The sword god turned into a blind fox girl

Chapter 2: Hollowed sight


in the auction house.

A lone figure stood among the mountain of corpses lying on the ground, aloof from the bloodied scene of the room.

The chain that bonded her suddenly severed setting her free though still grappled to her limbs.

She silently observed her body, from the top of her head which now appeared to have animal ears, and her rear which had a tail extending from her back.

"Pst, hey kid." A voice came from the stage, it was the bald prisoner.

"Don't know what you did out there but I'm sure as hell they deserved it, wanna get us out of here?" The fox-kin didn't respond and continued to observe her body.

Finally, after a few minutes of silence, she turned to the bald prisoner.

"Tell me mortal, which underworld have I stumbled into" Her emotionless voice carry a sense of distance.

"This ain't the time for jokes kid, break my chains and I'll get us out of here" The fox-kin stood silently but before long all the chains binding the prisoners were soon broken, setting them free.

"Haah never felt this free for weeks." The bald prisoner thanked the fox-kin and retrieved a sword from a dead guard.

"Everybody, the front door is heavily guarded, so I wouldn't recommend going that away" The bald prisoner commanded all the prisoners who were scouring for an exit.

"Thankfully, I know a way out, a secret passage made by the nobles" Without delay, the bald prisoner led them to a stone wall.

Pressing one of the bricks, the stone moved revealing a long hallway.

The fox-kin who silently watched them, stood in place as if in no hurry to leave.

"Kid, stop being a tree and get out of this damn place" The bald prisoner shouted.

Having nothing to lose, the fox-kin finally moved to them, albeit a slow walk.

After they all enter the hallway, one vampire girl aims at the entrance and fires a fireball, burying the entrance, and stopping any pursuit if the guards outside discover the mess.


After moving through the long hallway, they finally reached a set of stairs leading up.

The bald prisoner signaled them to stop and looked around the outside perimeter to check if it was safe.

After ensuring it was safe, he gave a thumbs up and all the prisoners emerged from the exit.

They were located in the middle of the forest, perfectly hidden from the outside world.

All of the prisoners celebrated and quickly scattered to further try to run away but some stayed including the fox-kin who stood in an aloof manner.

"Thanks to you kid, we managed to get out of that hellhole, the name is Bleach Ironfrost, a noble from the north" The bald prisoner, named Bleach extended his arm for a handshake.

Eliciting no response from the Fox-kin, he laughed to himself and scratched his head.

"Should have known you're the quiet type, in any case, you saved us and the Ironfrost family will not forget this debt" This speech has fallen deaf ears to the Fox-kin who was 'observing' the forest.

The fox-kin finally tried to remove the dirty rags around her eyes, and let it fall to the ground.

The people who saw her saw in horror as the eyes that were supposed to be there were removed crudely.

A sound of vomiting could be heard.

"Ugh, ain't that a pretty sight" Bleach held his mouth to stop himself from vomiting.

The work of bandits who captured her, knowing she was a threat with her eyes, and decided to remove them. and put the heavy rags to cover up the indent by the loss of eyeballs.

They lied about her being perfectly fine, and the slave dealers never checked to see if her eyes were intact, fearing the hypnotic ability.

Blade felt around her face, and touched the hollow spaces that used to inhibit the eyes.

One would expect her to illicit an emotional response, but the Fox-kin simply ignored such a thing and simply let down her hands.

"Here kid, cover your eyes with this" Bleach handed her a roll of bandage and a black blindfold.

The fox-kin took it and wrapped the bandage around her eyes before covering the bandage with the dark blindfold.

"So you have anywhere to go. I heard you're from the north so you can join me returning to the north"

The fox-kin didn't respond.

"Alright, I'm sure you're fine on your own, though you're pretty quiet, you can slaughter people like it's nothing, and somehow you can still 'See' but I'm not going to question it" Bleach laughed nervously.

"But if you finally decide to go to the north, visit the town named Frost Thorn, I'll be sure to make sure you're our honored guest"

"Anyway enough of me talking, I'll take my leave now" Bleach went northeast, away from the city they escaped from.

All that was left was the fox-kin, who stood silently.

'A chatterbox' Blade remembered a term from his fragmented memory before he attained godhood.

'Now, what kind of plane of existence I've invaded'

Blade was sure he killed himself, smashing the very soul that 'He' is.

But somehow the fragmented souls managed to return together and possess this body.

Not only that but to think he would return to mortal-hood, was an inexplicable feeling he never felt for a long time.

'Pain' A growing pain from his pain bothered him.

Looking down, his new body is tired from standing still for a long time.

'Weak' Finding a tree nearby, he rested in there and looked down again but now looking at the new mounds he got.

Well, he might as well refer to himself as 'she' now by the sudden change in gender.

Though she doesn't mind, for a long time she had disregarded the gender difference when she walked the path of divinity.

Race, Gender, and age became irrelevant as the only thing that mattered to her was power.

But she would lie if she was not curious about the bodies of women, she remembered the extreme reactions they had with pleasure as she had a couple of relationships he had.

'Now is not the time though' Now she had returned to mortal-hood, she is vulnerable to anything, even more so as her body is extremely weak.

'Divine sense' A burst of energy came from her soul, touching the area surrounding her, extending to several miles.

The city in the north where they escaped from seems to be on high alert with guards roaming the streets looking for 'something' or 'someone'.

To the north-east seems to be a town where Bleach went to.

Wanting to avoid those town, Blade decided to go west, though she 'saw' no city there, she paid no attention to it.

'Sword intent' a floating blue-colored transparent sword appeared beside her.

She sat on the floating sword as it floated higher before traveling west.

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