The Sword of Galaxy

chapter 90

In the Galaxy era 3452, the Union Parliament called for re-election. ****** $ 百 + 度 + 搜 ++ 小 + 说 + 网 + 看 + 最 + 新 + 章 + 节 **** After the vote, the former Speaker Markus retains his original post, Douglas Conceitlin In addition to the removal of the speaker, more than 20 members of the Purple Robe were fired, which is the biggest turmoil in parliament history.

However, even more surprising is that the Alliance God Celia resigned as Marshal in the reelection.

His deputy and student Kaleyan, with a high vote of more than 90%, became the new military commander in the league.

Anatoly Don Calleyan, a former graduate of the local snake academy of the Galaxies, was a general second lieutenant in the local garrison after graduation, and gradually rose to the rank of captain eight years later.

When the Serpent Galaxy rebellion occurred, a group of valiant and junior officers escaped from the Serpent Galaxy and borrowed merchant ships to report to the Alliance Capital Military Department. Unfortunately, they were hanged by all means along the way. Only Kaleyan survived by hand and passed the information to the Alliance At the desk of the Supreme Military Commander.

This incident directly triggered the most important anti-corruption storm in the history of the league. As a result, Kaleyan was appreciated by Silia and was transferred to the Field Marshal Guard. Six years later, the original captain Keene Movin was released and Kaleyyan took over. He became the captain of the guard.

Carleyan may not be the most dedicated captain of the military — the most loyal is his predecessor, General Movin; nor is he the most famous captain — the most famous is the Emperor Heinrich. But he was the most appreciated by Silia, and has been praised by Silia as the first think tank of the Shining Legion many times, and his affection is beyond words. Even later, when he was full, he often came back to intervene in the affairs of the guard, relying on the appreciation of the marshal, giving his successor Heinrich a lot of anger.

During the Alliance Legion’s attack on Dark Star Hall, Kaleyan took over the commanding power for the first time and commanded the entire army under the name of Marshal; since then he repeatedly fought the Galaxy in the name of Gavin Silia, with few defeats. He was formally appointed as the Deputy Commander of the Guangyao Army and awarded the rank of Lieutenant General.

——Although it is named Lieutenant General, but the power is in control. At this time, the name of Kaleyan’s deputy commander has spread throughout the army. Until after the battle of the late Venus Fortress in the alliance, Silia was dismissed from parliament due to defeat, and Kaleyan officially became the acting commander. No one from the military raised any objections.

According to this trend, it is actually sooner or later for Kaleyan to take over as Marshal, but after Silia’s death on Red Saturn, the alliance disintegrated, the government went into exile, and the parliamentary forces infiltrated into the military department. The members of the robes called it out. As a result, Lev Abel and others established the Military Generals regiment, whose members were all admirals, to resist the invasion of the forces of the Conseterlin family and others; Karejan converged sharply and focused on the red. Soul projection experiments on Saturn are gone.

It’s natural for this kind of influence to fade away. After all, the national disaster is taking the lead and the building is overturning. This is often a matter of personal interest, not even fart. After the return of Celia, Kaleyan did not think much, all his energy was focused on a lot of troubles: the threat of the empire and the counterattack of the parliament followed, he did not have time to consider for himself; he did not expect to In such a hurry, he was caught off guard on the political stage.

After Marshal Kaleyan took office, he ordered a large-scale reorganization of the alliance’s army, with a total of two million troops from the First to Eighth Army under the establishment of the Guangyao Army.

Gavin Silia was commanded to command the entire army as head of the army.

When coming out of the Capitol that day, Celia took off the commander’s uniform jacket and put it on his hands. Calleyang stood helplessly on the steps, his face full of cleverness was now blank: “Marshal …”

Celia turned back, “Let’s go? What’s wrong?”

The two of them looked at each other a few steps apart, and Admiral Abel and others stood quietly not far away. After a short while, Kaleyan strode down suddenly, dragged the military jacket from Silia’s hands, and forced his red eyes to cover him-but his hands shook so much that Silia raised his hands and blocked them. After wearing it for a long time, it was unsuccessful. Kaleyan finally fell on his shoulder and burst into tears: “You, why are you doing this, Marshal? I don’t know what to do, and it has been proven for 50 years that I am This stuff, I really-I really don’t know what to do … ”

This was the first time Kaleyan cried in front of everyone, and the voice was hoarse and unbearable. However, Silia stood there silently, leaning her head slightly, and Liu Hai blocked his eyes, unable to see what expression was.

“I didn’t agree with this plan from the beginning … what to do now … these things can only be done by you, what am I? What am I ?! why are you doing this …”

Admiral Abel, who was standing not far away, also looked disapproving. He was about to come forward to persuade him. Suddenly, Celia pushed Carleyan away, and he fell heavily on the steps!

“What are you? You are the Alliance Commander now!” Silia’s undisguised anger, pointing at Kaleyan, yelled: “All the lives of the 10 million soldiers in the Alliance are in your hands, everyone is counting on them. You, as a result, you told me you didn’t know what to do ?! ”

Everyone at the scene was stunned, and saw that Celia suddenly raised her hand and pointed one by one from everyone’s face. Everyone he clicked couldn’t help but shrink back: “—and you! These fifty What have you done over the years? !!! It’s nothing! Reform has not changed its effectiveness, and it has not fought a battle! You are the generals of the Alliance, not the children who know weep after weaning! ”

“When I was away, I managed the military ministry like this! I neglected my duties, paid bribes, and many factions, tangled up with the parliament! I used the state’s money to supplement my army, knowing that the people below me didn’t know what to do, one or two Shorter than anyone else! Now that you ca n’t help but know how to cry, is there anything more useless than you, huh? ”

Everyone bowed their heads timidly, and several commanders summoned the courage to justify, but they were stunned by Admiral Eber, Lieutenant General Movin and others.

“In the past, the Legion of Glory, but now it is a joke of the entire country! Can you not do anything in the past 50 years? Is it really impossible to do anything after joining so many admirals? In the final analysis, it is not a floating heart, a Both are afraid of becoming a bitch! ”

“… Lieutenant General Mo Wen advocated the j □ j movement …” An assistant officer could not help but tremble to justify his chief.

Lieutenant General Mo Wen desperately closed his mouth, but it was too late. Silia yelled suddenly: “Why didn’t the results come out! Electronic cigarettes, alcohol, hallucinogenic drugs are becoming popular among junior officers, why don’t you know how to deal with military law! Those who sell contraband in the army, why don’t you know Get executed! ”

“Don’t tell me that those people have legislators behind them, even if they caught a shot and collapsed? Are you afraid that those legislators will come to your door with their heads after killing them? Besides, even if you come to the door, what are you afraid of, so many generals Lieutenant General, if you can work together, who can’t come home? In the final analysis, it’s not because of your disagreement! Without the nurse, you won’t even go!

The open admiral couldn’t even speak at this moment, and his whole body trembled almost to stand still. Lieutenant General Mo Wen bowed his head with a flushed face and listened to the answer. No one else dared to make any sound.

There was silence all around, and only the sound of wind whistling past the square, the soldiers’ stiff bodies were like a stone statue. Celia stared at them with a cold face, and said coldly: “From today on, the military will implement the j □ j movement. Everyone will go back to his army to clear the legal discipline. Then Kaleyan will take you one by one to the army for inspection. … The Alliance government has fallen, but the Shining Legion is still there. Even if I die one day, the Shining Legion will not disappear. ”

He turned and walked down the steps, and the wind blew his hair in a flash. Calleyan stood up, his lips moved, as if to say something, but in the end nothing came out.


When the news of Silia ’s departure from the Marshal reached the Empire, Heinrich was sitting in the main hall of the Palace of New Versailles listening to the frontline military newspaper, and Admiral Aaron’s three-dimensional three-dimensional projection stood under the throne. Lieutenant General Isaac with a scar raised his head, glanced quickly at the emperor’s face, and said carefully: “The former lieutenant general Kareyan was awarded the title of new marshal …”

After a heartbreaking silence, the emperor slowly said, “I see, go on.”

Isaac owed himself and turned to exit the hall-but the moment he stepped out of the gate, a sudden “bang!” Came from the throne!

The emperor smashed his pen fiercely, and said furiously, “Kaleyan! Kaleyan-!!!”

The voice of resentment and murder in the voice was shuddering!

what is this? what is this? !! For many years, the alliance commander is wrong. Now talking about the two words Marshal, it turned out to be the one who called Kareyan! Aren’t you **** insistent on opposing the surrender of the alliance, aren’t you trying to engage in military power, and you turned around and played with me behind the scenes? !!

——You just rest assured, just trust that Kaleyan who can only sell flatteringly? !!

The raging flames burned from the emperor’s limbs and bones all the way to the top of his head, burning every nerve in his nerves, and he wished to immediately drag Silia from the alliance to himself: he took your body at the star Have you forgotten everything in front? The Alliance Parliament initially wanted to forget everything you assigned him? !! I have n’t seen it in fifty years, and I ca n’t wait to pick him as your heir as soon as I restore my memory. -Really **** intimate!

“This is actually a smooth chapter, Heinrich.” Admiral Aaron said lightly.

In the three-dimensional three-dimensional projection, his expression was calm and hard, without the slightest expression: “Kaleyan is the marshal’s confidant. He has taken him for many years in the expedition, and he has intentionally cultivated him as an heir. In the past 50 years, The rise of momentum faded because of a loss in the military rank. If the name is not correct, it is not easy to speak. If the word is not correct, the marshal is back. Of course, the first thing is to give him the name right. Otherwise, if there is a million in the future, What can I do? ”

Heinrich was furious: “What the **** do you say!”

“You see what I’m saying.” Aaron said fearlessly, “In the unlikely event that the empire and the alliance will start a war, with the pitiful force of the alliance now, will the main body not be able to enter the battlefield? And the artillery shells on the battlefield have no eyes , Who knows when it was bombarded again? The Alliance Military Department has fallen so badly in the past 50 years, and the Marshal probably learned its lesson. Now the top priority is to find a way out for the Military Department … Oh, the Marshal has nothing in his life. Do it, and patronize to find a way out of this wasteful waste. ”

This is actually very unfair, but Aaron is full of resentment, and even the ending is a bit sharp, and then a sneer: “What now? We ca n’t do anything to the Dark Star Church, or else we ’ll hold the nose to the Alliance to find Calle Marshal Young talks? ”

When Heinrich slammed the table, he said, “Don’t mention that name!”

The large desk fell over, and the dull impact echoed in the hall for a long time. The attendant swiftly probed the probe from the door, glanced at the emperor’s terrible complexion, and immediately retracted.

The emperor was panting like a defeated beast, and sat on the throne for a long while, his handsome deep face shrouded in a haze of chills. He only heard his panting voice in the tight and silent hall, and he heard him coldly: “The empire does not recognize the alliance marshal status of Kaleyan. Send a diplomatic letter to tell them that Mercury is the territory of the empire, and the empire has already The rank of Marshal is abolished. Only Celia is a marshal who conforms to military law. If you want to join the empire, you will kill Kaleyan for me, or I will roll out Mercury for me!

The attendant stepped outside the door, the emperor said angrily, “Go to the Foreign Ministry!”

“Oh, Your Majesty …”

“Let Elder Longfellow meet me!”

The attendant was about to cry: “But Your Majesty-”

The emperor stood up arrogantly, and was interrupted by Aaron without swearing: “Do you have to do this, Heinrich?”

“what did you say?!”

“Do you have to do this?” Aaron repeated, not even the slightly stinging tone remained unchanged: “–To prevent Silia from taking over military power, you joined forces with Conseterlin to successfully control him with gender issues. ; He has no way to go, so he can only take a step back and make Kaleyan the marshal, but you are furious to fight the alliance … Now that the Dark Star Hall is near the city, you know that the best option is to cooperate with the marshal, but against Repeatedly trying to make things bigger, as if I can’t wait to force him back out of the league tomorrow. Is it possible to think about this with your head? ”

“Celia is not the kind of person who can be made to your heart by being pushed to the extreme. Too hasty can only be counterproductive.” Aaron paused, and the tone of ridicule was stronger: “You know this, but you still Stepping up to this level, is it really for the empire? Or is your personal jealousy and exclusive desire to falter? ”

Judging from the emperor’s complexion, if Aaron stood in front of him at this moment, it would be expected that he would be severely punched in the face.

Fortunately at this moment, Aaron was standing in a warship ten million light years away, watching Heinrich’s terrible eyes and tightly closed fists, because he was too hard to burst the cramped green tendons on the back of his hands. .

The two of them stared at each other for a long time, and the palace hall fell into a deadly silence. After a long while, Heinrich took a deep breath and asked, “Do you want to cooperate with Kaleyan?”

“I don’t want to,” Aaron said blankly. “But he is the leader of Silia’s power, and does not recognize his status as rebellious against Silia.”

-This is the most obvious fact, and the key to making Heinrich’s anger unstoppable and trying to avoid it. The emperor’s fist clenched tightly grasped the golden handrail on the throne, and his face was slightly twisted for a while, and he finally hoarsely said, “I know–”

These four words came out of his mouth, and there was a kind of thrilling jealousy and killing, even Aaron shuddered.

“The battle situation at the Dark Star Church can no longer be dragged on. I will talk to the Alliance. I will invite Celia and other Alliance generals, and use Kaleyan as the representative of the Alliance Military Department …”

The emperor paused, saying almost every word: “… wait until Dark Star Hall’s problem is resolved before slowly solving other problems.”


On the eighth day of the Dark Star Hall’s large-scale entry, the Gemini Emperor hosted a banquet in a palace called New Kremlin on the edge of the empire, inviting the Union military to come to peace talks and discuss the related issues of expelling Dark Star Hall.

Although this location is in the Empire, the distance from the alliance Venus and the Empire Egret is almost the same, looming a sense of equal talk. The empire also showed considerable attention to this. The entire Kremlin was decorated, and more than a dozen admirals from Emperor Heinrich to the Emperor’s Love Department were present. The honor guard went from the palace alone. A few kilometers of land drained from the gate.

In order to show the same respect, the Alliance also came with the latest Marshal Karelyan, the commander of the Silia Army, and seven or eight heavyweight generals. If it was not the sneak attack on the Alliance Auditorium, this might be two The meeting of the leaders of the world with the largest scale, the most powerful and the most solemn manners.

However, Celia came up and gave the empire a power. 2k novel reading network

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