The Sword of Galaxy

chapter 118

“What is Celia’s biggest weakness?”

Everyone has weaknesses, and there are no few weaknesses, even if perfect as the Alliance God Gavin Silia is no exception. But the difference between people is that some people’s weaknesses are known at a glance and are easy to use, while others are good at hiding their weaknesses, and it is not easy to hold their weaknesses.

Being a man to achieve Silia’s share is obviously the latter. Douglas hesitated for a moment, and whispered, “I don’t know, Lord Yunes … Celia didn’t have much contact with the parliament, and he was almost deceived in the late alliance.”

Obviously, those who are high on the altar will not have a close relationship with these politicians. Yunes laughed when he heard the words and said, “No wonder you don’t know.”

He looked back at the Union Building in the mist—the light blue morning light of Venus and Mercury. Six glass walls reflected the magnificent light, like the towering Baoshan pointing to the sky. The early morning wind blew from all directions, brushing over the top of their high-rise buildings, and the Dark Star fighters docked not far away lurking in the corners of the roof like dark ghosts, and the black armored warriors kept carrying instruments from the cabin , Methodically placed around them both.

“Our trip …” Douglas was still agitated.

Yunes glanced through his concerns at first glance, “Rest assured, I won’t throw you out, after all, you still have something to use.”

The face of the former Alliance Speaker was slightly hot, and just trying to hide something to say, he saw a black armored warrior stepped forward and respectfully owed him: “Master, everything is ready.”

Yunes raised his hands suddenly, a chilling smile cracked on his pale face: “So, let’s get started, Consettelin–”

The words didn’t fall, and suddenly several layers of glass on the top of the Union Building burst.

Suddenly, the glass shattered from the sky, like a rapid hail, and people in those floors were sucked out of the building due to the airflow, and they fell to the ground quickly like countless falling birds!

There were no screams at all, people were frozen as soon as they were suspended at that height, and even before they landed, they had died of blood vessels bursting. The whole process was just a few seconds, and then a sharp alarm sounded inside the building, and the whole building instantly exploded like a boiling pot!

Douglas’ pupils widened in fear–

The next second, his eyes were dark, and the huge suction from behind him instantly pulled him into the gap of space!

“His biggest weakness is being too confident.”

Yunes stepped out of the cracks in the space, stepped on the ground, and sneered slightly.

Douglas fell to the ground in amazement, and Voldemort was panting quickly because of the huge pressure difference in space conversion. In panic, I saw many pairs of black armored feet stepping on the surrounding ground. It was the Dark Star Warriors who followed. .

However, the surroundings are very quiet, and there is no voice except for the footsteps-the former Union Speaker looked up, and saw that they were in a quiet forest, and the winding stone road at his feet led to a quiet little ahead. The courtyard, a small white building on the second floor stands quietly in the courtyard.

Yunes asked, “Is this here?”

Douglas was pulled up by two black armor warriors, and he took a few breaths before he could barely stand. “Yes … Yes, this is the address shown in my information. Celia will be here for half an hour every day before and after the expedition. No one is here.” Know what he is doing inside. ”

Unez’s voice was malicious and scornful, “–I knew it.”

Douglas glanced at him with doubts in his eyes.

-Celia may not take the Consettelin family seriously, but on the Consettelin family’s intelligence network, Celia’s movement has always been the top priority. For this former Golden Speaker family, the hundred-footed worm died but was not stiff. Although its extensive contacts were almost wiped out after the fall of the family, a few intelligence sources are still weakly active; and the main tasks of these eyeliners One is to keep an eye on every action of Silia.

As a heavyweight in the coalition government, Silia’s whereabouts cannot be concealed, even if he wants to hide them. What’s more, he stepped on the courtyard twice a day and stayed there for half an hour?

When this information arrived just before the Douglas case, although he was curious, he also knew that it was impossible to further investigate the secret of the white house based on the current position of the Consettelin family. Fortunately, this information, which seemed to have tasteless information, finally saved his life-when Yunez’s men approached him, they only asked two questions:

“Where has Marshal Celia most often been in the last three months?”

“Can you take us?”

“Sometimes I wonder, where does his ego’s ego come from. For example, he is sure that Dark Star Church will accept him again, and he dares to stand alone as a Marshal of the Alliance and step on his own. The far star he has betrayed … surprisingly, his almost stupid arrogance can miraculously lead to victory every time. ”

Yunes walked towards the white building in the courtyard, and the surrounding black armored warriors kept pace.

“Perhaps he has cultivated his amazing pride on the altar for so many years, but this time, his ego finally led to a fatal failure-”

Yunes stopped and saw a sudden alarm around Bailou, and a large group of guards rushed out from behind Bailou!

“Who!” “Stop, you’re arrested!” “Stop!” “Quickly inform the military—”

“Dark Star Church has infiltrated Venus for many years. He even thought that he had the ability to clear all my minions. Don’t know how easy it is to control the hearts of the people in this world? Leaving such important wealth in the alliance, he also Dare to go out and lead an expedition in person. “Yunez stood still in front of countless muzzles, raised his hands with a smile, and dozens of black armored warriors behind him pulled out their sheaths at the same time!

“Hidden pride, contempt for old defeats, this is Celia’s biggest weakness.”

The voice didn’t fall, and the electromagnetic blue light rose behind him. The Dark Star Warrior rushed to the Alliance soldiers like a wolf at the start!

This was an unsuspecting killing, but the ground was full of wreckage and corpse in just a few minutes from the beginning to the end.

These Dark Star Warriors can cut several heads with just a wave of the sword. At first, there were still people who wanted to resist, but these were ordinary soldiers, and soon some people turned and fled in fright. The dark star warrior who killed the **** also chased them down and cut them one by one. Yunes just smiled and looked at it, and the whole courtyard was soaked with blood in a blink of an eye, and even Douglas couldn’t help turning back and vomiting!

“This is the end to the Dark Star Church!” Yunes yelled in the scream of the last person falling down: “One day the Empire and the Alliance will be the end of this! Even Celia, like you- —! ”

A corpse fell to the ground, and the shot blood even splashed in front of Douglas! The former Speaker of the Alliance suddenly rushed to the tree, wow all out, “You, Lord Younes, Lord! …”

The black armored warrior laughed, but Yunes ignored him, walked across the courtyard and walked to the door of the white building, suddenly drew his knife and split the door in half!

The metal door panel fell to the ground in a loud noise, Yunes entered the laboratory hall and looked up to see the petri dish inlaid in the central computer—

A formed fetus is lying curled up and lying quietly in amniotic fluid.

Douglas followed and looked at it suddenly, and for a long time he couldn’t believe it and asked, “What is this …?”

Yunes did not look at him, but stared at the petri dish in front of him.

The inside of the test tube is a single layer of light, but the inside can be clearly seen from the outside. Through the clear amniotic fluid, the small hands and feet of the fetus are now clearly visible.

Although the implicit **** cannot be distinguished, the dominant **** has come out and is a boy.

The glass tube reflected the sparkling light, reflecting in Yunes’s deep eyes, like an icy deep pool hard to see. He raised his hand and gently touched the test tube wall, as if he could touch the soft body of the fetus through the smooth touch … At that moment, the outside alarm was still sounding, and the Alliance Building was still in a mess. The chaos and blood in the world seemed to be They all went away like a silent background, leaving only those cold and deep eyes, watching the unborn child in front of them.

“Silla …” muttered Yunes.

Countless pictures are skipped from the front like light and shadow, the secrets and frivolity of young, the rainy nights and deserts, the ambitions and endless ** under the stars, and finally all memories are solidified at the same moment. Yunes was hidden in the darkness, and their clenched hands were loosened a little in Guguzen’s silence and in the look, and finally completely separated from each other.

Hundreds of years passed quickly, and he stood here in an instant.

Yunes closed his eyes.

At this moment, there was a roar from the Alliance airship, and there were vaguely mixed bullets and shouts. Obviously more reinforcements were coming here quickly. Unies opened his eyes suddenly, pulled out the petri dish with a click, and strode out under his armpit.

Douglas was barely standing by the door, staring at the petri dish in disbelief. Unies didn’t even look at him as he passed, and directly ordered his subordinates: “Take him, the layout of the empire can begin.”

The Dark Star Warrior immediately responded, grabbed Douglas and pulled it out. After all, the former Speaker of the Alliance was getting old, and he was dragged down the stairs. In a panic, he only saw Younes stepping into the space gap with a test tube. When he turned around, the black robe suddenly raised a sharp arc.

Empire, Fabras Fortress.

The bedroom in the dark was exceptionally quiet. Only the two mechas on the table were recharged together, emitting twinkling red lights.

Silia curled up on the bed, her eyes narrowed and her brows frowned, her face as if in pain. The thin blanket had faded to his thighs as he struggled. He only wore a thin white t-shirt on his upper body and was soaked with sweat by his shoulders.

“Gavin,” the man put his hand on the glass wall in his dream, and his red pupil flashed cold light, staring at him like a viper: “Gavin …”

Silia wanted to struggle subconsciously, but her limbs seemed to be bound and she couldn’t move. She was completely trapped in a narrow transparent test tube. He wanted to say something, but the vocal cords couldn’t make a sound like he was dumb, and he could only watch as the man raised his test tube.

“Everything has started, Gavin-since you decided to stay with this child, you are destined to lose …”

The hoarse voice made everyone chill as if it had some kind of venom. Celia gasped and exhausted, struggling with all his strength, and only a little murmured, “You … Yunes …!”

As if some kind of nightmare had suddenly unraveled, he turned up sharply and sat up, exclaiming: “Yunes!”

The room was quiet and there were no people around. Gryphons and phoenixes flashed red dots in the dark. After sitting for a while, Celia breathed out, raised her hands and wiped her forehead wet with cold sweat, rolled over and got out of bed and poured a glass of water.

The cosmic hour hand on the bedside is showing time, and Silia glanced up as she drank water—

It’s exactly 2:40 in the morning. 2k novel reading network

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