The Surrogate Bride of the Colonel He

Chapter 116

Chapter 116 - Soldiers Eavesdrop

“Ah, ah, ah, hold on, hold on. It's not right for us to just sit here. Let's go and intercede for sister-in-law!”

“Count me in, count me in.”

“Us too, us too. Sister-in-law is so adorable. If you don't join us in the future, what will we do?”

“Absolutely, absolutely. That's why we're rallying to plead for sister-in-law's mercy. Everyone, let's go together.”

“Agreed, let's all go together. Come on, everyone, let's move as one.”

As soon as one person rose, the soldiers shed their fear and quickly followed suit, standing up.

Weren't these people simply bored and idle? Despite claiming to be fine, they were still fretting needlessly.

Yan Xingwei remained composed, unperturbed by the situation.

“Yan Xingwei, you must join us! It's because of you, after all.”

“Absolutely! How can you stay behind? Hurry!”


The soldier at the forefront turned back, urging Yan Xingwei to hurry.

Yan Xingwei glanced at them icily, refusing to budge. He seemed determined to follow his own will, unswayed by their insistence.

“Come on, Yan Xingwei. Time's of the essence, move it.”

“We've got limited time to rest. Stop wasting it, move your *ss!”


Yet, Yan Xingwei remained aloof, unmoved by his friends' pleas.

“You heartless brat! Are you even a friend to sister-in-law? Or to us?”

Unable to tolerate further, a soldier walked back to forcefully pull Yan Xingwei up, insisting that he accompany them.

Yan Xingwei didn't even get the chance to refuse; he was simply dragged away reluctantly.

“Fine, if anything goes wrong later, you all bear the consequences. I won't intervene.”

Annoyed, Yan Xingwei trailed behind, anticipating the inevitable gossip upon his return.

Approximately 10 minutes later, the soldiers finally reached Hee Jingyan's residence. free.c om

Yet, none dared to approach the door, maintaining a cautious distance as if fearing Hee Jingyan might suddenly emerge.

“So… which one of you will go and gather information first?”

A voice from within the group queried, hushed.

“Not me, you go.”

“Why should I be the one to go!? I refuse.”

“Then you go.”

“I won't go either. Who proposed it in the first place?”

“Exactly, whoever suggested it should be the one to scout.”

… …

The soldiers hesitated, each unwilling to take the first step.

Yan Xingwei chuckled, utterly bemused. He couldn't help but feel his intellect dwindling amidst such indecisiveness.

“Where do you think you're going!? You can hear everything from here.”

Yan Xingwei found them excessively bothersome, so he offered them a mild rebuke.

“Listen to what?”

A soldier inquired, perplexed.

“Exactly! What did you hear!?” Soldier Two exclaimed, bewildered.

Yan Xingwei, unwilling to engage further, gestured to his ears, urging them to pay attention.

Once again taken aback, the soldier wondered about Yan Xingwei's intentions but complied, straining to listen intently.

Initially, they heard nothing, but gradually they discerned faint rustling noises as they cautiously advanced, their bodies cloaked in fur.

Observing from behind, Yan Xingwei suppressed a smirk, contemplating whether to just charge ahead.

However, he refrained, opting instead to lean against a nearby tree, idly observing as the soldiers eavesdropped.

“Not necessary,” Xu Yangyi's voice rang out in a genial tone, accompanied by the sound of bodies colliding, exuding an unmistakably sensual aura.

The soldier hesitated for a moment, his face flushing crimson as realization dawned.

Hastily covering their noses, everyone departed in a disgruntled manner, leaving Yan Xingwei alone.

Yan Xingwei, seemingly anticipating their reaction, maintained a blank expression as he watched them depart.

This time, let's see if you dare to eavesdrop again.

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