The Sword of Galaxy

chapter 95

-This turned out to be a Royal Velodrome!

“Kirin, white tiger. *** [*** Please go to w ^ w ^ w … c ^ o ^ m to see the latest chapter ****] *” The emperor walked over and patted the two cool guys When racing, the beeps on the wrists beeped, and at the same time, the top lights of the two cars were on, as if several 3s mechas were greeting each other.

“The virtual spiritual plugs of the cricket and the griffin did directly copy the Alliance Phoenix, but Kirin and White Tiger were independently developed by the empire, completely abandoning the mech neural bands, using photoelectric transmission and simulated consciousness control, which greatly reduced the driving difficulty. . This has a great advantage, that even people with less high mental thresholds can drive this high-level mech. If this technology is popularized, the Empire ’s Mech Corps will dominate the universe in the future. ”

Celia made a circle around the car, touching his chin and asking, “Is it expensive?”

“Price is an important reason for their inability to spread …” The emperor thought about what words to use to describe their prices, and nodded affirmatively after a moment: “——12.46 times the cost of Griffin.”

Griffin: “…”

Griffin dripped from Silia’s pocket and raised his fist in protest: “Waffle! How can the value of my smart and cute little mech be measured with money!”

You are a stranger … The emperor turned his head silently. The gryphon’s virtual spiritual plug was originally 3s class, but it has been worn by Silia for such a long time. It uses luxury pure pulp fluid as energy. It is impossible to measure the level of the spiritual plug. These performances are no different from humans, and may have exceeded the maximum limit of artificial intelligence ratings.

But the emperor certainly wouldn’t show it in front of the stupid lion, only watching it with regret and shrugging.

“Waffle! Eccentric!” Gryphon cried out of Silia’s pocket.

Silia patted his pants pockets as a comfort, but Heinrich looked with triumph and asked, “A game?”

“How do you play?”

“Mecha racing is driven by spirit. The higher the mental threshold, the more skilled the technique, and the faster the driving speed. You and I each pick a car, starting from the starting point of the track, and returning here after all the journey, who? Whoever wins soon. “The emperor provoked a somewhat bad smile:” How? ”

“…” Silia narrowed her eyes slightly, staring thoughtfully at Heinrich, and half a moment said, “Sounds good … what’s the color?”

Although he is very powerful, Heinrich knows that his chances of winning the game are really small. Instead of asking the lottery, Celia is asking how much blood he intends to give for this game. The emperor waved his hands very bravely: “My dear, what is mine is not yours? Take what you want!-Oh yes, the empire’s property is not good, the empire belongs to the people.”

Celia gave him a thumbs-up jokingly, showing that he was convinced-this move has the same effect as Kaleyan. Then he turned around between the two cars, walked to the black one, and patted the door: “Kirin?”

Kirin lit the roof light cautiously.

Celia opened the door and sat in. “I drove this.”

The inside of the car is actually a small mecha cab with no steering wheel, only a helmet and a brain link. Celia put on tight protective clothing, pulled the zipper to his chin, put on extremely tight black leather gloves, and shook hands firmly, only to see Heinrich striding forward and knocking on his window: “Empire A smart first! Much better than Griffin! ”

Griffin broke out: “I want Junjun Junjun Jun——!”

Celia tucked it back into his pocket and put on a helmet-like brain-linking device. The vision changed suddenly, and his vision shifted from the car to the track, and the surrounding area turned into a spacious hall—his consciousness was integrated into the mech and became one with it!

As soon as Celia was conscious, the car suddenly began to charge, and made a dull and powerful start!

——It is really powerful. This kind of virtual consciousness technology has left the alliance for at least 20 years … Celia frowned slightly, only listening to a calm voice deep in her head, “I am indeed the first intelligent machine in the Empire.”

“… Kirin?”

“Hello, Marshal Silia,” Kirin said, “I have something to ask you: this stupid lion might pull down my IQ. Will it be thrown out of the window later?”

Celia: “…”


The emperor sat in the white tiger mech. The first thing he did was stretch his palm, and his hand turned into a light brain and leapt up: “Your Majesty?”

“Take a blood test for me.”

Glancing at the emperor’s expression, he extended a probe and pricked his wrist artery. After a few seconds, the medical system automatically came up with the analysis results, cautioning: “It is indeed an inhibitor, the one with the highest concentration.”

…… If you can fight the inhibitor, it means that you haven’t conceived … If you have successfully conceived, omega pheromones will naturally change, and the medication cannot be suppressed …

The Gryphon was tested just now because I didn’t want Silia to feel that he was not trusted, but in fact they both knew that when it came to children, they were like hunters and prey. This runaway battle was full of It’s almost guilty, even calling it hunting.

Why are there no children? It would be a coincidence that if the odds were caught twice in a row … Maybe it was, but Silia …?

No no no, the emperor immediately dispelled this speculation. No one knows Silia as a softhearted person better than him. Fortunately, he is so strong that he can be said to be compassionate and strong-minded. If you want to be an ordinary person, that is a serious Virgin disease … Celia’s style of action, even after taking the aftermath medicine immediately, once you have a child, you will never have the heart to kill this living life.

So, maybe it was after-the-fact medicine …?

It shouldn’t be. At that time, it shouldn’t work because of the medicine afterwards …

“What do you think, Heinrich?” Silia’s voice suddenly came from Hermione.

“Huh? Huh,” the emperor stood up and put on his helmet. “Are you ready?”

A huge timer rises at the track, and two cars make a low noise at the same time. The bright red second hand counts down, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two—

Heinrich and Silia took a breath at the same time.


At the moment when the second hand returned to zero, there was a loud noise, and two black and white cars rushed out like arrows at the same time!

At that moment, both Heinrich and Silia showed absolute strength. The two cars passed the first ninety-degree turn almost side by side, and then the car whistled past, leaving only two blurry lights and shadows!

The counting plate on the track is changing rapidly, and the big red characters show that the acceleration from the corner to the straight road has exceeded 500 kilometers per hour, and this number is constantly changing. The mental threshold of the two is also gradually increasing. At the beginning, they went hand in hand. Heinrich reached a hundred seconds before Silia, but immediately after exceeding 150, Silia’s value increased rapidly. Overtake Heinrich and broke through two hundred!

“The propulsion system is at its peak!” Kirin yelled, “Ready to lift off!”

There was a loud noise, but the two cars were climbing at the same time, and they were instantly on the track that was 90 degrees perpendicular to the ground!

The terrain here is endlessly varied. All turns are turned at an irregular rate of 360 degrees. The suspended car racing at a speed of 1,000 per hour is like two lightnings that cut through the sky. The camera only has time to capture the long tail smoke left on the track after they are flying by. . Bai Hu and Kirin almost rushed through a six-round spiral at the same time. At the moment when they were rushing down from high altitude, Kirin suddenly accelerated forward, and Bai Hu suddenly uttered a roar in the car: “——the other’s mental threshold exceeded 300 ! ”

Heinrich’s pupils shrank, and galloping saw the number on the dashboard: 293!

-This number is definitely not low. Before marking Silia, his maximum mental threshold was only 264, which was enough to laugh proudly across the empire.

But now Silia easily broke the 300, he is still hovering more than 290-don’t look at the seven or eight percent point is nothing, the important thing is that he knows that he has reached the upper limit!

He’s almost there, Silia hasn’t!

The White Tiger racing roared, and as the meteor galloped across the track, Heinrich could even feel the severe wind cutting the skin, causing a slight tingling-did you really lose? Did you lose by such a small gap? Although the opponent is Gavin Silia, although it is a loss to lose the game with a top mental threshold of close to 300%, but …

But he knew that he didn’t want to.

Celia may lack everything. He has no parents, no loved ones, no personal property, and no so-called freedom and personal space. Although his personal feelings are extremely poor, he never lacks defeat, nor does he lack the bottom-up look.

Those who followed him could only follow him for the rest of his life, but Heinrich did not put himself in the position of follower from the beginning. He wants to be a person like Silia, wants to have an equal dialogue with him, and wants him to face his beliefs and ideals squarely. It is true that the two still have differences, but as long as he can overturn Silia, he can prove that he has chosen the right path, and the ideas of those differences will no longer exist.

Heinrich clenched his teeth, and that moment of strong conviction overcame everything. When the mental power broke through the upper limit, he had unbearable severe pain, which caused him to burst into a violent roar!


White Tiger accelerated suddenly, and caught up with Kirin’s tail in a strong roar!

“Marshal!” Kirin drunk!

Heinrich had no time to look at the mental power figures on the dashboard. At such a speed of life and death, all scenes turned into dazzling lights and arrows, and even the unicorn in front faded away from his sight. He could only stare at the road in front of him, exhaust all his mind, all his will, and stare at the direction in which he is going, nothing else.

He didn’t even notice that he wasn’t pulled farther by Kirin-just half the body!

The schedule is over half and they have always been wrong by only half the body!

“Gavin!” In the Kirin car, even the griffin couldn’t help but rush out: “Accelerate! Accelerate! White Tiger is only 12 milliseconds away! Accelerate-!”

At the same time, Bai Hu was yelling: “It is only 57 seconds from the end! Enter the straight area! Ready to sprint at full speed !!”

The sound of the acceleration of the two cars turned into the same sound, even in seconds. The black and white meteor dives side by side from high altitude, at the same time, the second hand on the front counting plate is also counting down, ten, nine, eight, seven …

Obviously it was the most concentrated and peaking moment, but Heinrich’s mind suddenly flashed a lot of scattered pictures: when he saw himself as a guard, he always looked up at the back of Marshal Silia in front of him; he saw the fortress of Venus During the war, she was blocked by the bright and magnificent phoenix before the solar storm. When she saw the final battle of the constellation of the snake, the phoenix fell into the vast desert of the red planet with a long smoke …

The flashes of memory swept across the head like a horse and flowers, but the second hand passed only one frame.

Immediately afterwards, the two cars came down from the sky and crossed the finish line instantly!

Ding! !!

The system automatically prompts from the channel: “The schedule is over, Mech Kirin has won, please slow down the car!”

Still lost … Heinrich slowly stopped the white tiger at the end of the track, only listening to the system’s time signal from the headset: “The Mech Kirin took a total of 3 minutes, 09 seconds, and 434 milliseconds, and its mental threshold reached 309%. The Mech White Tiger took a total of 3 minutes, 09 seconds, and 422 milliseconds, with a peak mental threshold of 307%. Kirin won the victory in 12 milliseconds! ”

Only lost 12 milliseconds?

Doesn’t that mean that in the second half of the schedule, the growth rate of his mental threshold is the same as that of Celia? !!

Heinrich was very surprised. He pushed the door of the car and almost softened the moment he landed on his feet—the excessive consumption of mental power still brought him a severe load. The emperor was holding the car. Although he was extremely exhausted, he had a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment after hard work. He took a long breath and felt the energy slowly recover from the limbs and bones.

“Celia?” Heinrich strode towards Kirin, his mouth rising unknowingly: “Congratulations, you won, but you only won 12 milliseconds–”

He shouted and pulled the front cover of the car. He just leaned over and caught it instantly.

——I saw that Silia was pale and sweaty, and she held one hand on the dashboard, and the other hand covering her mouth forced her blue muscles to swell, causing her whole body to choke!

Suddenly Heinrich’s face changed, and he took him out of the cab, angrily: “What’s wrong with you ?! What’s wrong ?! Hey!”

He flew out of the cab like an arrow, and immediately turned into a medical cabin to cover Silia. However, at this moment, suddenly it was pushed away by Silia, and then just heard one unstoppable:



The emperor stood there with convulsions, and was suddenly spit by Silia.

Be silent.

A silent silence.

“Sorry, I’m not … vomiting!” Silia leaned down and vomited again, and after several repeated attempts, she finally twisted out the last trace of water in her stomach. He swayed back to the door and leaned against it, exhausted: “A little motion sickness, the turn of the track is too liè … how about you? Would you like to wash?”

“…” A hundred heads of beasts rushed across his heart instantly, and the emperor madly said, “How can you be motion sick ?!”


However, Celia was motion sick. Not only that, he was also very dizzy. Until Heinrich was taken to the match locker room, he couldn’t keep his spirits up.

Heinrich didn’t bother changing his clothes, first took the medicine box to find a soothing agent for Silia, watched him flush the water, and forced him to drink a glass of salt and sugar water. This kind of minor fault did not need to dispatch the medical cabin. The emperor personally put Silia on the big sofa in the locker room and laid a comfortable pillow. After confirming that he didn’t want to vomit, he turned to change clothes.

Fortunately, the smell was not too big, and the road was numb again. Heinrich was lazy and did not go to the shower immediately. He just wiped his strong and strong upper body, and turned out the coat that Aaron had left here to change. Go up and immediately go back to Silia.

The Marshal of the Alliance lay on the wide sofa side by side, and his pale cheeks finally returned a little blood. When he came over, he slightly lifted the corners of his lips, which meant a bit of teasing: “What about my colored head?”

“…” This sentence literally blocked the emperor’s thousands of words back into his throat, half a while before he said blankly, “Was 12 milliseconds a win?”

“A microsecond wins. What about my winnings?”

Heinrich’s sturdy long legs crossed the coffee table, stepped to the sofa, sat down with an impolite butt, and stared at Silia with the kind of pride and a little unwillingness. At this time, his mind was thinking about what he could personally see, and after a long time, he only listened to his murmur: “Only 12 milliseconds …”

12 milliseconds, a 2% mental threshold gap, did you win with a little effort?

This victory has never been seen in hundreds of years. It was so close to him that it was almost within reach!

Probably after seeing the faint desire in the emperor’s eyes, Silia finally set aside her eyes and sighed almost silently, “You have made great progress. Such a rise is by no means just a sign. If you maintain this speed and continue to temper your spirit If you do, maybe it won’t be long before your mental threshold exceeds me. ”

How long will it take for the 2% gap to close?

-No time needed!

Two percent cannot even be said to be a gap, because the smallest differences in the human body can cause subtle changes in mental thresholds. 2% can only be said to be a normal range error. Machines in many places are actually Nothing can be measured.

The emperor didn’t investigate the phrase “maybe it won’t be long”-he subconsciously took it directly as Silia’s face, so he justified himself.

The young Marshal of the League clearly saw this, but did not say anything to expose it, only smiled: “But that is the future, now I still win, what do you plan to please me?” 2k novel Reading Network

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