The story of the Elf Queen

The operations of the Elf Queen

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Fortress Conifer, the border between the Forest and the Confederacy of Free Cities. Noon.

A relatively small fortification by elven standards was hidden in the dense undergrowth, surrounded by a sparse ring of ancient trees. The dense vegetation made it difficult to see anything further than a couple of meters away. To break through the dense shrubbery and young trees without raising a ruckus and disturbing the forest birds was a fantastic task. For most people. The Forest Guard, serving on the border itself, had none. Dressed in camouflage clothing that blended in with the foliage, the Forest Guard, invisible and inaudible, traveled along almost invisible paths, bypassing posts, replacing sentries to disappear into the forest vegetation instead. Very few people, even among the elves, would have noticed the Forest Guards were somehow too many for an ordinary border fortress. The reason for such an increase in personnel was currently sitting in the dungeons of the fortress.

The silence of the lower floor of the Coniferous, where the warehouses and prison cells were located, was broken by almost inaudible footsteps. A tall, slender elf with short, white hair cut in a Jager style and dark green eyes was coming down the stairs leading upstairs. She was dressed in a variant of the Forest Guard's full set of camouflage armor for combat mages. At her belt hung a short battle staff in the form of a knotted stick covered with carvings and topped with an emerald. Descending into the dungeons of Conifer, she approached the massive doors leading to the prison wing. A pair of forest guards standing at the doors opened the entrance for her without a word. Once inside the wide corridor, flanked by sturdy prison cell doors, the elf gave a brief nod to the guards on duty inside the prison block. They silently headed for the exit. As they passed her, one of them stopped, handed her a bunch of keys, and nodded grimly. She gave him an equally short nod. As the massive doors of the prison block closed behind the departing guards, the elfess made a short pass of her hand. At the same moment, the skillful carvings on the doors lit up with golden light, and there was a low humming sound as the additional defenses activated. Including sound suppression.

She took her battle magic staff from her belt, held it at the ready, and walked forward down the prison corridor. Stopping in front of one of the doors, she took one of the carved keys and applied it to the center of the door, which had no keyhole, just a small metal plate. The patterns of protective carvings covered the door glowed faintly for a brief moment, and then there was the muffled clang of the locks being unlocked. The door opened without a creak. Behind it was a small room, partitioned off by a massive steel grate, behind which was a prison cell. By the standards of human casemates, it was perfectly clean and well-maintained. There, against the far wall on the floor on a small straw mattress lay a man in a prison shirt and underpants. He was lean, with short dark hair, brown eyes, and a week's worth of stubble on his brazen face. When he heard the sound of the door unlocking, he turned to the elf woman and whistled, giving her a dirty look:

"Awww, wow! Give me a couple of minutes, ears, and I'll be ready for any interrogation!"

He grinned and reached into his pants, pulling out his cock and jerking it. Not a single muscle on the face of the elf woman who had entered flinched at the sight of such iniquity. Instead, she made a brief movement with her battle staff, and a thin white lightning bolt struck the prisoner in the stomach, causing him to shriek and twitch convulsively. However, he recovered from the pain surprisingly quickly and spoke in a deliberately lewd voice:

"You like it rough? Not really my thing, but you can try it for a change. By the way, if you get tired of running around in the woods, I know a couple of places where you'll be happy to work. You won't even have to change your clothes."

He continued to work with his hand and to stare at the elf who had stopped at the bars. She didn't react again, but another bolt of lightning from the battle staff struck the captive on the hand he was masturbating with. He shrieked again and twitched visibly harder, twisting literally. With a wince, he wheezed:

"Why are you so mean? I bet you don't have a man..."

The line was interrupted by another bolt of lightning, this time noticeably stronger. The captive was twisted and convulsed for several seconds. But when he caught his breath, he turned to his tormentor and wheezed mockingly as he continued to stare at her with greasy eyes:

"Come up with something new, babe. This is getting boring..."

Suddenly his eyes widened and he almost jumped up:

"Oh, come on! Hey, hottie, that white-headed chick we had in the last raid, isn't she related to you?"

The tips of the elf's ears twitched at what she heard, which did not go unnoticed by her prisoner.

"Ha, that's it! You should have told me right away that you wanted to visit your friend. You came here. You're silent and only scare me with magic. You want me to take you to her, huh? Aai!

Another lightning bolt interrupted his speech, causing him to bite his lip in pain. When he stopped writhing, the elfess spoke in a cold, emotionless voice:

"Where is she?"

"Ha... No, honey, that's not how it works. If you want to know where your friend is, offer me something in return. And don't give me any of that easy death and quick death bullshit right now. And yes, keep in mind that while we're talking, a lot of interesting things can happen to your friend...."

A shadow ran across the elven woman's face, and she raised her staff once more, then snickered:

"Where? Is she?"

"Huh... Huh... That was pretty good right now... Ooh, I almost got it... Listen, how about this? I'll tell you who I bought your girlfriend for and how much, and you let me go? Oh, and if you suck my dick, I'll tell you who bought her boyfriend."

Another lightning bolt made the man crouch and howl again. But when the pain was gone, he only mocked again and continued his handjob:

"Fuck, I feel like a noble duke in an elite brothel... Listen, why don't you show me your tits just to complete the picture, huh? Your friend had bigger tits, by the way, and the way she moaned, waaaaaah!

With a face skewed with anger and disgust, the elfess literaly hissed:

"Where is she? Who did you sell her to?!"

"Ha... Uh... If you want to see her so badly, hottie, I told you I can take you there. Or are your ears that long for beauty? Listen, do all the elvish girls get wet when you suck on their ears, or is it just yours?"

With a heavy exhalation, the elven woman raised her staff, and the man was thrown against the wall of the cell. Rings of light appeared around his wrists, neck, and ankles, pinning and literally crucifying the prisoner. Another ring in the form of a seal appeared around the mouth of the impotently mooing prisoner. His staked cock remained outside. With a cold expression on her face, the elf said:

"I'm sick of this. I can't kill you right now, but you'll get over the loss of your dick."

Touching the metal plate on the wall with the key, she waited until the bars of the bars retracted into the walls and drew her belt knife. With a determined expression on her face, she walked toward the helplessly mooing prisoner with his face twisted in horror. Once inside the cell, she took two steps forward when a quiet rustling sounded. The elven woman jerked but had no time to react. From above, halfling collapsed on top of her. He was hanging in the corner of the cell under the ceiling with his hands and feet against the walls, out of the elven woman's sight, almost without breathing or making a sound. The palm of his hand struck the neck of the eared girl who had entered the cell carelessly. Exactly in the right place and with the right force, which spoke of a rather large experience of the hitter. The elven woman collapsed to the floor, dropping her knife and battle staff, and her eyes rolled back. As soon as the magical weapons were out of her hands, the magic circles holding the prisoner were gone, and he burst into a profanity-laced shouting match:

"Stupid ear cunt! I thought that bitch would never enter the cell! That fucking hurts! Oh, that slut's gonna pay for everything...."

His scolding was interrupted by the halfling, who, with great dexterity and skill, was searching the unconscious elf, pulling off her clothes and binding her hands with her belt.

"Shut up! Her friends might hear and come here!"

"You're the one who said they all left, and she's the only one here, right?"

"She here! What if they come back now?! So shove your dick up your ass and help me! We need to get out of here as soon as possible! We'll think about fucking later if we get out of this fucking Forest. I told you..."

"Oh, shut up, that hottie's gonna pay for everything!"

"What?! You're gonna take her with you?!"

"Of course! Why not, since this stupid whore fell into our hands? The client will be very pleased."

"She's a magician!"

"Even better, magicians cost three times as much."

"How are we gonna get her?! If we don't watch her, she'll give us a hard time..."

"Relax, there should be shackles in the guardhouse for magically gifted prisoners. We'll put them on her, and she won't make a move. Done! Let's go!"

Throwing the unconscious elf, naked and bound by her belt, onto his shoulder, he did not deny himself the pleasure of squeezing her buttocks. His fellow halfling, picking up her other belongings, hurried after him in his wake. The hallway, to their delight, was indeed empty and completely silent. The man rushed with his burden to a small door at the side of the entrance to the prison block. Halflng, on the other hand, ran to unlock the cells where their accomplices were sitting. The man grinned as he ran into the small room near the exit where the guard on duty would be. The room revealed several chests of their belongings, which the ears had taken away when they had tied up their gang this morning. Also, in the closet next to the desk of the duty officer, several sets of antimagic collars and handcuffs were found, as he had suspected. While he shackled the unconscious prisoner, halfling, quickly freed the rest of his accomplices. In a few minutes, the whole gang was gathered in the corridor, swearing quietly, changing clothes, and disassembling weapons. When almost everyone was dressed, the leader hissed, calling for silence:

"Quiet! We're fucking lucky! We have a good chance of not only saving ourselves but earning even more than last time."

He nodded at the still-unconscious prisoner lying against the wall and gave the dozen humans and non-humans gathered around him a satisfied look.

"Yes? How are we gonna get out of here?! The Sharp-Eared will shoot us all, and that hottie won't stop them," said a skinny man with greenish skin that hinted at a good deal of goblin blood.

"Easy! Ears must have some secret passage leading from the dungeon of this fortress to the outside. Every fortress must have one, and more than one, so in case of emergency, they can escape and save their precious long ears. Draga!"


The only one in the gang, a tall, thin woman with long, tangled black hair, pale skin, and an angry expression, stood a little apart, changing out of her prison garb and into her clothes. The only thing was that none of the men commented on it, and they tried not to look at her.

"You're a witch, damn it! Find a way out with your witchcraft, it must be here!"

"Why do you think so?"

"If not, then we are dead."

Grinning, the naked woman pulled a brown hooded robe over her head, embroidered with all sorts of patterns, and began to put on various beads and amulets made of bones and feathers.

"I will try."

When she was fully dressed, she began to murmur something to herself with her eyes closed and her arms out to her sides. The others were visibly nervous, glancing at the closed doors behind which the elven guards had disappeared. To keep the men busy and to buy some time in case of emergency, the leader ordered a barricade of tables and cabinets to be set up in front of the entrance. To his relief, when the entrance was blocked, Draga did find a secret passage hidden in one of the far chambers. And it had been unlocked with the keys of the long-eared prisoner. Apparently, the magician was not a simple one if the pointy-eared allowed her to come here alone and gave her the main keys to the fortress. What a dumb pointy-eared fool, just like her relative. Before leaving the dungeons, the leader handed his burden to one of his companions, as the elf was not a weightless burden, though it was very pleasant to the touch:

"You'll carry her, Grokh. If she makes any noise, you can strangle her, but be careful! You know how much those big-eared ones cost. Especially magical. Let's go carefully, don't make any noise. Otherwise, we're all fucked! We need to get as far away from here as possible before the pointy-eared misses us!"

His companions did not argue, and the whole gang rushed into the passage they had found. It was a wide corridor well-lit by magical lamps. It was made by the elfs to perfection. It led out into a small earthen cave, located at a distance of an arrow flight from the fortress. Judging by the footprints, some kind of beast lived in this cave, but there was no one here now. Apparently, luck had really smiled on them this day, though at first, it seemed as if they had run away. The fugitives looked around once more, making sure that the ears hadn't heard about their escape, and then they ran away from the Forest.

High up in the crowns, on the branch of a hundred-year-old tree, the elf who had merged with the foliage gave the intruders hiding in the distance a stare with her cold gray eyes. After that, she took out a communication amulet from the inner pocket of her camouflage and whispered:

"Fifth leaf to the Nest. The rats have fled."

Putting the amulet back in its place, she mentally sympathized with her colleague.

Fortress Conifer, the border between the Forest and the Confederacy of Free Cities. Earlier this morning.

They had been spotted at the entrance to the Forest as they made their way through the dense forest vegetation. It would be more accurate to say that they had been carefully guided from the very gates of Morgrave's city. They moved through the forest professionally enough, but only by human standards. That only spoiled the mood of the Forest Guardians, who were keeping watch for intruders in the crowns of the trees. When the group had successfully passed the Coniferous and had relaxed, a short command in the form of a bird whistle was given. In the same instant, several dozen blunt arrows, designed to stun rather than kill the victim, rained down on the humans, and nonhumans caught off guard. The harmless flowers beneath the trespassers' feet released thick clouds of soporific pollen, and the roots that entangled them came straight out of the ground. In ten heartbeats, the whole troop was captured.

After that, the Forest Guards quickly brought the intruders to Coniferous. A dozen and a half representatives of the Secret Guard were already waiting for them there. The unconscious prisoners were distributed among the three groups of agents. Each of them was stripped, thoroughly searched, and examined. A vial of blood was taken, and a special artifact was used to take an aura cast. The ringleader and his two closest aides were given a couple of magical markings, doing it with as much secrecy as possible. Each of them was given a sip of a special potion, after which a specialist from the Secret Guard began to suggest the necessary thoughts. The witch, as the only gifted one, was treated separately.

She was taken to a special secure room, where, under the direction of the Senior Wizard of the Secret Guard and his apprentice, all her belongings were sorted out. After making sure she had no way of freeing herself, the unconscious prisoner was strapped into a special chair and left alone with one of the agents. She was dressed head to toe in a tight black leather suit that fit her like a glove and was adorned with the symbols of a not-so-well-known druidic circle. Her straight black hair was gathered into a long braid that reached to the middle of her back. Her eyes were yellow-green with vertical pupils. It wasn't hard to guess which beast she had a spiritual connection with.

She made sure that the door was securely closed and walked slowly over to the unconscious prisoner. The elven woman looked at the naked human woman and grinned contemptuously as she picked up a jug of water from the table against the wall. She immediately splashed it on the captive. She shuddered and struggled in her restraints, trying to realize what was happening and where she was. When she saw the elven woman in front of her, she opened her eyes wide in horror, but she couldn't scream because of the gag in her mouth. The elven woman grinned predatorily at the sight of the captive's fear and suddenly put her hand into an inconspicuous slit on her chest in her thick leather garment. A moment later, she pulled out a small black snake, a little longer than the palm of her hand and as thick as a dandelion stalk. The snake wrapped itself around the elf's fingers and stared at her with beady black eyes, occasionally sticking out its bifurcated tongue. Smiling affectionately at the snake as if it were her daughter, the elfess whispered something quietly and blew on it, causing the black scales of the reptile to glow green from the tip of its snout to the tip of its tail. After that, she held it up to her captive. To be more precise, she put the snake on the seat between the legs of the chair-bound witch.

She struggled in a natural panic, but the leather straps made it impossible to bring her legs together. Clearly enjoying the helplessness of her captive, the elf bent down and, with two fingers, pulled the twitching woman's labia apart, opening the way for her pet. The snake, after tasting the air a couple of times with her tongue, rushed forward sharply, penetrating the captive's womb with her head. The witch naturally howled in her voice, if not for the gag, she would have screamed at the top of her voice. Her body shook violently. She tried to break free, but the straps held her fast. The snake, wriggling stubbornly, quickly disappeared completely into the captive's gut. As soon as it was done, the human woman collapsed. Smiling contentedly, the snake's mistress stroked the captive's groin with her palm, then slowly ran it from the lower abdomen to the captive's left breast and began to knead it gently. After a moment, she took the witch, who was trembling, by the chin and forced her to look into her eyes.

"Let's talk?"

The frightened captive frantically nodded.


Taking a second chair, the elven woman placed it closely in front of the captive, sat down on it, and pulled the gag from her mouth.

The Royal Palace. In the evening of the same day.

Leaning back in her chair at her desk, Sivila folded her arms across her chest and said, satisfied:

"Well, the first phase was a success. Your agents did a great job."

A small magic mirror in a stand on the table reflected the edge of the Forest, beyond which the elven lands ended. A group of fugitives, under the cover of the coming twilight, spared no effort to get as soon as possible to the border settlement, where their companions with fresh horses were waiting for them. The mirror next to her reflected the head of the Secret Guard, who had just finished his report.

"That was the easiest part, Your Majesty."

"Of course. Are your Morgrave agents ready?"

"Of course they did. They've prepared everything you asked for. But I daresay I'd like to make one more thing clear. Are you sure you don't need any additional help? We're taking a big risk. The Forest has already lost two of its children, and now we're risking a third..."

"I'm more than confident in the success of this endeavor. Otherwise, I wouldn't be doing this at all."

Without further argument, the head of the Secret Guard nodded briefly, and the mirror with his image blurred, no longer reflecting anything. A moment later, the same thing happened to the second mirror. When this happened, the Queen allowed herself to change from a nonchalant face to an irritated one. The situation pissed her off to the extreme. The Forest had always been the subject of scrutiny from numerous neighbors, both friendly and not. Even in the best of years, when it was possible to keep some people apart and make others as loyal as possible, there were always those who tried to check the reliability of the borders of the elven lands. Especially since the border of the Forest is quite large, and her people have always had problems with numbers. Such invaders could be safely divided into two unequal groups.

The former were the few true masters of their craft and had been a perennial headache for the Forest Guard and the Secret Guard. They rarely caused trouble, but they were almost always accurate, and professional. If they managed to get into the Forest, they rarely left without some kind of prey. It didn't happen often, of course, but that didn't make it any easier. Even she had been in a lot of trouble over the centuries, if not directly. They were constantly being dealt with in every way possible, from physical elimination to bribery and recruitment. Periodically, one or another group was neutralized in one way or another, but new ones always arose. Demand begets supply, as the people in the Confederation of Free Cities say. So the likes of them never seemed to end, sad to say. Their existence was an unpleasant fact to live with.

The second group included everyone else. Adventurers who thought too much of themselves, overconfident attackers of brigands or smugglers, and another rabble who were innumerable. They were especially numerous in the turbulent years of wars. Now, in times of relative peace, few dare to venture across the border of the Forest unauthorized. Those who did, who thought too much of themselves, were successfully caught by the Forest Guard. And that was what made the current situation so special.

The small band of mercenaries, or adventurers as they were now called among humans, despite their experience and not the worst training, had no chance of reaching the interior of the Forest and causing its subjects any trouble. Routine for the Forest Guard. It would have been. If it weren't for the two juvenile morons of the Forest Guard. Instead of doing guard duty, they decided to get intimate with each other. Brainless idiots! It's the right place and the right time. Oh, what could happen? Who's going to come into our Forest? As a result, the lovebirds were so engrossed in the friendship with benefits that they overlooked the intruders. But intruders spotted a couple in love and caught them with their camouflage pants down. Which, she is sure, surprised them. As a result, the Forest lost one juvenile fool who had barely passed her first hundred and fifty years, and one juvenile fool who had just celebrated his two hundredth birthday five years ago. They couldn't even raise an alarm!

The alarm was sounded by the shift supervisors who discovered the disappearance and realized from the footprints what had happened. By then, the kidnappers had gotten far enough away. As a result, the entire Forest Guard under three hundred years old received a preventive reprimand, and the Secret Guard stood on their ears for two days, cursing their stupid colleagues. To be fair, the kidnappers were caught almost immediately. By the time they reached Morgrave, they were ready to be met, especially given August's loyalty. But Sivila hadn't given the go-ahead. If these two were mere civilians, they would have been rescued at the same hour. But these two youngsters were Forest Guards! And they'd been fully trained (she'd have to kick their mentors in the ass again!) So they'd have to suffer the consequences of their stupidity. And at the same time, they'll do some good for the Forest.

Their relatives, of course, were furious, but even their beloved little sister supported Sivila. Because these two lovebirds had jeopardized the Forest. If you want to join the Forest Guard, you'll have to live up to it. And if you fail, be prepared to answer for your stupidity. Of course, they'll be rescued. But not right away. Let them experience the full extent of the responsibility. Then they'll wise up.

In the end, the adventurers were carefully helped to find suitable clients who were happy to buy their ever-younger bedding goods. A couple of rich and relatively influential people from among the nouveau riche of Morgrave, who had made their fortunes one or two generations ago and wanted forbidden and status lovers. They'll be dealt with later. The young idiots will be very unpleasant, of course, but sex with humans is not fatal. At the same time, the mercenaries were cleverly covered from several attempts of more experienced colleagues to rid them of such a valuable commodity and then from the money earned. So, it looked as if they had dealt with the intruders. Then, when they had successfully drunk and squandered the money, they were helped to pull off a couple more dubious but very profitable ventures, which they were guaranteed to fail. And again, they were covered from competitors and new ill-wishers. At the same time, the right rumors were started. The lucky bastards were given a reputation they didn't deserve. It was for the sake of this reputation that so much effort and money was spent. And now it's paid off. They were anonymously contacted through intermediaries by a really serious client who placed an order and left a more than generous deposit. There is not zero probability that this is the patron of the other two groups of real professionals who have been ruining her life for the last forty years and whom they have not been able to reach.

That was what it was all about. The mercenaries were again allowed to reach the Forest, but this time, they were met properly. Then, they were processed, indoctrinated, and allowed to leave with such a splendid booty. Zitrael would not be envied, but she would be able to tell her niece and her lover all her complaints. Now, it was time for the second step. Ensuring the "success" of the deal. That was bound to be a problem. That's why Lulu had to be sent. And, as it happens, it happens now, when she has to deal with the visit of August and his wife. Things are going pretty well here, though.

The queen grinned and looked at the third mirror. It reflected one of the palace's guest bedrooms. There were expensive hunting clothes of burgundy and gold and elven camouflage scattered all over the floor. There was also a woman's silk dress shirt. On the wide double bed, on the rumpled sheets lay, with her legs wrapped tightly around the young half-elf boy, Mistrael. The duke's son, piled on top of her, kissed her passionately on the neck and moved his hips rhythmically while she buried one hand in his hair, the other clawed at his back and moaned loudly with a face twisted with passion and pleasure. So sweet. If she hadn't known Mystra for the past three hundred years intimately enough, she might have even believed this scene. Well, if she were three and a half thousand years younger and more naive.

In the meantime, the young man had reached his peak and cum inside his partner. He wanted to pull out, but Mistra didn't let him, literally squeezing him into himself in a burst of passion. What a sweet concern for his partner. Or is he afraid of making a bastard? More likely, the latter. Instead of rolling over to the other side and falling asleep, Christian kissed her, paying particular attention to her breasts, which caused the agentess to purr contentedly. Hmm... Maybe she could get the boy to bond with her enough to make her an official favorite. That would be very nice. She'll have to think it over. It's always good to have a loyal Duke de Mont Rose. We should think it over.

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The masquerade ball of the Elf Queen.

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