The Sword of Galaxy

chapter 117


“The galactic era was taken in the fortress of the Fabras of the Empire in 3542. The Alliance Commander Anatoly Don Kaleyan neglected his duty and stayed in prison. After the trial, he was sentenced to death, and I am here to take a picture. The image of Liyang will always remain in people’s hearts. ”


“The galaxy era was taken in the fortress of the Fabras of the Empire in 3452. The Empire’s Admiral Anders Allen committed crimes, refused to arrest violently, was sentenced to death for serious crimes, and decided to immediately execute them. The image of Admiral Lun will always remain in the hearts of the people of the empire. ”


“The same galaxy era was taken in the fortress of the Fabras of the Empire in 3452. The lieutenant, Scarface Isaac, faced the crime and did not know how to stop it. He and the criminals concealed the evidence and attempted to escape. The cruelty of the crime is astonishing Pointed out that the death penalty was executed immediately, so as to remember it. The image of Scarface Isaac will always be … ”

“Who is the scar face!” Isaac desperately struggled, “Is it also good to have a name! And why is this the cruelest and most outrageous thing that I have accompanied a crime? Eccentric! This is j □ j Naked bias-! ”

On the top floor of the command building, Celia stood with a slight smile at the first, slowly turning off the camera: “–in the hearts of the empire people.”

He snapped the album together and waved, “Heinrich, you can take them on the road.”

On the three chairs side by side at the end of the long table, Kaleyan, Aaron, and Isaac were tied with strong flowers, like three roasted suckling pigs with spices on the shelves; a handsome emperor in a dark blue uniform was standing. In the shadow behind Silia, Wen Yan stepped forward, coldly holding up the laser muzzle, and in his eyes Han Sen’s eyes, these three have now become corpses:

“Goodbye, everyone.”

boom! Kaleyan fell. Huh! Aaron fell. boom! Isaac struggled to escape, but fell down violently.

There was a silence in the conference room. Five seconds later, Isaac jumped up and sat up: “What is this ?! Can’t you just give people a medical gun–!”

Kaleyan and Aaron wriggled from the ground at the same time, because their bodies were tied, and they looked like two awkward caterpillars. The two have long been accustomed to Marshal Silia’s obscene power, while looking at Isaac with the eyes of “you are still too young”, while helping themselves to help each other loosen.

“Manly husband, you don’t need to worry about this little thing.” Silia smiled and put away the album, saying, “You’re good enough then. What do other people’s albums look like hundreds of years ago? Admiral Aaron , Do you have the concept of ** right? ”

Aaron said frustrated, “I thought there would be a self-portrait with you staring and pouting forty-five degrees …”

“Where is Kaleyan? You just showed him that?”

“I just didn’t stop it!” Kaleyan was also aggrieved: “Besides, I didn’t know that there was a photo album in it. If I wanted to know, I would have found a peeping place in nobody’s place, and I could take Xiaobailian No. 2 ?! ”

Silia nodded and smiled, turned to Isaac for a moment, and asked, “What do you want to say?”

Isaac Yu died, “I just want to know what you said in the picture on the last page, and my name is really not scarface. Marshal, you are so disrespectful … well, I am also a Lieutenant Lieutenant General, who has been in charge of the MI for 20 years, how much is it to remember your name … ”

“Dignant Lieutenant General,” Silia’s smile deepened, he took the laser gun in Heinrich’s hand and asked, “Since you have been in charge of the MI for 20 years, can you guess what it is?”

This was a strange question. Isaac was stunned, and Aaron was stunned. Kaleyan knew his old boss better. When he saw the smile, he suddenly passed a rather bad feeling:

“this is……”

“Are you guys a little bit better?” Heinrich finally couldn’t bear it, watching his men’s eyes full of hate for iron and steel: “——The latest product of the Imperial Research Institute can induce the drug recipient to tell the truth naturally under unconscious circumstances Is a confession! You can’t even tell this ?! ”

Isaac: “…”

Aaron: “………”

Kaleyan: “……………”

Numerous grass-and-mud horses rushed past the conference room, and Silia suddenly chuckled her lips, and her smile was all unmasked: “‘Staring and pouting forty-five degrees selfie’ … What do you think all day long, Admiral Empire? Comrade Aaron? ”

The Admiral and Lieutenant Admiral had fallen out of the blood mold. They were outraged by the emperor because they were out of luck. They were sent to the training field to run for 20 laps, attracting countless crowds.

However, because of his sweet mouth and the marshal’s own son, Kaleyan has always been biased into the creaking nest, so he survived and was only held in the office for a long time.

——The brilliant star map looks good to ordinary people. For a tactical expert like Kaleyan, it is a hard task that requires several hours a day, not to mention drawing by himself; he did n’t draw it for half an hour. Dizzy and nauseated, he just ran to the window and stood with a hair dryer. As a result, he looked up and saw Aaron and Isaac taking off their shirts, snoring and running around the training ground.

Calleyan was overwhelmed by the heavy military service. When he saw this scene, his anger suddenly turned from wickedness to guts, and he threw the keyboard and said, “It’s better to let me go laps!”

“what did you say?”

Kaleyan turned back in an electric shock, and saw that Silia was walking in from the door while looking down at the documents. There was no expression on the ice-white face; the new commander immediately persuaded and said timidly, “No, nothing. ”

Celia went to the table and threw the papers, asking, “Are you ready to draw?”

“Also … nearly, the gamma coordinates around the Mira Hippel star field have not been set, and the Ministry of Emperor ** said that I will provide data in the afternoon.” Silia stared at the three-dimensional star field map suspended above the desktop, like that Zi was as severe and demanding as the tutor. At a glance, Kaleyan fainted: “Wait, aren’t you calculating enemy coordinates with Heinrich’s little white face, why do you have time to come out today?”

Calculating five-dimensional space coordinates is not a simple task. Except for Dark Star Hall, there are several alliances and empires, and no more than ten military fighters familiar with this field-Silia is from Dark Star Hall, which can be said to be a space tactic. Although Heinrich lacks systematic theoretical knowledge, he has also been involved in this aspect because of years of leadership, and can give Silia a hand in the calculation process.

“Almost,” Silia’s voice was exhausted, “near the last battle of the Hippel Stars, about 28 astronomical units from the center of the battlefield.”

Kaleyanchi said: “It’s not far away. Why didn’t Yunez bring out the army when he came out of the five-dimensional space? The Dark Star fleet had trouble reducing the dimension?”

Those who lead the army are no strangers to the transition. Strictly speaking, the fleet will also involve dimension reduction during the transition. However, the era of the human universe has developed for more than 3,000 years, and the theory of group transition has matured for more than 1,000 years. However, how to smoothly reduce the dimension from the five-dimensional space has always been one of the important problems for the generals.

“If it is an empire or alliance, it may be difficult to carry out such a large-scale fleet reduction, but I don’t think there is a Dark Star Hall.” Celia took the brain and wrote on the starry sky map drawn by Kaleyan, head He also did not say: “The only explanation is that Yunez does not want the main force to confront us so quickly.”

“He is afraid of us?”

Celia shook her head.

“Want to save your strength against Egret Star?”


He wasn’t sure at this tone, and Kaleyan frowned. “Do you have any other explanations? In fact, even if the Dark Star Fleet avoided fighting with us at the Mira Shipl Starfield, waiting for it to pass the Fabras Fortress It is inevitable that there will be a fierce battle. What saves the power to attack the egret is simply … ”

He wanted to say that it was a delusion, but before he finished speaking, he listened to Silia lightly: “Maybe they are looking for a way to get around the fortress.”

Carleyan stunned, “How is that possible?”

Silia did not look at him or speak. He looked down at the three-dimensional starry sky that was quietly rotating in front of him. The expansive and bright Gemini galaxy was reflecting in his deep eyes, and the m35 star cluster far away seemed like a huge vortex in the light and shadow, and plunged into the endless distant space.

“There are always too many possibilities hidden in the universe …” Silia watched it, and said softly, “Maybe they are waiting for something to happen.”

At the same time, Andromeda Venus.

Douglas Conceitlin, handcuffed, was taken from the airship by two soldiers and stood on a dusty dune.

In the distance is a vast expanse of wasteland, the wind blows from heaven and earth, rolls up the diffuse sand and mist, and blows his whistle to the horizon. The golden red sunset slowly descends like a huge disc, dyeing the sandy areas red, like the dripping blood of the big beach.

Douglas narrowed his eyes in the wind and looked at a rock-like figure not far away: “Lieutenant General Mowen.”

Mowen was wrapped in a military uniform cape, his expressionless face was dark, and there was a flash of light in his palm when he raised his hand-it was a high-frequency impact particle gun.

“Is this where you decided my death penalty?” Douglas’ tone was as calm as talking about lunch, and he even laughed: “I thought you would cheesily put me in a freezer and shoot it into space … See it this way Come, Silia is actually a very romantic person. ”

Morvin said coldly: “The Marshal said that the national wealth consumed by the Consettelin family was enough, and there is no need to waste another freezer for you.”

Although this does not match the appearance of Marshal Silia’s gentle tolerance, it is indeed his style. Surprisingly, Douglas didn’t get angry. Instead, he shook his head with a smile: “It doesn’t matter to me. No matter how glorious and prominent the identity was during his lifetime, a loaf of loess after death is enough to cover the body. Yes … but where do you guys who killed me take the Alliance? ”

“We will all follow the Marshal.”

“Is that just fine? How dare you be sure that Celia must be right?”

Mowen opened his mouth to refute, but was interrupted by Douglas with a smile: “Following Silia is just your inertia, just like the empire follows the emperor, and the dark warrior follows the Dark Star Church: you think the leader you choose must be right, But it ’s just because you close your eyes and do n’t bother to think, and just move in the same direction … Just like Silia has made many irresistible mistakes, but you are so lucky because you are too lazy to open your eyes to investigate the truth. Is temporarily covered up. ”

“No one can make mistakes, but they are stronger than the crimes committed by the Consentlin family!” Mo Wen screamed sharply: “Don’t you die at this point, Speaker Conseterlin ?!”

“You said the Consettelin family wasted a lot of national wealth because you didn’t know that Silia once buried the biggest treasure of the alliance and gave it away! It’s ridiculous you ignorant ants thought that they were on the right path , But do not know that he will eventually be eliminated with history! “Douglas burst into a burst of laughter, saying,” The empire collapse is imminent, and the end of the alliance is not far behind! ”

Mowen said angrily, “Stop!”

The wind and sand whistled past, and soon sobered his anger-burning head. Mo Wen gasped at the old man in front of him, and then spoke with a calm voice when he spoke again: “Time is up, Speaker Consertlin, do you have any last words to say?”

Douglas looked at him with regret, as if he was sighing for the ignorance of the lieutenant, before he laughed at himself: “I guess Cecilia will not see me for the last time?”

“Marshal Silia performs important military missions in space and has no time to return to take you on the road. However, in order to show respect to you, the Marshal specially sent me to execute the death penalty for you.”

“What a false answer …” the irony in Douglas’s smile aggravated, “but that’s all right-there’s no chance of meeting again anyway …”

The words coming out of a dying man’s mouth can be called a curse. Lieutenant General Mo Wen suddenly felt a anger in his heart, and it took a lot of effort to reluctantly suppress it. “Do you really think so? Well, since there is nothing else, then I will send you on the road. ”

The answer was Douglas’s profound smile. However, in the eternal dust, this smile was so vague, that it almost drifted away with the wind almost immediately, as if it were Morven’s. illusion.

A gunshot rang from the dunes, followed by the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground. After a while, the soldiers waiting to step forward quickly converge Douglas’s body, put it into the deep earth bunker according to his last wishes, and immediately sink into the deep ground along the quicksand under the action of the gravity device.

Ten thousand tons of yellow sand will cover it, and this old man who was full of wind and rain during his lifetime will never be pushed into the abyss of the sun.

In the centuries that the Consettelin family has been powerful, no family member has ever been sentenced to such a special death penalty, even in the history of the Alliance for thousands of years. Mo Wen quietly watched the deep earth silo sink into the feet of the vortex of yellow sand, and suddenly remembered that half a century ago, Marshal Silia killed Red Saturn, and in this way, with the broken mech Phoenix sunk into the bottom of the desert … Obviously it is a similar scene, but the tragic and sadness of that moment is completely different from the absurd funeral at the moment.

“Lieutenant general,” a soldier approached and saluted.

Behind the huge sound and whirlwind of the spiral fan landing, Lieutenant General Mo Wen turned around and squinted at the slowly descending armed airship: “Let’s go.”

“Return to the fortress of Fabras?”

“Yes. And help me connect with the Marshal and confess to him that the death sentence of Speaker Consertlin is over …”

The armed airship carried Lieutenant General Mo Wen and his party gradually lifted off, and quickly turned into a small black spot in the clouds.

The sand on the wasteland is still continuing, sweeping from the junction of heaven and earth, and sweeping away toward the horizon; as the sun gradually moves, ferrets and gophers are drilled out of the cave in the shade. The yellow fur blended with the desert background, and quickly rushed into the groundwater under the dunes to start drinking in groups.

The vortex formed by the quicksand on the ground gradually stopped, and the new sand layer soon covered, quietly erasing everything that happened just now along with the traces.

The vast wasteland was lonely. I didn’t know how long it was, and suddenly there was a slight shock somewhere in the ground.

With a vigilant alert, the ferret quickly got up and looked around.

“Squeak …” The hamsters stared at each other. At this moment of air stalemate, the bottom of the dune suddenly shook heavily!

The yellow sand rolled down, and the little animals turned around and fled quickly, and they ran out of light in an instant! Immediately afterwards, the whole dune collapsed, and the dust rose suddenly, and then a loud hand suddenly saw a hand on the sand!

“Ah …” The figure of Douglas, wrapped in a black robe, crawled from the yellow sand, and the dust was falling down with the movement of the cricket, and the muzzle of the black hole on the head of the brain healed with the movement gradually!

“Celia …” Douglas lay on the ground, hissing loudly: “Celia–!”

His face suddenly changed at that moment, the skin was pale and wrinkled, and his eyes suddenly appeared **** red. At the same time, his whole body bones clicked, and in a blink of an eye he even grew several inches!

He no longer looked like Douglas Conceitlin-lying on the sand, he turned into Yunes!

A black ghost fighter landed from the sky and landed slowly on the dunes in the whistling sound, squeezing a large swath of sand. Several black armored warriors rushed out of the wide-opened hatch, holding up Yunes with all hands: “Master, next …”

Yunes waved them away and strode toward the cabin.

There was a fragile old man sitting in the doorway-that was the real Douglas Conceitlin. The former Speaker of the Alliance, with uneasy anxiety in his eyes, immediately stood up at the sight of Yunes: “Master Yunes …”

“Do what you need to do,” Yunes interrupted with his hoarse voice, turned his head and looked at the desert with his blood-red pupil, sneer: “——Lead the way, Consettelin.”

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