The story of the Elf Queen

The masquerade ball of the Elf Queen.

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Turning first one side and then the other in front of the height mirror, Sivila smiled contentedly. The closed navy blue dress, embroidered with silver nautical patterns, fit her perfectly. It emphasized the advantages of her figure, as well as hiding various trifles that the queen hadn't gone to an upcoming event without for three and a half thousand years. After making sure her outfit was perfect, she turned to her girls. All three maids stood beside her, dressed in the same gowns. After inspecting them carefully and finding no flaws, the queen nodded:

"Perfect. Now for the final touch."

Carefully, she picked up a silver-colored face mask from the table, made in the stylized form of a Siren, and carefully put it on. Enchanted by the masters of her craft, the accessory was immediately attached to her head, fitting her face like a second skin. It was soft enough to the touch that she could breathe, eat, drink, and look around without any problems. But the most important thing about it was that its enchantment perfectly concealed the face of the person wearing it. That, and the full set of protective and masking amulets worn under the dress, made it very difficult to identify with magic. Her girls, one by one, donned the same masks, becoming almost indistinguishable from their mistress. They also wore full sets of protective and disguising amulets. The queen's hair was the most problematic, as it was noticeably different in length and color from the maids' hair. But two hours of painstaking work, three beautiful wigs, and many hairpins solved this problem. The hair of all four of them was arranged in such a way that it completely and safely hid their ears. After looking at her maids and herself in the mirror once more, Sivila smiled mentally. Then she said:

"Did you remember everything I told you?"

All three girls performed a synchronized curtsy and responded, copying their mistress' voice perfectly:

"We won't let you down, Mistress."

Smiling once more, Sivila spoke up:

"In that case, we're good to go. And good luck to you, my sweeties."

A few minutes later, the queen's chambers opened and out stepped a foursome of women dressed in identical dresses, with identical masks on their faces, identical gait, posture, and nearly identical figures. Outside waiting for them were two more figures, a male and a female, dressed in costumes stylized to resemble the camouflage garb of the Forest Guard, with abstract masks depicting the stern faces of warriors. Without a word, the Queen's bodyguard and her henchman joined the four indistinguishable women. They made their way to the Dance Hall of the palace.

The visit of the Duke de Mont Ros has come to an end. All working matters had been settled in the past few days. All existing contracts were confirmed and extended with a minimum of adjustments. Several new ones had also been concluded to mutual benefit. The issue with Mistrael had also been successfully resolved. The Duke approved the appearance of an elven lover for his son after he received a private conversation from Sivila guaranteeing that she should not be expected to have unplanned children and, therefore, she would remain a lover. And the same unspoken assurances that she could be a lover to more than just his son. That automatically doubled the agent's salary, but it suited Sivila. And so was Turi. Of course, many people would not be happy such an enviable groom had a lover and even an elf. But this is already the problem of his "lover" and his mother. They will cope with them, not the first year, ha-ha, married. Sivila had to organize a farewell party for the dear (and in every sense) guests.


The queen chose the masquerade ball for many reasons. But the main reason was that you're not technically at the masquerade ball. Or rather, it's not you. You're not the one dancing, socializing, or flirting. It's someone else. You're not there. There is only a mask, an image created by you. And creating such an image is considered a special art. To do everything so no one present at the ball would guess who is really hiding under your mask. Or, which was considered the ultimate skill, to make it so you were mistaken for someone else. Sivila never found out with whom she spent the night after her first masquerade ball as a queen. Although she was absolutely sure she had found her husband among several hundred guests.

Such formality allows a lot of things. Even a lot of things that in other circumstances would not be overlooked, or at least would be strictly condemned. Considering who will be guests at tonight's event, it's doubly convenient. No elves. No humans. There are only masks. Images and roles. It's very convenient if you want to have a good time tonight. Especially if you've managed to remain incognito. At least at the ball itself. What happens after the ball, it's a separate topic, there are their own subtleties of etiquette, which are many. Did you manage to keep your identity incognito? Did you really manage to keep it, or did your partner let you know he knew who was under the mask? Was it eventually removed or not? Sivila mastered all these subtleties and nuances thoroughly three and a half thousand years ago. She's been honing her skills ever since.

It would be nice not to go to the ball, leaving the girls to fend for themselves. And sneaking off to the castle dungeons. Oh, dreams. The new batch of goblins would grow soon, but before she could have fun with them, they had to be properly processed and trained. Otherwise, there will be more trouble than fun. Then again, that kind of fun takes time and preparation. And she's always short of the former. She'll have to make do with what she has.

With these thoughts, hidden among her maids, the queen and her companions reached the doors of the Dance Hall. A pair of human palace servants with symbolic masks on their faces opened the doors before them. They literally reeked physically of quiet envy. Sivila grinned to herself as she looked at them. For every masquerade ball, a few of the palace servants, both men and women, were always specially selected. Of course, only the prettiest and smartest are chosen. They are dressed up, disguised, and then present under the guise of guests at the ball. It has always been considered one of the most complicated palace intrigues, testifying to the highest skill, to make your opponent or opponent find herself in bed with a human after the ball. Assuming it was you, who managed to set it up and not the one who was so good at acting or the opponent too much wine.

Not only was it spicy enough to be in bed with a servant, but unspoken palace etiquette demanded that the matter be, ahem, finished. Once you've chosen someone to spend the night with, you have to follow through. That's the rules of the masquerade. You should have been more discerning in your choice of partner. And if after a fun night, it turns out that all the alchemy and protective amulets for some reason did not work, and someone suddenly began to grow a belly, then this is just the pinnacle of mastery of intrigue. Of course, in the case of the elven woman, such a thing was an action on the very edge of permissible. There were literally three or four such examples in the last two thousand years, and each case became the subject of proceedings of different scandalousness and severity of consequences. But with men, it happened much more often, and a knocked-up human maid caused much less trouble. However, depending on whose maid it was, who the father was, whether the masks were removed... So many nuances. Not a single masquerade ball in Sivila's memory had gone without someone spending the night with one of the human servants. And when lovers among them were in vogue... It was an interesting and fun time.

The spacious Dance Hall was still relatively empty, and the guests were just beginning to gather. The hall was an elongated rectangular shape with the main entrance in the center of one of the smaller sides. Along the opposite wall from the entrance, there were musicians. At the long wall to the right of the entrance were tables with food and drinks. The wall on the left hand was occupied by tall and wide windows open to the ceiling. Three exits to a spacious terrace. There were also tables with snacks and drinks, and from where one could descend into the huge palace garden. The whole room was illuminated by several dozens of magical lamps hanging on the walls and from the ceiling. Sivila, along with her companions, took a seat at one of the tables. She took a glass of red wine, tasted it without taking a sip, and began to look around at the guests who had already arrived and those who were still arriving. The easiest to recognize was the dear Duke. No suit could hide his figure against the slender elves. His son was also easy to identify. But his wife... Hmm... Where is Turi?

Gradually, the hall filled with more and more guests. As the sun was setting it touched the tops of the trees surrounding the palace. The first dance began. Sivila skipped it, leaving Fiorel to one of the maids, and stayed with Astra and the other two girls at the table, watching the guests dancing. The masks. Costumes. And behind every one of them, someone was hiding. Some were easy to figure out. For her, obviously. Some were harder. Some she was sure of, some she only suspected. It was the same as always. After the first dance, a tall man dressed in a snow-white suit embroidered with gold and wearing a gold mask approached their company. The image of a sun-worshipping priest was impeccable. He bowed and said courteously to one of the maids:

"Beautiful stranger, will you give me your next dance?"

The one performed a flawless reciprocal bow and, copying her mistress's voice perfectly, said:

"You have illuminated my evening with your light. How can I refuse?"

Holding out her hand, she allowed herself to be led away to dance. Sivila escorted her with a steady gaze. The girl held the image perfectly. Who asked her to dance? There's no way to tell. Her gait, voice, and image - are flawlessly anonymous. No, I don't think so. Well, this is interesting. Who's the one who asked our dear guest to dance? Or did he? His son seems to have found his new "sweetheart" among the dozens of guests. Or did she find him? Though it's more likely that Mistra told him in advance what outfit he'd be wearing. Most likely so...

"What wondrous creature from the depths of the sea has come to our palace? May I invite you to the next dance?"

A young elf (or human) of graceful build, dressed in a magnificent outfit tailored according to the latest fashion of the Free Cities Confederation, held out a white-gloved hand to Sivila. On his face was a well-made mask of dark red with golden patterns, and on his head was a tall, wide-brimmed hat with several long feathers of black and red. A beautiful image of a rich aristocrat of the people. Welll.

"That's why I came up from the bottom of the sea."

Putting aside her wine glass, the queen, carefully playing the role of a maid playing her mistress, allowed herself to be led away to dance. To tell the truth, she had never really liked dancing. But etiquette obliged, and Sivila mastered this art to the level required for a queen. The "aristocrat" who had invited her to dance also danced well. Placing his hand on Sivila's waist, he began to lead confidently. The dance was relatively unhurried, allowing for a similarly unhurried conversation without losing her breath.

"What caused such a beautiful creature to leave its native waters?"

"The same thing that made you leave your home castle."

"Are we both looking for the same thing?"

"Same thing? It could be. Same thing? You never know."

"Is that so? You intrigue me."

"The inhabitants of the deep have always been known for such skills. How else are we supposed to lure our favorite surface dwellers into the abyss?"

"Indeed. With indescribable beauty, perhaps?"

"Not without it, of course."

At that moment, the dance was over, and Sivila curtsied and parted from the "aristocrat," returning to her chosen place at one of the tables. Her companions were no longer there. Taking a small plate, the queen plated herself a few slices of artistically cut fruit. Popping them on a silver fork, Sivila looked around the Dance Hall. All of her girls were dancing another dance, Fiorel and Astra as well. Good. Too bad Lulu had to be sent on a mission. He's quite fond of masquerades, managing magnificently to hide his anthracite skin...

Twice more, Sivila was asked to dance. The first time it was the Forest Guardian, the second time the Sea Warrior. Both of them had costumes of the highest level, but it was the voice that gave one away and the manner of the other. After veiledly informing them that their masks had been "revealed" by her, she parted from both. Meanwhile, the sun had dropped below the horizon, and there was a pause in the dancing. Most of the guests moved to the terrace for some fresh air and to admire the traditional fireworks. At the appointed time, dozens of fireworks burst into the air one after another, illuminating the palace and the surrounding forests with bright light of different colors. Sivila, who had also stepped out onto the terrace, nodded to herself in satisfaction. The gnome lights were not cheap, but they were worth it. A beautiful sight. And also a marvelous opportunity. While most of the guests watched the fireworks, the queen looked around at the guests. The two girls were nowhere to be seen. Great, it was all in their hands now. Another stood on the other edge of the terrace, next to the 'sun priest'. Fiorel was nowhere to be seen, but Astra was standing off to the side, with a glass of fruit juice in her hands, and looking over the guests as well. Well, now would be a good time.

After waiting for the fireworks to reach their climax, to the delighted gasps of the guests, Sivila activated her gaze aversion amulets and descended from the terrace down the side stairs to the garden. From there, she followed the path covered with ornamental bushes straight into the garden labyrinth. She knew its pattern by heart. There was no one at the entrance, which was good. Ducking into the labyrinth, the queen stood still for a moment listening. All good. She took off her expensive heeled shoes, picked up the hem of her dress, and, trying to move as silently as possible, made her way to the correct part of the maze. Sure, her sound-hiding amulet was good, but stuff happens at masquerade balls. Especially in a maze. The size of it was not insignificant, and the passages were quite confusing, with plenty of dead ends and cozy nooks and crannies. It was a good thing. She knew it like the back of her hand and navigated it with confidence. A couple of times, passing by hidden nooks that couldn't be found easily, she found a couple of guests there. The couples didn't notice her, thanks to the special small openings in the walls of the labyrinth, which also could not be noticed at once, and which were in every nook, which not everyone knew about.

In the first cubbyhole on Sivila's path, on a high-backed bench, a "wizard" sat with his legs spread wide and leaning back, wearing an open dark blue robe embroidered with golden stars and a decorative mask of a bearded elder. Such robes were at the height of fashion among human magic guilds nearly a thousand years ago. In front of him, with his back to Sivila, the "forest guard" was kneeling on her knees, sucking him off diligently, trying not to make any noise. Her wrists were tied behind her back with the lacing of her camouflage jacket so it was open, and her considerable breasts spilled out. The "wizard" held her head with one hand, digging his fingers into her loose, long brown hair and directing her movements. In his other hand, he was twirling the mask of the "forest guardian." Taking a closer look, Sivila recognized its owner. Well, well, well, what interesting tastes someone has. She'll have to remember that. Who got you? Hmm... Well, it's not that important.

The queen continued on her way, treading silently along the path. She came upon the next couple a few minutes later. A "novice" of one of the human deities dressed in black and white robes stood in a cubbyhole with her arms resting on the back of a bench. Her face was concealed by a mask, stylized as the face of one of the holy maidens of the past revered by men. The hem of her nun's robe was pulled up, revealing long, slender legs and a firm ass. She was not wearing any underwear. Behind her, the "holy knight" of the same deity was kneeling, burying his face between the legs of the "novice" and working diligently with his tongue, at the same time cupping her buttocks with his palms. He was also wearing a mask, stylized as the face of a revered saint. These two were more experienced than the first, as they had made sure to prepare for the post-ball entertainment beforehand. At least one of them was experienced. The chosen cubbyhole was fenced off with a skillful illusion that concealed the passage, merging it with the walls. If Sivila hadn't known the labyrinth so well, she would have easily walked past it. They had also activated a sound-suppressing amulet. The only thing the pair hadn't considered was the narrow gap in the foliage through which the queen could see them. They could not be accurately identified, so Sivila moved on.

She found the third couple when she had almost reached her destination. It looked like they'd snuck out of the ball a long time ago. On the bench lay a slender, tall elf wearing a mask stylized as a lion's face. On him, comfortably nestled on his chest, was an elf woman wearing a mask in the form of a bird of prey's face, with tangled hair of light blond color sticking out from underneath. The rest of their clothes were lying there, folded next to the bench. The couple had already enjoyed each other, and now they were whispering lazily about something. Though, the elf's hand continued to slide down his partner's back, occasionally going lower. To their credit, they had chosen a good place. It was not easy to find this particular nook. Sivila easily recognized them both and grinned wryly. The couple had been married for over half a century, and their entire family and almost the entire palace knew about it. Oh, young people. A masquerade isn't about sleeping with someone you're already sleeping with, and everyone knows it. It allows you to spend the night with someone you can't be with under normal circumstances. After hesitating for a couple of seconds and figuring out the timing, Sivila made up her mind. After all, what kind of a masquerade ball was it if it went off without some kind of scandal?

Without making a sound, the queen took out a small tube attached to her hip and a ball of flexible material smaller than a cherry pit. Squeezing it a few times, causing the contents to react, Sivila loaded it, took aim, and exhaled. The ball silently landed exactly where the queen had aimed. Under the bench, right under the heads of the sweet couple. Ten heartbeats later, the contents of the balloon dissolved its walls and flowed out. In the open air, it immediately began to evaporate, and in a minute, the two lovebirds were sweetly asleep. Grinning, the queen drank the contents of a small vial, also removed from her hip mount to keep herself awake, and went into the cubbyhole. After admiring the sleeping lovers, she removed the long silk cord from her belt, hidden under her dress, and set to work. Of course, she was far away from her dark relatives, but she knew how to tie love knots in such a way as to securely fix but at the same time not to squeeze her partner. In a few minutes, the lover was lying on his back, securely tied to the bench by his arms and legs. His passión was arranged on him in such a way that her pussy lay on her lover's face and her lips on his fighter. And also securely but carefully tied and bound to him.

To top it off, Sivila ruthlessly cut the hem of the young elf's dress into several ribbons. She blindfolded them. After looking at the result of her labors and once again ensure everything was done properly, she gathered up the couple's belongings, using the cut dress as a sack and not forgetting to put their masks in it. Then she left the cubbyhole. They would have a very funny morning, but they would learn a valuable lesson. Always be on your guard at a masquerade ball. Anything can happen, for there are no acquaintances, friends, or rivals. There are no Keepers, Guardians, or Servants. There are only masks, and no one knows who hides under them. Unable to bear it, she chuckled softly. It wasn't a prank worthy of a queen, but the queen wasn't here right now. So it's okay. Anyway, it was funny. Maybe after this, they'll finally get married. Or split up. Moving away from the cubbyhole where the bound couple remained, Sivila pushed the bundle of clothes right into the living wall. After which, she headed towards her goal.

It took her a few minutes to reach the desired place in the labyrinth. Stopping at the entrance to another unremarkable nook, Sivila listened cautiously. Silence. But not absolute silence. Uttering a low whistle, the queen prepared herself. A few seconds later, an answering whistle sounded. Reluctantly, the queen looked inside the cubbyhole. There was an "aristocrat" sitting on a bench with his foot on his leg.

"What a meeting. Looks like we were looking for one after all."

"Apparently, that's the way it is."

"In that case, I suggest we go someplace more pleasant."

"I'm all for it."

Taking him under her arm, Sivila headed for one of the exits of the labyrinth. It wasn't as fast as she'd hoped. The ball was coming to an end, and there were more couples in the maze. She wondered if the bound lovebirds would be found before morning or if they would be lucky. Ah, tomorrow will tell.

Finally, they managed to reach the desired exit. There was no one around, so they reached the palace without any problems. To be exact, it was a door hidden behind an elaborate illusion that led to one of the palace's secret passageways. Using such secret paths, they found themselves in the right place quite quickly. At the entrance to the queen's chambers. As soon as the doors closed behind them, they breathed a sigh of relief.


With his hat and mask off his head, the "aristocrat" turned into Turiel, flushed and sweating. Her hair was gathered on top of her head in a cunning coiffure that was completely hidden by the wide-brimmed hat. And a combination of makeup and makeup concealed the sharpness of her ears.

"Next time, Sivy, you'll try on a man's look yourself!" The duke's wife said in a male voice.

Then she unbuttoned the collar of her garment and removed a small voice-changing amulet from her throat.

"My boobs are all squashed up because of this costume!"

"I think I can do something with that."

"Do your best!"

After removing her outer garments, the queen's longtime friend and lover began to unwind the strip of wide white cloth that was wrapped around her breasts. Next to it came the special belly pads, designed to conceal the femininity of her figure. Next to them, the queen's dress dropped to the floor. Turiel whistled when she saw what was underneath:

"You've joined the Secret Guard, haven't you?"

"Not at all, just became queen almost four thousand years ago."

"I can see that. And why do you need so much stuff at the ball?"

"You don't need it at the ball. But after the ball, something like this can be very useful. You remember Zatriel's nephew?"

"I seem to recall, why?"

When she heard the queen's prank, her friend couldn't stand it and laughed out loud. Her laughter was echoed by the queen. By now, they had both gotten rid of their clothes and what was underneath. Pulling her friend to her, Sivila drew her lips into her, inhaling the scent of the woman's sweating body. Her friend didn't lag. They made their way to the prepared bathtub without interrupting the kiss or breaking the embrace. They almost fell into it. Sivila was the first to get into the tub. After her, Turi sank into the warm water, her back pressed against the queen. The queen caressed her ear with her lips, sucking on it, and at the same time began gently stroking her friend's tits. Turi moaned blissfully and covered her eyes. Enjoying her lover's caresses, she said softly:

"To be honest, I was sure you'd use the masquerade to get your new boy into bed."

Releasing her friend's ear from her mouth, Sivila giggled:

"Eck what a cliché, Turi. I'll have him in bed in a couple of years, anyway. So, let him be patient. He'll do better."


"You know, I'm surprised August let you go, too."

"The most important thing for him was that I had made him a vow, certified on the divine altar, that I would not share my bed with another man. If I'd had a girlfriend, he'd have looked the other way. In full eyes."

With a snort, Sivila moved her right hand lower, stroking her friend's belly. Her left hand continued to caress her distressed breasts.

"Even so?"

"Imagine that. A couple of times, August has talked me into a threesome with some of the prettiest maids."

"Did he talk you down on his knees?"

"That way, too."

Both elven women laughed quietly.

"Not that I minded much, especially since the girls were quite pretty. Beautiful by human standards. But I gotta keep up the image. Then again, I had to keep an eye on those sly-ass bitches, so they wouldn't get knocked up by August."

"Speaking of which. Who's your husband with now?"

"I don't know, and I don't want to know, but right now, I just want to relax. Let him have fun with whoever he can. I'm sure he'll bed one of the maids posing as a guest. Or some pervert."

"Oh, come on, Turi. Remember what happened when human lovers were in vogue."

"Oh yeah..."

Gradually, the talk died down, replaced by kisses and quiet moans. Sivila rose to her feet, took the soap cream from the table next to the bathtub, and began to soap her friend, who moaned blissfully under her hands. The queen paid special attention to Turiel's breasts and her pussy. At the same time, she did not stop kissing her neck, occasionally nibbling on her ears. Bringing her friend to orgasm, she pulled her against her, sinking her lips into her turned mouth. After standing like that for almost a minute, the queen switched roles with her friend, allowing her to rub her back. And not just hers.

After playing in the bathroom, they moved to the bed, continuing to caress each other. Sivila kissed and sucked her friend's breasts and buried her hands in her hair. Gradually, the queen began to go lower and lower, kissing Turiel until she reached her friend's pussy. She arched her shoulders against the bed, her legs thrown over Sivila's shoulders. The queen reached forward with her tongue and pressed her palms against her friend's breasts. She covered her palms with her hands and interlocked her legs, pressing her face into her crotch. With a loud moan, she finished, flooding Sivila's face. She licked her lips, and when her friend loosened her grip on her legs, she moved forward, kissing her and penetrating her mouth with her tongue.

Then they lay in each other's arms for some time, kissing and caressing each other. But gradually, the fatigue of the day took its toll. Turi was the first to fall asleep, resting her cheek on Sivila's chest and throwing her leg over it. The queen smiled faintly as she made sure her friend was sound asleep. Putting her hand on her lover's head, she burrowed into her hair. Well, one problem solved. Turiel's loyalty has been confirmed, as has her willingness to continue working. This was a very good thing, as the queen had serious concerns that her friend might jump out. After all, she really hadn't counted on things turning out this way. Who would she marry, with three half-breed children? She might as well start scheming against one of her younger relatives. Well, there's still time. Thirty years, at least. Or even fifty. The main thing is that August did not make her more children. Otherwise, it would have been very sad. Oh, so much to worry about. But they'll wait until tomorrow. Having made herself comfortable in the arms of her long-sleeping mistress, the queen herself fell asleep.

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The assignments of the Elf Queen

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