The sword god turned into a blind fox girl

Chapter 1: Imprisonment

A supernova within an unknown location occurred, the death of a god.

Many gods looked in that direction, as the overwhelming sense of dreaded energy flooded them before disappearing.

"This divinity, that old god finally gave up on life" Zeus cried in celebration, for many Eons, all the gods fear that existence. That old god existed even before his birth, many myths and stories were told of his existence.

Rising from his throne he Established a party in the name of a feared god's death, though he never met him personally. he heard tales of his bloody battles with many gods and gaining victory flawlessly.

Many gods attended this event as they too feared him, now that he is gone, they can do whatever they want without worrying they would come across him.


In an underground prison, many people were imprisoned, a door opened revealing a rare sunlight that shone upon the dirty and dark prison.

Two rough-looking men dragged a foxkin who was chained by the legs and hand and blindfolded.

Opening the door to the prison, one of them threw her in and slammed the prison door shut.

"Oi, don' damage the product, the boss will be angry if he has any bruises on her" One of the rough companioned complained.

"She' fine, only a bruise, it can recover" H walked to the door they entered from.

"If the boss knows this, it's both of our asses that are gettin' kicked, and I don't wanna get on boss'es bad side"

They closed the door, sealing the light from the underground prison.

"A new kid huh, *Whistle* aint she a beut" One bald prisoner looked from another cell.

"What an odd predicament" Compared to her hidden beauty, an emotionless voice came from her mouth.

"Odd is putting it lightly kid, you're about to be sold soon, likely a sex slave at best, an experiment at worst" The other prisoners agreed with his statement.

Even with the dirty blindfold, the fox-kin turned to the man and asked.

"Where is this"

"Slave auction, it's as bad as it sounds, you got captured by sum' ruffians and were sold here, nobles come here to buy worker slaves or sex slaves, you're not treated as a person but an item here."

Silence rein over the prison after a long time, the fox-kin was silent and motionless for a while before she turned to a fat man entering the room with 3 other people.

He scanned the room momentarily before nodding to himself and ordering something to the men behind him.

The prisoners were soon transferred by moving the cages they were in somewhere.

Not far away a muffled voice came from beyond a curtain.

"Ladies and gentlemen thank you for sharing your time with me today, here we have some exotic demi-humans we managed to capture, so you will not regret coming here" A fat man wearing an eye mask held a mic as he looked at the crowd of nobles who also wore masks

"But of course, those exquisite creatures will come later, first I will present you citizens from the north known for their undying will and strong bodies" The bald man who talked with the fox-kin was grabbed from his cage and went beyond the curtain.

"Starting at 1 gold" The bid started

"2 gold!" A voice beyond the stage shouted.

"2 gold from number 132 anybody want to bid higher"

"4 gold-"

This went on for 4 minutes before the bid stopped at 23 gold and 50 silver.

More and more people were dragged out of their cages and presented to the stage, some had cat ears on their heads, and some were pale white with red eyes.

Finally, it was the fox-kin turn.

"For the final and most beautiful product we have obtained, their race comes from an elusive tribe from the north, rarer than the diamond itself, I present you a snow fox-kin!" The fox-kin was presented to the stage, still confined by their legs and arms with a dirty blindfold, her illustrious silver hair flowed to her hip and the giant fox tail protruded from her back.

"Their species have adapted to be able to use illusion and hypno magic from their eyes to hunt and stay hidden from human sight, hypnotizing people and making them turn back before we can discover their home"

"For this reason, it is recommended to keep her eyes blindfolded to seal her magic, now the bid will start for 1,000 gold!"

"2,000 gold!" captivated by her beauty, many noblemen wanted her for her beauty and rarity.

"5,000 gold!!" A robed man from the mage association shouted, the illusion magic interested him and he wanted to experiment if it was racial magic or attained magic from generations of hard work.

"Disgusting" The fox-kin muttered under her breath, drowned out by the many shouting of bids.

The fox-kin turned to the fat man acting as the announcer.

Feeling an intense feeling of danger, he paused and turned to the fox-kin, even with the heavy blindfold on her eyes, he felt she was staring into the depths of his soul.

He snapped out of the trance and angrily shouted at the fox-kin.

"Where are you looking at fox-kin, face the nobles so they can get a good look at you" The fox-kin did not respond rather, she stayed looking at the announcer.

"Guards! Discipline this product" Two guards came from the side, the same people that threw her into a cage.

As one of them was about to touch her, a red flash and his hand was cut from his arm.

"AGGGHHH" The man grabbed his severed arm and screamed.

This scream was cut short by another red flash, decapitating him.

The crowd was thrown into chaos, fearing the unknown power, they cowered.

"Blood domain technique: garden of butterflies" The fox-kin muttered emotionlessly.

The entire room turned bloody as the smell of blood permeated the air, red butterflies appeared out of nowhere. Confused, they all looked towards the butterflies.

As soon as one butterfly touched one noble, he collapsed dead on the spot, chaos once more rein the room as many people tried to escape but they would only end with them collapsing to the ground.

Only one stood silently, observing, detached from all the chaos.

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