, Sivila!"

"Oh, August, you know how to please a woman!"

"Would you."

"Of course."

The queen gave her hand to the duke and allowed him to put on her wrist a piece of jewelry that a queen was not ashamed to wear. The Duke, having fastened it, kissed the Queen's hand once more and expressed his admiration for her beauty. The official part was over, and the Queen invited the dear guests to the Dining Hall, where everything was already prepared for the feast. The Duke's family took a place of honor at the table next to the Queen and the highest courtiers. Their entourage was given a separate table. In leisurely conversation, they exchanged news, recalled events of the past, and discussed prospects for the future. The young people, especially those who had never been outside the forest, listened to the guests with great interest. As well as his wife. The guests, especially those who had never been to the land of elves, looked at their hosts and servants with great interest. The queen's charming maids, dressed in short, just above the knees, snow-white and gold tunics, attracted a lot of attention. The feast dragged on into the evening. The dishes were changed, and jugs of wine and other beverages were emptied. When the sun dropped below the horizon, the tipsy guests began to be slowly taken to the rooms assigned to them.

The queen personally escorted the slightly tipsy duke and his wife and children. They were given rooms as large as the monarch's. After saying goodbye and wishing them good dreams, the queen and her entourage went to their rooms. After dismissing Fiorel and instructing her bodyguard, she went inside with the maids. Astara remained on duty outside. As soon as the doors closed behind them, the polite smile on her face since welcoming the guests disappeared from Sivila's face. Instead, the tired expression of someone who had been hard at work all day appeared on the elf's face. She took off her dress with the help of the maids and put the jewelry in a separate box, put on a nightgown over her naked body, and let her girls go to bed. She closed herself in her study, sat down at her desk, spread out a few sheets of stamped paper before her, and began to fill them in neatly in legible handwriting by the light of a couple of magical lamps.

This is for someone unfamiliar with palace life the queen was just chatting merrily with the duke. In fact, she was hard at work. And now, it is necessary to write down all the reservations, ambiguities, details, guesses, rumors, and gossip heard during the day. To analyze them carefully, compare them with the reports of other courtiers, and then draw the necessary conclusions. And, based on these conclusions, to make decisions of importance for the whole Forest. The hands of the wall clock had passed midnight when there was a persistent knock at the door of the study. Casting a glance at the enchanted mirror by the door and already knowing who she would see there, Sivila unlocked the locks. The cabinet doors opened and closed silently, and a barely audible humming sound was heard as the cabinet's magical defenses were activated. A moment later, the duke's consort appeared in the chair opposite the queen, deactivating her invisibility amulet out of nowhere. As soon as she was there, the queen put aside her writing utensils and said sternly, folding her arms across her chest:

"What the Hell, Turi?"

The Duke's wife, dressed in a robe and short nightgown, flashed her blue eyes:

"I could ask you the same thing, Sivi."

"I am not joking," the queen said sternly, frowning her elegant eyebrows.

Straightening her right leg under the table, she rested her fingertips on the crotch of the elf who sat across from her, her longtime friend and lover.

"Even one half-blood child is a big headache in terms of where to put it. I thought we discussed that last time you were here. And you gave him two more? What the hell were you thinking, Turi?!"

Sivila reinforced the last phrase by increasing the pressure on her friend's crotch and twirling her fingers, at the same time noting to herself that the duke, despite the difficult day, apparently found the strength to fulfill his conjugal duty. Turiel glared and straightened her right leg in response, resting her fingers between her friend's and lover's legs and literally hissing:

"You'd think I had a choice! My beloved husband was very persistent in his desire to have as many heirs as possible. And his dear mother was very supportive. Not to mention the crowd of envious whores, who only wanted to sit down with their holes in my place under the pretext that I would not have children. I had to prove otherwise to keep August. But, as you understand, he was not going to limit himself to one child, and therefore, he was not stingy with all kinds of healers and priests of the goddess of fertility. In such a situation, there was no way for me to avoid pregnancy without arousing suspicion! Besides..."

At this point, she pressed her thumb on the queen's clit and began rubbing it:

"In case you've forgotten, Sivi, I agreed to be the Duke's lover for a couple of years, not to become his full-fledged wife! That was not part of our agreement!"

Frowning, feeling the growing excitement of her friend's fingers pressing on the most sensitive point of her pussy, Sivila stopped pressing, instead stroking her gently with her pads. Thankfully, Turiel wasn't wearing any underwear. Nor was the queen.

"We discussed that last time, too. No one expected August to be so fond of you. It was an opportunity not to be missed. His loyalty is very important to our Forest. His family has great influence in the Confederation of Free Cities..."

"I remember it all very well, and that's the only reason I agreed to be his wife at all, to live among humans and have a child with him. One," Turiel emphasized the last phrase irritably, also changing the pressure to stroking with the tip of her thumb.

"And we all really appreciate it...."

"Oh, that must be why all those court scum looked at me like a pervert and whispered obscene things about me, knowing full well that I could hear them!"

In her mind, the queen frowned. On the one hand, she sympathized with her friend, but on the other hand, she couldn't fix the brains of all the brainless fools who weren't even two hundred years old.

"Turi, everyone with a brain understands what you've done for the good of the Forest, and the underage idiots will too, once they've lived another two hundred years."

"Oh, that thought directly makes me feel noticeably better," the queen's friend said sarcastically, increasing the pressure again.

"That's what would really help me if I could see in deed rather than words that my sacrifices were appreciated."

The queen exhaled a sigh of relief. Well, she wouldn't mind bargaining, especially since the benefits of Turi being the wife of one of the most powerful dukes in the Confederation of Free Cities were indeed enormous. Raising the top of her palm, she stopped stroking her lover with her fingers while spreading her legs wide, showing she was ready for concessions.

"What do you want?"

"Straight to the point? I like that," Turiel said, immediately animated.

Theatrically hesitating and rolling her eyes, she placed her entire foot between Sivila's legs and began to drum her fingers slowly.

"First, a good husband when I get back. One of your younger relatives. And a husband, not a lover, even an official one."

The queen mentally groaned. It would be very difficult to impose on any of her unmarried relatives a spouse who had borne three children from a human. However, there is hope that one of them or the growing grandchildren will get into some scandal, and as a payment to cover it up, it will be possible to impose such a wife on him. In general, the option works, and there is still time.

"All right."

"Secondly, I need additional funding and special equipment. I've prepared a list."

"Of course."

"I also need the help of some of my kin. I can't cope alone. There are more and more humans every year who want to get rid of me and take my place! And I can't trust non-elves, so think of who you'll send with me. I've already picked out a cover, by the way. I'm sure you'll love it."

It's easier with this one. Sivila was prepared for it and had already thought through who could be sent to help Turi.

"Which one?"

"A young romantic youth, the son of a reprehensible love affair between a human and an elfess..."

"Oh, no..."

"Looking for his soulmate, but surrounded only by rude and primitive humans..."

"Tury, please..."

"Meets her, the beautiful daughter of the Forests ..."

"I'm gonna be sick..."

"What are you saying, Sivi?!" The queen's lover clapped her eyes in surprise as she continued to tease her with her foot.

"I thought you were a fan of Legael's quill?"

"I was three thousand eight hundred years ago, like most young and romantic girls at that time. Since then, my attitude toward his rather smutty love stories has changed a lot."

"Oh, how you criticized a recognized classic of love literature. I've been literally living as a character in his book for years now."

"All right, I hear you. We'll play out the scenario of the elf who falls in love with a poor half-breed misunderstood by humans. Only the agent will be someone who's already had all her children. We have more problems with quarterons than we do with half-breeds."

"Deal. Also, Augustus will be only too happy that his son's lover will be spared the disadvantage of having bastards."

"Speaking of kids. What are you planning on doing with them? I hope you're not gonna bring them here."

"Of course not. Christian will inherit his father's title. That much is clear. There are, however, a couple of bastards that Augustus made before he met me. The threat from them is minimal, but we'll still need to be on the safe side. It won't be hard to marry off daughters. There are already two dozen grooms. And if we provide them with additional dowry, there will be even more. I have prepared a list of candidates. It will be necessary to analyze it and find out with whom the marriage will be the most profitable for Forest and August. Thankfully, he doesn't skimp on rejuvenating alchemy and magic, and he'll live long enough. Much longer than I had hoped to spend with him," Turiel said with pressure, pressing her fingers between the queen's legs again.

She only mentally rolled her eyes:

"Is there anything else?"

Her friend squinted her eyes slyly and said slowly:

"I'd love for you to get involved too....."

"Not that, Turi, I can't!"

"But, Sivi, it's for Forest's sake!"

"No way! I'm not sleeping with him! It's bad enough he literally groped me in front of the whole Court!"

"I promise to give him a big jealousy scene for that."

"Turi, it's out of the question! Not because I don't want to, and I don't want to, but because it would do more harm than good! He'd spread the word of such a feat throughout the entire Confederacy of Free Cities!"

"What do you care what people say? Five hundred years from now, no one will even remember it."

Making a pitying face, Sivila uttered:

"Turi, please, let's do without this."

Her friend smiled slyly in return and gently tickled the most sensitive point of the queen's pussy with her fingertip.

"Well, if you ask very nicely, I'll consider it."

Rolling her eyes once more, Sivila got up from the table and walked over to her friend, who was sitting in the chair and knelt in front of her. She willingly spread her legs. The queen threw her platinum hair back behind her back and looked up at her with a displeased look:

"If you wanted to spend the night with me, you could have just asked instead of making a scene."

In response, her longtime lover giggled and stroked the queen's head:

"I can't help it, Sivi! I love seeing you on your knees in front of me."

With a promise in her mind that she would give the Duke some alchemy to increase male strength and desire, Sivila dipped her mouth to her friend's labia, gently running the tip of her tongue over the slit. With a satisfied smile, Turi threw her legs over her shoulders and leaned back in the chair, one hand caressing her breasts and the other holding her friend's head. The queen was convinced she was right in her assumption that Augustus, despite a hard day, had found the strength to fulfill his conjugal duty. However, it was more likely that Turi had dragged him to bed on purpose, knowing she would have a conversation with her friend, which would inevitably end with a kneeling negotiation. What an asshole, she could have at least taken a shower! Mentally promising her to remember that, Sivila bit down on her friend's clit with her lips, eliciting a satisfied moan.

She squeezed her legs in response, pressing the queen's face harder into her pussy. Her tongue quickened, Sivila reached up with both hands and squeezed her friend's tits, which were twice as big as her own, thanks to the alchemy Augustus had spared her. Taking hold of Turiel's hardened nipples with her fingers, she twisted them affectionately, then pushed them in sharply with her fingers. Her friend couldn't take it anymore, leaned back in her chair, and moaned as she orgasmed. Sivila readily took a mouthful of her friend's juices, and before she realized what was happening, she threw her legs off her, stood up sharply, and covered her mouth with her own. Turi twitched and moaned in protest but could do nothing, pinned to the chair. The Queen, with a satisfied face, fed her friend her nectar and then withdrew satisfied with the result. After Turi coughed, she sat on her lap and kissed her again, penetrating her mouth with her tongue. Turi's blue eyes flashed, and she responded by biting her friend lightly, clutching the queen's buttocks.

Pulling away slightly, Sivila smiled slyly:

"You don't like the taste of your own husband?"

Turiel gave a displeased hiss in response, and with unexpected strength for a graceful-looking elfess, she picked up the laughing Sivila in her arms, got to her feet, and made her way to the couch against the wall. Laying the queen down on it, she climbed on top of her, sitting on her face. Turi enjoyed her friend's tongue again for a few minutes, and then she turned around without getting off the queen and leaned into her pussy. But instead of responding to Sivila's caress, she took the tip of a long lock of her hair in her hands with a sly smile and began to tickle her with it. The queen, who had not expected such a thing, twitched and mewled and, at the same time, began to jerk her legs, but her friend could not be thrown off. The tickling torture continued for almost a minute, and only when Sivila was at her limit did her friend lean over and press the most sensitive point of her pussy with her lips, causing a muffled moan, followed by an orgasm. With a satisfied hum, Turiel gently climbed off her breathing friend and lay beside her, hugging and kissing her gently. She responded to her lover's caress and asked in a calm voice:

"Did I convince you?"

Grinning, Turiel replied:

"I'll consider it a yes."

And she gently took the tip of the queen's long ear in her mouth. She giggled but didn't pull away, instead hugging her tighter.

"Are you staying the night?"

"I can't. August gets up early. It wasn't easy enough for me to slip away to you."

"See you tomorrow, then."

"See you tomorrow."

She kissed her friend goodbye and let her leave the office. As soon as the doors closed behind Turiel, who had activated the invisibility amulet, the queen exhaled a sigh of relief and collapsed into her chair. This had gone much easier than expected. She had feared her longtime friend and lover would take much longer to bargain. The Queen was willing to go to great lengths to maintain influence over one of the wealthiest and most powerful men in the Confederacy of Free Cities through her. And Turi knew it. This meant she was either taking pity on her friend, which was unlikely, or she was up to some other trickery. Given her temper, Sivila was more willing to believe the latter. The queen stretched, glancing doomfully at the papers left on the table. And then at the wall clock. And with a doomed groan, instead of going to sleep, she continued her work.

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Agents of the Elf Queen

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