The Studious Goddess Is Not To Be Provoked

Chapter 813

Chapter 813 This thing must be strange!

Chapter 813 This matter must be strange!

Di Xingchen was stunned by the drug and became unconscious. When he woke up again, he found himself lying on a big bed with his hands and feet bound by chains. He looked around.

This is a very large room. Except for the bed underneath, there is no other furniture in the room. The curtains cover the floor-to-ceiling windows so tightly that no light can penetrate, and the ceiling is very pale in the center. Shining lights.

The limited length of the iron chain limited his range of motion to the big bed. He turned and sat up, with a huge picture hanging in front of him. Inside was a young girl with an enlarged face smiling at him.

It is obviously a bright and bright smile, but it makes the emperor star appear infinitely disgusting, only because the person in the painting is Qin Shanshan.

He didn’t bother to look at it, and immediately turned his head away, his eyes were cold.

In the next room, in front of the display screen, Qin Shanshan watched the movements of Emperor Xingchen, her heart was cold, and there was a pain in the cold. She knew that Emperor Xingchen did not like herself, but every time she saw the disgust in his eyes, She will feel like a knife.

“Why has he injected the liquid, and he still hates me so much?!”

Qin Shanshan’s eyes moved slightly, and she squinted at a man in a white coat and glasses, with a face like frost, and asked sharply.

“Miss Qin, you know from the beginning, this requires a process. In this experiment, the human will is the most important. The weak-willed person can succeed in two or three days, but if the will is strong…”

“How about then?”

Qin Shanshan’s eyes are sharp, don’t tell her it doesn’t work! If it doesn’t work, wouldn’t she give up all her efforts? !

“It will take a little longer.”

“I can’t wait, I want to marry him right away! So, you give me a higher dose! Also, fill up the entire room with my pictures!”

Qin Shanshan threw down this sentence and turned and left, and rushed to the Dishi Group non-stop. She had thought of a perfect reason to take over the company with an open mind, but there was a special assistant in the season, which hindered in every possible way.

She must have someone solve this stumbling block as soon as possible!

Under the instruction of Qin Shanshan, the doctor is going to increase the dose of Di Xingchen, but this drug cannot be added at once, otherwise the side effects will be great, and the frequency can only be increased. Originally, only one injection per day was given, but now it is three injections a day.

Of course, Emperor Xingchen will never cooperate, so every time I can only use misty smoke to faint Emperor Xingchen, and then start the injection, a week later in a blink of an eye.

Compared to Xia Wei’an, Emperor Xingchen is in a very bad state!

Because his consciousness was too strong, the doctors also tortured him physically while giving him injections, reducing food and sleeping, so in just one week, Emperor Xingchen lost a circle, and Qin Shanshan Although he loves Emperor Xingchen deeply, in order to achieve his goal, he can only acquiesce.

For today’s plan, Qin Shanshan has already started to plant her own people in the Di’s group five years ago, and through various means, made them the core figures in important departments. Now Di Xingchen is missing, she announced that Di Xingchen’s body is ill. , Go abroad to recuperate, the company will temporarily take over by itself.

Ji Special Assistant was the first to question. He was Di Xingchen’s assistant. He knew exactly how the boss was. Besides, he was calling him before he disappeared. He also heard the sound of fighting. All kinds of deeds indicate that this Things must be strange!

(End of this chapter)

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