The story of the Elf Queen

Agents of the Elf Queen

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With a predatory whistle, the arrow snapped off the bowstring and, a moment later, sank into a round stationary target at the farthest of the three distances, two palms below the small center circle. The young man, dressed in expensive burgundy-colored hunting clothes embroidered with gold, creased his handsome, aristocratic face with a pair of pointed ears. Then he took the next arrow from the quiver and put it on the bowstring. He exhaled a few times and, as his instructors had taught him, drew the bowstring in one fluid motion, took aim, and fired.


This time, the arrow hit the target above the center circle, but only one palm higher. Nevertheless, the young man was not satisfied. He grudgingly grimaced. For an ordinary person, hitting a target at this distance was a pretty good result. Even because he was shooting with a real elven battle bow, which cost a lot of money and required a lot of physical strength to draw and hold the bowstring. And the same elven white-feathered arrows. His retinue and mentors would have praised him immediately and probably sincerely. But that would have made it even more sickening.

Because next to him, on the neighboring ranges, his mother's parents are practicing. And it was enough to look at them to realize how far he was from the real elves in archery. That's why he went to the morning training alone, to the displeasure of the attendants who wouldn't leave him unattended. Gritting his teeth, Christian drew the bowstring again, but his irritation made the shot too hasty, and the arrow went off to the right and above center three palms to the right. As if in mockery, a moment later, at the neighboring ridge, where one of the elves was shooting, the arrow struck the target. The targets at the next range were wooden orc heads on staves, wearing horned helmets. And as if that wasn't enough, the staves were also moving, rising, and tilting to the side.

The sight of such skill made him want to drop everything and return to his quarters. What was the point of wasting time on this if he was never going to reach the heights of real elves anyway? Real... Christian exhaled a few times and forced himself to calm down, then drew his bow again and aimed. It was not easy to keep the bowstring taut, but he forced himself to aim carefully and hold his breath, as he was as sharp as his mother's relatives.


With a ravenous whistle, the arrow flew forward, only to sink a moment later into the upper edge of the center circle of the target. Christian smiled contentedly as he exhaled.

"That's a very nice shot."

He turned sharply and saw a pretty elf with thick, straight blond hair in a long ponytail a few steps behind him. She was dressed in tight dark-green elven hunting clothes, with coloring reminiscent of tree foliage. They emphasized her figure very favorably. On her belt hung a quiver full of the same white-feathered arrows as Christian's, and in her hands, she held an elven bow but noticeably more graceful than his. Her light green eyes were watching the young man with interest, which made him embarrassed for a brief moment, but at that moment, the elfess caught herself.

"Please forgive me. That was so rude of me. I had no intention of sneaking up on you. Mistrael, of the House of River Lilies," she curtsied modestly.

"Christian de Mont Ros, son of Duke Augustus de Mont Ros," the young man performed a Small Bow, then glanced at the target.

"You flatter me, Lady Mistrael. I can see how a true master shoots."

In confirmation of his words, the shooter at the next range again hit another target in the form of a head in an orcish helmet. To Christian's surprise, he heard a melodious female laugh in response. The elven woman came closer, smiled slyly, and said in a conspiratorial voice.

"You're being too hard on yourself, Christian. I'll let you in on a little secret. Not all elves are actually great archers. Some are not as good as you are."

The young man raised his eyebrows skeptically:

"Is that so? My mom said bow practice was part of every elf's life."

"Not exactly. Among elves, it is considered good manners to be able to shoot and to train periodically to keep in shape. But to achieve the legendary elven skill, one must train hard for decades. And that can only be afforded by those who have chosen to become warriors. Besides..."

A mischievous light appeared in the elf's eyes.

"Don't forget the trick of enchanting bows and arrows. Tell me, Christian, your bow is not enchanted, is it?"

"No, real enchanted elven bows are almost impossible to buy, even for a father."

"Oh, I'm sure that if Duke Augustus so desired, our craftsmen would have such a bow made for him to order. But that's not the point. Let me give you a demonstration. Take my bow."

With those words, the elf woman handed Christian her weapon. After a moment's hesitation, he put his own aside and took the offered bow. He smelled the slight floral scent of her perfume. Her weapon was surprisingly light, but it fit perfectly in his hand. Taking another white-feathered arrow, Christian pulled the bowstring a little and was surprised by the lightness of the tension. It was practically a child's practice bow! He'd started practicing with one of these when he was six years old. Would the arrow even make it?

"I don't think its tension is enough for the far target...."

"That's right, it seems to you. Go ahead, shoot it like it's your own."

Shrugging, Christian stood, drew his bow, and took aim. It was a lot easier to hold the bowstring, and it was easy to aim. He held his breath and loosened his fingers.


The arrow came off the bowstring as fast as his bow! A moment later it was almost exactly in the center of the target. Christian turned to Lady Mistrael in amazement at this. She was looking at him with a cheerful smile.

"Wouldn't you agree it's noticeably easier to shoot that way?"

"By an order of magnitude! That's amazing! It's like I was stringing my baby bow, and I shot it like a battle bow!"

The elfess laughed softly in response.

"That is the power of enchanted weapons. Skilled craftsmen are able to greatly reduce the amount of effort while maintaining the power of the shot. But that's not all. Allow me, Christian."

As she approached, Lady Mistrael removed from her head a thin silver hoop with a small azure topaz in the center. Then, she carefully placed it on the head of the frozen Christian. Up close, he caught the slight floral scent coming from her again. It was reminiscent of the perfume his mother used.

"That's it. Try the shot again."

Blinking, Christian shook off the sudden daze and touched the hoop. It was a little small for him, but it fit his head quite securely. Intrigued, he took the arrow again and drew his bow. As soon as he aimed, the world before his eyes changed. From the tip of the arrow, a thin, gentle line stretched out, indicating the endpoint. Surprised, he shifted the direction slightly, and the line followed the arrowhead. Now it was clear where the legs, or rather ears, of elven skill grew from. Aiming so that the end point of the line pointed exactly at the center of the target, Christian lowered the bowstring.


The arrow struck exactly in the center, next to the previous one. He lowered his bow and turned to see Lady Mistrael still smiling.

"So that's the secret behind the famous elven archers."

Again to his surprise, the elfess laughed softly.

"Not at all. Such enchantments are discouraged among the Forest Guards, as it numbs them from relying on their own eyes and skills. This is especially true of the Jagers, as the best of the best. An exception is made for the Enchanted Archers, but they are entitled to it."

"Got it..."

Drawing another arrow, Christian aimed and sent it flying again.


Like the previous one, it stabbed precisely into the target.

"You're doing great, Christian. Would you like to try it with more difficult targets?"

After hesitating for a moment, the young man nodded:

"Hmm, why not?"

"In that case, let's change the line."

Christian moved to a neighboring line, which had just been vacated, and together with Lady Mistrael, who turned out to be a very good archer, tried to repeat the success of the shooter who had already left. To begin with, of course, at fixed targets. Much to his delight, he managed to hit all the staves topped with wooden heads in orcish helmets. Inspired, he tried his hand at shooting at moving targets. It was much more difficult, but with his enchanted bow and tiara, he was able to hit the closest targets quite well, which even his unexpected companion noted with some surprise. And it was doubly pleasant. Still, praise from a mentor hired by his father and praise from a real elven woman were two big differences. Eventually, he got so engrossed that he lost track of time. He only came to his senses when the sun was past noon, and his arm and shoulder were aching with fatigue.

Lady Mistrael was as enthusiastic as he was. To her credit, the elfess was a great conversationalist and skilled archer. And her magnificent bow and enchanted tiara were beyond praise. He wishes he could get his father to order one of those! But how much would they cost? He would have to ask Mistrael, but it would be awkward to ask so directly. To Christian's relief, the elf offered to join her for dinner, to which he agreed without hesitation. Over a meal, he could discreetly ask how much such a set would cost. Lady Mistrael led him to one of the palace's dining rooms located on an open terrace that overlooked the forests surrounding the palace. The centuries-old trees stretched to the horizon and were truly awe-inspiring. While a couple of servants were setting the table, he couldn't help but admire them and listen to the birds singing from the crowns. It was incredibly beautiful. Christian mentioned that during the meal. Once again, his companion surprised him by sighing sadly.

"Is something wrong? Have I done something to upset you?"

"No, of course not, Christian. It's just, uh..."

Turning to the trees surrounding the palace, she looked at them with a strange expression.

"I've spent my entire life within the boundaries of our Forest. I've never seen the world outside. Tell me, Christian, your hometown, what is it like?"

"Oh, Morgrave is beautiful! Not to be boastful, but it is deservedly called the jewel of the Confederacy of Free Cities. Morgrave is huge, home to over fifty thousand people, not counting the surrounding villages. It is bustling with life from early morning until late at night. It stands on the eastern shore of the Middle Sea, at the mouth of the Dantra River. Close to the city stands Mont Ros, the Red Mountain. My father's family castle sits on its slope. From the top of the castle towers, there is a wonderful view of the sea and the surrounding..."

The Queen's study. It's the same time.

"... land. The view at sunset is especially marvelous ..."

Touching the communication amulet with her fingertip, Sivila turned it off. Good, so far, everything was going according to plan. There was no doubt that Mistra would get the boy. He already has a crush on her. She can see it with the naked eye. You'd expect nothing less from a professional agent. Especially, since Turi helped in choosing a strategy of behavior as the mother knew well the tastes and preferences of her son. Of course, there would still be problems with how to impose it on the boy's father, but most likely, it would not be difficult to persuade August. Especially if she informs him unofficially, of course, he will not be threatened with bastard grandchildren from Mistra. Of course, there would inevitably be problems with human maidens wanting to get into Christian's bed and, through him, into his father's purse. Or straight to his throne. And that's not to mention the Duke's kin, his retinue, and their nephews, who are unlikely to be happy about one more eared one. Well, except for those who work for them.

The queen shook her head with a grin. Turi couldn't envy her, so many worries. She had to think about the Forest, her husband, her son, and her daughters, all while living in a human city. Who should he marry her to? She should start thinking about it... Though there's still time. Thirty years, for sure. In the meantime, there are more urgent matters. Turning in her chair, the queen said with a smile:

"Are you done yet, my good ones?"

She answered with a loud groan. In the corner of the study, on a thick and wide doggie mat, her new pet stood on all fours, huffing and panting. Sierra had changed considerably in the time since her capture. The dark elf's breasts had nearly doubled in size, filling with milk. Her stomach had swollen as well, almost touching the mat on which she stood. Behind her on his knees was Lulu. With a satisfied face, he held her by the waist while moving his hips leisurely.

"Mistress, I beg you... I can't take it anymore."

The dark elf's voice carried not a shadow of its former insolence. The queen smirked, put her foot on her leg, and said:

"Be patient. It's for the good of the child. The healing strengthening charms on your womb need the father's seed as a source of energy. So the more of it they absorb, the better for the baby."

She responded with two loud moans that merged into one. Lulu came again, for the third time, and came on top of Sierra, biting down on her long ear. She moaned even louder, and intricate symbols flashed gold on the anthracite-black skin of her rounded belly. With another grin, the queen said:

"Okay, that's it for today. You can rest now."

With a huge sigh of relief, the fucked-up dark elfess twisted out from under her partner and collapsed on her back, breathing hard and shivering. Her entire naked body was covered in beads of sweat.

"Lulu! Be a good boy, take care of your girl. Wash her properly."

With a joyful yelp, the dark elf, standing on all fours, bent down to his doomed partner and began licking her, starting from her face and gradually moving lower and lower. He licked her breasts especially thoroughly, literally sucking on them, at the same time relieving the dark one of the excess milk that had accumulated since she could not decant it herself because of the charms on her tits. It was a little prank, but it was nice to see how much the dark one suffered from having to "ask" the royal maids to relieve her breasts. And it fills up quickly, thanks to the good alchemy and abundant nutrition, which is carefully monitored. Sibylla chuckled in her mind.

This toy's pregnancy was not cheap. Healing alchemy, enhancing and strengthening rituals, protective charms - Lulu's unborn child had already cost her a lot of money. Not counting the cost of catching Sierra. But it was worth it. And not just because this game is definitely fun for her. She's already got big plans for the baby in Sierra's tummy. Also, the dark one brings her great pleasure. As does Sierra's constant underlying fear that she'll be turned into a "doggie" like Lulu for disobeying her. To her credit, though, she had managed to shove her pride deep enough that it was almost invisible. As she approached her pet, the queen sat beside her and stroked her huge belly affectionately. Nearby, Lulu, with her right foot up, diligently continued to "wash" his girl, licking literally every toe.

"Good girl. Another month and you'll give me a beautiful boy. Oh, feel him pushing! I envy you so much. Motherhood is such a blessing."

She wanted to say something, but she'd been taught to keep a sharp tongue behind her teeth in the early days. So, instead, she just whispered:

"I look forward to that day, Mistress."

The queen grinned at how quickly Titty had re-branded herself, then rose to her feet and snapped her fingers, activating the communication amulet. A few moments later, her maids entered the office and curtsied in synchrony.

"Pick up Titty and give her a proper bath. After the bath give her a massage and then feed her properly. And make sure she drinks all the alchemy and nutritional supplements she's supposed to."

"It will be done, Mistress."

Her girls curtsied and helped Sierra to her feet, then gently led the dark one out of the office. As soon as the doors closed behind them and the magical protection was activated, the dog-like Luaval rose to his feet in one predatory movement and stretched contentedly:

"What a pleasure it is to combine the fulfillment of marital and paternal duty!"

"I'm sure you have. Have you thought of a name for your son yet?"

"Of course I have. I'll announce it when I pick up the baby."

"In that case, you'll have to work hard to get back in time for his birth."

The dark elf's face immediately turned serious, which was not at all hindered by his nakedness.

"Are we in trouble?"

"You could say that. Here, take a look at this."

Taking the outstretched sheet of paper, Luaval quickly ran his eyes over it and grimaced as if in pain from a toothache.

"I hate working in the Confederation of Free Cities. I'd rather be in the Underworld "

"It's not so bad. At least you won't be deprived of the benefits of civilization."

The dark one's face remained displeased, and he folded his arms across his chest, looking grimly at the queen.

"I risk missing the birth of my son."

Mentally, Sivila rolled her eyes. Who'd have doubted it wouldn't be without it.

"If you hurry up, you'll have time to do everything and come back in time."

"I don't know. It's a long way. And the birth of my firstborn is such an event... I'd hate to miss it."

Of course, it's a long way, sure, with access to the network of elven secret teleports. Sivila sighed mentally as the dark one scrutinized her but didn't show it. Luaval was too valuable and useful. And most importantly, loyal to her personally. And that loyalty should be encouraged in every way possible. So the queen made a playful expression and said in a languid voice:

"Maybe I can convince you."

Smiling contentedly with snow-white teeth, Luaval uttered:

"I know a certain technique."

As he approached, he jerked Sivila around and pulled up the hem of her dress in one fluid motion. With her hands on the table, the queen arched her back and spread her legs wide, giving the dark one easier access to her crotch. He did not hesitate, ripped off her underwear, and being in full readiness, even though he had just fucked Sierra, slowly entered the queen's cunt, which was already ready. And how not to get aroused at the sight of Titty's sweetheart being fucked. Luaval made himself comfortable and began to move his hips quickly, penetrating the full length of his cock. With one hand holding Sivila by the waist, he pulled down the neckline of her dress, causing the queen's breasts to spill out. The dark one took immediate advantage of this and began to crush Sivila's breasts quite roughly, twisting and tearing her nipples. As if that weren't enough, Luaval pounced on her, his lips digging into her neck, leaving a strong hickey.

With a moan, Sivila began to move in time with his movements. Mentally, however, she grudgingly grimaced again. All dark men are alike in that respect. If they manage to get out from under the heel of their matriarchs, in bed with women, they start to behave hard and rough, trying to show their dominance. Sivila became interested in this sort of thing about three thousand years ago and got bored at about the same time. But for the sake of an agent as valuable as Luaval was, she was willing to put up with it. Biting her lip, she groaned again. Especially since he knew how to give pleasure to a woman. Abruptly and unexpectedly, he picked her up under the knee of her right leg and pulled it upward, forcing Sivila sideways onto the desk and practically putting the queen in a longitudinal twine while he sped up his movements. Growling, he slammed his hands into her and finished by cumming inside her. After a quick puff of breath, Luaval, who was still holding the queen with her leg up, suddenly took off her slipper and kissed his mistress's toes affectionately. Then he said contentedly, rubbing his face against hers:

"I leave today, Your Majesty."

"I look forward to your return. In case of emergency, you know how to send word."

"Of course."

Putting the queen down, he kissed her neck once more, leaving another hickey, then carefully stepped out of her and began to pack. Soon, Luaval left the queen's study through the emergency exit. As soon as the part of the wall that had been disguised as a door closed behind him and the magical protection of the office was back on, Sivila collapsed into her chair and exhaled tiredly. The things one would do for the good of the Forest. She closed her eyes and began to caress herself with her hands, biting her lip. She reached orgasm quickly enough, and the queen allowed herself to moan. Thankfully, the cabinet's defenses kept the sounds out. Breathing out, she cleaned herself up and returned to work. There was still so much paperwork to do, and in the evening, another dinner with the Duke, a bath, and cosmetic alchemy to remove the hickeys...

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The operations of the Elf Queen

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