The Sword of Galaxy

chapter 91

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The message was sent in the form of a star-level diplomatic official letter, with beautiful words, a gentle tone, and a signature by Siliana Longfeifengwu at the end.

However, from the emperor to the general of the empire, a group of people repeatedly circulated three times, and only came to one conclusion-provocation!

This is definitely a red | naked provocation!

From Alliance Venus to the Empire’s New Kremlin, there are twelve starry sky gates in the middle. If the speed is fast, it will be a few days. During this time, people were sitting in the Alliance warships, drinking water in the circulatory system, and eating food in the synthetic system. How can you tell me where you go?

What chance can you have?

“The Marshal did not want to participate in the meeting ceremony,” a group of Imperial Generals studied for a long time next to each other, and finally shook his head. “The Marshal’s attitude towards this peace talks may be very tough, and it is recommended that His Majesty consider readjusting the contract plan.”

Most of the generals who came to the New Kremlin this time came from the Alliance, that is, the brothers and sisters who were exiled with Heinrich in hard labor. These people have a special love-hate relationship with Silia. They still use the Marshal to call him, and the unlucky Comrade Kaleyan accepted the rank of Marshal and was nailed by countless villains.

The emperor took the thin diplomatic letter in his hands, and Mori Han’s light flashed in his narrow and deep eyes, and he sneered, “I don’t want to participate in the meeting …”

The generals glanced at each other, and had a more direct temper, and said, “Isn’t it good to not come? Seeing Kaleyan’s thing is not pleasing to the eyes, this time there is no marshal to support him! Don’t **** stop me, Lao Tzu took this opportunity to make him look for his teeth! ”

A response sounded all around: “That’s it!” “What the **** is playing all day long?” “Must hit him, and those in the league don’t have a good thing!” …

“Ahem!” Elder Longfellow stopped sharply. “General Dresser! General Fuller!”

The few people who were clicked on their names flinched, but still had a look of disapproval on their faces. Only Admiral Aaron sneered and said, “What are you afraid of? Kaleyan is just a little clever and can still see. Real swords and real guns are a war five scum —”

Elder Longfellow reluctantly said that people have supported the Alliance Military Force for fifty years with “little cleverness”. Fei Huangteng has reached a new marshal. Can you guys be realistic?

However, if he wanted to think of it this way, on the surface he could only turn his face and didn’t hear it. Elder Longfellow, the Senate, was a senior man. He was quite majestic when facing most military generals, but in Aaron The word side by side was still relatively furious, and he could only wink at Heinrich, motioning to the supreme emperor to come forward to stop them.

However, the supreme emperor stared at the exquisite official letter in his hand, his sharp eyebrows frowned slightly, and a moment of sneer revealed after a moment of contemplation:

“——Five battles …”

Elder Longfellow: “…”

Elder Longfellow’s eyes darkened, and an ominous premonition sprang up from the bottom of his heart.


The Alliance Fleet came with the night, and after landing, Silia did not show up. A special car directly sent him to the inner palace of the New Kremlin for recuperation.

The alliance ambassador led by Kaleyan entered from the main entrance. From a distance, I saw two rows of honor guards wearing gorgeous military uniforms, wearing tassels and long swords. Standing down the steps from the main entrance of the palace, across the wide area. The palace’s outer courtyard is lined to the outermost gilt bronze gate. As soon as Karejan and his party stepped on the red carpet, they just listened to the front of the team and started firing salutes. A series of 52 golden and red fireworks rose into the night sky, exploding countless gorgeous sparks, and the palace was magnificent The majestic silhouette of the building is extremely magnificent.

The emperor generals stood at the main entrance of the palace, all dressed in black emperor uniforms, holding their heads and magnificent, lined up at the top of the steps. Emperor Heinrich stood in front of himself, his hands crossed in front of him, his face proudly raised slightly, his eyes looked down—At this time, Kaleyan and others were walking through the vast court garden and reached the steps He also looked up and looked down.

Suddenly, the eyes of the two sides met, and a sudden flash of countless lights flashed.

Kaleyan thought: I wipe you mb! Is it because you deliberately filled the top steps to force us to stand one level lower and shake hands with you, right? !!

The emperor thought: the intelligence from the Alliance was right! Kareyan military uniform epaulets really are empty!

The Orthodox Marshal uniform wears a gold military emblem on his chest and shoulders, representing the power of the three armed forces. Celia also has a titanium silver sword that symbolizes the marshal’s honor. And Kaleyan’s military uniform only has a chest badge, no shoulder badge, no sabre. Isn’t these two things Silia hasn’t given him?

The emperor’s eyes eased a little, and he extended his hand politely: “Long time see you, everyone in the alliance.”

At this moment, Kaleyan went down the steps, and in his mind, he had already designed a response.

He stopped and looked across Heinrich’s with a dozen grade BRICS steps and laughed: “Hello, Your Majesty the Emperor.”

Her Majesty: “…”

This scene was so ridiculous that the two men and women just stepped up and looked across the steps, and after half a while, Heinrich retracted his hands casually and asked: “I heard that the marshal’s body is hugging, is it all right?”

This marshal is obviously referring to Silia-Kaleyyan, a somewhat under-inspired marshal, must not bluntly refute that Silia is now the head of the army, but it is too rude to refute. After a few seconds of embarrassing silence, Carleyan turned his head, and said seriously to General Mo Wen: “Remember to convey His Majesty’s greetings to Lord Celia. He knows that the former head of the guard cares about him so much, and he will be very pleased.”

Former captain: “…”

“Keke, cough!” After a weird silence, Elder Longfellow, who finally couldn’t stand, coughed a few times, and smiled, stepping forward: “Marshal Kaleyan has come a long way, it’s hard to come, please come in to join the state banquet Come on! ”


Although the empire expressed resolute unfriendliness to Kareyan and his party, the specifications of the state banquet were still very high-everyone didn’t expect Silia to be sick when preparing the banquet. If he knew, he might get Kareyan The bowl of gruel is good.

The state banquet was arranged in the auditorium of the main hall of the palace. The overall arrangement was like the magnificent Winter Palace, the high dome and the surrounding walls were decorated with silver and white glittering ice and snow. The floor was bright and white, and there was a huge rectangular dining table in the middle. The Royal Ritual Orchestra played a welcome song on the stage, and court ladies in court uniforms shuttled around, orderly serving dishes.

The Empire general and the Alliance ambassadors are seated on both sides of the dining table. Heinrich is at the top of the long table. The left-hand empire and the right-hand alliance-the emperor’s status is transcendent, so this arrangement is not considered rude, but Kalei Looking at it, he found that he was placed in the second place in the league seat.

No wonder Silia insisted on getting sick … Kaleyan’s eyes narrowed slightly, thinking he had expected the emperor to do such a thing, right?

The imperial ambition of the Empire is enough to speculate, and the head of the Alliance Corps is arranged above the Marshal. How **** is he trying to pick things …

The emperor seemed casual, standing with the wine glass and smiling. “In order to jointly resist the invasion of alien galaxy forces, the generals of the Alliance have come a long way from the fairy galaxy, and I express my heartfelt thanks for this!”

As the emperor raised his head and drank the wine, the empire and the Alliance also got up to clink at the same time–saying a clink, but this glass really touched sloppy, especially Kareyan and Aaron opposite him, the two of them even walled They didn’t stick together.

Heinrich did nothing but saw a crystal goblet from the female officer: “Dark Star Church terrorist forces invaded the galaxy. Only when we work together can we maintain the peace of our country and people. I wish the peace talks a success, please! ”

It was a rare slap for a while. Many people drank the wine and drank the wine without even reaching out their hands. Both Kareyan and Aaron even intensified, leaving a little wine in the glass.

Heinrich still pretended not to see it, waving his servants to bring the third glass of wine to the shuttle, raised a smile and said, “This glass is for the health of Marshal Silia-”

The voice didn’t fall. Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding all made a sound. This time, everyone finally found a common topic, so they were more sincere. Even Kaleyan and Aaron reluctantly touched the edge of the glass, quickly retracted their hands and drank the wine.

After three rounds of drinking, the scene was finally not so awkward, so Elder Longfellow greeted everyone warmly to sit down and have a dinner.

Fortunately, there was such a neutral person, and the Imperial Orchestra in front played extremely hard, and the scene finally maintained a superficial harmony. Several senior military officials can barely laugh and chat, and the topics mostly turn in insensitive directions-unfortunately, for empires and alliances with hatred deeper than the sea, there are too few insensitive topics. In the end, they can only After discussing the dishes and music at the banquet, and Siliana’s unparalleled preciousness, I finally finished my search after ten minutes.

Heinrich lowered his head and drank, Aaron had a few steaks, and after a long silence, Kaleyan finally said, “The state banquet is very rich, and your country is really hospitable-”

Aaron suddenly raised his head, both in expression and tone, making it difficult to conceal the meaning of “finally came”: “Do you know why?”

Kaleyan: “… because your country is hospitable?”

“No!” Aaron stubbornly railed, and Elder Longfellow took a sip of wine! Sprayed clean.

However, Admiral Aaron ignored everything, and stared at Kareyan seriously, saying, “— Today is the day of the founding of our empire.”

Kaleyan: “…”

Who do you bluff? Who do you bluff? !! Your emperor ’s history basically depends on the history of victory, and the record of victory is completely blown. Never heard that there was such a thing as an army day!

If there was a thousand grass mud horses screaming in Kaleyan’s heart, half of his mouth twitched and asked: “So …?”

“So today is a special day.” Aaron smiled mysteriously and turned to Heinrich: “Your Majesty, let the guests who come from a long distance to the Alliance also see our empire’s tradition of building an army.

The emperor immediately put down the wine glass, took the napkin, wiped his mouth, and turned the servant servant down, and asked in a voice that only two people could hear: “The marshal is still in the room?”

The attendant officer nodded slightly: “Yes, I have been resting and didn’t come out.”

The emperor was full, and turned to see Kaleyan sitting inexplicably there. He could not help but smile slightly, and then turned around and said only one word to Aaron:

“——Good.” 2k novel reading network

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