The Studious Goddess Is Not To Be Provoked

Chapter 814

Chapter 814 Qin Shanshan’s dream wedding

Chapter 814 Qin Shanshan’s dream wedding

Special Assistant Ji is the most powerful assistant to Di Xingchen and the veteran of the company. His position in the company is very important, and his words are naturally weighty. Therefore, most people in the company are still opposed to Qin Shanshan’s temporary takeover of the company.

On the surface, Qin Shanshan said he didn’t care, but in fact, he secretly helped Ji Te to kill him. He sent Qin Yong to follow up for 24 hours. Finally, Ji Te helped to be hospitalized with serious injuries. There were no stumbling blocks in the company. Qin Shanshan took the position of general manager. Began to take control of the company.

Rival in love is locked in a dungeon by herself, and the one she loves will fall in love with herself in the near future, and everything is under control, Qin Shanshan can’t help but feel a little airy.

Her ability is very strong, and Qin Shuang has specially trained her in business management. In just one week, with the help of the employees placed in the company, she straightened out the company’s articles of association.

As soon as the company was sorted out, she couldn’t wait to announce the news that she was about to marry Di Xingchen.

This news was originally a bomb, because Xia Wei’an had previously announced the marriage certificate with Di Xingchen, so although the two did not have a wedding, it is already a matter of husband and wife, everyone knows it, and now Qin Shanshan suddenly appeared to ask for it. The news of his marriage to Emperor Xingchen surprised people.

But the saying goes well: money can make ghosts push away.

As long as several of the most powerful entertainment news companies are managed, they can change public opinion and guide public opinion, so the news that Di Xingchen and Xia Wei’an have divorced is all over the world!

Due to the deliberate misleading of the entertainment news company, the reason for the divorce was even insinuated as Xia Wei’an used the convenience of filming to get ambiguous with male artists and cuckold the emperor star.

In short, Xia Wei’an was extremely degraded, and Emperor Xingchen married Qin Shanshan because of frustration, which seemed to be a solace.

Qin Shanshan’s love for Emperor Xingchen is evident from this.

I would rather be wronged and be regarded as a substitute by others than to damage the reputation of Emperor Xingchen.

After the announcement, preparations for the wedding were started!

Di Xingchen’s state is getting worse and worse, and her resistance to her is not as strong as before. She is very happy, and believes that it will not be long before Di Xingchen’s eyes are completely alone in her heart!

The wedding with Emperor Xingchen is what she dreams of, so she wants to marry her beautifully, so that the entire imperial capital, no, let the women all over the world envy her!

So, as soon as the company was straightened out, the wedding began, so that Xia Wei’an, who was locked in the dungeon, was temporarily forgotten.

The wedding date was very hasty, but Qin Shanshan was so proud and willing to spend money, so the wedding scene was decorated with magnificence and the state of the emperor star became worse and worse. Finally, when the wedding day, he was as numb as a puppet.

In order to get the envy of everyone, Qin Shanshan invited the upper class of the entire imperial capital, and because of the strength of the Emperor Group, these upper class people are also proud of being able to participate in this wedding.

The wedding scene is beautifully arranged, luxurious everywhere, and everywhere exudes the taste of money. Qin Shanshan is jeweled and exquisitely dressed, and opposite her sits the emperor star.

The torture of the past few days is that no matter how strong his will is, he can’t stand it anymore, but he just showed that he no longer resists Qin Shanshan, but he did not want to get close to Qin Shanshan. This is already a big deal for Qin Shanshan. Consolation, at least his attitude can cooperate with her to complete the wedding smoothly!

(End of this chapter)

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