The Surrogate Bride of the Colonel He

Chapter 115

Chapter 115 - Wife You're Blushing

“Let's establish some ground rules first!” Xu Yangyi's conscience was troubling him, causing discomfort for Hee Jingyan.

Sensing Hee Jingyan's potential misunderstanding, Xu Yangyi hastened to clarify.

Regardless of Xu Yangyi's initial intentions, Hee Jingyan found happiness in his actions.

Knowing that Xu Yangyi chose to keep him around and cared for his feelings brought Hee Jingyan solace.

The current circumstances weighed heavily on Xu Yangyi, evoking a sense of guilt. free.c om

Nevertheless, Hee Jingyan remained hopeful that Xu Yangyi's concern for him was genuine.

“If I become bothersome later, just let me know. Don't feel obliged to tolerate me,” Hee Jingyan insisted.

Hee Jingyan wished to avoid pressuring Xu Yangyi, cherishing their current relationship.

“Okay, I get it,” Xu Yangyi acquiesced.

Xu Yangyi's voice, gentle and tender, held a hint of endearing charm, a departure from his usual demeanor.

Hearing this, Hee Jingyan couldn't help but feel touched.

Indeed, his spouse was incredibly adorable.

Be it in anger, admission of faults, or affection, Hee Jingyan's heart slowly eased.

Gradually, Hee Jingyan's spirits lifted.

“Be careful,” Xu Yangyi suddenly cautioned, his voice tinged with anxiety.

“Alright, I will.”

Hee Jingyan's smile exuded warmth, instantly capturing Xu Yangyi's attention.

Oh man, isn't that uncle's smile just too cool!?

Clap, clap, clap, what kind of fascination was that?

And come on, haven't I seen his face every day? What's so unusual about that?

Xu Yangyi scolded himself silently.

Yet, as he met Hee Jingyan's gaze, a blush involuntarily spread across his cheeks.

“Darling, are you blushing?” Hee Jingyan inquired with a smile.

“It's nothing, I mean, who's blushing? Me? That's absurd!” Xu Yangyi hastily retorted, though his flustered tone betrayed him.

Despite his immediate denial, Xu Yangyi's flushed face spoke volumes.

Hee Jingyan offered a silent smile, then leaned in to kiss Xu Yangyi's forehead tenderly.

Xu Yangyi's panic subsided as he returned the kiss, his own cheeks tinged with a blush.

In the training field, the soldiers grew restless. While they trusted Hee Jingyan wouldn't harm Xu Yangyi, they felt compelled to intervene.

“Colonel looks really stern. Is everything alright? What if he hurts his wife if we don't intervene?”

They had witnessed the scene but hesitated to intervene.

Moreover, armed with information from Yan Xingwei about intimate relations between men, their concerns heightened.

“After all, his wife is still so young. Are we just going to stand by?”

Silence lingered as the soldier attempted to stir their conscience.

Indeed, many soldiers felt uneasy about ignoring the situation. If anything happened to Xu Yangyi, they'd feel responsible.

“We can't just ignore it. Let's go check! We can't let anything happen to him.”

“How can he be affectionate with his wife with such an angry expression?” It's usually the stronger or bolder ones.”

Two soldiers, feeling uneasy, were persuaded.

However, Yan Xingwei, observing nearby, believed they were overthinking. He knew Hee Jingyan wouldn't disregard Xu Yangyi's feelings, even if he seemed upset.

Furthermore, Xu Yangyi wasn't someone who would quietly accept suppression. Thus, Yan Xingwei remained unconcerned, casting a cold gaze at the anxious soldier.

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